Book Read Free

The Road to You

Page 13

by Melissa Toppen

  “I still don’t think they’ll let us in,” I counter, trying my best to focus on that and not his mouth which I can’t seem to stop staring at.

  “We’ll see.” His eyes briefly glance my way and I quickly pull my gaze from his mouth to meet his dark eyes.

  “I guess we will.” I force an easy smile before turning my gaze back out the window, praying to the heavens above that we get there soon.

  I’m not sure how much longer I can sit in the close confines of this car with Kane. Not with the way he keeps looking at me, the way he keeps squeezing my hand–not for one second releasing it, or the way his incredible scent fills the space. It’s all I can do to keep myself rooted in my seat, knowing that once I act, there’s no going back.

  Kane is all I have left of Kam and no matter how twisted up he has me inside, I’m not ready to risk losing that just yet. Another hour in this car and I might have a different answer…


  “You’re kidding me, right?” It’s the only thing I can say as I step into the small bedroom Kane booked us at a local B&B.

  “Just wait until you see the view.” I hear the smile in his voice as he steps up behind me, his body so close to mine I can feel the heat radiating from it.

  “The view? Kane, look around,” I say, spinning to face him. “There’s only one room. The whole thing is one room,” I explain, feeling like any rational person would understand my issue.

  “I’m aware.” He chuckles, dropping both of our duffels on the full size bed next to us.

  My eyes dart around the space again, my heart hammering a million miles a minute. It’s one thing to be forced to exist in a small one bedroom apartment. That alone is difficult enough. Now he expects me to spend the next three days in a small bedroom with an even smaller bathroom. Forget about a couch or separate living spaces. Hell, there’s hardly room for the small table and two chairs crammed into the corner.

  “Where will we sleep?” I ask, my eyes finding his, humor dancing behind them.

  “In the bed,” he says like it should be obvious.

  “But there’s only one bed,” I object.

  “Again, I’m aware.” His smile widens.

  “This isn’t funny.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Oh I beg to disagree. This is quite funny.”

  “Are you laughing at me?” I say when his shoulders silently shake. “We can’t sleep there.” I point to the bed.

  If it was a king maybe I could see making it work. I could stuff pillows between us or something. But it’s not even close to that size. We will be lucky if we can lie together and avoid touching.

  “Elara.” Kane’s expression falls serious and he takes a full step toward me, essentially closing what little space existed between us. “You mean to tell me that you never shared a bed with Kam?” He cocks a brow.

  “That was different.” I shake my head.

  “How’s it different? He was your friend. I’m your friend. It shouldn’t be any more complicated than that. Unless there’s something you want to tell me,” he pauses, pushing my hair over my shoulder. His hand grazes the side of my neck causing goose bumps to erupt across my skin.

  “I…” I start to speak but am too frazzled by his nearness to gather my thoughts enough to respond.

  “I promise it will be fine. If it makes you feel better I will sleep on the floor.”

  “You can’t sleep on the floor,” I immediately object, gesturing to what little floor space exists.

  “I’ll manage,” he insists.

  “I’m not letting you sleep on the floor.”

  “Well you seem pretty hell bent on not sleeping together in the bed either.”

  “That’s not it,” I start, only to be cut off by him before I can finish my statement.

  “Then what is it exactly?” he asks, his dark eyes boring into mine.

  “I. I.”

  “I promise I will be on my best behavior.” He holds his hands up between us. “Not one part of my body will touch yours, Elara.” he announces and disappointment instantly floods through me.

  What the hell?

  I shouldn’t be disappointed, I should be relieved. So why do I suddenly feel like someone just told the eight year old me that there’s no such thing as Santa?

  Then he does something so unexpected my breath hitches and an entirely different sensation runs through me.

  He leans forward, his face mere inches from mine, and quickly adds, “Unless you ask me to. Of course.”

  With that he grins, announces he’s going to get food, turns on his heel, and marches out of the room.

  I don’t know how long I stand there, paralyzed, unable to think let alone move, before his head appears in the doorway, a knowing grin spread across his handsome face.

  “You coming or what?”


  While I was able to shake off the encounter with Kane in the bedroom, it never strayed far from my mind. After doing a little sight-seeing along the way, we finally stopped and ate at a small local restaurant that specializes in wines, fruits, and cheeses. And while all three were amazing, nothing could top the incredible view of the sea from our table on the outdoor terrace.

  After eating, we walked for a good two hours but it felt like much less. Time with Kane passes so easily that sometimes I have a hard time keeping a grasp on it. By the time we arrive back at the small bed and breakfast sandwiched between two tall brick structures, it’s nearly dark and while I feel wide awake, my body feels exhausted.

  It takes everything in me to climb the two flights of stairs to our room and once there, the only thing I want to do is to climb into a hot bath and soak for three hours solid. Unfortunately our bathroom is no more than a tiny sink, a toilet, and the smallest shower I’ve ever seen.

