Book Read Free

The Last Good Cowboy

Page 24

by Kate Pearce

  “Thanks.” She retrieved her backpack. “Where’s Jenna?”

  “She’ll be coming later. She’s just finishing up afternoon surgery. Maria’s already in the caves with January and HW.”

  “Cool.” She reached for Dolittle’s reins, but BB got there first.

  “I’ll take care of him. You go and enjoy yourself.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him. “It looks like it’s going to be a great party.”

  * * *

  Ry threw S’more’s reins at BB, his gaze on Avery’s retreating form. “Help me out, bro?”

  “Sure, go get her.”

  Ry ran after Avery. “Hey, wait up.”

  She turned back toward him. “What’s wrong?”

  He took her hand and stepped them both off the path and underneath the trees. Walking her backward, he eased her up against a handy trunk and framed her face with his hands.

  “I thought you weren’t ever going near me or a horse again.”

  Even in the filtered green light he could see that she was blushing.

  “I changed my mind.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because if I want to work up here full-time, I can’t be scared of horses.”

  “You still want to work here?”

  “Sure I do.”

  He smoothed his thumb over her jawline. “What about me?”

  “I’ll work alongside you, if I have to.”


  “And what?” She blinked at him, all innocence.

  “You forgive me?”

  She shrugged. “Nothing to forgive, really. You were right to make me stay on that horse, even though I hated you for doing it.”

  “You don’t hate me now?”

  “No! Why do you think I got back on your stupid horse?” She sighed. “Wow, men really are dense sometimes. I was sending you a message.”

  He fought a smile, and she frowned at him.


  “You’re beautiful when you’re angry.” He silenced her spluttering reply by kissing her so thoroughly that she couldn’t do anything except kiss him back. When he finally drew away, he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked so flushed and rumpled and . . . he never wanted to let her go. “We’re good now?”

  “I suppose we are.”

  “You don’t sound too happy about it.”

  “I’m just mortified by how easily I fold when you look at me.”

  “Goes both ways.”

  “Really?” She held his gaze. “That’s kind of wonderful, but scary at the same time.”

  “Tell me about it.” He kissed her again, took her hand, and started back up the path to the hot springs. “I’d rather take you somewhere more private, but Chase would have my ass if we didn’t stay at the party and January got upset.”

  “I know.”

  At the top of the path where the ground evened out, Roy had set out the barbecue, built a campfire, and was directing HW as to how he wanted the tables laid out.

  “Hey,” Ry called out to his twin, who turned to smile at him.

  “What’s up?” HW spotted Avery and nodded. “Avery, how’s it going?”

  Roy came up to them, his truck keys jangling in his hand. “Can you help HW while I go and fetch Ruth?”


  Ry walked over to the tables and helped HW line them up, while Avery looked through the boxes for the place mats and plastic utensils. HW was already more relaxed. They’d spent three days together on the Nevada ranch, working with the horses and perfecting HW’s technique for the finals. Ry had enjoyed it immensely, and for the first time his twin had really listened to what he had to say. True, they’d had some disagreements, but that was to be expected. There had been none of that underlying tension that had bedeviled all their recent fights.

  January came out of the entrance to the hot springs, Maria by her side.

  “Good, you’re here.” She grinned at Avery. “Jenna just texted me to say she’s on her way.”

  “And Ruth and Roy will be back soon,” Ry added.

  January looked thoughtful. “I don’t think either of them are planning on getting into the water, so we could start without them.”

  “Roy said he’s going to get the barbecue going, and I doubt Ruth will leave him alone with that.”

  “True.” He and Avery spoke at the same time.

  Ry looked down at her. “So do you want to go and take a soak in the natural hot tub before we eat?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Then you go ahead and we’ll join you later.” January nodded. “I’m just going to fetch Chase and tell BB Jenna’s ETA.” She patted Maria’s shoulder. “Do you want to come with me, or go back in the water?”

