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Breath of Magic

Page 7

by Regina Carlysle

  It figured he’d want to talk while they were stranded during a freak storm. She didn’t want to talk. Didn’t want to open up about anything. Sometimes it was better to leave the past alone and she’d been through enough pain after losing her parents, her almost-fiancé, well, just everything. “What if I don’t want to hear your case, Counselor?”

  His grin was quick and fierce. “Tough. Now come with me. I, for one, don’t want to freeze my ass off and I need to find you something comfortable to wear.”

  Arguing with him at this point was ridiculous so she followed him back into his bedroom noting the rumpled sheets, the tiny scrap of paper on the nightstand that had once held the condom he’d used. Her face burned at the reminder of how he played fast and loose with her feelings. He knew she was leaving and that dredging up everything between them was just plain wrong. But she also remembered the way he’d touched her with a long-standing knowledge that was irresistible. No other man would ever know her body the way he did and the realization sank tender claws deep into her heart. Turning her gaze to him as he walked naked around the room, she mentally prepared herself for what was surely to come with this enforced togetherness.

  Tyler pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a washed-to-death tee shirt and looked up at her with a smile. Lordy, he was gorgeous when he smiled that way. It was as if he had a naughty secret that he wasn’t quite ready to share. “I’ll find you something to wear and you can make yourself at home. Looks like we’ll be roommates for the foreseeable future.”

  “Mmm. Looks like it. Don’t get any ideas though. This doesn’t change anything.”

  “Ah, honey. It changes everything, you just don’t realize it yet. I’m finally going to get my say and maybe get a few answers too. I deserve that much.” The smile faded as he came to her and cupped her face. “I need to know why you took off that day without giving me a chance to explain what you saw. You cut me completely out of your life and I want to know why.”

  She studied him closely taking in every line and curve of his face as her heartbeat stuttered then picked up wildly in response to his nearness. Finally, she drew back. “Okay. Let me settle in and I’ll give you what you want.”

  Ty laughed and stroked the length of her back then settled his hand on her butt with an unsettling familiarity. “Oh yeah?”

  “Settle down, partner. Let me get cleaned up.”

  “Unopened toothbrush in the medicine cabinet. Help yourself to everything I have.”

  Liza chose not to dwell on the double meaning behind those words as she turned away, walked into the bathroom and shut the door soundly behind her. She was in deep doo-doo here. Best to make the most of it. She looked around his immaculate bath and sighed. Beautiful, she thought, taking in his oversized shower. Quickly, she started it up, yanked off her clothes and got down to business. A washcloth and soap took care of her makeup. She’d have to do without since she seldom carried anything other than a tube of lipstick in her purse. Not wanting to evaluate this mess too closely, she stepped into the shower.

  Standing under the warm spray, noting the tenderness of her body, Liza closed her eyes. Maybe she could pretend they didn’t have a past. Nope. Dumb. She couldn’t remember a time when Tyler wasn’t a part of her life. Even now, he so completely invaded her memories that it almost seemed she would never break free from him. But did she want to? That was the million dollar question.

  Just then the door to the shower opened, startling a gasp from her throat. “Oh, shit! You scared the bejeezus out of me. Darn it! You—”

  Tyler stepped naked into the shower, all bronzed and muscular and pulled her wet body up close. “Wanted to see if your heart was still jump-started after that fall on your ass.” He grinned and reached around her to fill his hands with her butt. “Let me rub it and make it better.”

  She squeaked and tried to swat at him but he was too fast, too strong. Then her nipples her were buried in the hair on his chest and she couldn’t do anything but whimper. His chest was rock-hard abrading her there, making her nipples ache and apparently he was a mind reader now because he lowered his mouth to one to suck strongly. The grip on her ass turned firm but he finally released her to grab up the soap. Rather than the liquid she preferred he used a bar. He ran it through his hands leaving her mesmerized by the sight of that fresh-smelling soap rolling over his palms and then his hands were moving over her body. Drops of water clung to his dark lashes as he washed her.

