Nightworld Academy: Term Four

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Nightworld Academy: Term Four Page 8

by LJ Swallow

  "Oh. I didn't know that." I clear my throat. "I thought the death happened when I was out with him and Jamie. I could offer him an alibi as he was with us."

  The suspicion doesn't leave Sofia's face as she looks between us. "No other reason?"

  Do not blush. Do not allow her to see my discomfort. "No."

  "How do you intend to punish the girls who attacked Maeve?" Tobias interrupts. "That is the purpose of this meeting."

  Suspicion flickers across Sofia's features at his subject change. "I will take Theodora's advice on the matter. I understand your concern for Maeve's safety, and I agree to some extent, but taking her away isn't the solution."

  "I'm inclined to agree, Tobias," says Theodora.

  "Very well," he says and a muscle ticks in his jaw. He can't arouse suspicion by insisting we leave. "I will consult Rupert when we see him."

  "We?" asks Sofia and snaps her head around. "Why are you attending the interview with Rupert and not me? She's my student."

  "I have no idea," says Tobias with a smile.

  He does.

  Tobias arranged this and now we have our chance.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Our house meetings take place in a room close to the head professor's office and isn't used often. This evening we're gathered in full uniform as instructed, seated on wooden chairs in haphazard rows. Clive, Remi, and the others from my strange night away sit together. They've barely spoken to anybody since we returned last night, tighter than ever. I try to chat to them but they're standoffish. Distant.

  Vince sits on one of two chairs at the front of the room, facing outwards, teachers to students. He leans back, hands laced behind his head as he watches us all. Honor, a pretty shifter girl who often hangs around the rugby team, steals a glance as she passes him. I groan as he winks back. Honor trips over a chair leg and almost falls, cheeks blushing. I've always found the songbird shifters like her are quieter and shier than others. Are our personalities influenced by our animals? Is that why Vince as a dragon is as dominant and commands attention?

  Professor O'Reilly limps into the room, his gait slower than usual. He's gaunter too, losing the barrel-chested physique he once had. There's a quiet exhaustion about him as he sits on the chair beside Vince. The professor's health has been in decline all year, and was already noticeable when the school year started after Christmas. Vince took on much of his sports teaching role, naturally, but Professor O'Reilly is still Gilgamesh's figurehead. Someone we look up to; a decorated member of the Confederacy army. Harsh but fair, and surprisingly approachable.

  He shifts in his seat, screwing his face up. At the first games, when Maeve almost gave herself away, he was distant and left early. Beside Vince, he looks like a dishevelled has-been.

  Which worries me.

  "Good evening, Gilgamesh students," he says, tipping his chin as he regards us. "Thank you for attending."

  As if we had any choice.

  "As you all know, there has been an unfortunate incident between a Petrescu student and a witch. I understand this has been dealt with, but there is much tension between the two."

  "And we don't want to get caught in the crossfire," puts in Vince.

  My stomach lurches as the professor continues. "I have expressed my concerns to the head professor about the mood within the academy, and I worry the disharmony will spread to attacks against Gilgamesh. This term is extremely important for your yearly grades, and I've had expressions of concern from parents too."

  "Who's been attacked?" I ask. Vince gives me an incredulous look. "I mean apart from Lorna. Are the two houses attacking each other?"

  "No, but it's likely. Even when the houses are more harmonious, pranks are played that misfire. The house heads have been instructed to draw their students closer. To supervise them and discourage time spent intermingling."

  Vince looks down at his shoes with a smile and the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach grows. This is exactly what he wants.

  "We don't have enough classrooms to do that," pipes up a shifter girl to my right. Leyla, ever studious, aiming for a place on the Confederacy council.

  "Yes. The lessons that you share with the other houses—Potions, History of Magic, and so forth—will continue, but socialising outside of these is discouraged." He looks between us sternly. Discouraged? One step from banned.

  "Things are better that way," says Clive, then he sits back in his seat, mimicking Vince's stance. "We don't need to get involved in their shit."

