Nightworld Academy: Term Four

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Nightworld Academy: Term Four Page 7

by LJ Swallow

  I falter, my certainty I can help Andrei dropping for the first time. "I didn't know."

  Tobias's lips thin. "Andrei did."

  The awkward silence that follows burns my cheeks as I desperately suppress the memories drawn out by his questioning. "Who can I tell, then?" I ask.

  "Perhaps nobody. We have more to help Andrei than an alibi; between us we can influence powerful minds. My plan is to gain an audience with Rupert for you and for us to operate together on him using our magic to get hold of those papers. One thing is sure, he'll keep them by his side."

  "Together?" I ask hesitantly.

  "You'll need to open your mind to create a conduit between us." He pauses and worry crosses his expression. "As will I."

  Linked. He'll see more of my thoughts—and I'll see more of his. Will that connection stay? "How do you feel about that?"

  He shrugs with a nonchalance that doesn't fit the situation. "Needs must. You're not strong enough alone, but together we have a better chance."


  "Okay," I say, voice faltering. "Arrange for me to see him."

  He nods, then shakes his shirt sleeve to look at his watch. "We can't stay long—you'll be missed. Talk to Jamie and see if he has any ideas how to uncover the murderer's identity. Even if we get the papers, that's only another day's reprieve."

  "I don't think the answer will be found in books."

  Tobias chuckles at me. "Every time I think you've caught up with our world, you say something that makes me realise you've a long way to go."

  "Why? What did I say?"

  "You're witches, Maeve. Often the answer can be found in books. Spell books. Or perhaps find a way into Lorna's room and utilise Jamie's divination skills. There could be traces of memories in objects around her."

  "Then why haven't other witches tried?" I ask. Tobias arches a brow. "Because they don't care," I mutter.

  We stand at the same time and almost knock into each other. Tobias flinches away from me, and I finally understand why. If his physical touch has the same effect on me as his mind's touch, neither of us know what the consequences would be.

  Which asks the question: what will be the consequences of opening our minds to each other?

  "Stay safe, Maeve," he says softly.

  "Jamie has decided he's my bodyguard," I say with a smile.

  Tobias nods and opens the door for me. I stop by him and meet his eyes, aware of the enormity of what he shared today. "I trust you, Tobias."

  As the door clicks behind me and I make my way back to Walcott, I'm no longer nervous about Yvette and her friends. I'm overwhelmed by Tobias's secret and the extra questions this raises.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Jamie isn't around Walcott when I arrive back, and when I text him, he doesn't respond. Refusing to allow my mind to wander into worst-case scenarios, I tell myself he's facing the bored investigators too.

  I wait in my room for half an hour before preparing myself to face the world, and pull out a concealer. I don't often wear make-up, but want to avoid questions about my face. I'm followed by enough rumours without adding another to the list if people notice my scraped forehead.

  The Walcott hallways are quiet and I peek into the common room. Almost empty. After a day confined in there yesterday, most avoid the place and stay in their rooms. We're not allowed onto campus yet, although some like Yvette ignore the rule.

  Not meeting anybody's eyes as I walk in, I take a spot by the bay window again, partly to hide my face and also to gaze across the grounds towards Gilgamesh. Is Ash back yet? My worry grows the more time passes without hearing from him. Large, expensive cars in matching black are parked in a regimented row outside the main building. They trigger nervousness, but as long as they stay there, so does Andrei. I hope Tobias manages to get me an audience with Rupert, although I'm nervous that I can do anything to help.

  I sense someone approach, behind me, and tense but relax when I detect Jamie's aura. "Where did you disappear to?" he asks. I turn and he leans forward to peer at my face. "Why are you wearing makeup?"

  "You're very observant for a guy." I dig my hands into my back pockets.

  "Your interview was an hour ago. I waited for you to come back before I was called."

  "Have you spoken to them?" He nods. "Useless, huh?"

  "Yep. Now tell me, what happened?" He swipes hair from his face.

  Taking Jamie by the arm, I pull him to one side and whisper what happened in the cloisters.

  "What the fuck?" He drags his arm away and looks around. "Why didn't Tobias do anything? He should've marched their arses to Theodora."

