Book Read Free

Promise Her

Page 15

by Johnston, Andrea

  Chapter 24


  Pulling an old concert T-shirt over my head, I don’t even bother stifling my loud and lengthy yawn. I’ve purposely eased myself out of these closing shifts since Scarlett and Nicholas came to stay with me five weeks ago. I wanted to be here for her, to help her adjust to motherhood but also to remind her they are safe in Lexington with me.

  The first three weeks were hard on me. Change is not something I dabble in. Structure and routine are my comfort zone and my preference. Owning my own business allows me the ability to maintain that level of structure in my life, and I’ve built a schedule for myself that works with my need for not only routine but my bouts of insomnia. With Scarlett and a newborn in the house, I’ve had to quickly adapt to the unknown and learn to be fast on my feet. Unfortunately, this means I’ve hardly slept and, most days, I’m dead on my feet. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  They’re here and they’re safe. That’s what matters. Although I’m able to protect them from tangible and visible threats, it’s the unknown that leaves me feeling uneasy. I know she isn’t telling me, but Scarlett is still getting calls at all hours of the day. She finally listened to me and blocked most of the numbers, but she insists it’s simply easier to ignore the call and move along than continue to block every number. We’ve agreed to disagree. Honestly, we’re both too exhausted to do much more than that.

  While I’ve established a zombie-like existence, Scarlett and Nicholas have developed their own routine during the day while I’m at work. Each morning as I stand before the coffee pot, grumbling and willing the brewing to happen at warp speed, she’s already fixed herself breakfast, strapped Nicholas into the sling across her chest, and taken an early morning walk. I can only assume after I leave for the bar, they spend the day napping and doing yoga. At least the streaming history tells me there’s yoga being played, whether it’s being done, I’m not sure.

  A few nights a week she’s cooked or waited for me to get home to grill. It’s all very comfortable and domestic. It’s not something I ever thought I’d personally experience, yet here I am. Although, I do remind myself it’s temporary and the reason I haven’t purchased new beds for the upstairs bedrooms. That and I really like the idea of sharing my bed with her.

  Saying that, even to myself, feels wrong, but it’s the truth. After the nap we shared in my bed after the first few weeks they were here, I never slept on the couch again. But that is also why I’m so tired each day. When Nicholas wakes during the night, we both get up. Scarlett insists I should sleep; it’s her job to care for him alone, but it has yet to happen. I’d never tell her, but those late-night feedings are my favorite. After picking up the baby from the bassinet, she always climbs back in the bed with him to nurse. The room is dark, and I can’t see anything, but the intimacy of the act has stirred something in me. Something paternal and something toward Scarlett I can’t quite name.

  I’m bummed I won’t be home tonight for that moment. One of my new bartenders called out due to a family emergency, and it’s my turn to cover his shift. So, I’m strapping on my dormant Friday night bartender hat and heading to the bar for a closing shift. On about five hours of broken sleep. It’s going to be a long night.

  Walking out of the bedroom toward the kitchen, I pause when I see Scarlett at the stove, her back to me, a wooden spoon in her hand stirring whatever cooks in the pot. Her hips sway side to side, legs dipping as she slowly adds her shoulders to the mix. Fuck me running. Pregnancy has done her body good. Or maybe it’s the yoga. It doesn’t matter because she has curves for days, her ass perfect and full in tight fitting pants. She’s wearing one of those tight-fitting maternity tanks that makes her tits look like the most edible fucking things ever.

  “Oh shit!” she shouts, reaching for her phone and turning the music down, while dripping sauce on the floor. “Double shit.”

  Laughing, I walk over to the counter and pick up a discarded dish towel and begin wiping up the drippings from the floor and anywhere else they may be. When I rise, she’s standing before me with her hand on her face, her very flushed face.

  “I didn’t hear you walk in.”

  Shrugging, I take the spoon from her hand and dip it in the pot before lifting it to my lips. “Mmm. That’s good. Save me a bowl, will ya?”