  “I’ll come with you,” Maria said. “Jenna’s bringing Grandpa, so I’ll wait for him.”

  “I suppose that just leaves you and me, Avery?” Ry winked at her.

  “And me,” HW piped up.

  Ry gave his brother the side-eye. “You could make yourself scarce for a few minutes, bro, couldn’t you?”


  Ry narrowed his eyes. “Go. Away.”

  HW consulted his watch. “It’s cold out here. Ten minutes max, and then I’m coming in after you.”

  Ry led Avery inside the cave. “Best to take off your boots right now. It gets slippery in there.”

  “Great,” she muttered.

  “It’s okay. I’ll hold your hand.” Ry sat down to pull off his boots and socks and also shucked his jeans. “I’ve got my board shorts on, so I’m almost ready to go.”

  “What about when you have to put your jeans back on? Did you bring spare boxers?”

  “Nope. I’ll be fine.”

  She winced. “On the back of a horse?”

  “As long as I do some careful . . . arranging, I don’t see a problem.”

  “Rather you than me.”

  He sat down and helped her pull off her socks. “It also means I’ll be undressed quicker when we finally make it back to bed.”

  “I love the way you always see the positive in things. Let’s just hope I don’t get too impatient and yank down that zipper of yours too fast.”

  “Hey.” He winced and put a protective hand over his groin. “There’s a separate space at the back of the caves the girls always used to get changed. I’ll show you where it is.”

  He loved the caves, with their frosted roofs and sulphury smell, but they could be tricky to navigate. He took his time weaving through the varying sized holes filled with steaming water, making sure Avery was following carefully. It was rather like being in a sauna as the air temperature was way warmer than outside.

  Someone had lit a load of candles and spread them throughout the caves, which made everything a lot easier to spot, and turned the space into an enchanted grotto.

  “This would make a fantastic spot for a wedding,” Avery mused.

  “Yeah? I hadn’t thought of that. You should mention it to Chase.”

  “I will.” She almost slipped, and he steadied her with one arm wrapped around her waist. “Maybe put some mats down first though. Wouldn’t want the bride suffering a concussion.”

  He paused by the wall jutting out into the main cave. “You can change back here.”

  “Okay, I’ll just be a minute.”

  She disappeared from view.

  After half a minute Ry glanced back toward the entrance, and then made up his mind.

  “I’m coming in.”

  “Ry! I’m not—”

  Sweet Jesus, Avery was half-naked, and that suited him just fine. He gathered her into his arms and kissed his way down her throat to her naked breasts, one hand cupping her ass as she wiggled against him. His fingers found the edge of her panties and slipped beneath the lace to caress her most secret flesh.

  “God, you’re wet for me.” He breathed the words against her skin as she bucked against his hand, his thumb searching and finding her, dipping deep as he groaned her na

  “Ry . . .” Her fingers tightened in his hair as she took her pleasure from him in long, sweet waves that made him so hard he wanted—

  A cheerful whistle echoed through the caverns.

  “Dude. Time’s up! Last one in the pool’s a loser.”

  Ry reluctantly released Avery. “That man has no soul. Remind me to interrupt him when he gets a girlfriend. If he ever does with that attitude and ugly face.”

  Avery pushed him gently away. “Go. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Like this?”

  She glanced down at his tented board shorts. “Oh. Is there a cold pool you could jump in first?”

  He was still smiling as he backed out of her space and went to find his brother, who was sitting on the edge of the largest pool, his back to the changing area. Ry went to sit beside him.

  “Thanks for nothing.”

  “You’re welcome. Glad to help you mind your morals.”

  “Says who?”

  “Ruth, for one.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “Maybe I’m just envious that you’ve found someone.”

  Ry let that hang in the steamy air as he considered what to say. “You should be.”

  “She’s a keeper?”

  “I think she is.”

  “Dude . . . What is it with all you guys?” HW shook his head. “Must be something in the water out here.”

