The Vampire Huntress Series Bundle

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The Vampire Huntress Series Bundle Page 2

by Ashlee Sinn

  I made an instant decision, one I hoped would get me the results I needed. “Yes,” I breathed into him. “I want this.”

  His black eyes softened and for a moment I saw the light blue orbs staring down at me again. But just as he seemed to regain his own kind of control, he shivered. His muscles quivered above mine, pushing his erection into my crotch and vibrating it back and forth in a way I shouldn’t have enjoyed so much. But a moment later, the black bleed through his eyes again, and the red veins covered his handsome face. The killer had returned.

  I knew I only had a second. With all of my energy surging to my right arm, I plunged the stake through the side of his ribs and into his heart. The force of the hit jarred my hand but the fear of what he might do if I didn’t hit my mark, helped me hold the weapon in place. The vampire snarled at me briefly before realizing that he’d been attacked. In just a few short breaths, he stopped moving and slumped to the ground to my side. His surprised eyes stared up at me in death, and for a brief instance I felt bad for him. He probably never truly understood what he was getting into when he’d been made a vampire. Most of them didn’t. And the fact that he seemed to be so out of control suggested that he hadn’t had much guidance either.

  Shaking my head of any feelings, I quickly grabbed the barely conscious girl. Before I made it back to my purse, the vampire had disintegrated into a pile of black ash. One nice perk to this job…no messy cleanup.

  Just as I dragged the brunette back to the entrance of the alley, her friends stepped out of the bar, hazy eyes trying to search for her. I pulled her closer and finally made eye contact with the one that looked kind of like me.

  “Oh thank god, Erin. Where were you? We’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Her friend seemed to be relieved but then shot an accusatory look toward me. “What did you do?”

  Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that I couldn’t stake a human. Even and ungrateful one. “I came out the side exit and found her down there” I said nodding back toward the dark alley. “I don’t think she’s feeling too well. She already threw up several times and I suspect there’s more coming soon.”

  “Disgusting” her concerned friend said as she looked at the brunette from head to toe, debating whether or not she wanted to touch her. She hesitated for one moment longer before deciding that it was right to help. “Well, I’ll make sure she gets home,” she snapped as she hastily grabbed Erin’s left arm and recruited another girl to take the right side.

  And that was it. Off they went. No ‘Thank You’ or ‘I really appreciate you risking your life by killing a vampire and saving my friend.’ Underappreciated and overworked. Such is the life of a vampire hunter. Or at least my life seemed to be that way.

  With a sigh, I flagged a cab, gave him directions, and spent the ride home visualizing my bath tub.

  Chapter 2

  Just as I hailed a cab, a text message chimed on my phone. Stumbling through the never-ending black hole of a purse, I glanced at it while opening the back door and sliding into the seat. The spent adrenaline had left my body in a state of exhaustion I was still trying to shake.

  Where are you?

  The message was from Silas, one of my closet friends and fellow hunters. I smiled at the words, wondering how his night had gone and wishing I could just fall into his arms.

  Going home. Long night. I replied. As much as seeing Silas naked in my bed would be a pleasure, I didn’t think I had the energy to entertain. Especially after feeling so guilty for wanting that damned vampire to ravage me to no end just a few minutes ago.

  Want company?

  Yes. I sighed. Silas and I had a…complicated relationship to say the least. Aside from the sex and the vampire hunting, we really didn’t spend much time together. In fact, we probably didn’t even like each other that much. The only plus was that we could actually freely talk about our jobs.

  Not tonight, I texted back after a few minutes. He didn’t reply. I was sure that Silas had a few other girls he could stay with tonight, and had no doubt he would find a warm bed to crawl into.

  The cab driver pulled under the entrance to my building and waited for his money. I noticed how tired my body felt when I lifted my arm to pay for my ride, and a part of me knew it was all right for me to turn Silas away tonight. Perhaps after our work meeting in the morning we could steal a few moments together.

