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Page 4

by Catherine Lievens

  Ira slid in and let out a tiny moan, as if he was trying not to be noisy, to keep it inside, and fuck, Darin didn’t care about the pain anymore. He shuddered as his body opened up to his mate’s intrusion, his ass giving a tiny spasm he had no control over, tightening around Ira’s dick. Darin’s cock throbbed between them, trapped against Ira’s belly, adding a sensation of friction that made Darin want to growl, even though it wasn’t something sugar gliders did.

  Darin lifted the leg he still had on the bed at Ira’s wordless prompting and wrapped it around Ira’s waist like the other one. Apparently, that was all Ira needed. He surged forward and filled Darin completely.

  Darin let out a long breath and tried to relax around Ira’s cock. “So good,” he whispered. He reached up and around Ira to cup his hand around Ira’s ass. He pulled his mate closer, deeper.

  “You need to move to make this work,” Darin said when Ira didn’t give any indications he’d do so.

  Ira let out a breathy laugh before finally pulling out and pushing back in, hard. The thrust made Ira’s dick stroke against the edge of Darin’s prostate and he grunted, rolling his hips to try to prolong the sensation, to feel it again. Ira made a strangled noise of pleasure, still too silent for Darin’s tastes, and pulled out to thrust again, and again, increasing in speed with each movement. He gripped Darin’s shoulders hard enough to bruise, and Darin didn’t care.

  Ira had looked so sure of himself before, but now Darin could see the hesitancy in his eyes, the uncertainty. Darin didn’t think Ira doubted the physical aspect of what they were doing, though. No, after what Ira had told him, he knew Ira was thinking about their imminent mating.

  Hoping it was still what Ira wanted, Darin rolled his head on his pillow, exposing the curve of his neck. Ira’s gaze slid from Darin’s eyes to the place where neck met shoulder, and he struck as fast as the snake he was.

  Darin just had the time to see Ira’s eyes shift before a flash of pain made him screw his eyes shut. The pain was replaced almost instantly by pleasure, doubled by the movements of Ira still fucking him.

  Ira’s shoulder was close to Darin, close enough that Darin only had to surge forward to bite it. Ira gurgled something against Darin’s neck when Darin bit down and sucked. It took almost nothing for the connection to appear between them, for Darin to be able to feel that they were both careening toward the brink.

  “Ira,” he gasped, letting go of Ira’s shoulder. They both moaned at a particularly satisfying thrust of Ira’s hips. He was slower now, deeper, but Darin couldn’t take it anymore. “Either you fuck me hard enough to make me come or you let me take care of myself.”

  Ira laughed breathlessly and licked the curve of Darin’s neck.

  “Shit! Is your—does your tongue shift, too?”

  Ira leaned away just enough that Darin could see him flick his tongue out, and fuck, that shouldn’t be as hot as Darin thought it was. Ira’s tongue was darker and longer than it should be in his human form, but most importantly, it had forked.

  Darin pushed upward and kissed Ira, tangling their tongues together, stroking and sucking on Ira’s until Ira severed the contact between them. “I can’t,” he panted against Darin’s mouth, “I can’t, I need—fuck, Darin, I’m—fuck!”

  “Fuck. Fuck, Ira, come on, Ira.”

  Darin didn’t bother even trying to restrain his voice when he came, but Ira burrowed his face against Darin’s neck and moaned against it, the sound muffled. Darin could feel Ira’s dick pulse inside him, Ira’s pleasure coming through their bond. He was surrounded by his mate, so completely they were almost one, and he’d never felt anything so glorious, so perfect.

  Ira stayed where he was for a few moments, and Darin stayed wrapped around him. His legs felt like rubber, though, so he finally slid them down Ira’s sides and flopped on the bed. Ira chuckled against Darin’s neck and kissed it before slowly rising.

  His cock slipped from Darin’s body and Darin felt a trickle of cum and lube slide down his ass cheek. He grimaced and squirmed, wondering if his legs would resist him getting up. Ira must’ve sensed something because he was up before Darin could even decide.

