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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

Page 5

by Crystal Dawn

  Everyone called out in agreement letting him know they were on their way into the meeting room and Tyne opened the door so they could pile in. Moe grabbed a cup of coffee for her and one for him. He took his black and she added three creamers to hers. Walking in to the conference room, she sat on his right and put the mugs down. She slid his drink in front of him then picked hers up and sipped her coffee. Maybe it was just the ritual from years of drinking coffee, but she felt like it woke her up and prepared her for her day.

  Next she picked up her clipboard and scanned the room. Everyone was present so she nodded to Tyne. It was time to get things going. “All right, everyone. Moe’s got your assignments and she’ll give them out, except Trail who is going to Arkansas to meet a family that is missing a teenager. Here’s the information.” Tyne said as he slid the packet across the table to Trail. “Oh, yeah. You’re taking one of the new trainees with you.” Tyne smirked as Trail rolled his eyes.

  “Which one?” Trail asked.

  “Surprise me.” Tyne said.

  “I’ll take Short stuff.” Trail decided.

  “Ha ha. You’re taking a girl.” Mason snorted. He had the funniest laugh and always sounded like he choked whenever he chuckled.

  “Better a girl than you.” Trail insisted.

  That stopped Mason from laughing. “What’s wrong with me?” He whined.

  “You’ll work it out.” Trail advised.

  Now Mason sat sulking. The funny thing, or at least one of the funny things about Mason was he had long hair and a beard halfway down his chest. It made him look like what one might expect a biblical figure to look. He had the muscles of a paranormal including the over six foot height and the broad chest. Mason just wasn’t the best field operator because despite his looks, he was a total geek. His mother had been religious and raised him to be bookish. She had not accepted his paranormal side and that hadn’t allowed him to grow up with the understanding most wolves did.

  Now he would brood for a week because Trail had hurt his feelings. That was all Moe needed to deal with. “Let’s get back on topic.” Moe encouraged.

  Trail saw she was glaring at him. He held up his hands in the universal sign of surrender. “I didn’t start it, I just finished it.” He said with satisfaction.

  “Oh, it’s not over yet.” Moe muttered.

  “Now Moe, you can’t put all the blame on me just because you have a soft spot for Mason.” Trail tried to placate her.

  “A wise male would take off on his mission and hope things settled before he got back. Maybe even come home bearing gifts.” Tyne suggested. “Not that anyone ever accused you of being wise.”

  “Hey now. Why is everyone set on picking on me today?” Trail demanded.

  “When everyone seems to be against you, it’s usually because you’re wrong.” Moe advised.

  “Well shit. C’mon Short Stuff. Let’s blow this joint.” Trail said as he stood and waited for the petite new girl to join him. They would load up with the gear habitually taken on the kind of job they were working and grab one of the company SUVs. Then they would head down to the location. This one wasn’t far away so they would come back tonight.

  “Now that the first team has headed out, let’s get the other assignments passed out. Mason, you are heading out today to do some upgrades and routine maintenance. Here’s the list of customers, just work through them. If you don’t complete the list today, just keep at it until you’re done.” Moe said as she handed him his list. “You get to pick a new trainee too.”

  “I don’t need one.”

  “Didn’t say you did. I said you were taking one.”

  “Alright.” Mason said with a heavy sigh. His expression said he was severely put upon. “I’ll take Grant.” Grant was the new guy that had a talent for technology. He would probably be the biggest help and get the most out of working with Mason.

  Tyne insisted they all train in every aspect of the business, but later they would specialize. That’s why he was letting the guys pick who accompanied them. None of them had done any one on one training before. They would get a chance to work with each of these guys and their skills would become obvious. That was the plan and it usually worked out that way. The other guys paired off with trainees and it was just her and Tyne in the office. “Just you and me, Babe.” Tyne said with a smirk. He started to add something when the phone rang.

  “Hello, Wolf Security. How may I direct your call?” Moe asked. Her eyes went to Tyne as the person demanded to speak with him. “Yes, I’ll put your call right through. You have a lovely day.”