  I trudged past the doorman and through the lobby. As I waited for the elevator, I noticed the bit of ash on the tips of my black leather boots. A little piece of that naughty vampire had followed me home. Kicking my foot to the side, I shook off the remnants of my kill and glanced at my reflection in the mirrored doors. Frank had been right when he’d commented on my attire earlier in the evening. He’d told me that I should stop dressing like Death and brighten it up a bit. As I looked at my long black hair, the black leather jacket and matching pants, I couldn’t help but agree with him. I liked my leather, but perhaps a sundress wouldn’t hurt me every once in a while.

  The elevator dinged on the tenth floor, and I made my way to my apartment at the end of the hall. The lights flickered, one of the bulbs popping to its death as I passed. I really wished the vampire hunting job paid a little better so that I could move closer to uptown. But such was my life and I suppose I liked it well enough.

  With keys jingling in hand, I opened my door, fully expecting to be greeted by my loving cat with as much enthusiasm that cats typically show. But before I could even flip on the light, a large arm snaked around my waist and a hand covered my mouth. I couldn’t scream when my captor squeezed me tighter. My body pressed against a warm piece of flesh, solid muscles creating a wall of hardened skin. His distinct scent raced through my senses and the desire I’d felt earlier in the night rushed back with a vengeance when I realized who this was.

  Hot breath seared my neck when he spoke. “I heard you wanted to be alone tonight.”

  I leaned my head back against Silas’ chest and ran my tongue along his fingers pressed against my lips. “I did,” I tried to say.

  Silas nipped my ear lobe and brushed his nose up and down my neck. “Well that’s too bad,” he whispered.

  A split second later, he pushed me up against the wall dividing the entryway from the rest of the open concept apartment. With hands pressed to my sides, Silas held me there like he was about to frisk me. My left cheek pressed against the wall, the small tinge of pain lighting me up from the inside. His fingers traced the curve of my waist and swell of my hips before sliding around to the front of my stomach.

  “You have too many damn clothes on,” he growled.

  I managed a quick glance behind me only to see his naked chest highlighted in the light coming through the living room windows. I couldn’t tell if he had anything else on until he spun me around and pulled off my leather jacket. Without warning, he devoured my mouth with his own, his tongue demanding a response.

  I complied as I wrapped my hands around his solid ass. Still covered in jeans, I agreed with the claim that too many clothes divided us now. His tongue danced over mine, commanding attention. Letting my nails rake over his shirtless back, I smiled a little under his kiss when he moaned in pleasure.

  I loved how much taller Silas was than me. It made me feel small and petite and...feminine. Killing vampires for a living sometimes knocked the sexiness right out of me. But every time I was with Silas, I felt like a real woman. He’d always brought that out in me and I would forever be grateful. His confidence with the female body had been unmatched by any of my other lovers, and I doubted there would be any in the future who could do to me what Silas does.

  “Have you changed your mine?” he whispered into my lips. “Do you want me to leave?”

  The fact the Silas had picked the lock to my apartment and surprised me in this way should scare a normal girl away. But it was so damn sexy to me, that I could barely speak with all of the things I wanted him to do to me right now.

  In response to his question, I slid my hand around to
his solid erection and squeezed. There was no way he was leaving here tonight without fulfilling his intentions. And he had some very large intentions.

  Silas sucked in a quick breath a second before he cupped my ass and lifted me up against him. I wrapped my legs around his back, locking them tightly in place. Pressed between the wall and his waist, I took advantage of my mouth being at his height. With hands wrapped around his face, I pulled him toward me, taking control for only a moment. I nipped at his lower lip, sucking on it just briefly before moving to the side of his neck. The day-old stubble on his face scratched against my skin in a way that excited me even more. Silas was all man and no one could ever take that away from him.

  We started to move. At first he turned all of the way around and pushed me against the door. With a strength that I absolutely loved about him, he held me up with just one arm while his other hand cupped my breast and held it tight between his long fingers.

