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The Others Agency

Page 27

by V J Lee

  Then there was the long tail, snapping back and forth with sharp spikes at the end. These fuckers may be little, but they were deadly.

  “What the fuck are those?” someone shouted. Trevor didn’t know who had said it, his full focus was on Rissa and keeping her safe.

  “I don’t fucking care. Just kill them,” Titus grunted out.

  Trevor pulled the gun from under Rissa’s pillow, aiming at one of the little creatures.

  “No! You can’t shoot,” Cosmo yelled out. “We can’t take the chance of someone hearing.”

  The creature Trevor was taking aim at, turned to look at him through those small, slanted red eyes. It slowly, methodically, started stalking toward him.

  Bune laughed. Trevor looked up at the mist covering the ceiling. “I thought you said you couldn’t create any children. These ugly little fucks look just like you.”

  “No, they followed me up from the gates of Hell. They belong to the Master, but they are more than happy to do my bidding.”

  Rissa screamed again, more blood rushing down her sides.

  The little demon was in a crouching position, getting ready to pounce on Trevor. Trevor’s only thought was of Rissa, so he braced himself for an attack.

  Suddenly, the little fucker went flying through the air.

  Cosmo was standing there, black blood smeared across his face. “For fuck’s sake, just kick them. They aren’t made to last; they’re made for numbers. Kicking them into a wall kills them rather quickly. Just don’t let those little snake bastards on their heads bite you. That will kill you, and the tail hurts like hell.”

  When one of the women hissed at Cosmo, he took a step toward her, as the battle continued all around them.

  “You can’t hurt the women,” Trevor said, stepping in front of Cosmo and looking around the room. “Well, not the human ones anyway. The other little freaks are all yours.”

  “Why the fuck not?”

  “Rissa recognized some of them as the missing women from our case. But she said they are drugged or some shit.”

  Trevor watched as Cosmo took a look at the woman holding Rissa down. While the battle raged all around them, these women just stood there holding Rissa down, unmoving—not even blinking most of the time.

  Cosmo tilted his head, then nodded as if he was finishing a conversation with someone in his head, which he was no doubt doing telepathically. With the grace of a panther, Cosmo walked over to one of the women, placed both arms around her in what looked like a loving embrace, and disappeared. Trevor watched as each of the Light Ones did the same thing with a different woman, until they were all gone.

  As Cosmo reappeared into the thick of the fighting, Trevor yelled at him, “Where the fuck are they?”

  “In the drawers,” he said, tilting his head toward the morgue drawers, where dead bodies were kept.

  “That’s just fucking wrong, man. You’re going to fuck their minds up doing that.”

  At that point, another little demon jumped toward Rissa. Trevor punched it in the throat, sending it flying.

  “Good hit, man,” one of the Vampires said, black blood running down from his lips onto his white shirt. He had a severed head in one hand and several withering bodies with their throats ripped out at his feet.

  “Do you think they’re going to remember being in there? They’re fucking zombies.” Cosmo didn’t miss a beat, as he kicked a huge guy in the stomach, then kneed him in the face, busting his lips, nose and eye socket, all in one blow.

  The Wolves were tearing apart anything that got in their way. The Vampires were silent, but deadly, all on their own. The Light Ones were brutes, fighting hand-to-hand with man and monster alike, taking as much abuse as they gave out.

  Rissa’s body came up off the table. She would have floated away, if Trevor hadn’t had an arm across her.

  “Fucking hold her down,” Bune screamed, causing the fighting to stall for half a second.

  The little demon creature things launched themselves toward Trevor and Rissa. It was a horrifying display of mini flying demon dicks and tits—not to mention wide-open mouths with those razor-sharp teeth.

  Trevor threw little monsters against walls and on the floor. He kicked and punched his way through many more, all the while, trying to hold Rissa with his other hand. Cosmo appeared before him, handing him a small battle ax.

  The sounds of battle were in his ears. The smell of sulfur, blood and rotting flesh made it hard not to vomit his breakfast up. Even though they were in the bowels of the building, the chill Trevor felt was gone, replaced by the heat of battle.