  Darin watched his mate’s ass as he strode to the bathroom and disappeared inside. He reappeared a few minutes later, a wet-looking towel in his hands, and he handed it to Darin.

  “Thanks.” Darin quickly cleaned himself, even though he knew nothing short of a shower would make him really feel clean. He didn’t want to get up just yet, though, especially not when Ira stretched next to him on the bed and started tracing patterns on his chest.

  Darin shivered and Ira smiled at the reaction. “Ticklish?”

  “Not really. Just... sensitive.”


  “So... want to wait to have the conversation?”

  Ira looked up. “What conversation?”

  “The one where we talk about the future and where we decide what we need to do and when.”

  Ira hummed and skimmed Darin’s left nipple with the tip of his finger. “Let’s wait at least until the afterglow is gone.”

  Darin relaxed in the comforter. “Let’s do that.”

  * * * *

  Their shower took longer than Ira had planned, mainly because he couldn’t resist a wet Darin, and Darin didn’t seem to have any problems with that.

  But they had to get out of Darin’s room sooner or later. Ira’s list of things to do was becoming longer and longer, but the first thing he wanted to do was to find Yanis and check in with him.

  Darin went along, their fingers linked. Loud music greeted them when they got to the top of the stairs and Ira looked at Darin. “What’s going on?”

  Darin shrugged. “No idea, but this isn’t surprising. Nysys and Keenan organize parties at least once a month, more if they manage to get it past Dominic.”

  They walked down the stairs and ignored the living room, going left to the infirmary instead. Yanis still hadn’t called Ira, so Ira was pretty sure he’d find his best friend still there.

  The infirmary was empty, so Ira went to the door of Adan’s room. It was open, so he poked his head inside, and sure enough, Yanis was there, sitting on Adan’s bed and holding his hand. Ira knocked lightly and Yanis’ head snapped his way. Yanis relaxed when he saw who it was and gestured at Ira to come in.

  “So? Have you talked to your mate?” Yanis asked.

  Ira pulled Darin inside along with him and held their clasped hands up. “I did.”

  Yanis smiled. It didn’t reach his eyes, but Ira hadn’t expected his friend to be full-blown happy, not with the trials that were waiting for him and Adan. “Are congratulations in order yet? I know you wanted to do things as soon as you could.”

  “If by things you mean mating,” Darin answered, “then yes, congratulations are in order. And I’m sure the entire house already knows, too.”

  Ira looked at his mate. “You don’t think that’s what the party is for, do you?”

  Darin’s expression went from happy to horrified in just a few seconds. “Oh, shit.”

  “It is?”

  “Knowing Nysys and Keenan, yeah. Do you want to make a run for it?”

  “Nope. We can go and have fun.” Ira looked at Yanis. “In a little while.”

  Yanis waved toward the door. “You can go.”

  Ira walked closer to the bed and sat in the plastic chair next to it. He pulled Darin onto his lap and close to his chest. “We’ll stay for a bit. I know you don’t know Darin, but if you want to talk to me...”

  “He can stay. He’s your mate.”

  “I know a bit about Adan,” Darin said hesitantly. “I was there when he was brought in, actually.”

  Yanis nodded. “Jared told me about the lab, and what happened to Adan’s family. I’m not overly surprised he’s in this state.” Yanis looked at Adan, who was looking out the window rather than at them. “I just wish I could do something to help.”

  “Jared di
d say that even finding his mate wouldn’t magically cure Adan,” Ira pointed out.

  “I know. Still, I want to help, to do more.”

  “What is Jared planning?”

  “For now he just wants me to come by as much as possible and sit with Adan, to talk to him, things like that. If that doesn’t push him to come back, we’ll need to start thinking about other solutions. I’m just not sure there are any.”

  Ira wasn’t used to seeing his best friend so down. Yanis had always been a rock, someone they could all lean against when they’d been in the lab. He’d been the one to direct them and to make sure no one was left behind when Craig had gotten them out, and he’d been the one everyone had gone to in the first months after they’d been set free. Not Kameron, who was their alpha, but Yanis.

