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Wreck My World

Page 12

by Victoria Ashley

  The only bad part is that it takes me a couple hours to fall asleep after hanging up, because all I can think about is Easton and who he’s going to take to Prom in a few weeks.

  After the conversation I had with Easton on the phone last night, the sight of his truck sitting in the school’s parking lot has my heart rate picking up and goose bumps forming on my skin.

  I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the sentence—shut your beautiful mouth, Kota—since he spoke it to me last night, and seeing him or anything he owns for the first time since then has my body reacting in ways I can’t even begin to explain.

  “Hey, Brooks! Wait up!”

  My feet stop moving at the sound of Justin Newberg’s voice, and a small smile forms on my lips as he rushes over to stand in front of me.

  He’s cute. Really frickin’ cute, and like I told Easton last night, he’s been into me lately, asking me out on dates and telling me I should be his girlfriend before anyone else has the chance to snag me up.

  I sort of like him, I guess, but he doesn’t compare to Easton Crews, and I’m finding it hard to get past that.

  “I’m taken, Newberg.” I point at Easton’s big, black truck he just got a few weeks ago. “Any second now, a tall guy with muscles is going to appear and ask you why you’re following me. A senior.”

  I try my best to hold in my laughter as Justin’s brown eyes zone in on Easton’s truck. It’s not true, of course. I guess, in some way, I’m testing Justin to see how easily he’ll give up on me if he thinks I’m dating an older guy.

  “Very funny, Dakota. The whole school knows that’s Easton Crews’ truck. He most definitely is not your boyfriend.”

  I’m taken by surprise when Justin steps in my space and wraps one of his arms around my waist. “What makes you so sure that he’s not my boyfriend?” I ask nervously.

  He laughs and runs his thumb over my bottom lip. “Because he’s the most popular guy at our school—him and your brother are. The whole town knows Roman would kill Easton if he ever wanted to date you.”

  My heart drops. “Seriously? The whole school knows that?”

  He grins and leans in close, his lips just an inch away from mine now. “Yes. You don’t think people ask about the two of you? When you’re always hanging out together people are sure to ask questions. Small town… big talk. You know how it goes.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I suppose…”

  When he yanks my body against his, my heart speeds up, but not from excitement. It has me feeling anxious to get away from him.

  I’ve never had a boy handle me this way, and I’m not so sure I like it. Either that or I just don’t like it coming from Justin.

  “Justin… let go of me.”

  I get ready to push him away but am surprised when he’s yanked backward and slammed into some random car close by.

  What surprises me even more is that the person manhandling Justin is Easton, and he looks as if he’s ready to rip his throat out. I’ve never seen him look this angry before.

  “Put your hands on Kota again and you’ll be dealing with me, asshole. Do you fucking understand?”

  When all Justin does is look over at me, Easton shoves his face the other direction and holds it there. “Nod your head if you understand me. Trust me, I could do this all day.”

  “We’re good,” he finally says. “We’re good, okay?”

  “Are we?” Easton asks, still sounding pissed off. “Good as in? Fucking explain it.”

  “I won’t touch her again unless she asks me to.”

  “She won’t be asking.” Easton flexes his jaw as if he’s holding something back, before finally shoving him over and turning around to grab my hand. “Let’s go, Kota. You’re riding with me.”

  He doesn’t wait for me to agree to ride with him. He just laces his fingers between mine and begins pulling me along beside him, not caring who might be watching us right now.

  Why does that have excitement coursing through me?

  Maybe because he just went crazy on some boy for touching me. Or maybe it’s the fact that we look like a couple right now.

  Whatever the reason, I don’t want this to end. Easton’s big, strong hand covering mine is the best feeling there is, and I wish he could do this all day too.

  Please threaten me with this just like you threatened Justin.

  Man, I’m pathetic right now.

  Once we get to his truck, he opens the door for me and almost grabs my ass to help boost me up, but stops and cusses under his breath. “I need a second, Kota. Get in and buckle up and we’ll leave in a minute.”

