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An Ocean Between (Beachside Sweet Romantic Suspense Book 2)

Page 19

by Rimmy London

  Reaching for his hand, I tangled my fingers with his and tried to catch my breath, but the second I touched him, the laughter faded away.

  His hand secured around mine slowly, and still breathing hard his face fell. He brought one hand to his forehead, leaving it over his eyes and massaging each temple. I was sure we were a baffling sight to those around us.

  Pulling his hand closer, I smoothed my palm across the tense muscles along his forearm. “You need some time Givanni,” I started, half expecting him to interrupt me. But he only took in a sweeping breath and released it. “Things will be okay. This...” I swept my hand around us, “This is not normal. We just need to get through this day. And then the next.”

  His head finally tilted to the side, and his hair fell across his face—humidity really paid him favors. The calm that had settled over his face somehow left me tense. “I’ll try,” He whispered, with pain in his voice.

  “And I’ll help—if you’ll let me,” I answered. He only stared back with the hint of a smile on his face slowly widening.

  A waiter stepped aside our table, “En que le puedo server?” He asked, his eyes trailing unashamed to my legs. I glanced down, eying my pale skin that no doubt screamed tourist. How was that attractive? Givanni didn’t seem to notice, although if the guy didn’t reign in the increasingly lustful look on his face he was bound to.

  “Solamente agua por favor.” Givanni answered, eyeing the gangly young man as he left—leaving me to wonder if he’d noticed more than I thought.

  Our waters arrived as tropically dazzling as any other drink. Three bold colors of citrus were arranged in wedges along sugar crusted rims, and a tint of rouge had settled beneath clusters of ice. They knew their water.

  I took a sip of the fruit kissed beverage and licked the sugar from my lips. The heat of the sun had cooled since our marathon through the city, and I smoothed one hand along my light cotton skirt. Its fabric was soft and flattering, and I suddenly wished that we were here simply to enjoy ourselves. I imagined Givanni energetic and happy, showing me the city. We could explore the sights and loose ourselves in the sea. But in reality, with the was the light was fading from the sky, we’d soon have to follow the tiny map Jorydn had scribbled.

  I sighed and glanced across the table. Givanni had drained his cup and was staring back at me transfixed. “Oh,” I sat up a little. “Sorry, did you say something?” My mind had been so overtaken I hardly knew how long it had been that I sat there distracted.

  “No Loriel,” The way he said my name had my lips lifting at the ends. “Just thinking.” Music started up from inside the restaurant, lively and swift, with a small band of four dark-haired young men. One, who I recognized as our waiter, had a talented voice that carried well over the noise. The quaint stone floor filled with girls in strapless tops and guys with salty hair, raising the volume considerably. It felt good… safe.

  Lifting my glass dripping with condensation, I swigged down the icy beverage. I hadn’t realized until it brushed against me how much I loved the warm evening air. I relished every touch of tropical breeze.

  Givanni stepped down from his chair and smiled at me like I should know what he was thinking. I lifted my eyebrows, but he merely turned and strode away. After a few steps he spun in his dark leather sandals and approached again.

  I studied his face and tried to suppress the immediate smile that surfaced every time he looked at me like that.

  “Excuse me Miss, but I’ve been watching you from across the patio here,” He glanced to a few far tables, creating a shockwave of smiles from the girls who noticed.

  I welcomed the half crazy adrenaline that rushed through me, abandoning reality without a thought. “Oh really?” I flicked one pointed toe out before crossing my legs in the sexiest way I could manage, “Well what should we do about that?”

  With a surprised laugh, he almost lost his character—his gaze dropped to the ground and he took a half step back. For a moment I wondered if this would have been us. If somehow our lives had crossed paths here, that this might have been our story. It would have been incredible.

  “Dance with me,” He extended his hand and I took it confidently, crossing the stone floor and swinging as much hip as I could manage. It was as if we’d been set free. We were strangers here, and for all these watching eyes knew we’d just disembarked a cruise liner or signed the final documents to our own private island. We could be anyone, but all I wanted was to be me—a girl in love with a guy.