  He was a man who paid attention to detail. He slathered her breasts with his sudsy fingers, plucking her nipples until they hardened, ached with a pulse that arrowed sensation through her body until it centered to flutter in her core. Vaginal flesh throbbed with each pull of his fingers. She grew wet, felt moisture seep steadily from her pussy. The tiny whimpering sound grew into a low moan as Ty buried his lips against her throat and licked at the drops of water that had settled there. His touch was so familiar, so good. Her heartbeat picked up and she knew this was an awful mistake but it didn’t matter. She was diving headlong into the past and suddenly it was here and now. But she couldn’t think about it. Not now when his teeth nipped her neck and he reached down to stroke her ass with his soapy hands. She sucked in a breath when he dipped his fingers deep between the globes and circled her opening, prodding and teasing. Helplessly, longing for a firmer touch, she widened her stance and clung to him.

  Then his fingers were buried in her drenched sheath, plunging in and out so slowly she thought she’d scream. Opening her mouth over the hard muscles of his shoulders, she set her teeth there, heard his distant groan of pleasure. Her clit throbbed and it was as if he knew because suddenly he thrummed on it until she was writhing in his arms.

  “You’re mine, Liza. I’ve got you for however long it tastes to convince you that I’m not just your past, I’m your future.”

  He emphasized the declaration by finger-fucking her with devastating effect. Her body seized, squeezing his fingers as she rotated her clit against the palm of his hand. She knew she was a goner once her legs threatened to give way and then it didn’t matter. Ty latched hungrily onto a nipple and worked her until she felt the spiraling need break free inside her. Her low moan of completion filled the enclosed space as warm water fell like tropical rain over her head and back. In the aftermath, while she fought to draw breath, he rinsed every trace of soap from her body and stepped from the shower. He dried her like she was a child and she knew it was his way of taking care of her. How long had it been since someone had cherished her this way? Cared for her?

  Finally, he lifted her up as if she weighed nothing and carried her into the bedroom. Her back landed against the cool bedding and she opened her eyes so see him looming over her, dark, cast in shadows, so damn hot he stole the breath from her lungs.

  “You’re gonna have to learn to trust me a little more, Liza. Don’t you think it’s about time someone else held you up? Just a little bit?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she managed, as she tried to swallow against the lump of emotion clogging her throat.

  “You know exactly what I mean. You’re the smartest woman I know. Bet you figure it out real quick.” He came onto the mattress and propped himself over her with one arm. “Sometimes it’s a good thing to let go and damn, if I’m not going to teach you how to do that.”

  Before she could draw a breath to let him have it, he reared up and flipped her to her belly and smacked her ass with the palm of his hand. The sting of it, the shock, made her squeak. “What the—”

  “What the hell were you thinking taking off like that? Are you a child? Maybe I should treat you like one. What do you think?” His hand rose and fell again. Smack. This time on the other cheek. A curl of heat crawled over her butt. Her pussy responded to the warmth, the touch of his hand on her naked skin. Smack. His hand came down again but this time, he caressed the spot, massaged it, then dipped his fingers into the cream that rained from her body. Helplessly, she made a little sound and writhed against the bedspread, then
his hand began to rise and fall over her burning ass repeatedly. Finally, he stopped. “Feel hot? Feel good?”

  Ty bent and kissed her hot skin, trailing his lips over every curve of her ass. He dragged his moist lips over her simultaneously soothing and igniting little flames all at once. When he moved to leave her, she started to call out to him, beg him not to go but she held back. From behind her, she felt his gaze, heard him rummaging through a drawer. She wanted to see what the hell he was doing but was too turned-on to move. A wicked sense of anticipation curled low in her belly. Her butt tingled like crazy.

  Finally he came back and she saw several ties in his hand. Probably some he wore when he had to be in court she figured, but the thought got no further when he leaned close.

  “I want to play with you. Play as much as I want. You have to trust me.” His breath settled like a song against her damp face. “Do you trust me?”

  “I shouldn’t.”

  “Damn it, Liza, you stubborn woman.” His hand landed on her ass again but it didn’t hurt, it felt good. So good. He sent his fingers slowly into her wet channel making her writhe against the bed. “We’re gonna play, darling. Trust me to make it good for you. Say yes.”

  Liza knew she could do nothing else. She wanted him. Wanted everything. With him.

  “Yes,” she whispered, knowing she was lost. “Yes.”

