Stage Presents
Page 18
Her thoughts kept drifting back to Ashlee. Two more weeks and they’d be states apart, for who knew how long. While they were both willing to make the effort, long-distance relationships did not have the best track record.
Then again, Dana had quite a few online friends, living in different places and time differences, and they always managed to talk, even if there were long spaces of time in between conversations. If nothing else, she hoped Ashlee would stay her friend.
But she was hoping for more than that.
Dana was someone who always had plans. When she was little, it was to be the best she could be and not be teased by the other boys. A little older, and it was to finally be a girl—and the kind of girl she wanted to be, which wasn’t super feminine, even if that was something a lot of people expected. In high school it was to find and understand her own identity and grow out her hair and, still, be the best she could be, at school and as a person—finding her interests and coming to terms with her dreams, so she could solidify her goals. And those goals were to travel, experience new people and cultures, really make something of herself. She wanted to be a bigshot one day, with a good name and great reputation. Maybe grow into someone who could be an example to other girls like her.
Her plans had not included a bubbly blonde who had a love for all things Disney, was a full-on romantic at heart, and dreamed about dancing for the rest of her life if given half the chance.
But, Dana thought, smiling to herself, that wasn’t at all a bad thing.
DANA HAD set aside a block of time the week before her flight to figure out her stuff situation: what to pack, what to ship home, and what to leave in Florida, with Ashlee or at the Chatham possession giveaway.
She wasn’t too worried, because most of the stuff she’d bought at Disney had been food-related items. Groceries, time at restaurants. She had acquired some more clothing, and even a couple pairs of new shoes, cute sandals she’d found in her size. Not that they’d be a lot of use to her in Ohio right now, but spring wasn’t too far away.
Dana chose the outfits she’d be wearing for the next week, arranged by day (plus a set of pajamas and one extra outfit just in case), and packed up the rest of her clothes. Her bedroom set she’d leave behind; Ashlee had asked to keep it.
“It’s freezing outside, and you won’t be here to keep me warm,” Ashlee had said. “I might as well keep your comforter. And I can always use an extra set of sheets.”
The thought made Dana smile now, that Ashlee would be keeping something of hers that was both useful and a good memory.
The only things that ended up in a box (one singular box) to ship back home were the presents she’d bought for everybody, since those wouldn’t fit in her suitcase. Primarily the Mickey Mouse waffle maker she’d gotten for her parents. Her father had been wanting a waffle maker, and she thought getting him a Mickey one would be funny. And useful. She’d gotten her mom a really cute Minnie Mouse water bottle too, for when she went on her bike rides, since, in truth, the waffle maker was for her dad to play with, even though her mom would eat the waffles.
Ashlee came home to Dana almost completely packed besides what she’d put aside specifically.
“You’re done?” Ashlee asked.
“Yeah. It wasn’t too hard. I haven’t bought a whole lot down here that didn’t fit back into my suitcases. I’m mailing the stuff I got for my parents and everyone, and a few clothes, but mostly I’m good.” She’d be bringing her travel bag as a carry-on. And she’d made sure her parents would be waiting with her winter coat once she left the airport.
“What do you mean ‘completely done’?” All your kitchen stuff is here. The rice cooker, the extra pots you got, the soufflé cups….”
Dana shrugged. “I’m not going to lug or ship those all the way back to Ohio. Besides, you can use them.”
“Are you kidding?”
“What, are you saying you forgot how to use the rice cooker?”
“And you’re the last one who made puddings in the soufflé cups.”
“Okay, true but—”
“You’re a good cook,” Dana finished, satisfied. “I’ve taught you well, grasshopper.”
Ashlee smiled at her. “Well. Well, okay. Thanks.”
WHEN IT finally came time for Dana to leave for her flight, Ashlee walked her to the front of the Chatham property to wait for her car.
“I’m really going to miss you,” she said, voice thick.
“I’ll miss you too,” Dana said. “But we’ll make it work, right? Skype dates still count as dates. And we’ll email and stuff.”
“Yeah. I know.” Ashlee wiped at her eyes.
“Come here,” Dana said, voice soft, opening her arms. Ashlee fell into them.
“I’m really, really going to miss you.”
“I know.”
A car pulled up next to them, and a woman rolled down her window. “Is one of you Dana?”
“That’s me,” Dana said, letting go of Ashlee. Ashlee already missed her.
“Hi,” she said, getting out of her car. “I’m Latrice. These your bags?”
“Yeah. I can get them. Um, sorry, can you wait just a second?”
Latrice nodded. “Sure, kid. But not a long second, okay?”
“Right. Thank you.” Dana turned back to Ashlee. “So,” she said.
Ashlee blinked hard, trying not to cry. “So.”
“Here,” Dana said, pulling a flat package out of her purse and handing it to Ashlee. “This is for you.”
Ashlee took it, swallowing. A goodbye gift. She almost didn’t want it.
“You should open it now,” Dana added.