  Her eyes are focused on my lips, and I can’t help but smirk. Playing with her a little, I slip my tongue between my lips and lick up any sauce that may have dripped on my lips. “Red?”

  “Yeah, huh?” she stammers, eyes jumping up to catch my own.

  “A bowl? Save me one?”

  “Oh, sure. Of course. It’s going to be weird without you here tonight.” Taking the spoon back, she turns to the sink and rinses it off before returning her attention back to the pot.

  “Addy’s coming by, right?”

  Nodding, she doesn’t say anything. I reach my hand out and place it on her shoulder, drawing her attention away from the food. Sighing, she shifts on her feet before meeting my gaze.

  “What’s wrong, honey?”

  “I’m getting too comfortable here. I should figure out what I’m going to do about my house and everything. Obviously there’s no danger at my place. Nothing has shown up on the cameras Grant and Connor installed, and when I called the sheriff earlier today, he told me there didn’t seem to be anything more he could do, and he was closing the case.”

  “First, you don’t have to make any decisions right now. You’ve just had a baby and have a lot of adjustments happening. No reason to add to those.” I won’t tell her the idea of them leaving and returning to Fayhill not only makes me uneasy because we don’t know that it’s safe but also because I like having them here.

  Scoffing, she steps over to the cupboard and begins pulling bowls and plates from the shelves, placing them on the counter. I like this. Her here in my kitchen, moving around seamlessly like she belongs here. Just as it feels having her in my bed, these moments of what most people consider everyday life leave me believing there could be something more for me than I prepared myself for.

  “Look, you’ve been here a few weeks and barely ventured farther than a walk down the road. What do you say about us doing something tomorrow night? Just us. I’m sure Addy will watch Nick for a few hours. You and I can go out to dinner, let someone else do the dishes for a change. What do you say?” She opens her mouth to argue but I stop her.

  “Nope. It’s just a few hours. He takes an evening nap and will be good for a solid three hours before he needs to be fed. Besides, you started pumping and there should be enough in case we are late getting back. Come on, say yes, Scarlett.”

  “Yes, Scarlett.”


  “Better than being a dumbass, Sugar.”

  She winks as she turns on her heel and goes about setting the table. Grabbing my keys from the counter, I toss them in the air and catch them before saying, “Speaking of asses. Yours looked pretty good dancing in my kitchen, Red.”

  I leave her standing in the dining room, a bowl in her hands and an open mouth on her face. She loves getting in the last word just as much as I love leaving her speechless. Laughing, I open the door to the garage and let it close quietly behind me as I walk out to my truck for a long night serving drunks.

  As the final credit card is run and the last cab pulls up in front of the building, I let out a long sigh of relief. Although I’m dead on my feet, I also feel slightly energized from the night. That may also be a result of the three energy drinks I’ve had since I left my house earlier, but regardless, I’m exhausted and wired at the same time.

  Caleb nudges me out of the way as he loads the dishwasher with glasses. “Why don’t you close everything out, and I’ll handle this.”

  “You sure? I don’t want to be a slacker,” I say.

  “Dude, you look dead on your feet. Go to your office and handle the math shit, I’ll make sure everything’s done out here.”

  I don’t argue with him. I quickl
y close out the register and pull the till from the drawer before doing the same with the second unit at the far end of the bar and retreating to my office. I just finish the final report when there’s a knock at the door. Caleb sticks his head in the door and says, “We’re all done out here, boss. I sent everyone home. You need a ride?”

  “Nah, I’ll be okay. Thanks though, I’ll walk out with you.” Logging off the computer, I walk toward the door. Thank God I have tomorrow off, I don’t think I could do this two nights in a row. Pausing at my office door, I set the alarm and flip the light off before following Caleb down the short hall and out the back door. Locking the door, I turn to him and extend my hand.

  “Thanks for keeping shit running around here in my absence. I appreciate it. You’ve been a life saver these last months. We should talk about you taking on more duties full-time.”

  Groaning, he pulls his hand back and runs it through his short hair before dropping a bomb. “I wanted to wait until things were back to normal, but I think it’s best I let the cat out of the bag. I’m getting married.”