  I nod my head and do as he says.

  I can’t help but sit here and watch him pace around his truck, occasionally running a hand through his hair as if he’s frustrated.

  Did Justin really upset him that much?

  I mean, Easton has always been overprotective just like Roman, but I’ve never seen him like this before. It seriously looked like he was going to hurt Justin back there, and he’s still red in the face.

  Finally, after five minutes passes, he jumps into the truck and takes off. “Sorry you had to see me like that, Kota.” He glances over at me. “But that asshole needed to learn not to put his hands on you. I didn’t like seeing that shit.”

  “It’s fine, Easton.” I reach over and place my hand on his arm. “I’m glad that you were there. Clearly, Justin is used to handling girls a certain way. I felt uncomfortable being one of those girls, and now he knows.”

  He squeezes the steering wheel tighter. “I don’t want to see any guy handle you that way, Kota. I could’ve killed that asshole back there.”

  “You and Roman are so quick to want to kill someone.” I laugh and push his arm, attempting to lighten the mood. “I’m growing up. Guys are going to want to date me. How am I ever supposed to get a boyfriend with you two around?”

  When we stop at a stop sign, he turns to face me again. “You’re not.”

  I almost think that he’s serious until he finally cracks a smile and loosens his grip on the steering wheel.

  “Very funny, Easton.” I lay back in the seat and close my eyes, taking a moment to relax for the first time today.

  I hadn’t even realized I was falling asleep until I’m scared awake by blaring music. I’m fighting to stop my heart from leaping out of my chest and there Easton is, singing Nothing Else Matters by Metallica at the top of his lungs with no care in the world while beating on the steering wheel as if it’s a damn drum.

  With wide eyes, I reach over and turn the volume down, before shoving Easton. “You’re such as ass! You scared the shit out of me!”

  He laughs, before grabbing my head and kissing the top of it. That simple gesture has my whole body shaking, but I do my best to hide it. “Sorry, but I love that damn song. Come on. Roman beat us here.”

  Flashing me a huge smile, he jumps out of his truck and jogs over to open the door for me. “I hate you for that, just so you know.”

  I reach for his hand when he offers it to me to help me down. “The kiss didn’t make up for it? Maybe you need another one.”

  Our eyes lock and neither one of us attempt to pull away. That is until Roman speaks up, interrupting the moment. “What kiss?”

  I feel Easton stiffen at the sound of my brother’s voice behind him. The last thing I want is Roman being pissed at Easton for placing his lips on me, even if it was only my head. So, I quickly twist the truth a bit. “Some boy at school kissed me and Easton pretty much kicked his ass for it. Now he’s teasing me about it.”

  “Seriously?” Roman looks a bit relieved but puts on his big brother face. “He’s lucky Easton saw him and not me, Dakota. Don’t mess with the boys at our school. They’re all jerks and I don’t trust them with you.”

  “What about Quinn? She’s had a boyfriend and you didn’t kick Damon’s ass.”

  “Yeah, well, that only lasted about a week. Ever wonder why?” Roman laughs and shakes his head. “I have eyes and ears everywhere.
Remember that, little sis.”

  Being around Roman has me rolling my eyes, so I take off to my room to lay down for a bit.

  But I can’t seem to relax, because all I can think about is Easton, and I hate the fact that he’s downstairs while I’m up here in my room, hiding away from him before I do something silly to let him know how I truly feel.

  I’ve kept it a secret from everyone for so long, but the older I get, and the more time I spend with Easton talking on the phone and getting rides home with him after school, the harder it becomes to seal my feelings away.

  Someday, it may even become impossible.

  What would I do then?

  I’ve been in my room for about two hours when I notice Quinn walking past my door with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen, as if she’s just waiting for me to ask her what she’s so happy about. “Alright, I give. What are you so happy about?”

  My sister quickly plops down onto my bed and grabs my pillow, hugging it to her chest. “Easton is going to ask me to Prom. EEK!” She squeals and tosses the pillow at me. “Can you believe it?”