  Two little monsters flung themselves on him. He kicked one and swung the ax at the other. The little ax was deadly sharp, and he instantly fell in love with the thing—he could swing it one-handed, as the monsters kept coming at him.

  Trevor had no idea where so many of the little demons kept coming from, but it was like someone opened the floodgates. He also had no idea why Bune was taking his time.

  Grunts and howls rent the air. The Wolves were amazing creatures, ripping and tearing with claw and fang, always circling so they could protect one another’s backs. If he could take a minute to watch all the different ways death was being dealt around him, Trevor was sure he would revel in it. After all, these fucking monsters were trying to take his baby, and trying to kill him and the woman he loves. He would love to watch all of them die painfully.

  Trevor also noticed that the death and mayhem were causing the little creatures to become very aroused. They started humping each other anyplace they could, even as they flew through the air. When they would land on someone, they would start humping like a male dog sensing a bitch in heat. Now, Trevor realized, he literally had to watch his ass. The little male creatures were all sporting wood and didn’t care if their target was male, female, Vampire or Wolf—they wanted anything.

  “Cosmo, don’t you dare,” Athena said out loud, as she slammed two of the little creatures together. “Titus, tell him he can’t go. We need him here.”

  Titus was fighting three very large males who looked to be Trolls, but without Rissa and her ability, Trevor couldn’t be sure. “If he can fucking get this stopped, I don’t fucking care where he goes. I’m getting my ass kicked over here, so if any of you are brave enough to face Aurora and tell her you didn’t have my back, keep babbling.”

  “We got you.” Trevor watched as Athena and Draco disappeared, then reappeared to pull big men and creatures from their boss. Cosmo was nowhere to be seen.

  The creatures were finally slowing up on their attacks, as fucking became the only thing that interested them. Trevor watched Ethan stomp on the heads of fucking couples as he made his way to Trevor.

  “I’m going to do this in your head, so Bune cannot hear us.” Ethan’s voice was strong inside his head.

  “I didn’t know you could this.”

  Ethan looked down his nose at Trevor and raised his eyebrows. Black blood was splattered on his face, and red blood stained his lips and teeth.

  “I am the Vampire King. I assure you, I can do many things that will blow your puny human mind. Cosmo believes that Bune cannot use too much power, or he will be noticed.”

  “Noticed?” Then recognition hit. “The Devil will know he is up here.”

  “Very good, human. Now, we need him to keep pulling these little fucking demons through the gate, so Cosmo can figure out where they’re coming from and shut the gate. As long as Bune is pulling his sources from Hell, he isn’t going to rip the baby out.”

  Trevor nodded to the Vampire King.

  “It would appear that your minions are a little preoccupied at the moment,” Ethan yelled up to the mist hovering on the ceiling. He strutted over to a five-some going at it in the corner. He picked through the writhing mass, until he had one of the little bastards, and just ripped its head right off—even the snake hair seemed to be in some kind of lustful frenzy. Ethan laughed a beautifully evil laugh.

  Trevor pushed into Ethan’s head.
“What if he sends something worse?”

  “We don’t think he can.”

  “That’s a big fucking chance you are taking, and trust me, if this affects Rissa’s life, I will gut you.”

  That evil laugh again filled Trevor’s head. “As if, human.”

  “What about Rissa? I’m afraid she is going to bleed out.” When Ethan’s eyes flashed crimson, Trevor realized telling a Vampire his woman was bleeding out, may not have been the best idea.

  Ethan’s eyes latched onto the pools of blood that had gathered on the bed. Quicker than Trevor could see, the King swiped out a finger, dipping it in the blood like cake batter. Ethan brought that long, pale forefinger up to his blood-red lips and sucked the blood off. His eyelids lowered, as if he was in lust, and it took everything Trevor had in him, not to smash the Vampire King in his smug face. They didn’t need to be fighting amongst themselves, but when this was over, he was going to take a shot at the King, even it meant getting disemboweled.