  Confused, I shake my head in disbelief. “What?”

  “Yeah, my girl and I got engaged a few months back and decided on a destination wedding.”

  “Well, congrats man. I honestly didn’t realize you had a serious girlfriend. I feel like a dick.”

  “Nah, she lives out of state. My hometown as a matter of fact. That’s kind of the second part of my news. I’ll be moving back to Colorado. She’s starting medical school and my dad wants me to come back and work the family business with him.”

  The realization of how little I know about my employees hits me like a ton of bricks. I knew Caleb just finished his last year of college, but I didn’t know he was dating someone. Hell, I didn’t know he’s from Colorado. Normally I consider myself an in-touch boss, but these last few months I’ve been so consumed by my own shit, well Henry’s shit, I don’t know what is happening around me.

  “I hate to see you go. How long until you leave?”

  “Two months. I feel bad with all you have going on and Ashton not back but—”

  “Don’t worry. I’m happy for you. Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”

  Shaking my hand, he says goodbye and climbs into his car, leaving me standing next to my truck. Looks like it’s back to the drawing board and looking for another bartender. Thoughts of how I can adjust the schedule and maybe convince Ashton to come back and help me with the managing side of the business for a while distract me as I drive across town toward my house.

  As the garage door rises, I yawn again. I hate to say it, but maybe I’m old. In my mind I shouldn’t be tired. I should be preparing to eat something, play a few rounds of Call of Duty, and drink a few beers before I head to bed. Instead, I’m thinking a beer sounds like a bad idea, but a hot shower and my bed is perhaps the greatest idea I’ve ever had.

  Quietly, I enter the house through the kitchen, a single light over the stove illuminating the room. An aroma of spices lingers through the space from Scarlett’s dinner, but I’m too tired to indulge in a bowl. Dropping my keys, phone, and wallet on the counter, I kick off my shoes and walk toward the bedroom. Slowly, I open the door and enter the room. Scarlett is fast asleep in the bed. Lying on her back with an arm flung over her head, I pause and let the moonlight peeking through the curtains cast a light upon her. Slipping off my jeans, I toss them in the hamper followed by my shirt before walking into the bathroom.

  Once I’ve taken a quick shower and brushed my teeth, I slip on a pair of my athletic shorts I keep hanging on the back of the door. Normally, I’d sleep in my boxers but when Scarlett and I started sharing a bed, I chose to sleep in either shorts or pants. As I flip the switch, I hear Nicholas stirring in his bed and quickly move through the door to check him. Eyes wide, he’s moving around but not making much noise. Glancing toward Scarlett, I see that she’s stirring but not waking up. If he’s stayed on his schedule, this isn’t his feeding time. He’s likely just woken himself up and needs to be comforted.

  Picking him up, I hold him to my chest, rocking back and forth. My hand feels massive on his small body but the moment I wrap him in my hands, he settles. Soft coos and a long exhale with an audible sigh tell me he’s relaxed and falling back asleep. We walk the room a few times, careful not to wake his sleeping mom.

  As I bend to lay Nicholas down in the bassinet, I look over to the bed and catch Scarlett looking at me. Her head is resting in her hand, a coy smile on her face, and my mouth goes dry.

  Chapter 25


  I wish I had a camera for the moment I just woke to. Seeing Taylor comforting my son, holding him to his chest, without a second thought; it’s stirring something deep inside me I’ve tried to ignore. Over the last few months, I found myself falling. Falling deeper into some unknown emotion I didn’t know was possible.

  Guilt was my first response to the flood of feelings. How could I feel something so profound for a man while I carried another man’s child? Then he was there with me for the birth, and I couldn’t deny it. When he kissed me off pure instinct only moments after Nicholas was born, I knew I loved him. I knew this was my new normal. Fighting the feelings for a man who is supposed to be forbidden.

  Anger soon followed the acknowledgment of my growing love for Taylor. I was angry I’m not supposed to love freely. Not supposed to love him. Like an angel and devil perched on my shoulder, words I know my mother would say whisper in my conscience, “What would people think if you moved on so soon after Henry’s death? And with his best friend. Scandalous and unbecoming, Scarlett.”