  “Do you want me leave?” he asked again in a gruff voice. Before I could answer, he bit my nipple through my shirt. The move sent waves of shivers rushing to my lower body, causing me to grind against him without any control.

  “No,” I breathed as his hand started to slide between my legs. He rubbed his thumb over my sensitive nub, which, even through my leather pants, started to send me closer to the edge before he’d even undressed me. With a rushed breath, I fumbled at the button on his jeans. He moved me again, this time lifting me high enough that I could get both hands in between us.

  His lips never stopped sucking and nipping at my neck, the absolute most sensitive area of my body. And he knew how to work those lips—a lover familiar with every inch. My eyes closed in ecstasy while I continued to open his pants. With the final click of the zipper, I shoved one of my hands inside only to find that he had nothing on underneath.

  I giggled with anticipation of feeling his perfectly large member pushing inside of me. Squeezing and rubbing my hand up and down his skin in time with my hip movements, I made it very clear what I wanted from him. With the small amount of moisture he’d already produced, I slid my hand over every inch in preparation for his entry.

  But he surprised me again and quickly pulled us away from the wall and toward the dining area. I squealed in delight as the tip of his member pressed up against my sensitive folds and his teeth grabbed my earlobe. I didn’t let my hands move from his erection, until he set me on the table.

  “Lean back,” he demanded and I complied.

  Only Silas knew how much I needed to be dominated. He’d been the only one I’d ever allowed to take complete control over sex. I didn’t always want to be in charge. I didn’t want to call the shots. I just wanted someone to fuck me.

  And Silas certainly knew how to do that.

  With a not so gentle push of his hands, he forced me to lay back. A few seconds later, my leather pants and ripped panties were thrown to the ground. I arched my back in anticipation, fully exposed and eating up every moment of it. The candle in the middle of the table dug into my ribs, so I quickly nudged it to the side. I heard it crash to the ground at the same moment Silas’ tongue plunged into my very moist folds. His thumb continued to rub small circles over my sex, while he multitasked with the sucking and licking. I didn’t think I could handle much more of his attention and squeezed my legs against his head. He moaned into my clit, vibrating it in a way that sent me on the brink of release.

  But he sensed it and yanked me to the edge of the table. I looked into his dark brown eyes and smiled at the way my moisture glistened on his lips. And how a few pieces of his hair almost covered that hungry look on his face. I wanted to have a moment and take it all in – all man, power, and sex standing before me. But Silas had other plans. He lifted me to my feet, turned my hips around, and bent me over the table. With hands spread out in front of me, I lifted my hips like a minx asking for her mate.

  Silas didn’t hesitate. In one swift and pleasurable move, he pushed into me. The size of him filled me up, a small cry escaping my lips at the feeling. One hand grabbed my hip, guiding me even further against him. The other hand pressed down on the center of my back, demanding that I stay in position.

  While most men may have pounded away, Silas was always in control. With slow, deliberate moves, he slid in and out of me. Each thrust forward hit a spot up high that sent pleasure to my core and wetness to my swollen folds. I edged myself back and forth, riding his cock. The sensation excited me for the tiny bit of power I took back. Silas still had complete control, but I knew he would indulge me all the same.

  My thighs dug into the edge of the table when Silas picked up the pace. He’d moved the hand on my hip and now rubbed several fingers against my swollen clit. His thrusts were in time with mine, pushing him further and further into me. In a sudden rush of ecstasy, my orgasm caught me by surprise and I cried out. Silas moved even faster, both hands now guiding my hips against his. The sensitivity from my clit vibrated with each touch, and soon I felt the sheer pleasure of his cock lighting me up from the inside.

  He shivered in release while I dug my fists into the mail that had been on the table. His shudders continued for several moments, his hands squeezing me tight and keeping me close. Silas leaned against me, his damp chest holding me down. One hand brushed lightly against my arm, his smooth caresses such a contrast from the way he’d just fucked me. I reached back far enough to rub my fingers through his light brown hair, a movement that made him sigh against me.