  "But we are involved," I say. "We're part of this academy too." I look straight at Vince as I say the words and he gives a rueful shake of his head.

  "And, in time, we will bring the academy together again. Look at the trouble already caused—the Petrescu girl causing the witch prodigy to collapse at the last challenge. Now a hemia killing a witch. Walcott will retaliate soon."

  I bite back defending Andrei. What would be the point? What bothers me more is the mocking way he said witch prodigy. How much has Vince been in his ear too?

  "Maybe the academy should exclude the kids who look like they'll cause trouble," suggests another guy.

  "Where would they start?" asks Vince with a laugh that's shared by his new fan club.

  "Precisely. There will be exclusions if anything occurs," says the professor.

  I shuffle down in my seat. At least I'll see Maeve in some lessons.

  "Now, I know that Vincent is more familiar with student politics since he's closer in age than I am, and a little less authoritative, I've asked his opinion on the situation."

  I straighten again. No. Vince clears his throat. "Yeah. As Professor O'Reilly says, tensions are high and really outside of Gilgamesh's concern. I feel a few days to let things settle would be good. A break from lessons." He nods at Clive. "Perhaps some extra training for the final challenge."

  A smile plasters Clive's face and he nudges Remi.

  "Vincent has also offered to teach a class to replace the ones you'll miss."

  "Yeah, I'm no good at Potions, but I can teach History."

  I choke out a laugh and he flashes me a look. Vince? Teaching? Give me a break, his academic record makes Andrei's look exemplary.

  "Meditation?" I ask.

  He narrows his eyes at me and the professor interrupts. "After reviewing class attendance and participation, I've decided that meditation should be optional in the curriculum from now on. Students will be able to choose between meditation and extra physical education."

  "You'll teach an extra class?" asks Clive, but I already know the answer.

  "No. Vincent will take over much of my teaching duties. This year has taken its toll and I'm no longer the spring chicken I was last year."

  A polite laugh travels around the room; an amusement I don't share.

  This is not good. Really not good.

  "Are we banned from the cafeteria and grounds?" asks Sienna, a girl friendly with Lorna and Yvette. "I'd like to see my friends."

  "For a couple of days, yes."

  This time the murmurs are discontented. "Only a couple of days," says the professor, holding his hand up to silence people. "Now, any questions?"

  The self-satisfied look on Vincent's face couldn't be clearer, and neither could the marked exhaustion on the professor's.

  But what else could I expect in the shifter community? The alpha has arrived to oust the ageing leader.

  I don't give a shit about the consequences; I need to see Maeve again.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The woman doesn't speak to me as we cross to the main academy, and I've no desire to make conversation. The entrance is dimly lit by coach lights and as we walk to the door, I glance over at the Petrescu building. Is Andrei still held there?

  Tobias stands in the middle of the entrance hall with the house crests looking down on him, hands clasped in front of him, expression neutral as he watches us walk towards him. Professor Whitlock is here tonight.

  "Wait with
the professor," the woman says, and her heels click as she heads towards Theodora's office.

  I'm on the verge of reaching out to hold Tobias's hand, unsure what I'm facing, and push my hands into my pockets instead.

  "We're meeting in Theodora's room," explains Tobias.

  "Will she be there?" I ask.

  "No. I'm still unsure whether they'll allow me to stay."

  My stomach knots. "What? Why?"

  "They may call Sofia instead."

  "I hope not. Did you manage to see Ash at all today?" I ask, hopeful that as a professor, he might be allowed into Gilgamesh.


  I swear if Vincent has hurt him, I'll get revenge.

  "Be careful, Maeve," says Tobias. "Don't play into people's hands."

  "You heard that thought?"

  He nods.

  "Is nothing private from you?"

  Tobias looks away. "I keep out of your head as much as possible, but sometimes your thoughts are too loud."

  He looks back to me and the idea he knows my secrets radiates heat through me.

  Tobias knows what I think about him.

  "I wish we'd managed to practice before this meeting," he muses.