  The conversation between Kane and me was easy and flowed freely while we explored the city, but the second the door closes behind us the earlier tension returns full force. Or at least for me it does. Kane seems completely at ease, moving around the small space like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  “You wanna grab a shower first?” He looks up from his duffel on the bed to where I’ve barely moved since entering the room.

  “Um, yeah. That would be great.” I instantly jump into action, deciding that a shower might help clear my head a little.

  Grabbing my bag, I quickly disappear inside the bathroom without another word. Once the door is shut behind me, I’m barely able to move around enough to pull the things I need out of my bag. I really should have taken out the things I planned to use and left the bag in the room, but I was so eager to get away from Kane I didn’t think it through.

  Even still, I manage okay. I shower first, taking an extra amount of time washing my hair because the hot water feels so good on my skin. Then I set to the somewhat difficult task of brushing my teeth while straddling my bag that I had no option but to leave directly in front of the sink.

  After that I dress in a pair of plaid pajama shorts and a pale pink tank. And even though I never sleep in a bra, I decide that given my present company it’s an absolute must. Normally I would refuse to wear such little clothing in the presence of another, but given how hot it is here and that the room is cooled by nothing more than a fan jammed into a small window, it’s likely I will bake if I put any additional layers on.

  When I reenter the room, my blonde hair laying heavy and damp down my back, an instant chill runs through me and it has nothing to do with the breeze flowing in from the open door leading out to the terrace. But everything to do with the man standing in that doorway, arms crossed in front of himself as he leans casually against the frame.

  Stepping up next to him, I feel his eyes on the side of my face but I keep my gaze forward, taking in the incredible view he tried to tell me about earlier. We’re elevated high up in the valley, an incredible outstretched view of the sea provided. The moon hangs high in the sky, illuminating the water in the most breath taking way.

  “Well, a
t least you were right about the view,” I say without actually meaning to.

  “I think you’ll find I’m right about a lot of things.” He turns toward me, one side of his mouth pulled up in a playful smirk.

  “Adding cocky to the list,” I mumble, smiling to myself.

  “What was that?” His smirk stretches to a full blown smile.

  “I’m keeping a list,” I inform him casually, turning my gaze back out to the sea.

  “Keeping a list?” he repeats.

  “Of all the things I’m learning about you.”

  “And what’s on that list so far.”

  “Nope. It’s a secret.” I shake my head, flipping my gaze to see his eyes filled with amusement.

  God, he really is way too good looking for his own good.

  “Elara,” he warns, taking my shoulders as he turns me toward him. “You can’t tell a guy you’re keeping a list on him and then not tell him what’s on said list.”

  “You can’t handle it,” I tease, feeling oddly at ease and like my heart is going to beat out of my chest at the same time.

  “Try me.”

  “Asshole.” I bite my bottom lip as he lets out a low chuckle.

  “Keep going.”

  “Oddly sweet.”

  “I’ll take it,” he continues to comment.

  “Surprisingly thoughtful.”

  “I’m starting to like this.” He chuckles again.

  “Super intimidating.”

  “Got that already.” His smile holds its place and my heart beats a little faster.


  “So you’ve recently said.”

  “Way too good looking for your own good.” His eyes take on this sort of twinkle at my admission.

  “You think I’m good looking?” he teases, rocking back on his heels.

  “Shut up. You know you are.” I roll my eyes. “Or did you miss the part where I called you cocky?”

  “Oh no, I got that. But I want to go back to the good looking part.” He takes a step toward me and I take a matching one back.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” I warn, recognizing that look in his eyes. It’s the same look Kam always got before he’d tickle me or throw me over his shoulder and toss me in the pool.

  Kane has the same look on his face right now and because of this, I take another step backward, my back meeting the door that opens up to the terrace eliminating my ability to go any further.

  “Like what?” He cocks his head to the side and takes another step toward me, caging me between him and the door.

  “Like you’re about to pounce.”

  “Pounce?” He cocks his head to the side and laughs.

  “Pounce,” I repeat.

  “I’ve been making a list about you too; do you want to hear it?” he asks, continuing before I can answer one way or the other. “Loyal. Funny. Sweetest fucking laugh I’ve ever heard.” He leans in closer, his lips almost touching mine. A simple push up on my toes is all it would take and my mouth would be on his. “Breathtakingly beautiful,” he continues, his eyes darting to my lips and then back up to my eyes.

  “I’m going to kiss you now, Elara. So if you don’t want me to, now’s your chance to say so.” His words paralyze me and even though I feel like I should say something, anything, I can’t seem to force one word out.

  “Three.” His eyes are locked on mine, his gaze unwavering. “Two.” He dips in closer. I can feel his breath on my face. “One.”

  Then his lips are on mine, soft and sweet. Testing. Tasting. My body zings to life and I have to fight the urge to dive my hands into his hair and kiss him harder. Instead I stay rooted to the spot, also testing, tasting, letting myself explore the most sensual kiss I’ve ever shared with anyone.

  But then as quickly as it started, it’s over. Kane pulls back and drops his forehead to mine, his breathing uneven and his eyes so dark they look black as they hold my gaze.

  “Tastes like a fucking dream,” he mutters, his mouth still so close to mine I can feel his words vibrate against me.