“O-okay.” Ashlee ripped open the wrapping paper to reveal… the Spanish cookbook that she had gotten Dana. She looked back up at her. “I… you’re giving it back to me?”
“What? No, of course not.” Dana nodded at it. “That’s your copy. I have mine. We didn’t finish all the recipes. So I thought… you know, we could work on them together. Phones and Skype exist, and we’re planning on using them. Cooking across states seems feasible.”
Ashlee went in for another hug. “I love it.”
Dana squeezed her back before letting go. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Right.” Ashlee nodded, holding on to that. “Later.”
Dana leaned down to kiss Ashlee on the cheek. “Bye.”
Dana got into the car. Ashlee watched the car drive away until it was out of sight.
And then Dana was gone.
Chapter Twenty
Hey Dana!
I’m so glad to hear you passed the placement test! Looks like your Chinese is a little better than you thought, huh? How does it feel to be taking college Chinese 2010 instead of 1020?
I’m doing a little better today. I still feel kind of creeped out because of that guy, but again, at least my character escort shut him down pretty quickly. Who waits in an hour-long line to see Rapunzel just to hit on her? Ugh.
Aside from that, I had a good day. Maya finally got the news today, and it’s official; she’s now going to be a dancer and stilt-walker in the Lion King show.
I’m so jealous, but I’m trying to be happy for her. It’s a little harder, since we live together; she’s practicing and talking about it all the time, and I can’t, you know, get a break unless she’s out of the apartment or I leave. Kind of how we were in the beginning.
But it’s okay! It’s not like we’re fighting. I’m just jealous. I’ll get over it. And Maya’s teaching me pretty much every dance step she learns. That’s a lot of fun. And it’s just a little something extra that keeps me in practice. The more I do, the more I’ll be ready in March.
Online classes are so hard though. Or, okay, not hard but annoying? I have learned that I’d much rather go into a class once or twice a week instead of having to log on every single day to check assignments and stuff. But it really isn’t that hard, just a lot of reading between English 102
0 and Business 1010. I’m learning a lot about business. Mostly that it sounds kind of scary.
Oh, and I’m making one of our Spanish recipes for dinner tonight. Hopefully I don’t blow it. But I’ve got the ingredients and everything, and I’m ready. Maya’s going to help. I’ll tell you how it goes!
I’ll talk to you soon. I miss you.
Hi Ashlee,
My Chinese might be better than 1020 level, but I’m super worried I won’t be able to keep up in 2010. Honestly, I’m kind of annoyed I passed the test. And what kind of teacher gives an evaluation two weeks after the class has started?
Okay, that’s probably not fair to Mr. Yang, and he’s very nice. But I would have been happy staying in 1020 and getting the extra practice in before getting bumped up. Guess I’ll just have to study more.
I’m glad you’re feeling a little better. I’m so sorry for what that creep said to you. I’m also sorry I wasn’t there to deck him. I have a pretty solid right hook.
Give Maya my congrats for the promotion. It sucks you have to deal with it though. I know how hard it is to watch someone else get to be or do something you really wanted. At least March isn’t too far away? I know you’ll do great.
Yeah, I didn’t love taking online classes either. On the one hand it’s nice that you don’t actually have to go to campus. On the other hand… yeah, I prefer an in-classroom setting. Have you talked any more with your counselor about what happens if you get the job at Disney and stay down there? I mean, I agree that transferring to a Florida college makes way, way more sense.
Business can sound scary, I’ll give you that. It’s just a lot. To know and do and think and stay on top of. I sort of wonder sometimes if I’ll be good enough. I WANT to be, but I also don’t know if I can. I guess I’ll see. I do have another couple years before I really have to worry about it.
Talk to you soon. Miss you.
Hi Dana!
They posted the official tryout dates for the audition! Thank god, because I need to take the day off for it. But just a few more weeks. I’m so nervous and excited I’m going to burst. I’m pretty sure I’m driving Maya crazy.
How did your presentation go? I still can’t believe you put together an entire speech and presentation to sell a travel abroad program. But I liked what you sent me. As for your suggestion that I make all my projects about a dance studio… you are such a nerd.
But it’s a good idea.
And it was nice being able to skype with you yesterday. It sucks that our schedules don’t line up enough for us to do it more often. But email is good! I like being able to talk to you like this. Texts are good for quick back-and-forth stuff, but emails are, I don’t know, meatier. If that doesn’t sound too weird.
Anyway, aside from dancing till I drop, there hasn’t been much new stuff going on. I found a recipe for the Master’s Cupcake. You know, the kind sold at Be Our Guest? And I’m tempted to try it out? Only because I feel silly waiting that long to spend five dollars on a cupcake. I’m pretty sure I could make it myself, but it does look kind of complicated. And it’ll be weird making something new new when you’re not there with me. Maybe we could arrange a baking Skype date? I’ve got the next few afternoons free, since I’m on morning shifts.