  "Why?" I ask in alarm. "Don't you think I can do this?"

  He smiles. "Between us, yes. That's why I've persuaded my way in."

  "Persuaded." He arches a brow. "Oh."

  "Rupert will see you now," calls the woman from outside the room. "He has a busy night ahead, so please don't delay."

  And I'll do everything in my power to ensure this isn't a busy night for him, or Andrei. As Tobias strides ahead, I pause before following and shake my hands out, taking deep breaths. I can do this.

  I walk into Theodora's familiar room and meet unfamiliar eyes. Rupert sits behind Theodora's desk, as if he's the one with authority at the academy, and watches me keenly through his small eyes as the woman gestures at me to sit on a chair opposite him. She takes one by his side, and her bright blue eyes meet mine. A familiar sensation crawls across my skin.

  Mind reader.

  I pull down my barrier and her lips curve into a smile.

  Tobias sits beside me, close enough for him to absorb some of my fear, but not close enough to arouse any suspicion.

  I glance at Tobias, who gives a small shake of his head.

  Don't show our connection.

  "This is highly unorthodox," says Rupert.

  "Your curiosity gets the better of you," says Tobias in soft tones. "This is the witch everybody is excited about."

  I clench my teeth at being discussed in this way. Rupert leans forward to peer at me. Should I hold his gaze? Drop my eyes in reverence?

  "Hello, Maeve Foster," he says.

  "Hello," I half-squeak back.

  Tobias's thoughts hit and slap the reality into me. Don't be intimidated.

  "I've heard much about you. Everybody is curious to meet the future-sighted witch. I'm fascinated to know how you can offer Andrei Tepes an alibi for the night the murder occurred."

  Murder. I sit stiffly and soak in the calm Tobias projects towards me.

  The woman leans forward to whisper something and Rupert arches a brow. "Perhaps we should talk to Maeve alone, Tobias," he says with a tight smile. "Thank you for bringing her to me."

  "I feel she should have a staff member with her," he replies. "The girl is a student and young. Sofia is indisposed, unfortunately. Helping Theodora with an issue, I believe."

  He stopped Sofia attending with us?

  "We can't involve Maeve's parents, obviously, so I'm happy to take on the role of guardian."

  This time the witch with Tobias laughs but straightens her face when Rupert looks at her. "Sorry. I never pictured Tobias as a guardian."

  "Evidently a poor one if he can't supervise Andrei," says Rupert snidely.

  Tobias's pulse of anger hits me. How far has he opened up the conduit between us?

  "I haven't seen you for a number of years, Della," says Tobias. "I didn't realise you worked for the Confederacy now."

  "On a consultancy basis. I'm a good lie detector." Della smiles at me, but her eyes are cold with suspicion.

  "Ms Foster has no reason to lie for Mr. Tepes," says Tobias.

  Rupert clears his throat. "Perhaps you should stay quiet, if you insist on staying. I am suspicious as to why a highly skilled Mental Magic professor who is close to Mr. Tepes insists on being in the room with a potential alibi."

  "That is the reason. I'd like to ensure this meeting is correctly reported."

  Rupert scoffs. "You could influence a student's mind in order to help your young charge. Perhaps you chose the one the Confederacy would be lenient with due to her talents."

  "That's not true," I blurt. "I came here to tell you the truth. To make you understand why you can't take Andrei to Ravenhold."

  He smirks at my childish outburst and straightens the file in front of him on the desk. "Ravenhold, you say? And what do you know about the place?"

  "Enough to know he doesn't deserve to go there."

  Tobias clears his throat and I rein in the desire to pour out my thoughts. Stay calm, he whispers in my mind, my heart skipping as his words sound as if he's speaking them aloud.

  "Where is Andrei?" I ask.

  "Please outline your alibi," says Della.

  "Is he still at the academy?" I press and glance at the file.

  Her stone-cold gaze worthy of Medusa silences me and I falter. How can I influence these powerful people?

  "Andrei didn't kill Lorna because I was with him all night." He doesn't blink. "In his room."