  Taking a glance at the others dancing, Givanni copied whatever they were doing with their feet. It was pointless to try and concentrate with the way he kept a simmering smile on his lips, so I let my senses take over, turning with the slightest pressure of his hand. Not bothering to subdue my wavy locks, I whipped around and enjoyed the way they hung in my face. With one roll of my head, I encouraged the pileup of hair to my back—my skin tingling when the silky strands brushed across my shoulders. The dance was therapy, and I thought back to our first dance together in Italy. The evening had been elegant, and the movements complicated. But here in the humid night air, it was passion that filled the dancers surrounding us—everyone moved with generous swing and casual grace.

  Givanni stepped into the next turn, bringing us together. I closed my eyes as we spun and was soon completely disoriented—only conscious of Givanni’s fragrance like deep woods and sunshine.

  After more songs than I bothered to count, the beat slowed. Guitars and vocals softened with the darkening night into a lazy melody, and we swayed to the new rhythm. My head rested against him with my ear pressed to his chest. I listened to his breath gradually subside, and to the way his heartbeat raced—matching mine, especially when he trailed one hand through my sweat tinged hair.

  Leaning into his touch, I tilted my head. Vaguely part of the dance, he kissed me as the world spun. Heat burned through me until I was completely breathless. With a gasp, I stepped back, not ready to kiss him again. I wiped at the wet hair lining my face. My trembling hand felt uncoordinated, but I combed through the wavy strands until regaining a bit of control. Givanni seemed to have abandoned all tension. He tangled one hand with mine, smiling a little sideways. The crease in his face was something I had already memorized, but I followed the pattern one more time with my eyes.

  “We need to get to Jordyn’s,” He mumbled, releasing a breath and pulling in another. I smiled, noticing that it might not have been only me spinning out of control. But our charade was over, although I would have been happy to live in that illusion forever. We turned from the glow of shimmering lights to the darkness beyond.

  * * *

  The streets were just as beautiful at night, lanterns and resort lighting glistening off the patchwork stone. As we walked, the music dimmed behind us. It was hard to feel safe once the silence settled in. The desire to stay with that crowd of happy, carefree strangers was strong enough to make me look back—more than once. But we’d long since been out of sight. All that remained was a distant glow.

  I scanned our surroundings as casually as possible. How could it be so empty? It had seemed like those crowds would last through the entire city. Now there was only us. “Is his place much farther?” My voice had fallen to match my declining mood—the anxiety of the unknown ahead. It had to be getting to Givanni as well, with the way his features had solidified.

  “Just through here,” he answered. His voice had been so faint it took me a moment to see the slight imprint of the path he had gestured to. It was mostly hidden by overgrown grasses that brushed against us on either side as we made our way through. Nodding ahead, Givanni ushered me forward and followed as I tried to find my way up the practically invisible trail. Our light had been nearly extinguished by the shadow of a dilapidated building balanced next to us. Clouds had also bunched together, obstructing the otherwise brilliant glow of the moon. And although it had started out dry enough, the pathway quickly became mud—my feet sinking in and sliding with each step.

  The incline g
rew bolder, threatening to be a serious climb before much longer. In the next step, Givanni gripped my arm and I lowered to my heels, glancing back to see him crouched behind me. There was no time for conversation—the swishing of fabric against grass was immediate. I froze at the pale shade of hair, wondering why Givanni stayed lowered after Enrica appeared.

  She scanned the shrubbery, flipping a knife in one hand like a twitch. It was strange to see her so on edge. Sure, she was hostile, but usually in a supremely confident way. Clearly tonight she was nervous, and the way she looked over the landscape had me glancing back as well. What was she afraid of? What was she waiting for? She stared out into the night as if daring it to make the first move. I shivered.

  “My dear, you should be inside,” Jordyn’s voice about had me falling over, and if Enrica’s head hadn’t turned just as abruptly she for sure would have seen me.

