Ravik's Mercy (Braxians Book 2)
Page 8
Looking around the shuttle bay at my four dozen shuttles and fighters, Ravena’s small vessel sitting amongst them further highlighted the gap between us. Sleek, elegant, and at the height of technological excellence, it put my own battleship to shame. Clearly of Guldan design with its sharp, angular edges, it also possessed some other influences, dominantly Tuurean.
“Has everyone returned to the ship?” I asked.
“Everyone except some of our guests, Magnar,” Baldur replied. “The non-warriors stated that, as they would be of no use in the hunt, they would remain to honor the Braxian gladiators in the championship.”
Ravena’s soft but determined steps resonated on the dark metal plating covering the floor as she approached us.
“Pattel returned as well?”
“Yes, Magnar.”
As much as I wanted him with me on Braxia, this wouldn’t do. I resisted the urge to place a possessive hand around Ravena’s waist when she stopped by my side. Baldur’s eyes flicked towards her before he quickly averted them.
“Have him come to my quarters and prepare for immediate departure.”
“Yes, Magnar,” Baldur said.
He slightly bowed his head and struck his chest with his fist as a salute before leaving.
“Come,” I said to Ravena. “Let me show you to your quarters.”
The thick, reinforced metal doors parted before us as we exited the shuttle bay under the curious eyes of the crew. Females very rarely got to travel onboard a Braxian ship, unless they were sex slaves to see to the needs of the crew. And those were only allowed on long missions, not short trips like this one. The other rare cases were if a foreign guest traveled with us, accompanied by a spouse or daughter. But they usually preferred to fly alongside us in their own vessel. I couldn’t blame them. Ravena’s stunning beauty drew even more stares. In many ways, Caldes was right in making a parallel between Guldans and Braxians as perfect allies. Like us, they jealously kept their females tucked away on their planet. With both our cultures treating women as mere breeders and fuck toys, they had no reason to travel.
That shameful realization only further highlighted the steep hill I needed to climb to drag Braxia out of its antiquated ways.
Ravena’s eyes flicked this way and that as she evaluated my ship on our way to the sleeping quarters. Technologically, it paled in comparison to her shuttle. Nonetheless, it was a beautiful battleship, equipped with the most advanced Braxian technology, weaponry, and top of the line amenities and comforts.
“Burnt-red flooring,” Ravena mused out loud. “Interesting color.”
I smiled. There was indeed something ominous about it and its dark grey edges, although the pale grey walls helped lighten the overall mood.
“You will find that Braxians are particularly fond of black, dark grey, and maroon.”
She nodded. “I had indeed noticed that Anton wore a lot of black and so do you,” she said, giving me a quick once over.
I liked the way she looked at me; especially the way her gaze lingered on my muscles. Whatever Braxians lacked in facial beauty, and despite our massive sizes, our bodies were considered works of art. With our high metabolism, we’d yet to see a single overweight Braxian. The slightest effort, and ample nutrition, sufficed for us to gain muscle mass.
“And you as well, little bird,” I countered as we crossed the guests’ and officers’ sleeping quarters.
“I like black or white. White because it looks great with my skin complexion,” Ravena said, looking at her wrist. “And black because it makes me feel sexy and naughty.”
I chuckled. “There’s no question you are both, with or without black.”
Her lips stretched in a smirk. The memory of her taste, the softness of her tongue against mine, had me aching for seconds.
“Truth!” she said, an unrepentant glimmer in her eyes.
I stopped in front of the secured door at the end of the corridor; which led to my private suite. Unlike most other sections, whose doors possessed windows you could see through, these were completely occluded and bomb-proof. I placed my hand on the scanner embedded on the wall. The red light at the top turned white, and the door automatically opened with a soft hiss. I didn’t go in.
“New access,” I said.
“New access requested by Magnar Ravik,” said the synthetic voice of Hana, the ship’s artificial intelligence. “New guest, please place your hand on the scanner.”
Ravena complied without asking any questions. A white light scanned her from head to toe, while another beneath her palm archived a copy of her digital print.
“New guest, please state your full name, loud and clear,” Hana said when the scanning lights faded.
Ravena appeared to hesitate for a split second before she spoke. “Ravena Mercy Vrok.”
My brows shot up.
“Ravena Mercy Vrok, successfully registered,” Hana said. “Magnar Ravik, please state Ravena Mercy Vrok’s security clearance level.”
“Security clearance level three,” I said.