  “Could be.”

  “You’ve only been back a few weeks.”

  “And I’m planning on staying here forever.”

  “Even if I win big in Vegas, you won’t come back and travel with me?”

  Ry kicked at the water with his foot. “You told me it was time for me to be myself. I’m not good enough to compete at your level. I’d rather be here, mending fences, dealing with the horses and the incoming guests, hanging out with Avery . . .”

  “You mean it, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do.” Ry met his twin’s golden gaze. “You okay with that?”

  “Don’t suppose I’ve got any choice.” HW’s smile was wry. “But I’m not going away completely. Someone’s got to keep you in line.”

  “I thought that was my job.”

  “Things change, bro, people change.” HW contemplated the steaming pool. “Whether we want them to or not.”

  “Wow, how profound. You should write a book.”

  HW shoved him hard in the chest, and Ry shoved him back, and they both fell sideways into the water, still entangled. When they resurfaced Avery was sitting on the edge of the pool, shaking her head.

  “You two . . .”

  Ry grinned at her. “We’re just playing.”

  “Yeah.” HW reared over Ry and shoved him back down so hard his feet touched the bottom of the pool and he had to kick off to reach the surface.

  Spluttering and wheezing, he dashed at the water in his eyes only to see HW grab Avery from her seat and hear her shriek as she was dunked into the pool. Her head disappeared beneath the surface. Terror gripped him and he yanked hard on HW’s arm.

  “Let her go!”

  The last thing he saw was HW’s startled face before he dove down, wrapping his arms around Avery and propelling her up to the surface of the water.

  She pushed at his chest. “Ry? What’s wrong? I was fine, HW didn’t . . .”

  He managed to find his way out of the water and sank down beside the wall, head in hands, his whole body shaking. Within seconds, HW was on one side of him and Avery the other.

  “She was okay, Ry.” HW’s voice was incredibly gentle. “I wasn’t going to hurt her or anything.”

  He dimly heard Avery’s voice. “But why would he even think that?”

  “Our mom . . .” HW sighed. “That last night, she—”

  “She was supposed to be giving Rachel a bath,” Ry interrupted as it all came back to him. “And she tried to drown her.”

  “We both tried to stop her.” HW sounded so much like him they spoke with one voice. “When I got Rachel away, Mom tried to drown Ry instead.”

  Ry flinched as Avery wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. She didn’t say anything. Hell, what was there to say? He’d suppressed that doozy of a memory for so long, extracting it made him feel empty.

  “Are you guys okay?”

  Ry jerked his gaze toward the entrance of the cave, where January’s voice came from.

  “Let’s get back in the pool.” He glared at HW and Avery. “Let’s keep this between ourselves, okay? I don’t want to ruin January’s party.”

  After a shared glance, HW and Avery hauled him to his feet.

  “I’ll go check in with January,” HW said. “You two stay here.”

  Ry slid into the heated waters and closed his eyes as Avery joined him. For a long while they just floated together, breathing in the minerals, returning to a womb-like state that felt surprisingly safe.

  “Sorry I scared you,” he managed to murmur.

  “It’s all good.” She nipped his ear and held him even tighter.

  “It’s not, but I want it to be.” He opened his eyes and found hers waiting for him. “I need to get this thing with my mom dealt with, and then . . .” He held her gaze. “Depending on whether I survive that, I want to be with you.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  He slid a hand into her wet hair. “I mean seriously with you, like in love with you. But I can’t say the words until I know what kind of man will be left for you to love.”

  She blinked at him, her wet eyelashes all clumped together, making her look like one of Maria’s old dolls.

  “You have to wait to decide whether you’re in love?”

  “Come on, Avery, you know that’s not what I meant.”

  “You think I’ll change my mind about you because of what happens with your mom?”


  “Then you’re an idiot.”

  She dunked him under the water. By the time he resurfaced she was climbing awkwardly out of the pool.