  My stomach drops at the thought of them going to Prom together, but I keep my face as blank of emotions as I possibly can. Just last night Easton told me he didn’t know who he was taking. “Oh, really? Where did you hear that?”

  “Well, I didn’t exactly.” She jumps up and runs over to stand in front of me. “But I kissed him a few minutes ago and might’ve hinted to him in front of Roman that I wanted him to. I’m sick of our stupid brother telling me I can’t make a move on Easton just because he’s his best friend. I’m over it. I don’t want any other boys from our school or this stupid town. I want Easton.”

  My heart stops—literally—at the thought of her kissing Easton. “Wait. You kissed him or he kissed you? And Roman didn’t kill either one of you?”

  She laughs and pulls on my arm until I stop pacing my room. “I kissed him. I just grabbed his sexy face and kissed him right on the lips, and they were the best lips I’ve ever felt. There wasn’t any tongue, but still, it was a kiss. It was enough to make it clear that I’m done being told what and what not to do when it comes to Easton Crews. I’ve wanted him as my boyfriend since I was seven. Well, I’m sixteen and tired of waiting.”

  “But… how did you know he wanted you to kiss him? He didn’t pull away? I mean… did he like it?”

  She makes a face as if she’s thinking. “I’m not sure. I think he liked it. I mean, he didn’t pull away or anything. He didn’t kiss me back either, but I broke the kiss before he had a chance to really think. I just wanted to make a point in front of Roman, Stiles, and Ben. Especially since Ben Logan is always checking me out as if I’m going to be his next victim. No way. Not happening.”

  I feel an ache in my chest I’ve never felt before, and suddenly, I feel sick to my stomach. Yeah, I’m used to Easton dating girls, but I’ve always known none of them were going to be serious girlfriends. I always knew, because Easton tells me everything.

  It seems weird to me that Easton wouldn’t tell me that he liked her liked her. I mean, our brother has always made it very clear that he’d kill Easton if he ever dated one of us, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t tell me. I thought we were closer than that.

  “Hello… you listening to me, Dakota? This is really important stuff. You know how long I’ve waited for this.”

  I nod and begin pulling out clean clothes, so I can shower and go to bed. “Yeah, sorry. Just had a hard day at school and I’m tired. Good for you. I hope you have fun at Prom. I’m sure Easton will be the best date ever.”

  “Are you upset with me about something? Is it because I stole your red lipstick? Because you can have it back. It just looks so good with my blonde hair and you haven’t used it in a while, so…”

  “Nope. I’m not upset about that.”

  I’m upset that you’ve stolen the one boy I care about more than anything else in this world.

  “Are you upset about something else? I’m sorry if you are. Just tell me what it is that I did.”

  “No, Quinn.” I try my best to sound happy for her. “I’m not upset with you. I already said I was tired. You can keep my red lipstick. It’ll look good on you with whatever dress you pick out. You always look beautiful.”

  More beautiful than I could ever be, and that’s probably why Easton chose you over me.

  I drape my clean clothes over my arm and look back at her with a forced smile. She smiles back sweetly and walks over to wrap her arms around my neck. “You’re the best sister in the world and I love you. I just need you to promise me one thing.”

  I pull away from her hug. “What’s that?”

  “Well, first you have to promise me that you can do this for me, because it’s really important to me, little sis. It’s one of the most important things I’ll ever ask of you.”

  “Okay,” I say with a nervous swallow. “I promise.”

  The sick feeling in my stomach intensifies as I wait for her to ask me.

  “Promise me that you’ll never have feelings for Easton in the same way that I do.” My stomach sinks. “I know you guys are really close friends, and the idea of you two ever dating if we don’t work out hurts so much. I can’t even think about that. I’ve just waited so long to finally get my chance, and I know without a doubt that I’ll fall in love with him and never be able to stomach seeing him with anyone else. Especially my own sister.”

  How can I promise that when I already feel the same way? And the worst part of it all is that I thought maybe he could feel the same way someday.