  Moe was more than happy to have Tyne deal with the bossy male she’d been talking to. She would have hung up on him but with her luck, he would have turned out to be a major client. There was no doubt by the time Tyne was through talking to the guy, he had a major headache.

  “I have to go out on a call, Sweetheart. Hold down the fort for me?” Tyne asked.

  “You know I will.” Moe replied.

  She watched as Tyne headed out the door. That guy must have been a major client for Tyne to drop everything and hurry to the site. It was a good thing she hadn’t hung up on the guy after all. Moe spent the rest of the morning fielding calls from potential clients, giving field personnel information, and setting up appointments for services. Business had never been better, which was good because she wanted Tyne to be successful. It also made things harder for them because they were still training some of the help that they needed.

  By lunch time, Moe was already exhausted and starving. She switched on the answering machine and locked up the office. Heading out, she drove to a nearby café. Placing her order, she sat in a booth sipping her drink and looking out at the cars that passed by. Maybe she was hoping Tyne would drive by, see her, and stop. It didn’t happen and while she might have hoped for it, she hadn’t really expected it would happen.

  She ate her taco salad slowly, but it still didn’t take her long before she was done and headed back to the office. Opening the door, she went in and checked the messages first. There were three calls, but no one bothered to leave a message. Moe wasn’t in her chair five minutes before someone called.

  “Wolf Security, how may I help you?” Moe asked.

  “Is Tyne in?” A female voice asked.

  “No, he’s out on a call. May I take a message?”

  “No, it’s personal. I’ll try back later.”

  “Okay. Sorry I wasn’t able to help you.”

  “Me too.”

  Once the female hung up, Moe began to wonder just who in the hell she was. It’s personal? What the hell did that mean exactly? Moe didn’t have time to think on it much longer as the phone lines lit up. She set up appointments for three possible new clients. Tyne would be pleased, because that was a lot for one day. It was getting close to quitting time, but Tyne hadn’t made it back yet. That wasn’t really a problem because she could walk home if needed.

  Chapter 4

  Sweet Sister

  Tyne looked at his watch and he wanted to twist Alex Matherson the fourth’s head off his shoulders. Unfortunately, the man, or rather the bear, gave them a ton of business even if he was high maintenance and always demanded Tyne supervise everything personally. Maybe if Alex found a mate he act less like he had a stick up his ass. The female he was hanging out with now certainly wasn’t helping.

  She waited until Alex had his back turned and she’d slipped up on Tyne. He’d felt hands go around him as he worked on the keyboard at a critical point where he couldn’t quit. “What the hell?” He’d shouted when he’d felt her fingers grab his cock.

  “I’d be happy to put that somewhere enjoyable.” She said.

  His cock had shriveled to nothing trying to hide from the snobby, stuck up creature. “I’m sorry but aren’t you with Alex?”

  She laughed. “No one is ever really with Alex. He just keeps me around so he doesn’t have to attend parties alone.”

  “I’m sorry about that, but I am with someone and she wouldn
’t be understanding.”

  “Ha! You probably don’t know what to do with a real female.” She’d said as she bounced out of the room. Thank the goddess she was gone. Hopefully she didn’t leave any fingerprints that Moe would see. His mate had a way of just knowing things. It was downright scary, but he had nothing to feel bad about. He’d done the right thing when he’d had a choice.

  Somehow Tyne had doubts that Moe would be understanding. If she found out what happened, she might cut off his pride while he slept. Ah, goddess help him.

  It was with the greatest relief that Tyne finished the job and searched out Alex to let him know. “Hey Alex. Just wanted to let you know everything is finished.”

  “You want to tell me anything else?” Alex asked too casually.

  “Your relationship with that female is your business. I don’t want in on it. My female is home waiting on me and because I’ve been here all day, there’ll be hell to pay as it is.”

  “I suppose I should thank you for not taking what she offered.”