  Ira didn’t like seeing his friend almost hopeless when he should be over the moon for finding his mate, and he hated not being able to do anything to help.

  “You can go, you know,” Yanis said. “I’m going to stay here a bit longer, then I’ll go talk to Dominic.”

  “How about I talk to Dominic for you? I need to go see him anyway. You can talk to him another day, once you’re settled.” It was the least Ira could do, and the relieved expression on Yanis’ face told him he was doing the right thing.

  “That’d be great. Thank you.”

  Ira and Darin stayed a few more moments, but there wasn’t really anything they could do, and Yanis was concentrated on Adan. They left the two men alone and exited the infirmary. The music was even louder now, and Ira heard someone calling Darin.

  They looked at each other, and Darin looked so terrified that Ira laughed. Darin scowled at him and hit him on the arm. “Not funny. I’m legitimately scared of those two.”

  “But why? I won’t deny they look weird, but it’s not that bad.”

  Darin shook his head, his expression making it obvious that Ira didn’t know what he was talking about. “Wait until you’ve lived with them for a few weeks. Or even one, really. Then you can tell me they’re just a bit weird.” He tugged on Ira’s hand. “Come on, let’s go talk to Dominic.”

  “It can wait a few hours.”

  “No it can’t. I don’t want Nysys and Keenan to find me just yet, and Dominic’s office is right in this hallway.”

  Ira let himself be pulled along. Darin knocked on a door just next to the infirmary, but before anyone could answer, the voice calling for him came closer.

  “Darin? Daaaariiiin? Where are you? Are you and Ira still boinking like rabbits?” Nysys asked from somewhere close.

  Darin looked at Ira with wide eyes and opened the door they were in front of. He pulled Ira inside and closed the door behind him. Ira opened his mouth, but Darin slapped a hand on it and listened.

  “Darin, come on! We managed to organize a party in only a few hours, and you guys are missing? What the fuck do I tell the people asking why we’re partying?”

  Someone snorted, then Keenan asked, “Did we ever need a reason to party?”

  “Well, no,” Nysys answered. “But I’ve had a few people asking why there was a banner saying congratulations on your mating, and Darin and Ira weren’t there.”

  “So? Just tell them the happy couple is still mating or something.”

  “I tried, but Shad didn’t take it well.”

  Darin closed his eyes and Ira saw his lips forming fuck, but no sounds came out of him. Nysys and Keenan’s voices dimmed, hopefully a sign they were walking away, and someone cleared their throat behind them.

  Darin’s eyes flew open and Ira looked behind himself. A man was sitting behind his desk, his arms crossed on his chest, an amused expression on his face. “Can I ask what’s happening?”

  “Umm, sorry we didn’t wait for you to ask us to come in,” Darin said. “But we were trying to escape from Keenan and Nysys.”

  “Ah, the story of my life.”

  Ira barely repressed a laugh, but the man—it had to be Dominic—looked at him. Ira didn’t know if Dominic’s way of guiding his pride was similar to what Kameron did with his pack, so he stayed silent and let Darin lead the conversation.

  “This is Ira, uh...”

  “Ira Johnson.”

  “Right. Ira Johnson.”

  Dominic looked amused—again. He looked down at his desk and frowned. “I thought I knew your name, but I see here that you’ve already come to visit Adan.”

  “I did, and I’m not his mate. I drove a friend here today.”



  Dominic looked up. “And? How did it go?”

  “He’s Adan’s mate.”

  Dominic nodded once. “That’s great news.”

  “It is.”

  “I still don’t get why you’re here, though.”

  “I was here some weeks ago, to drive another friend, and I smelled Darin on Wes.”

  Dominic grinned. “Ah, of course. So you two are mates?”

  “Yup,” Darin intervened. “And we just mated, too. Which is why Nysys and Keenan are hunting us. They’re using the opportunity to have a party.”

  Dominic grimaced. “Better you than me. And thanks for telling me. I’ll stay away from the living room for the day.”

  “I wish I could, too.”

  “Like I said, better you than me.” He looked at Ira again. “What are you planning to do?”