  Givanni’s hand lowered from my wrist to thread his fingers through mine. Apparently, we would be waiting this out. I wished my legs weren’t already cramping. The smooth grip of Givanni’s hand helped a little though, and I added the slightest pressure to my hold.

  “They won’t wait forever,” Enrica whispered, her sharp eyes still scanning. I felt a little guilty for listening in, but there was really no other choice. Jordyn’s arm disappeared from view as he draped it around her. He seemed anxious to leave, but still, they remained.

  “Just one more night and we can disappear. They’ll never find us, Enrica.” Jordyn’s voice was hushed as well, but easy to make out in the still surrounding us.

  They finally headed back up the hill. I inched upward only to see Jordyn’s head swing around, staring right at us. Even though I doubted we were visible, his gaze didn’t waver. I held my breath as they continued on, moving out of sight.

  I turned to Givanni. “They’re going to leave.” I didn’t hide the betrayal I felt.

  Givanni sighed. “Yes. But it’s the smartest move for them. Their threat doesn't hang on any government contingencies that could be negotiated away,” He shrugged. “ Enrica is still a traitor to the Italians—they have to stay out of sight of the IM.”

  When we finally did make it to the house, it was dark, only lit by a few glowing candles. The individuals gathered around a small glass table came into view as we approached. My eyes darted from one to the next, and unease settled in my stomach. I walked closer, letting the light uncover their secret. Even though I could feel it in the charged air around us, the shock as he came into view was electric.

  Givanni moved forward with a jerk, and the name came from his lips like profanity.

  Chapter 21


  I gasped, my entire body rigid. Glancing at each expression, I wasn’t sure what to do with it all. Enrica and Jordyn seemed detached, standing back a little and offering nothing more than a presence. Max was a little more alert and met my gaze, but his slight dip of the head didn’t clear anything up for me. I turned to Givanni, knowing at least that I could usually read him. But before I could take it in, Manwell stood.

  “Let me first say,” At the sound of his voice, the entire group shifted, although it was hardly noticeable. Suddenly Enrica was leaning forward, fists clenched. Jordyn was more subtle but definitely ready. Max had one hand hovering near his waist, and Givanni matched him. Although Manwell paused, he didn’t seem the least bit surprised—or leery. I rather thought he should be.

  “Here in Mexico, they’ve received their orders against you. The Italian Mafia is on your tail, and thanks to the convenient location of Marco’s helicopter, I was able to find you.

  Max’s boots struck the ground like the ticking of a deadly clock, and he lifted the cold steel from his back. Aligning the gun perfectly between Manwell’s eyes, his hand didn’t waver.

  “I would choose otherwise,” Manwell sneered, looking calm although sweat glistened on his face. “If any harm were to come to me,” Manwel said, with a shaking voice. “Forces like you’ve never seen would rain down on every one of you. No one would survive. I can promise you that.”

  Max’s arm lowered and his shoulders pinched back in irritation. “Then why come alone, Manwell? Why the isolation in the first place?”

  Manwell nodded his head, “Finally you’re asking the right questions.” His overbearing confidence was obnoxious, but everyone remained silent until he continued. “I have picked up certain enemies, and of late they have become particularly difficult. I’m sure you know what I mean.” His eyes flicked to Enrica and she shifted her weight, her chin lifting in defiance.

  “A group like this, you could have them disappear in no time.” With a cautious glance at the group, Manwell pulled a folded paper from his coat. He laid it on the table and smoothed the wrinkles before stepping back. “I am offering freedom. Absolute freedom. The cost is two lives and complete secrecy.” I leaned in with the rest of the group and read over two unfamiliar names.

  Givanni sunk into a chair, with his eyes still scanning the page. “Well this certainly would be convenient for you, wouldn’t it?” He asked, although he looked at Manwell with more reserve than I expected. I could tell the thought of complete freedom was pushing aside anything else. “We fall into line and you get the credit of rescuing us from foreign attack. How nicely crafted.”

  “I don’t want an answer tonight,” Manwell interrupted, taking the defensive for once. “Just look that over and try to rest. You have until morning, and then your time is up.”