Talk to you soon! I miss you <3
Hey Ashlee,
The presentation went well, thanks for asking. I got nervous and sort of flubbed a few sentences, but I powered through it and I don’t think the class really noticed. My teacher seemed to like it. They asked some pointed questions and I was able to answer all of them, which was good. I’ll get my grade back next week and tell you how I did.
Hey, it isn’t a bad idea to just start thinking about business plans for a dance studio now. Even if it’s not something that’s going to happen for years and years, the more prepared you can be, the better. And you want to know as much as you possibly can going in. You’re also working at a Fortune 500 company. I’m sure there’s someone you could ask or some class you could take about that kind of thing. How are the rest of your online classes going?
Totally send me the Master’s Cupcake recipe. I’ll look it over and see how we can do it together, walk you through it. Even though you don’t need me anymore =p But it should be fun. And hopefully be delicious. I do admit to missing some of the food. How does Thursday sound? Like 3:30pm? Do you think you’d be home from work by then, or no?
I’m glad the audition date finally got posted. And I’m not surprised you’re driving Maya nuts; you’re driving yourself nuts. And me nuts. Everyone is going nuts.
Good luck. I know you’ll do great.
Talk to you soon. Miss you.
I GOT IT!!!!!
AND they said that since I’m already a face character, I’m going to be trained for those parade roles too. Anna and Rapunzel pretty much just smile and wave on floats but I will be on those floats maybe! And a regular dancer too, aside from that!
I can’t believe it!!
Wish you were here to see me. Wish you were here so I could hug you. This would be a perfect hugging moment.
Longer email when I’m not freaking out!
Hi Ashlee,
I know I already congratulated you on the phone when you called me and started crying, but I’ll say it again now, because you deserve to hear it as often as possible. Congratulations! I knew you would get it. And you start training tomorrow, you said? Wow, they’re moving fast. Is that on top of your regular character work, or are you going to be onstage a little less while you get prepped for parades?
I had a pretty good day today too. I got approved as a tutor for ESL students because of my English grades. And the fact that I can speak Spanish and Chinese (a little) might be a help, for explanation’s sake. But I’m hoping I might be able to meet some people. And I’m getting paid for it! Not bad, not bad.
It’s hard to believe that it’s already the end of March and that my semester is over in another month.
Speaking of that…. And on the topic of us missing each other… I wanted to know how you felt about me maybe coming down to Disney to visit for like a week or something. I still qualify for all my discounts and stuff for another three months, so getting a cheap Disney hotel would be easy—probably Pop Century or something. And then we could visit back and forth.
You could even stay the night with me, if you wanted. Give Maya a break. Spend some more time together, even if you ended up having to wake up early (blech) for work.
I don’t know. It was something that popped into my head and I wanted to know what you thought. Obviously you can say no—I know it might be a bad time, since you’re going to be really wrapped up in practicing for parades. But I don’t know, I wanted to bring it up.
Miss you (obviously). Talk to you soon.
Yes. Dana, yes, of course! How was that even a question? When can you come? I can chip in for the hotel, especially since you’ll be flying down to see me. And if I’m going to be staying there all week, I better be paying half, right? ;)
Parade practice went really well. They taught us two dance routines and then we just drilled them. I’m so tired. But it’s worth it. And tomorrow I’m Rapunzel for three hours, and then doing practice the rest of the day. And I’ve got all my tests and papers due, since teachers are trying to squeeze in one more assignment before finals. It’s going to be a lot. But I can do it!
How is tutoring going?
Miss you, talk soon (maybe see you soon!!),
Hi Ashlee,
Okay, I know I said I wanted to go into business and study languages, but oh my god is this semester kicking my butt. I’ve got two oral language exams plus a written essay for Spanish PLUS the actual tests for Spanish and Chinese, and then I’v
e got the marketing presentation and the business presentation and my math final. I’m so dead. I don’t know how I’m going to keep up my GPA after all this. I’m really worried about Chinese especially. This class moved so fast for me. I tried to keep up as best I could, but I’m pretty sure I don’t know as much as my teacher thinks I know.
But my reward for finishing the semester is going to be seeing you. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to that. I even miss Disney World and being able to go to the parks and resorts whenever I want. I made myself the Be Our Guest cupcakes again, just for nostalgia’s sake. And because everyone I know is in love with them.
Just a few more weeks. Miss you. See you soon.
Hi Dana,
One more week!! I’m so excited. Are you? You better be! Okay, okay, so I got my schedule all figured out. I traded shifts with someone so my days off are Monday and Tuesday, the first two days you get here, and then I took the day off for Wednesday, and my Thursday shift is from nine to three. Friday is parade practice, Saturday is another nine to three, and Sunday I’m off again and then you leave Monday :(
But that means we get to spend so much time together! And it also means you can go to the parks when I’m not around (since you miss them so much ;p), or hang out at Downtown Disney, or even just relax at the resort. Take a break from that busy school life.