  "I asked him not to."

  He presses his lips together. "Maeve..."

  "I've more important things to worry about than bitchy witches." Jamie reaches out to touch my head. "Didn't Tobias take you to the infirmary?"

  "I didn't need to go. I've a graze, not concussion." I swat his hand away and he takes hold of my fingers instead. "He took me to his office, and I managed to get some idea what's happening."

  Jamie looks at me expectantly, and we plonk on the small, grey sofa beside the window. I fill Jamie in on my conversation with Tobias but leave out the part that Tobias is a hybrid. That's something Tobias can tell Jamie himself.

  Jamie's gaze remains ahead, blinking occasionally as I speak. "Good to hear Andrei's okay."


  "And I already thought about divination—if we can get into the room. Last time I walked by, a guard was outside. The furniture in the room would be too cluttered with memories, but we might be able to find something Lorna touched that night."

  We. A visual of blood-spattered walls leaps into my mind and I swallow hard. "How can we get inside if guards are watching?"

  Jamie taps the side of my head. "With your persuasive powers, I'm sure we'll manage. Have faith."

  The action hurts my aching head and I wince. Concern flickers across his face and he cups my chin. "How bad did Yvette hurt you?"

  "I'll be fine. When do you think we should go into the room?"

  "As soon as we can." He stands and holds out a hand.

  "Not now," I say in alarm. "Tobias is trying to get me a meeting with Rupert. If somebody comes for me and I'm snooping in Lorna's room, things won't look good."

  Jamie wrinkles his nose. "Tonight, then. If Tobias thinks you can give us an extra night, I'll try tonight."

  The possibility he can use his skills to help has brightened Jamie, and I'm excited Jamie thinks he can help. But my logical side pushes in other questions: what if he does see something? How do we explain to people? That's if we get inside in the first place. I shake my head to shake away the pessimism. "Sounds like a plan. No point in delaying."

  "Exactly." Jamie's emphatic. "Everything will be okay, Maeve."

  Jamie repeated those words a lot in the last twenty-four hours. Is he telling himself or me?

  But I have to believe him. Believe in myself. In us.

  Now I wait for Tobias to organise a meeting with Rupert.

  A meeting to buy us time.

  I turn to the window and gesture outside. "Do you know if Ash's group returned yet?" I blurt.

  Jamie joins me in the window and I rest my head against his shoulder. "I'm not sure. I hope so."

  "Theodora has requested to see you." Sofia's joined us in the window and I startle. She tips her chin and looks out across the grounds rather than at me. Her manner hasn't changed since yesterday and like every professor, the strain shows in her face. "Professor Whitlock has informed me about an incident today which he insists we discuss."

  "You mean Yvette attacking Maeve?" asks Jamie.

  Sofia regards him for a moment. "An altercation."

  He chokes a laugh. "Sure."

  "Your presence will not be required, Jamie," she says haughtily. "Come, Maeve. Let's not waste time."

  Sofia walks away, her bracelets jingling as her skirts swish after her. Bloody Tobias; I told him no fuss.
"Why is Sofia like this to me?" I ask.

  "She's a friend of Lorna's family too." He sighs. "I told you, her family are well-connected."

  "But I feel as if Sofia blames me." Her figure continues to retreat towards the exit door.

  "Yeah. She's getting weird," agrees Jamie.

  I bite my lip. Her attitude to Tobias and underlying dislike of Petrescu kids becomes stronger. How is the school supposed to knit together if some of the professors are prejudiced?

  "You'd better go. I'll see if I can get into Lorna's room."

  "Be careful," I say as we hug.

  My shoes sound on the floor as I hurry after Sofia along the wooden floor. She pauses as she hears me catch up, and pushes open the door. "How are you?"

  "You mean after the ‘altercation'? I'm fine and I asked Tobias not to make a fuss."

  Sofia says nothing.

  The weather grew cooler the last few days; the sun forgot that we're approaching summer and decided to hide behind grey clouds again. The strong breeze blows the branches of the blossoming willow trees, but not as hard as Yvette's conjured wind blew me. Sofia doesn't speak again and my discomfort spreads perspiration across my back despite the cool surroundings.