“Security level three now activated for Ravena Mercy Vrok. Registration complete.”
Under the current circumstances, it was a little foolish on my part to give her level three when only level one was usually granted. It merely allowed the guest to come and go as they pleased, as well as lock their private room against anyone with clearance level three or lower. William vouching for her certainly helped. But still… for some irrational reason, giving her less than three felt disrespectful.
My suite had four other individual quarters, two of which were reserved for my sons, Keran and Ganek. The adjoining room to my private quarters had never been occupied, as it was reserved for the female I would claim as wife, concubine, or bedroom slave.
I led her to it.
“These are your quarters,” I said, showing her in.
Just like in the hallway, dark and light greys and paler shades of maroon dominated. Darker reds would not be used in a female room as it spoke of strength, power, and fury. A massive bed stood in front of a large window, which looked out into the void of space. The dresser, vanity, and breakfast table constituted the only other pieces of furniture within the room, all of which were bolted to the floor.
“This is your dressing room,” I said, pressing an inconspicuous pattern on what appeared to be an inconspicuous wall panel.
Multiple light-grey shelves and magnetic clothes hangers lay empty. A long bench covered with a red-striped, grey cushion occupied the center of the small rectangular room. The crew had laid Ravena’s bag on top of it.
I closed the door and opened the one next to it. “This is the hygiene room, although I believe you call it a fresher in the Western Quadrant.”
She nodded and gave the room a cursory glance. Her slight frown at the sight of the particle shower didn’t go unnoticed.
“If you wish to bathe with real water, you may use my private bath,” I said with a smirk. She raised a curious eyebrow. “This way, little bird.”
Ravena’s eyes widened when I pressed against a third wall panel that didn’t have the hidden symbol. It opened on a small corridor which led to my bath area, although it could almost qualify as a small, five-square-meter pool. As in her room, the back wall was one large window into space. The room was completely bare aside from some dim, recessed lights on the side walls, and a shelf with towels and bathing products. Ravena whistled, her eyes sparkling.
“I’m so all over this one,” she whispered and glanced at the front wall, accurately guessing that the central panel hid a door. “And where does that lead?”
“My bedroom, of course,” I deadpanned.
“Connecting rooms? How convenient.”
“Is it?” I asked, stepping closer to her.
I didn’t know what I’d expected but not that she’d step even closer, her breasts brushing against my stomach. Despite her respectable height, Ravena had to crane her neck to look up at me.
“Very,” she s
Her boldness did strange things to me. I’d never been with a non-submissive female before, let alone one as forward as her. Leaning down, I placed my hands on her behind and lifted her up. A soft gasp escaped her lips, but she went along, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.
“That ‘nothing’ dress you wore earlier was better,” I growled, frustrated by her leggings and long-sleeved sweater that denied me the feel of her bare skin.
The memory of its softness beneath my palms had blood rushing to my groin. Not giving her time to respond, I crushed her lips while pressing her body closer to mine. Her lips parted, welcoming my tongue. I explored and plundered, savoring her sweet taste and wanting more. Although she followed my lead, she didn’t yield full control to me. Ravena’s hands fisted my hair, and she tilted her head to the side to deepen the kiss. Our tongues danced together before I sucked on hers. The sexy moan that rose from her throat almost drowned the chime of my door.
My brain froze for a moment, wondering who the fuck would dare disturb me at such a time. And then I remembered.
Breaking the kiss, I gazed upon my woman’s face. The smoldering look in her eyes almost had me ignore Pattel and carry her straight to my bed.
I put her back down on her feet and straightened. Her confused look made me smile. She’d been so lost in the moment she hadn’t heard the chime.
“I have a guest.”
“What?” she asked, further confused.
The chime ringing again startled her, answering her question.
“Seriously?” she asked.
I chuckled. “Hold that thought. It will be brief.”
Ravena’s gaze burned in my back as I opened the hidden door into my bedroom and closed it behind me.
I ran my fingers through my hair to fix it and brushed a hand over my shirt.
“Open door,” I said, standing a few feet in front of it.
Obeying the vocal command, it slid open revealing my Councilman. His eyes flicked around the room, no doubt looking for the source of the delay.
“Come in, old friend.” I smirked as he approached me, feeling like a naughty teenager. “Baldur tells me you are returning to Braxia with us.”
“Indeed. It is troubling news that joarkals should be on the hunt at this time.” His deep green eyes filled with concern.
