Magical Arts Academy 10: Spirited Escape
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Her was Madame Pimlish. I might not have remembered much, but it was hard to forget the overbearing nature of the transformations teacher. I was certain Nando must be cringing inside. But my brother didn’t hesitate in executing his duty. He switched directions in mid-step, and moved in to shoulder the burden of the inconsolable woman.
The second Nando took Madame Pimlish’s weight, the wizard scooped Holly up from the floor. It was then that I realized how difficult it had been for him not be able to console the hound properly. He’d sacrificed more in his efforts to comfort Madame Pimlish than I’d realized.
The hellhounds were large, as big as any mastiff I’d ever seen, and Holly was burdened with a swollen belly. But the wizard held her as if she were no heavier than a human child, and cradled her against his chest with the same degree of care.
I lost track of the rest as Nando herded me along with Madame Pimlish toward the ramp. Before I knew it, we were making our way upward, following a mess of firedrakes and magicians. I called over my shoulder for Ama and the others to join us. I wanted to turn around to gather the spirits, but the swell of hounds behind me pushed me forward.
I heard a few sighs of relief from in front and behind me, but I couldn’t help but think that our escape was too easy. Of course, nothing about the breaking of the spell had been easy, per se. But as bad as things had been, I’d still expected them to be worse.
“Everything is fine,” Nando said from beside me, obviously struggling to get the sobbing Madame Pimlish to continue moving along with us. “We’ll be out of the castle in no time.”
I wanted to believe him, I really did. But I couldn’t shake a deep sense of dread and foreboding that was nagging at me like mosquitoes swarming across bare skin.
Everything is fine, I repeated Nando’s words to myself, hoping it would help. We’ll be out of the castle in no time.
But even then, I believed I was lying to myself... or maybe that was just a lingering effect of Maurisse’s spell.
I forced myself to follow the others up and around and up the circling ramp some more, forcefully pushing dread away, and inviting hope into each footfall. It was like trudging through a marsh. Hope sank to the bottom, as did my stomach.
I worried the castle hadn’t let go of us yet.
Dragon’s Fury - Book 11
Continue Isadora’s adventures in book 11 of the Magical Arts Academy.
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I’d write no matter what, because telling stories is my passion, but the following people make creating worlds (and life) a joy. I’m eternally grateful for the support of my beloved, James, my mother, Elsa, and my three daughters, Catia, Sonia, and Nadia. They’ve always believed in me, even before I published a single word. They help me see the magic in the world around me, and more importantly, within.
I’m grateful for every single one of you who’ve reached out to tell me that one of my stories touched you in one way or another, made you smile or cry, or kept you up long past your bedtime. You’ve given me reason to keep writing.
Read more by Lucía Ashta
Magic Awakens
The Five-Petal Knot
The Merqueen
The Witching World Omnibus, Books 1-3
The Ginger Cat
The Scarlet Dragon
Spirit of the Spell
First Spell
Winged Pursuit
Unexpected Agents
Improbable Ally
Questionable Rescue
Sorcerers’ Web
Ghostly Return
Castle’s Curse
Spirited Escape
Dragon’s Fury
Magic Ignites *
Powers Unleashed *
Planet Origins
Original Elements
Holographic Princess
Planet Origins Omnibus, Books 1-3
Purple Worlds
Planet Sand
Holographic Convergence
Mowab Rider
Beyond Sedona
Beyond Prophecy
Beyond Amber
Beyond Arnaka
Invisible Born
Invisible Bound
Invisible Rider
The Orphan Son *
Huntress of the Unseen
A Betrayal of Time
Daughter of the Wind
The Unkillable Killer
Whispers of Pachamama
Immortalium *
(* coming soon)
About the author
Lucía Ashta, a former attorney and architect, is an Argentinian-American author who lives in Sedona with her beloved and three daughters. She published her first story (about an unusual Cockatoo) at the age of eight, and she’s been at it ever since.
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