  Glimmer watched the scene unfold from a distance as satisfaction and his own hunger unfurled. He’d never known until now how much fun it was to watch. He saw Tyler Blackwell cover Liza’s eyes with a long tie then flip her to lie on her back. Oh yeah. This was gonna be good. Yep. Now he had her arms drawn up and tied to the headboard. Trussed up like a Christmas turkey. Her ankles were tied now, anchored to opposing posts at the foot of the bed. This Tyler was sure serious about his fun.

  In the end, Will and Sparkle had added their powers to his and currently each Woodward sister was safely stranded with a man who would make her scream with pleasure, come hard and long into the days and nights ahead and eventually find her happy ending. And not a minute too soon. Christmas was just a few days away.

  Yep. The plan was working like a charm.

  Chapter Five

  When had Ty become such a sex maniac? Well, maybe not a maniac but darn sure insatiable. A secret little smile hovered at the corners of her mind. The world had turned dark leaving every sense heightened. She’d never been tied up before but then maybe no other man had ever cared enough to explore her most private fantasies this way. Though she’d never told Ty she thought of things like this, he must have guessed or maybe it was one of his fantasies too. It didn’t matter now. She was stranded here for God knew how long and she planned to enjoy every single second of this. Before long she’d be back in Dallas in her pricey but lonely house or at Wesley, Howard and Stowe doing her worker-bee act.

  The thought didn’t cheer her, so she shoved it to the back of her mind as Ty ran the tip of one finger over her right ankle and trailed it up the length of her inner calf. “Ty,” she whispered.

  “I’m gonna turn on a light. For me. Not for you.” She felt the bed shift and sensed him moving, heard a click. Her lashes fluttered against the tie around her eyes. He was looking at her now that the lamp was on. Oh. My. Her legs were spread wide against the cool bed sheets, her hands were lashed together and drawn over her head where they’d been tied to the headboard. The position caused her breasts to lift and she gasped as the cold air touched her aching nipples.

  A tense quiet hovered in the room.

  She could feel him looking. Knew he was taking in every fold of her pussy. Her body was dripping, drenched with need and Liza knew he saw it all. What did he think? The silence continued until she thought she’d scream with frustration. Finally, she heard a sound. His breath. A sigh.

  “I want to fuck you forever. Fuck you until you can’t stand. Hear me, honey?” His dark voice curled around her. “No. Don’t answer that.”


  “Hush, now. For the first time in your life, don’t argue with me. Just lay back and enjoy what I’m going to do. The only sounds I wanna hear from your sweet mouth are screams of pleasure. And you’re gonna scream for me, darlin’. Count on it.”

  What a cocky jerk!

  She wanted to argue. She sure as hell did but knew, in the end, she’d only end up looking like a fool. It was no secret to either of them what his touch called from her body. Besides, more than anything she wanted to know what he’d do next. He was so quiet now and looking his fill, she knew.

  Pulse pounding she absorbed the silence and the dark. A rough, male sound from the foot of the bed broke the lingering silence and then she sensed him moving. His breath whispered dark and delicious over the expanse of her belly. Ty didn’t touch her and she felt like screaming at him to end this game and get on with the pleasure.

  He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her abdomen but didn’t linger. Warm breath settled like a prayer over one diamond-hard nipple and her back arched, her hands jerked at the restraints that kept her tied to the bed. A low sound broke free as she felt the tip of his finger stroke her areola in gentle circular motions. Her nipple ached, pulsed, tightened impossibly and then he abandoned it to play with the other. “Sweet. They’ve always reminded me of strawberries,” he said, his voice heavy. “Want me to taste them?”

  When she opened her mouth to speak, he stopped her with a quick kiss to the corner of her lips. “Never mind. Want you quiet right now. There’ll be plenty of time for talking later.”

  And then his mouth was there, drawing her nipple deep, sucking hard. Pleasure arrowed in a line straight through her belly and into her pussy. It clenched, tightened in response. Ty sucked harder then moved to the other nipple, making her moan low. More than anything she wanted to spear her fingers through his hair and hold him even tighter but it was impossible with her hands tied this way. Her fingers curled into her palms tightly. Her core throbbed in tandem with each pull from his mouth and it was as if he knew it because suddenly his fingers were there at her cunt, parting her, dipping into her drenched body. Helplessly she lifted into his touch. Being open as she was, she could feel each plunge and withdrawal as he finger-fucked her. He bit lightly at her nipples then drew one back deep into his mouth. His breath, hot and heavy, whipped over her breasts and then suddenly the dam broke as she climaxed against his knowing touch. Her whimpering cry was silenced by his hungry kiss.