  It takes me a moment to realize he’s adding to his list and I’d be lying if I said I’m not eating up every word as he says it.

  But then just like that, the moment is broken. He straightens his posture, looks down at me for a long moment, and quickly turns and disappears inside the bathroom. Leaving me standing there, looking after him and wondering what the hell just happened.

  I feel the bed sink next to me as Kane climbs in. I won’t deny the disappointment that seeps through me when he rolls to his side, his back facing me, and doesn’t say a word. But with that disappointment also comes relief. I don’t trust my head or my heart right now, especially after that kiss. A kiss I can still feel lingering on my lips even though it’s been well over thirty minutes since it happened.

  If Kane’s behavior afterward tells me anything, it’s that he’s just as conflicted about whatever is happening between us as I am. Sometimes I can’t get the fact that he’s Kam’s older brother out of my head. Other times I find myself forgetting they have any relation at all.

  Because even though Kane and Kam are very similar in a lot of ways, the more time I spend with Kane the more I realize that they are two completely separate people and comparing them is not fair to me or either of them.

  And as much as I tell myself that I’m glad Kane chose his current position, the longer I lay here staring at his back, the less I’m able to believe the lie. I want to reach out and touch him. I want to wrap my arm around his middle and snuggle up behind him. I want to roll him over and finish what we started earlier. But instead I do none of those things. Not a single one.

  It takes me a long time to find sleep and when I finally do, I dream of nothing but dark eyes and soft lips pressed against mine.


  I wake with a start, blinking against the bright sun that filters into the room through the open terrace. I push up on my elbows, catching sight of Kane’s bare back as he leans against the rail looking out over the sparkling sea below.

  Was he shirtless when he crawled in bed with me last night?

  I try to rummage through the memories but can’t seem to pinpoint one way or another. It was dark and I never touched him, so I guess I wouldn’t exactly know. I will say this, if he did sleep next to me with no shirt on, I’m sure as hell glad I didn’t notice.

  I allow my eyes to trail down his firm, sculpted back. This man has a body that says he spends hours in the gym and yet from what I can tell, he hasn’t touched one since we’ve been here. Then again he’s always up and dressed well before I am. Maybe he visits the little gym at the apartment complex where we’re staying before I get out of bed. Who knows?

  God I’m a total slacker.

  Throwing back the covers, I quickly climb from the bed. It creaks under the movement and by the time I get myself upright, Kane has turned toward me, a small smile pulling at his lips.

  Okay, so he’s not upset like he seemed last night. That’s a good sign.

  “Mornin’, babe.” He raises a coffee cup to his lips and takes a small sip as he rests his shoulder against the door frame.

  Mornin’, babe.

  My knees instantly go weak.

  “Morning,” I force out, pointing to the cup in his hand. “Where can I get me one of those?”

  “Downstairs.” He smiles. “Why don’t you get some clothes on and we can go down and grab a bite to eat. They’ve got quite the spread down there.”

  “You didn’t go down like that, did you?” I point to his bare chest, thinking of all the women he probably passed that had to grab onto something to keep themselves upright at the sight of him.

  “And if I did?” He cocks a brow at me.

  “Then you probably gave poor Ms. McGreevy a heart attack.” I grin, referring to the sweet woman in her late sixties who owns the B&B.

  “She didn’t have any complaints.” His smile widens and the flutter in my stomach hits me with a force that nearly knocks me backw
ard onto the bed.

  “I’m sure she didn’t,” I mutter, my eyes scanning the length of him. “Even still, I’m not going anywhere with you until you put on a shirt.”

  “Why? By the way you’re looking at me I’d say you rather enjoy the view.” He’s joking and I’m not sure if he realizes just how true his statement actually is.

  “Yeah, my point exactly,” I say, surprising us both before quickly stepping into the bathroom and closing the door, determined not to embarrass myself any further.


  Kane doesn’t mention the kiss from last night and neither do I, even though it’s all I’ve been able to think about since it happened.

  We enjoy a beautiful breakfast that includes fresh fruit, biscuits, bread, and about five different flavors of jam. And of course the coffee, which is absolutely to die for. I’ve never had such delicious coffee and I told Mrs. McGreevy so before we headed back up to our room. A truth that seemed to thoroughly make her day.

  “How long do you think it will take you to get ready?” Kane asks the moment we reenter our room and the door closes behind us.

  “Why? You got somewhere to be?” I question, lifting my bag off the floor and depositing it on the bed.

  “We have somewhere to be,” he corrects.

  “Where?” I ask, this being the first time he’s mentioned any real plans.

  “It’s a surprise.” He smiles at me and another whoosh runs through me.

  “I hate surprises,” I inform him, mainly because it’s true.

  “Something I knew about you already.” He nods.

  “And yet you planned a surprise anyway?” I question, looking up from the contents of my bag to him.

  “I like to go against the grain.” His smile spreads and try as I may, I can’t fight my own from spreading across my lips too. “Now, how long do you think it will take you to get ready?” he repeats his earlier question.


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