  “Dakota…” She cups my face and brings her desperate baby blues up to meet mine. “Can you do that for me? Please! I just need to hear it from you. I never want to mess things up between us and Easton has the power to do that. Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  The moment the words leave my mouth, I feel as if I’m going to burst into tears.

  How can this be happening right now?

  I guess I just told myself over the years that I’d never have to worry about Easton and Quinn ending up together, because he never gave away any clues that he was interested—ever—and this feels like a slap to the face.

  Not that he told me we’d ever be together either, but now it can and will never happen. All I want to do is cry. I give my sister a quick hug and make my way to the bathroom where I can let it all out.

  I must have spent at least an hour crying under the water and feeling sorry for myself. For letting myself believe I could be with Easton someday. For ever allowing myself to fall for him to begin with.


  The fact that Quinn kissed me a couple of hours ago has my head spinning and I keep on waiting for Roman’s fist to fly at my face when I’m least expecting it.

  It’s not the feeling I got from her kissing me that has me all messed up, but the simple fact that now if Roman gives us his blessing to be together he’ll hate me if I turn Quinn down and hurt her.

  She’s a beautiful, sweet girl. There’s no denying that. She’d be a great girlfriend, but I just don’t feel that way about her.

  But she went and kissed me in front of not only Roman, but Stiles and Ben too. If I turn her down after that, it’ll feel and look like a dis.

  What the hell am I supposed to do now?

  Quinn has wanted to be my girlfriend since she was seven. She made sure the whole town knew it too.

  Roman not giving us his blessing has been the one thing I’ve counted on to avoid getting myself into a mess where I know I’ll only end up hurting his little sister if I ever walk away.

  I can’t do that to him or to this family, who has been a second family to me for the past eight or so years.

  That’s why I’ve never allowed myself to wonder what it would be like to date Quinn. I pushed the thought from my mind from the very beginning.

  But Dakota on the other hand… is a whole different story. There’s nothing in this world that could keep me from wondering what it would
be like to be with her.

  I’ve tried and tried over the years to keep that thought from crossing my mind, but it’s been an impossible task.

  Roman would kill me to ever think of his baby sister that way, and the fact that she’s only fifteen has kept me in check. We may only be two years apart, but I’m seventeen, and that just seems wrong.

  I figured when she turned eighteen, just maybe, I could change Roman’s mind about me dating one of his sisters. But it looks like the wrong one might’ve just done that already.

  “I knew this would end up happening someday. Quinn wants what she wants, and she’s wanted you since we were kids. What can I do about that?”

  I run my hand down my face, trying to think of what to say. My head is so screwed up right now.

  “She kissed you, so there will be no convincing her to give up on you now. Plus, she’s sixteen. She’s old enough to make her own decisions. I don’t like the idea of you dating one of my sisters, but I suppose if it has to be one, it might as well be the one closest to your age. Dakota is too young. Not that I’d ever have to worry about that. You guys are just as good of friends as we are.”

  “Yeah, man,” Stiles adds. “Plus, if you guys don’t end up together now, after she kissed you in front of all of us, she’s going to be so pissed off. You should probably ask her to Prom like she hinted.”

  “I don’t know…” I look up from working on the junk motorcycle I’ve been fixing up over the last several months. “I don’t like the idea of dating your sister, man. Things could get complicated, and you’re the one who’s been saying that for years.”

  “I’ll date her if you don’t,” Ben says from the doorway of the garage.

  “The fuck you will,” Roman snaps. “You will never date one of my sisters.”

  “Why not? What’s wrong with me?”

  Roman gives him a long look before answering. “You’re a dirtball. That’s why.”

  “And Easton isn’t? What makes you think he won’t fuck your sister and leave her.”

  “Hey! Fuck you, dick.” I toss my tool down and stand up, ready to knock him out if I have to. “I date girls and things don’t work out. That’s different than fucking girls and leaving. And I sure as hell don’t fuck them all like you do.”


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