  The way he said that last line had alarm building in my chest. I didn’t need to ask what he meant. If we all were allowed to be in the room and read the names he wanted eliminated, then we wouldn’t be allowed to say no.

  “We’re not assasins,” Max said after glancing at the paper. “Why don’t you just learn to play nice?”

  Manwell acted as if he hadn’t spoken. “I will receive your answer at 7 o’clock sharp. In person.” He turned and left the room with all of us staring after.

  Jordyn was the first to speak up. “Do you really think he would grant freedom?” he asked sincerely. His eyes were shadowed, and I could see the desperate way he looked at Enrica.

  Givanni tapped the paper in front of him, rubbing one hand across his stubbled face. “He’ll do what he says.”

  I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. We can’t agree to this.” There were nods of agreement around the room.

  “No, of course we can’t,” Givanni concluded. Then, with a sigh, “Let me talk to him tomorrow. He doesn’t want to go through with this, or he wouldn’t leave us alone to think about it all night. More than likely, he’s trapped, and just as desperate for a way out as we are.”

  Enrica shrugged, “And we care about him, because?” Her cold eyes scanned the room quickly. “Basically, he just told us that we’re being hunted, and no one here understands that word more than me. Since I left them, they’ve followed my every move. It’s a constant battle to say ahead of them—it never ends.” She threw her hands up in the air. “But if you’re saying to trust you… if you’re saying to wait… that’s what we’ll do.”

  Glances crossed the room, settling on each person, but no one spoke up.

  “Okay, then,” Givanni said, “Goodnight everyone, and… thank you.”

  Max rested his hand on Givanni’s shoulder, and Jordyn nudged his arm with a smile. “Anytime,” Enrica said, holding his gaze before she turned to leave.

  When Givanni faced me again, his lips were settled into the smooth smile I knew well. But his eyes were searching – asking a question.

  I shook my head a bit. “What is it?” I mumbled. But instead of answering, his hands trailed my arms, and his fingers tangled with mine. He hugged them to his chest.

  “El, I haven’t had the chance to thank you.” With a breath, he held one hand to my face and his smile vanished. “Every second since I saw you in that… shack, I prepared myself for the worst. I couldn’t think. I could hardly move at the thought of having them get their hands on you. You don’
t know the…” He shook his head and closed his eyes, resting his forehead against mine. He lifted his chin enough to kiss my forehead. “I love you Loriel—thank you.”

  I thought back to his face when he’d first seen me, and the devastation there. Max had understood it, but I never did… not until now. He continued quickly, with the words rushing from him. “I told myself that you would have Luke, and at least someone could take care of you—”

  I held a hand up. “Hold on Givanni. Luke has never been more than a friend. That photo you saw—there was nothing to it. Cal was the one who tricked me at that rodeo or—”

  Givanni shook his head, “I know, I know. And I don’t deserve an explanation. I should have discounted it the second I saw the picture. But you looked so…” His eyes were pained when he finally looked into my face.

  “Stop,” I said, holding his gaze for a moment. “Anyone would have thought what you thought. You had the proof right in front of you. What else was there to believe?”

  “You looked so safe.” he continued. I stopped, not hearing what I’d expected, and not sure what he meant by it. “Even now, I can see that picture, and it’s a life that would give you security, freedom—love. It’s what you should have. I… I’m not sure I can offer that.” He held his arms out, “This. I don’t know when it will end. I don’t know what my future is, and I can’t trap you in this life.”

  I shook my head and held his shoulders with a bit of anger making it into my voice. “So you’re telling me that even though I’ve met a man who I loved almost from the moment I first saw him… and now that he’s been a part of my life I can’t imagine life without him. So much that I would risk anything for him,” He smiled a little, but in his eyes there was still sadness. “You’re telling me that even though I’ve miraculously found this person, I shouldn’t stick with him because he doesn’t have it all figured out yet? You think I should choose someone safe, and that would somehow equal happiness?”


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