  “I’m going to dry off, and then I’ll help Ruth with the food.”

  “But what about—”

  She was already gone. Ry sighed and floated on his back, staring up at the crystalline white rock ceiling. After a while his heart rate settled down and he somehow found a smile. She hadn’t told him to go to hell, and she hadn’t insisted she wasn’t in love with him.

  He’d call that a win.

  * * *

  Avery put her shorts and T-shirt over her wet swimsuit, and walked as briskly as she could to the front of the cave, where she could already smell barbecue cooking on the grill. Her steps slowed and she paused to gaze out on the busy scene in front of her.

  Just before she’d shoved his head under the water, had Ry Morgan actually said he loved her? And had she just told him he was an idiot?

  “Nice, Avery,” she muttered to herself. “Good job.”

  HW came over, his expression concerned. “You okay? How’s Ry doing?”

  “He’s his usual fatheaded self.”

  “Good.” HW grinned. “Nice to see you totally get him.” He leaned in toward her, one hand braced against the side of the cave opening. “Seriously, he’s okay?”

  “Yes. Considering what he just remembered.” Avery sighed. “God, HW, I’m trying to feel sorry for your mom, but she was way out of line.”

  He nodded. “I read up about this a lot, and there’s a kind of postnatal depression that is basically psychotic. I guess that’s the kind she had.” He hesitated. “Maybe Mom got some help. I damn well hope so.”

  Avery studied HW’s familiar features. Sometimes he was nothing like Ry, and then other times . . . they were eerily similar.

  “Will you tell Ruth and the others about this?”

  “Not today. Don’t want to spoil the party. We didn’t tell them at the time either. I’ll leave it up to Ry to make the decision.” He kissed her cheek. “You sure you’re talking to the right twin now?”

�Seeing as you’re up close, and you do nothing for me in the knee-trembling department, I’m pretty sure you’re not Ry.”

  She squeaked as a pair of arms came around her from behind.

  “Back off, loser. This is my woman,” Ry growled close to her ear.

  “Oh please.” HW gave him the finger. “Keep the caveman impressions for someone who cares.”

  “Jealous, huh?”

  HW’s smile died. “So jealous I could choke on it.” He turned and walked back to where Roy was busy flipping burgers and hot dogs on the grill.

  Avery turned in Ry’s arms to stare up at his face, but he was watching HW.

  She asked, “Is he really okay?”

  “Yeah. He’s just . . . getting his shit together.”

  Avery sniffed. “About time one of you did.”

  He rubbed his nose against hers. “Hey, I know what I want. Didn’t you hear me back then?”

  From the heat rushing to her cheeks she knew she was blushing. “I heard you.”


  “I’ll talk to you after you’ve sorted out this issue with your mom.”

  He angled his head to study her, his golden eyes gleaming in the candlelight. “Nothing else you want to say to me?”

  “If that’s another leading question, you’ve already got the best answer I can give you right now.”

  His slow smile was worth waiting for. “Liar.”

  She raised her chin. “And what is that supposed to mean?”

  He took her hand and placed it over his heart. “You are totally, one hundred percent into me.”

  Avery rolled her eyes. There was no way she was playing that game. “You Morgan boys are so conceited.”

  “That’s because we’re pretty awesome.”

  “And so modest.”

  He shrugged, his smile deepening. “You can fake it all you like, Avery, but we both know you’re in this just as deep as I am.”

  Was he really attempting to sweet-talk her into telling him she loved him back? It was somewhere between infuriating and cute. A girl had some standards, and she needed to talk to Nancy before she decided exactly how and when she might let him know the truth.

  She batted her eyelashes at him. “Is that Ruth coming up the hill? I’d better go and help her unload the truck.”

  She slipped away, leaving him standing at the mouth of the caves. Ry Morgan might think he had everything worked out, but it was fun to yank his chain just a little bit.


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