  His lips twitch into a smile. "Is that so?"


  He flicks his fingers at Della and inclines his head towards me. Energy assaults my mind, sudden and overpowering, as she flicks through my memories before I can stop her. Her eyes widen and I look at my hands clasped in my lap, aware I'm blushing.

  Della leans in to speak to Rupert again and he chokes a laugh. "I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that the boy would have sex with this witch and not kill her too. He's out of control. Those are unkind thoughts to plant in the girl's mind, Tobias."

  "I have not influenced her thoughts," he replies stiffly. "Andrei has a certain amount of affection for Maeve," says Tobias evenly. "And you know I am blocking his urges. That's why I believe he isn't responsible."

  "You appear to have failed on both counts." Rupert fixes his eyes on me again. "Does she know how immoral her behaviour is?"

  I want to crawl away from the situation now I've spoken the words. I never in my wildest dreams expected I'd need to discuss intimate details about my life with supernatural authorities in order to save my vampire lover. Before this, my greatest moral crime was a secret night with a boyfriend when I was sixteen.

  "Maeve's decision is not the issue here. Andrei is," presses Tobias.

  "Silly girl," Rupert shakes his head like a disapproving father. "Then ensure she is educated and doesn't indulge in this behaviour with any other vampires."

  My clammy palms stick together as I squeeze my fingers. This is horrible. How can I take on this man?


  Shaking myself to my senses, I push away the humiliated teenager in the room. "My alibi is enough for you to release Andrei," I say. "I was with him all evening and night. He didn't touch Lorna."

  He barks a laugh. "Is that so?"

  "Rupert, let me explain my theory about Andrei," says Tobias, and captures his attention.

  I hear Get Della out of the room. Make her take the file from the desk in my mind.

  My eyes shift to the dark oak desk and the folder besides Theodora's photo frame. We only need to control one, continues the voice. Tobias's.

  I blink. We don't need to influence this powerful man—only Della. I straighten and meet the witch's eyes, which still hold her disgust at my behaviour with Andrei. This helps, because she's unguarded enough for me to sneak into her mind. Carefully, I search for a thought or memory that could he
lp. A sharp pain hits behind my eyes as she fights back but I find what I want. Della doesn't want to be here. She's worried Andrei has supporters and she's on the hit list.

  The magic I used replenishes faster than usual as energy fills my mind again, instantly recognisable as Tobias's

  I place a thought in her mind—I should leave. Della stands abruptly and blinks before looking back at her seat.

  "What's wrong, Della?' asks Rupert.

  "I need to leave."


  The seconds that pass feel like minutes as I wait for her to push back, but I sense something else. She gazes at Tobias, who's interrupting Della's mind too. "I don't..." she pauses. "I don't feel well."

  "Has somebody in this room affected you?" Rupert growls.

  Della shakes her head and opens her mouth as if to say something, and I seize my chance. The weakness in her mind allows me to sneak in further, undetected.

  She can't take her eyes off Tobias, and he's affecting her as strongly as he does me. As Della, I stare back captivated. Tobias draws Della's attention to him. This witch knows Tobias, and she's attracted to him. Della sought his attention in the past. I swallow down the jealousy until I hit the correct emotion.

  But he never did.

  "Nobody has affected me," I make her say.

  "Not the professor?"

  I smile at him. "No. I can withstand his charms."

  Rupert huffs. "This behaviour is unprofessional. Sit down."

  She wants to. Della is struggling, partly aware of me, and she pushes back. I inhale sharply and pray Rupert's focus stays on the woman's strange behaviour and not the fact I'm now mute and disconnected from myself.

  "Tobias Whitlock, leave this room," demands Rupert. "I don't know what you're doing, but this does not help Andrei's case."

  "He isn't doing anything," protests Della as my words come from her mouth.

  "Sit," he demands then turns to Tobias. "You. Leave."

  I reach out as Della and take a file from the desk as Rupert's anger is directed at Tobias. Please let the paper I need be in there.


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