  She wanted more.

  “Hang on.” Ty withdrew his fingers from her hot flesh and she felt him shift on the bed, the sound of a drawer opening. Within seconds, she could feel him hovering over her, a pinching on one nipple and then the other. “Nipple clamps,” he said. “I want you to stay stimulated there.”

  The clamps kept the pressure on the distended peaks and then Ty began to kiss her. Everywhere. He nipped her throat and the underside of her breasts. She’d never felt so sensitized, so turned on. She wanted to touch his warm skin, stroke him but it was impossible. His kisses traversed a path down her torso and he sank his teeth lightly into her belly. Knowing what must surely come next, she sucked in a breath, expecting him to eat her pussy but Ty was full of surprises.

  His mouth settled on the inside of one knee and he look his time moving up. It was if he treasured each inch of skin, loved each part of her. His breath ghosted over her inner thighs, making her arch toward his waiting mouth. Ty stroked his hands there.

  “You’re wet here. Fuck, honey. I love how soaked you are.”

  But he didn’t put his mouth on her. Not yet.

  Liza was so frustrated she wanted to scream when he moved again and she felt the ties loosed from her ankles. Instantly she lifted her knees and he grabbed the back of one in each hand to push her legs up and out. Cold air caressed the folds of her hot cunt making her gasp and then his mouth was there. Liza cried out as he ate her. His teeth scraped the sensitive flesh as he lashed her core with his tongue. He sucked and pulled at her clit until she screamed with pleasure, jerki
ng at the bonds that held her hands. Lust curled up tight in her belly, spiraling down through her pussy. Her nipples throbbed from the tiny clips. He groaned against her flesh, stabbing deep, sucking hard and with a cry, she splintered apart, shaking with reaction.

  Before she could recover, Ty turned her until she was belly-down on the bed. She felt the crisp linen from the pillow he shoved under her. By the time he’d pulled her up to her knees, ass in the air, she didn’t care as long as he gave her more.

  “This has to be bothering you,” he said and Liza felt the tie holding her hands give way. She clutched the rungs on the headboard as Ty spread her ass cheeks apart. “Easy now.”

  Ty dipped his fingers into her dewy, creamy cunt, stroking deep and Liza felt her legs quiver but he didn’t stop there. His fingers rimmed her anus, pressed slightly and then she felt something warm and wet coat her. He worked the lubricant over her flesh.

  “I’m putting something in here to stretch you, Liza. I’m going to fuck you in the ass later and I want you ready for me. That okay?”

  A little whimper escaped her as a dark desire whipped up fast and hard through her body and then suddenly she gasped as he slid something into her. The feeling of fullness made her body gush again but she didn’t have time to think about it when Ty smacked one ass cheek with the palm of his hand then stopped to rub the spot. The burn tore a path from her butt to her thighs and sent an ache to her core. Her ass tightened around the butt plug. His hand landed on the other cheek, the crack sounding loud in the stillness of the room as darkness covered her like a shroud. Again and again he spanked her, carefully avoiding the area close to the plug, until she was ready to come again. She’d never been so needy. She wanted his cock thrusting deep to assuage the wicked lust that whipped her like a wild wind.

  Again he went still. Fire raged through her belly. Damn. Couldn’t he get on with it? Sick of the tie around her eyes, she ripped it from her face to look back at him. He hovered behind her, limned by the light of the small lamp behind him, his face a grim mask as he stared down at her up-thrust ass. His cock rose up from his groin and he ran one big fist slowly up and down the thick length. A tiny package was clutched between his teeth. Finally he looked at her with those dark eyes. There was no smile evident on his face. No teasing expression. Ty was as hot as she and Liza knew it. Anticipation leapt to life in her body and she knew this was no simple fucking. It was lust and need at its most primitive and she wanted it with every breath she took.


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