  Bune screamed out again, as Rissa relaxed back down on the bed.

  Just as the room filled again with more creatures and Trolls, Ethan nodded his head toward the door.

  Trevor was never so happy to see someone in all his life. Apollo towered over everyone in the room, and at his side was the nurse named Tina—the look on her face was horror-filled. The poor girl was going to have nightmares for many lifetimes.

  Trevor had to give it up to the Healer. He had moves, as he dodged, punched and kicked his way through the fighting masses.

  The demons were all over Trevor and Rissa. Trevor was trying to protect her, while fighting the hordes off.

  He found that if he hit them hard in just the right place on the top of the head, he could cut those little fuckers right in two with the ax, so it became a game of how many heads and halves could he get. It kept his mind off the dire situation they were in.

  “Try to keep them off her,” Apollo called out to everyone and anyone who was listening.

  “And keep the human safe,” Titus roared. “We’ll talk about what you were thinking, bringing her in here when this is finished, Apollo.” He sounded pissed.

  Just when Trevor wasn’t sure if they could keep this up with the number of demons streaming in, the Agency team filed into the room. At first they just took in the grizzly scene. However, almost immediately, they got right to work, hacking and chopping their way to Rissa, where they stood as a united front, stronger than any cement wall around her.

  They knocked the demons down and kept them from Rissa. Apollo’s hands emanated a light blue light so he could begin to heal her. However, Bune must have yanked harder, because Trevor heard a sickening ripping sound, as the wound in her stomach opened wider. Thankfully, Rissa had passed out again.

  “Apollo! For fuck’s sake, do something!” Trevor couldn’t tear his eyes from the blood streaming from Rissa’s wounds.

  Apollo shook his head, holding his glowing hands over Rissa. Tina was putting pressure on the wound, blood splattering her face. Trevor had to give her credit—with all the weird-ass shit going on around her, she kept her cool.

  “I don’t think I can,” Apollo shouted. “The only option we have is to go in and take the baby out.”

  Just then, three little creatures leaped toward them. Trevor brought up the battle ax, knocking one’s head off and spraying black blood all over Apollo and Tina. To their credit, they just wiped off the blood and continued—with what Trevor hoped was saving Rissa’s life. He sliced the other monster down the middle, all the while, kicking the last into a wolf’s waiting jaws.

  “We got her, Trevor. You need to keep us safe,” Apollo grunted out.

  Trevor growled, “I’m gonna tell you, man, if something happens to her, no one will be safe.”

  Even though the agents were a solid wall around them, there were so many little creatures that they were breaching the agents’ barrier, through sheer force of numbers. Trevor kept hacking away. He needed the release of killing these little bastards. It helped to take his mind off what was happening to Rissa.

  Chapter 26

  Trevor couldn’t see what was going on, but he heard bones breaking and the sickening sound of splattering heads. There was rasping and moaning everywhere. He was praying everyone helping them would make it through this. He didn’t think they would go unscathed, but he knew the firepower they had on their side was massive, not to mention their respective talent for killing.

  All of a sudden, an eerie silence descended on them. Trevor could hear nothing, but the rough breathing of the wall of allies surrounding him, and little feet scattering across the floor and ceiling, as the demon spawn retreated.

  “Oh, shit. This is bad,” someone breathed.

  “When little predators hightail it like that, it can only mean a bigger predator is on its way.” He knew that was Draco, and he knew the big redhead was right.

  The air seemed to sizzle and snap, the heat rising to almost unbearable heights. The smell of sulfur that had been mild with Bune around, now was overpowering. The little creatures may have run away with their tails between their legs, but the Trolls, or whatever these big plain-looking motherfuckers were, didn’t seem to care what was coming. More of them somehow reappeared. Trevor could only assume Bune had used his powers to flash them in. Just when they thought one battle was over, another was beginning. They couldn’t catch a fucking break, but Trevor supposed that you never did get a break when dealing with the Devil.