  In the last two days, I've been dragged backwards from the world I began to accept. Each step I take in the academy fills me with apprehension, and as I look up at the windows and open doors, I'm as nervous as the first time I approached.

  Travelling with my parents that day, I was a stubborn, sulky kid hiding her fear and hurt. Thrown into a world I couldn't comprehend, I fought back as hard as I did against doctors who labelled me mentally ill. Until I accepted my fate.

  Those early days are a blur in my mind, the shock and fear as I fought back are hidden in my memories, but this is dragging them up again. I could ask Theodora to call my parents and ask them to take me home. But would I be any safer? No. There's one major difference between now and then—I have a new family who I'd protect, as I know they'd protect me.

  The front academy doors open and two large figures step out. I pause, heart speeding as the two guys walk down the steps.


  He's accompanied by Vincent, the two guys dwarfing us as they approach. My heart beats faster as I study Ash and fight the urge to run to him and hug him. He's dressed in jeans and the striped Gilgamesh rugby shirt and looks unharmed. His tired eyes meet mine and widen before he glances at his brother, who passes me and Sofia without speaking.

  "You're back," I stammer. "Is everything alright?"

  If Sofia weren't beside me, I'd throw my arms around him and tell him how worried I've been, but there's a new tension. Because of his brother?

  "Maeve." Ash darts a look at Vincent but doesn't say or do anything else. No, he isn't alright.

  I glance over my shoulder at Vincent, who looks back at us, arms crossed. "Why wouldn't everything be alright?"

  "No reason. I worry too much, I guess, and you weren't back yesterday."

  "We arrived late last night," says Ash, then he lowers his voice. "I haven't been able to see you because of..." He trails off and looks to his brother. "The segregation."

  "Once Andrei has been removed and the investigators leave, things will return to normal," says Sofia breezily. "Come along, Maeve."

  "Will they, though?" mutters Ash.

  "Ash! We need to get back to Gilgamesh." Vincent beckons his brother and I bristle as Ash nods and moves past me.

  As he does, Ash subtly reaches out and squeezes my little finger with his. "I'll see you soon," he whispers.

  "Maeve!" repeats Sofia.

  Dutifully, I follow, irritated we're treated like little kids who can be ordered to do as they're told.

  Ash walks alongside Vincent, shoulders slumped. My heart thumping reaction to seeing Ash grows—what if Vincent has persuaded him to stay away again?

  Chapter Sixteen


  I've lost count of the number of times I've sat in Theodora's office while professors either talk with me, or about me. A couple of days ago I interacted enthusiastically, saying my piece, knowing I can help.

  Today the room is filled with the defeat I feel.

  The hardest part is seeing Theodora's eyes reddened by tears she's shed while hidden from the students. Sofia's face is as pale and grave as it has been all day, and the stress on Tobias's face multiplied since the morning, but I'm grateful he's here.

  I rub my forehead self-consciously as Theodora peers at me then slumps back in her seat. This graceful, poised woman never slumps—I'm not the only one carrying a weight.

  "And you say another witch attacked her?" she says in thick tones.

  "Lorna's friends." Tobias presses his lips together and looks to Sofia.

  "Emotions run high. I'll reprimand the girls and ensure Maeve is kept separate," Sofia says and sits in the chair close to me, smoothing her skirts.

  "Are you excusing their behaviour?" asks Tobias indignantly.

  "We cannot condone physical violence," adds Theodora. "Or misusing magic to hurt another student."

  Sofia purses her lips and looks away from the other professors. "I understand and agree, but we are in troubling times."

  "The physical attacks aren't the biggest worry." Tobias crosses his arms tightly over his chest. "This is an academy for the supernatural. Yvette is a highly skilled elemental witch and I hear she's skilled with potions too. I'm worried that the next attack will be more magical than physical."

  "My girls would never sink to such levels," says Sofia. "Their unfortunate attack on Maeve was prompted by uncontrolled emotions."

  "And what of uncontrolled magic?" snaps Tobias.

  The tension in the room creates an unpleasant energy that whines in my ears. Is Tobias correct? Does he fear for my safety, or is this his excuse to remove us from the academy, as promised?