  “I’d like to move here, if it’s okay with you. Darin’s shop is here, and I don’t have anything keeping me in Gillham.”

  Dominic tapped his fingers on his desk. “Fine with me.”

  “And Yanis wants to move in, too.”

  “Of course. I’ll go by the infirmary and talk to him and Jared.”

  “That would be nice. Yanis is very worried.”

  Dominic nodded. “He’s not the only one.”

  Chapter Three

  Darin poked his head outside Dominic’s office and looked right, then left. “Free,” he whispered behind himself.

  Dominic laughed, but Darin ignored him and tugged Ira along when he left the office. He closed the door as silently as possible and ignored Ira’s snickering as he pulled him along the hallway toward the stairs.

  “Aren’t you being a bit too dramatic?” Ira asked.

  “Shhh! Keep your voice down!” Darin whispered loudly.

  “Why?” Ira whispered back.

  “We don’t want Nysys and Keenan to find us.”

  “And why don’t we want that?”

  “Because if they do they’ll insist we go to their party.”

  “What’s wrong with parties?”

  “Nothing, as long as they’re not Nysys and Keenan’s.”

  “They can’t be that terrible.”

  Darin stopped and narrowed his eyes. “Are you saying I’m a liar?”

  Ira raised his hands. “No. I just don’t see why you think they’re so terrible. They looked fine to me earlier.”

  Darin shook his head and crept close to the wall. “We already had that conversation.” He looked in the entrance. No one was there, but he couldn’t be a hundred percent sure, because he couldn’t hear anything above the loud music. He gestured at Ira to hurry and stepped in the entrance.


  Something heavy hit Darin’s side and he fell. The heavy thing—Nysys, of course—fell with him and settled on his chest, and Darin wheezed, “Get off me.”

  Nysys looked down at him, his pink hair all over the place, glitter on his face and his breath stinking of apple cocktail. “Nope.”

  “I’m going to die if you don’t. Can’t breathe.”

  Nysys rolled his eyes and held a hand to his side. Keenan grabbed it and pulled him up, and Darin breathed again. He thumped the back of his head on the cool stone floor. “Damn it. We should’ve been faster.”

  Ira laughed and held his hand out, and Darin took it gratefully. Ira pulled him up and Darin brushed his clothes. Ira grinned and
started brushing Darin’s back, but his hands quickly wandered lower. Darin tried to give his mate a warning look, but he knew he didn’t completely succeed. He didn’t mind Ira touching his ass anyway.

  “Come on, the party’s already in full swing,” Nysys said. He was bouncing on his feet and beaming.

  “How much did you drink already?” Darin asked.

  “Who cares? It’s a party!”

  “You’ll care tomorrow morning when you wake up.”





  “Are you two done?” Keenan asked. “We just organized a small party to celebrate your mating with Ira. Oh, and we might have told Shad thinking he already knew. I think he’s a tiny bit angry you didn’t tell him.”

  Darin groaned. “Great. Now he’s going to be angry at me and pout.”

  “We didn’t know you hadn’t told him!”

  “And when did you think I’d gone to tell him, exactly? When Ira and I were still in bed, or before telling Dominic Ira is going to move here?”

  Keenan gave Darin an appreciative stare. “I have to say, I never expected this of you, especially not after the scolding you gave Taylor for mating right away.”

  Darin groaned. “Jeesh, do any of you actually listen to me when I talk? I scolded Taylor for not even knowing Wes’ name and for mating while he was drunk, not because it was too soon.”

  “Uh. I guess you were right anyway.”

  “Of course I was! He wouldn’t have been able to find Wes if Wes hadn’t known Joshua.”

  “Yeah, okay. Can we go now?” Nysys whined. “Before all the alcohol is gone.”

  “If I know you, you have more than enough alcohol to make every pride member drunk off of their asses,” Darin said.

  “As long as I can be drunk, I don’t care what every pride member does.”

  Nysys skipped toward the living room. He stopped when he realized Darin and Ira weren’t following. He rolled his eyes, came back, took one of Darin’s hands and one of Ira’s, and pulled them along.


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