  This round, the fighters were bigger, stronger and just plain badder. This was going to hurt like hell, Trevor thought grimly.

  With air smelling of rotten eggs and the heat up to a million, the fight continued. Even the women locked away in the meat lockers, were now pounding out a heartbeat on the doors, wanting to get out.

  Trevor’s mind was pulled back to the present situation, trying to save Rissa and their baby.

  “We’re going to have to cut her the rest of the way, in the right place and get the baby out, before this asshat rips it out and takes it,” Apollo said.

  The word it did not sit well with Trevor. That was his child, not an it. But he couldn’t dwell on that. Rissa was coming to, finally.

  “Do it,” she whispered.

  “We can’t put you out. If I could get a Vampire over here, they could help with the pain, but we need to do this without any pain blockers or any relief at all. I’m sorry.” Apollo’s face fell with each word. Trevor knew the big Healer didn’t like this one bit, but what could any of them do at this point?

  “Please do it. Don’t think about me,” Rissa mumbled. Then, she turned her head toward Trevor. Even with sweat and black blood running down her face and her hair in a mass of tangles, she was still the most breathtaking woman he had ever set eyes on. “Promise me you will take care of the baby.” She was so weak, her words barely audible.

  Trevor leaned down as close to her as he could. “I will.” He placed a sweet kiss on her forehead, before saying, “I will take care of both of you. We will get out of this.”

  He was trying to keep Trolls away from them, while watching in horror at a tug of war between Apollo and Bune.

  “Tina, I need the scalpel.”

  Tina pulled the sharp instrument out of the pocket of her Hello Kitty scrubs. The scrubs didn’t fit in with the blood bath that was going on around them, but for some unforeseen reason, they gave Trevor hope.

  Trevor had to use both hands now, to stop the Trolls from attacking. It took his attention away from Rissa, and that just couldn’t happen.

  He watched as the scalpel started slicing through the soft white flesh of Rissa’s belly. She screamed. Bune pulled up on her even more, her body bowing with the pain.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart … there just isn’t any other way,” Apollo tried to soothe her.

  The thick air grew heavier, even more hellishly hot. The concrete under Trevor’s feet shook with such force, he feared he would lose his footing.

  The Trolls tried fiercely t
o get to them. Vampires, Wolves and Aliens all fought with claw, fang and knife to keep the Trolls from getting to Apollo.

  The room was vibrating with such force that Trevor’s teeth were rattling in his head. A large fissure split open right down the middle of the room. His only thought was that more of those ugly little bastards were on their way back up from Hell to get at them.

  “Oh, shit!” someone yelled.

  “What the hell is that?” someone else asked.

  Trevor heard booted feet fleeing the room. He could only surmise it was the Trolls.

  Trevor was too engrossed in the sight of Apollo reaching into Rissa, pulling the baby from her, to care what was happening around him. That was, at least, until he heard Bune scream.


  Trevor looked up from the bloody mess that was Rissa, just in time to see a giant hand—it looked like it was made of glowing orange magma—reach through the fissure in the floor, grabbing Bune. Smoke and the stink of sulfur wafted off the large hand. Bune tried to dissipate, but the hand somehow held tight, causing all three heads and Bune’s body to become corporeal. The hand slammed him into the ground and dragged him down to the bowels of what Trevor could only hope was Hell. Throughout the entire struggle, the dragon head was hissing, the dog head was snarling, and Bune’s human head was screaming in horrific pain.

  The huge crack in the floor sealed up, and just like that, all the bodies of the evil creatures disappeared. Suddenly, they were all standing there with their thumbs up their asses, and the smell of Hell all around them. The only sound was the women in the drawers, banging to get out.

  As ash rained down on them, they needed not only to figure out what the hell just happened, but they needed to tend to their wounded.

  Trevor’s first conscious thoughts were of Rissa. His body was covering the top of hers, just as Apollo was reaching both hands into the hole that he had slit into Rissa’s body. Time was standing still—no one was breathing, as he pulled out the bloody, blue mass that was Trevor and Rissa’s baby.


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