  “It was no sacrifice, believe me. I’ve got everything a male could want at home.”

  “Must be nice.”

  “Someone once told me if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten. If you don’t change something, females like her are all you’ll ever have.”

  “I’ll give that some thought. Thanks for coming out.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll show myself to the door.” Tyne said as he hurried his ass out of there. He had no desire to run into that female again and he needed to get home to his mate as soon as possible. It was clear she wouldn’t be happy with him. Maybe it was just his guilty conscience, but he knew getting home sooner would be better.

  Tyne drove to the office first not surprised that she was gone, but he was surprised to find Mason there. “How did things go for you today?” Tyne asked.

  “I got the list finished which surprised the hell out of Moe. She’s funny as hell when she’s surprised.” Mason said with a chuckle. “Grant is damn good. He’ll be able to handle working on his own once he gets familiar with the area and the clients.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. Why are you here so late?”

  “Moe was stranded without transportation. I took her to the grocery store then home. She fixed me a snack as a thank you. Now I’m dropping off my gear and filling out the paperwork. I sent Grant home, no use in him being stuck here. Everyone knows you like to teach the new guys how to do their paperwork your way.”

  “I’m not that picky. It’s just easier to teach them all at the same time.” Tyne protested.

  “If that’s your story.” Mason noted. He cackled and snorted. It was all Tyne could do not to laugh. He knew it hurt Mason’ feelings when the others laughed at him even though it was hard not to. Only Moe managed to laugh with him and not at him. Why Mason looked at it that way, Tyne had no clue.

  “I’d better get done and get home before I’m in trouble.”

  “Oh, so you already know?”

  “Know what?”

  “A female called here and wanted to talk to you. When Moe asked about a message the lady said it was personal.”

  “Did she leave a number?”

  “No, she was very mysterious. Glad I’m not you. Although Moe seems pretty calm.”

  “There’s nothing going on that Moe should be upset about.” Tyne replied, but he remembered the female at Alex’s and flushed.

  “You’d best be more convincing when you talk to Moe than you are right now.” Mason said and he was serious.

  Damn, damn, and double damn, his stupid conscience would get his dick cut off yet. Finishing up his paperwork, he stowed his gear and beat a hasty retreat to home. Once again his sweet female surprised him with a nice meal. The scent of delicious food hit him in the face and his mouth watered. Hopefully he wouldn’t do or say anything that would ruin this wonderful meal.

  “Honey, I’m home.”

  “You certainly are and not a minute too soon. I was thinking about eating my meal and putting the rest up.”

  “I’m certainly glad you didn’t. My day sucked big hairy donkey balls and I had to skip lunch so I would get it all done.”

  “Alex is an ass.”

  “I can’t disagree with that. We just need his business or I’d drop kick him.”

  “That’s something I’d like to see. Here’s your plate.” She set a plate piled high with food in front of him. Pork chops, stuffing, fried potatoes, and a side bowl full of salad.

  “This is spectacular. Mason said I had a call?”

  “Yes, a lady called. She sounded young and wouldn’t even leave her name. The female said it was personal.”

  “Honey, I have no idea who it could possibly be.”

  “I understand it could be some long forgotten girlfriend looking you up to see if you’re still available. It could also be an old friend or relative of some kind needing help. Why everyone thinks I’m some jealous psycho, I have no idea. I’m sure we’ll find out who it is tomorrow and it won’t be anything bad at all.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, Honey.” Tyne hoped for the sake of his big balls that she was. If someone like Alex’s female was trying to cause him trouble, if Moe didn’t believe him, he might become a eunuch.

  “Eat up. You’ll need your energy later.” Moe said with a smile.

  Tyne hoped she meant so they could make love all night long. Just the thought made his cock twitch. It was the first sign of life it had showed since being grabbed by that wench. He dug into the marvelous meal his female had made and served him. She ate too, from a smaller plate with less food piled on it.

  When he was done, he was surprised to find she’d bought dessert too. “Want some?” Moe asked.