  The realization that no matter how many years separate me from my family, the fact that their opinions of me are still directly related to how I feel about myself only piss me off more. Until last night I thought the feelings were one-sided. Sure, we had that random kissing session a few months ago, but that was just a blip in our friendship. A moment we haven’t spoken of since. Too embarrassed to bring it up, I’ve locked it away and focused on the now and where we are in our current situation.

  Then, after he blatantly flirted with me in the kitchen last night, I felt a shift in the atmosphere. Something was different. He was different. Playful and sexy. The fine lines around his eyes appearing for the first time in weeks, a sure sign he was happy sent flutters to my stomach. I vowed in that moment I wasn’t going to allow other people’s judgments or perceptions to stop me from pursuing something that may make us both very happy.

  I expected Addy to be shocked and horrified when I confessed my feelings to her, but she surprised me. Instead of gasping in offense that I could so easily care for another man so soon after Henry’s death, she smiled, pulled me into a hug and thanked me for trusting her and being honest. Honest. That one word opened the floodgates and I confessed the last year and a half of my life to her. We cried, we laughed, and she told me I was only days from being six weeks post delivery, and unless I was hiding some horrible discomfort, I had the green light for some, “Activity with my brother I don’t want to talk about because he’s my brother, but you know what I mean,” before she proceeded to do a bad rendition of seventies porn music.

  My plan is to approach the subject tomorrow night, or tonight I suppose, on our pseudo date. He may not call it a date, but I consider it one and I figured it’s the perfect opportunity to tap deep into my past and pull out all the flirting stops. Then, I wake up to him shirtless and holding my son, comforting him back to sleep. Waiting until tomorrow night seems like the worst idea.

  I turn to the other side and watch as he rounds the bed and slowly crawls on top of the freshly washed sheets, pulling the covers up to his waist. I don’t speak, only watch him as he settles in, one arm thrown over his head while the other rests on his abdomen. His rock hard abs with the lightest dusting of hair at the waistband of his shorts move with each breath he takes. Looking to his face, I see he’s closed his eyes.

  Tugging my bottom lip between my teeth, I shift a
little so I’m closer to him, the warmth of his skin radiating and sending a chill up my spine. He opens his eyes and turns his head to look at me. My eyes roam over his face, attempting to decipher what he’s feeling. If the lights were on, I could use his eyes like one does a mood ring. Deep gray for anger and pain, light heather for humor and light-heartedness, and stormy gray with bright blue chips for passion and lust.

  Saying a little prayer, I’m hoping for the blue chips as I tentatively reach my hand out to rest atop his. My fingers brush his forearm, and I feel his skin prickle with goosebumps. Shivers of my own skirt across my body, compounded by the heat I feel inside.

  “Thank you for that,” I whisper.

  He doesn’t say anything and instead turns to his side facing me, my hand falling to the bed between us. With his head resting on his arm, the other resting next to mine, he simply stares at me. Is he letting me take the lead here? Well, two can play that game. Instead of saying anything, I look back at him, a smirk on my lips.

  It isn’t quite a staring contest, but after a few beats I can’t stand it anymore.

  “Do you remember the first time we met?” I ask.

  “Hmm . . . I think it was a few weeks after you and Henry started dating. I met up with you guys at a bar for a game.”

  Smiling, I move my hand a little, our pinkies touching. “Nope.”

  “Maybe a get-together at someone’s house then? A party?”

  A giggle escapes, but I quickly suck it back, not wanting to wake Nicholas. “Wrong again,” I whisper while moving a little closer so I can keep my voice low. At least that’s what I tell myself as I rest my hand just under his arm, still on the bed but closer to his stomach.

  “We met the same night I met Henry.”

  Brows furrowed, he doesn’t say anything, so I continue, “Earlier in the night, my friends saw you. They were cooing at how hot and sexy you were, and how they wished they had the lady balls to go up to you and your group of friends. I drew the short straw.”


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