  We didn’t move until my legs began to tingle in numbness. Silas pulled down my shirt and lifted himself off of me. As we got dressed, we just watched each other—me with a smile on my face and him with a smirk so wide I couldn’t imagine what he looked like without it.

  “So you broke in?” I asked while zipping up my pants.

  He shrugged. “Are you mad?”

  “Not at all,” I teased. Then, doing something I normally didn’t when we weren’t having sex, I reached up and kissed him quickly on the lips. “Thanks.”

  He looked down at me in surprise, the smirk growing. “You’re welcome.”

  “Want a drink?” I asked, making my way into the kitchen. It was a bit messy, but Silas never said a word about it.

  “Sure,” he called out. When I handed him a beer, he took a swig before asking, “So what happened tonight?”

  I proceeded to fill him in and then listened as he talked about a particularly obstinate young female vampire he’d encountered. Conversation was easy, and I realized that it was nice to have someone to talk to. Especially someone who understood the secret world that we worked and lived in.

  Silas and I were at our best like this—casual. There were traits in each of us that would make an actual relationship difficult and impossible, not to mention our work situation. Hunters were forbidden to date, particularly if you worked in the same jurisdiction, which we did. It was too risky for you and your team if you let your feelings interfere with a kill.

  Silas asked if he could spend the night, and I complied. It wasn’t totally unusual although we didn’t make it a habit. It felt good to have someone beside me tonight, feeling completely satiated and enjoying the warmth of his body.

  At some point in the morning, at an hour way too early for me, I felt Silas stir by my side. My shoulders were against his chest and I could feel evidence of his arousal against my lower back. He began to kiss my neck and rub his hands along my hips. They traced a line from my lower stomach down between my thighs. He found the right spot once again and began to tease it while pushing himself against me. I was tired and even a little sore, but I couldn’t resist his touch. Without saying a word, he entered me from behind. With his head resting against my face, I felt his breath in my ear that sent shivers throughout my body.

  “Good morning,” he breathed. His hips pulsed gently and methodically, his fingers rubbing in the same pattern and instantly sending heat to my core.

  The only response I could muster was “Mmm….” as he began thrusting slow and deep. I li
ked morning sex and managed to enjoy each moment while in an almost trace-like state. Never opening my eyes, I responded to his touch and his thrusts, and in a short time I was feeling the intense pleasure of orgasm. Silas didn’t release, but instead flipped me onto my stomach and pushed my legs out to the side. His body weight pressed against my back, one arm wrapped around my chest squeezing my breast and the other around my hips stroking between my legs. He was still breathing in my ear while maintaining a slow and steady rhythm.

  I raised my arms over my head to brace against the headboard and push him deeper inside of me. As his hips moved more quickly, my insides ached for more and I could barely contain myself. Sensing he was at his limit too, I let out a small cry, enjoying the tingling sensation as it rushed to my toes. He couldn’t control himself any longer, and as he reached his climax he wrapped his arms around my body and moaned into my ear. When done, he rolled off of me onto his back and smiled. We didn’t say anything to each other, and a few moments later fell back to sleep nestled up in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 3

  I woke up around ten to find my bed empty. I vaguely remembered Silas giving me a kiss on the cheek with a promise that he’d see me later at the meeting.

  The meeting. I hated Ezra’s ‘gatherings’ as he called them. We didn’t have them often so I knew that meant there was something serious going on in hunter land. Thinking about the vampire I’d killed last night, I wondered if his almost zombie-like appearance had anything to do with our meeting. That hadn’t been a typical reaction to feeding, and either meant that he was too new and out of control, or we had a bigger problems on our hands.

  I showered, made myself a bagel, and sat on the couch with my cat, Gus. He crawled into my lap, drooling on my stomach as he kneaded himself a little sleeping spot. This was perhaps the most attention I’d garnered from him this past week and I intended to enjoy it.


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