  “Of course. You are spoiling me.” Tyne admitted.

  “That’s because I want something later.” Moe explained.

  “Female, you can have anything you want.” Tyne promised. Goddess his Moe was gorgeous and once he was through with his dessert, he would feed on her.

  She handed him a plate with most of a German chocolate cake on it. It melted in his mouth and only served to spike his desire for his female higher. He watched as she ate her piece of cake and she moaned as she savored her dessert.

  “You keep making sounds like that, I’m going to pounce on you.” Tyne said his eyes starting to glow gold.

  “Maybe I want you to pounce on me?” Moe said as she licked icing off her lips.

  Tyne couldn’t help himself. He leaned in and nibbled on her lower lip tasting the sweet frosting himself. “Goddess, you’re sweet. Are you ready to go to bed?”

  “As soon as this mess is cleaned up.” Moe said as she stood and rushed around cleaning like a white tornado. Tyne got up and helped to make the job get done quicker. He didn’t think there was any such thing as female’s work. Everyone needed to help clean up if they helped make the mess.

  Once they were done, he escorted his female to their bedroom. “Shower time?” Moe asked as she peeled her clothes off.

  Tyne stood there watching caught up in the magic revealed as she showed her skin an inch at a time. He shook himself out of his daze and started removing his own clothes. That female was everything to him and he wanted her to mate him more than anything.

  Moe ran for the shower with Tyne in pursuit. The master bathroom was one of the best rooms in the house. It was a relaxing spa like atmosphere. The soft tan walls with light blue and brown glass tiles were relaxing. The hard wood floors with blue and brown throw rugs gave the room a natural feel. The bowls of round glass stones and the lovely vanilla scented candles made it look sophisticated. The towels of striped blue and brown hung on rods offering something as small as hand towels and as large as body towels.

  His mate had done all the decorating and he appreciated the neutral décor. Even in the bedroom she had avoided completely feminine touches. She said it was because males were tough on delicate things, but he knew it was for his b
enefit. It wasn’t that Moe wasn’t feminine, her delicate sexy underwear and some of her clothes showed there were times she liked to be girly.

  Tyne stepped under the water flow that Moe had set. It was perfect for him and Moe had finally adjusted to the heat after all the time they had been together. His female never complained, she just adjusted and he knew it was for him. When she was younger, she’d left her family’s mercenary business and now here she was in something similar. Why would she do that? Because she loved him. The only thing he didn’t understand is why she wouldn’t take the leap and mate him.

  Goddess, his female was perfect. They took turns cleaning each other thoroughly, but now he was ready to get dirty. The dirtier the better in his opinion and that was why he picked her up and pressed her against the tiled walls. They were glass which made them slippery, but he didn’t mind it when he slammed into her and they slid a little. Moe moaned and he didn’t think she minded either.

  Now her legs wrapped around his hips, her arms held on around his neck, and he pressed her against the tiles as he hammered home. Goddess his mate felt magnificent. Tyne felt her channel squeeze around him as he pounded into her. Her soft moans filled his ears as he sank deep inside her. His balls drew up and a tingle moved down his spine to his tail bone.

  There was no doubt he would soon fill her with his seed. Just the thought made him start shooting his essence into her. He moved two fingers between them pinching her clit to send her over into the same bliss that held him. Tyne continued to jerk into her as she writhed around him. Now that they had both had their release, it was time to clean up for bed.

  Why couldn’t everything in his life be as simple as this? Not everything dealing with his mate was as simple as the sex they shared. They cleaned up and rinsed off. Once they stepped out of the shower, he grabbed a towel and dried off Moe before grabbing a second and drying himself off.

  Tyne preferred to sleep in the buff, most male wolves did. Moe was always a surprise choosing T-shirts, nightgowns, or sometimes nothing at all. Tonight she chose bare skin, but maybe she was just too tired to bother with anything. He picked her up and carried her to bed. In his arms, she was light as a feather and more precious than silver or gold.


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