  Theodora rubs her temples with her long fingers. "Why is Maeve targeted?"

  "Maeve is close to Andrei, as is Jamie, and she's vocal in his defence. I've heard rumours that students fear Maeve will influence people's minds and a murderer could walk free," Sofia replies.

  I glance up. "That's ridiculous. I'm not skilled enough to perform magic that strong."

  "But that's the point," says Sofia quietly. "Others here fear your powers because nobody truly knows what you are capable of. Now, your connection to Andrei suggests you're not loyal to your kind."

  "My kind? You mean Walcott? Because I mix with Petrescu and Gilgamesh kids?" I ask, incredulous. "The houses are supposed to mix, remember?"

  Tobias clears his throat and Sofia's lips purse further.

  "The truth is, the alliance between yourself, Ash, Jamie, and Andrei concerns people," says Theodora.

  "Why?" I demand.

  "You are the strongest in your respective houses. People can no longer decide who is influencing who. Yes, we are happy for the races to mix and build stronger ties, especially amongst those who are the next generation, but you are—"

  "Mavericks," interrupts Sofia. "And that is the problem."

  The change in the woman's attitude blows me away. I'd sensed her growing distance as my powers manifested and when Tobias was brought in to help, but this new Sofia is almost unrecognisable. Has her mistrust grown into something more?

  "We're a group of friends," I protest. "Why does that make us a threat? Besides, Vincent has more influence over Ash than anybody. I just saw him with Vincent, and I was happy to see he's alright. I worried because he was missing."

  Theodora frowns. "Why wouldn't he be? I sanctioned the excursion. I believe the Gilgamesh students should let off steam away from the academy sometimes."

  Tobias hasn't spoken to Theodora about his suspicions surrounding Vincent. Deliberately?

  "I would like to make a proposal," he says. "I believe it would be wise to remove Maeve and Jamie from the academy until tensions settle. Perhaps twenty-four hours?"

  Sofia makes a choking sound. "With you?"

  He tips his chin.
"Is that a problem?"

  "May I remind you that you are the head professor for Petrescu house, and your duty is to those students. Your students are also under threat from the heightened emotions, especially the hemia."

  "My students are already separate from the witches. Maeve and Jamie are not. The last thing we need is more trouble." He pauses. "Theodora?"

  She stands and turns away, straightening her black dress's long sleeves. "Where do you propose to take them?"

  Sofia stands. "Surely you're not considering this."

  "Look at Maeve's face. Her bruises. This should not symbolise my academy."

  Sofia dips her head. "Yes, but I for one find it a little odd that you want to remove pupils from the academy, Tobias."

  "I'm not removing them. Merely a break. Vincent took Gilgamesh for a night."

  "You are not their house head!" says, Sofia, voice rising. "He is a member of staff working within Gilgamesh."

  "Perhaps we can revisit this conversation once Maeve has spoken to Rupert," says Theodora in a voice warning us to calm down. "He may disagree with removing students from the academy. Although, I'm also concerned why Rupert wants to talk to you in particular."

  "Curiosity, probably," says Tobias.

  Sofia moistens her lips. "Were you aware he brought a skilled mind-reader in this afternoon? Perhaps he believes Maeve knows more and would like to delve into her head." She smiles at my alarm. "Which is not a problem if she knows nothing."

  I swallow hard at the idea someone will sift through my thoughts and memories, but this is also a good thing. Andrei's alibi will stand.

  "But I know something. I can help Andrei," I say.

  "I'd like you to tell me what you know that can help Andrei," says Theodora.

  "I can give him an alibi."

  Sofia's eyes narrow to slits. "An alibi for the time Lorna died? How? We're not a hundred percent sure what time."

  I prepare myself to say the words; to admit the rule I broke. I open my mouth and as I do my thoughts muffle, words catching as if somebody held a hand across my mouth. Wide-eyed, I look to Tobias. Unwise, Maeve. Listen to Sofia's words. Mavericks. Dangerous. His voice bounces around my mind as if he's spoken them directly. How the hell did he do that? We'll tell someone. I promise.


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