“It is. But one we will face without you.”
Pattel recoiled, his eyes widening in shock. “What do you mean?”
I moved a couple of steps closer to him and put a hand on one of his broad shoulders, giving it a friendly squeeze.
“Your clan has greatly distinguished itself in the championship, in the tournament it also had set up. It angers me that I will not be able to give you proper tribute in person. But you will not be cheated of your rightful moment of glory.”
Pattel blinked, then appeared torn between pride and the need to argue.
“You flatter me, Magnar. But Braxia…”
“Braxia can wait an extra day for your arrival,” I interrupted. “By all accounts, it will be days before we’re done killing them or chasing them away.” Raising my second hand to his other shoulder, my eyes bore into his. “I’ve always been honest with you, and that will not change now. As a friend, I want you to enjoy this win. But as the Magnar, I need you to do so. Your clan’s victory is also Braxia’s. Our people need to see us prevail and receive intergalactic accolades. Your success will be celebrated throughout the home land; the success of a clan who has embraced change.”
Pattel’s eyes widened in understanding, and he slowly nodded in agreement. “Smart call. I will make sure to give all Braxian participants as much media exposure as possible.”
“Good man,” I said, releasing him.
“See you in two days,” Pattel said. He struck his chest with his fist and left my quarters.
“Com to the bridge,” I said once the door closed behind my friend.
“Baldur listening,” the captain answered over the intercom.
“As soon as Elder Pattel and his men have left the ship, set a course for Braxia.”
“Unless an emergency arises, I am not to be disturbed.”
“Yes, Magnar.”
“Ravik out,” I said, ending the communication.
My eyes flicked to the hidden room leading to the bath, and the fire reignited in the pit of my stomach at the thought of my woman. I cursed my negligence for not procuring some Denax before boarding the ship. Then again, it might be a good thing. As much as I ached to bury myself inside of her, even with the dilator, I doubted she would be able to take one of my girth without tearing. I wanted her screaming my name with pleasure, not in agony. There were other ways to bring each other to completion.
As I approached the door, the sound of splashing water made my heart skip a beat. I had hoped she would make use of it while waiting for me, and not change her mind by taking refuge in her room. I kicked off my boots and stripped out of my clothes, which I casually discarded on the chair near the door.
Naked as a newborn child, I opened the door and stepped onto the soft, heated, anti-slip floor surrounding the pool. Ravena, fully naked as well, floated on her back in the center of the pool, her long, obsidian hair splayed around her like a dark halo. Blood rushed to my groin at the breathtaking view of her beauty. She didn’t move, didn’t try to hide, allowing instead her gaze to roam over me. My shaft hardened, rising until it stood erect before my stomach. The fear I expected its sight would elicit in my woman never came.
“Tell me to leave,” I said, giving her one final chance to retreat.
She straightened, an indecipherable expression on her serious face, and extended an inviting hand towards me. I lowered myself into the warm water and closed the short distance between us. Ravena’s hands reached for my chest, caressed their way up to my shoulders and around my neck before her fingers buried themselves in my hair. I drew her into my embrace, and her legs closed around me. A feral growl rose from my throat at the searing heat of her naked flesh against mine.
Propping her up, I captured her lips, devouring her mouth while my hands freely roamed over her body. She tightened her hold around me, her core pressing against the tip of my cock. It jerked in response, eager to bury itself within her. Fisting her hair gently, I tilted her head back to cover her jawline with kisses, and then traced with my tongue the Veredian markings along the soft curve of her neck. Ravena shuddered in my arms, a strangled moan escaping her throat. The divine sound sent another jolt of desire straight to my groin. I licked her markings again, eliciting the same strong reaction. As their light-brown color darkened to almost black with each caress, their sensitivity to my touch seemed to increase.
With a gentle tug on her hair, I forced her to lean farther back, exposing her perky breasts to my eager mouth. I licked around the areola, a darker shade of brown than her golden skin, and then nipped at the little button before sucking on it. It hardened under my ministrations as the sound of Ravena’s breaths came in short, quick successions. After giving her other breast a bit of attention, I straightened her and reclaimed her mouth. I would never tire of the silken feel of her tongue against mine.
Holding herself up with one arm around my neck, Ravena sneaked a hand between us to close it around my shaft. My hips thrust upwards in an involuntary reflex. Liquid fire poured into my loins, and I growled with unsated hunger. Although my cock was too big for her fingers to close around it, she still managed to stroke me, stirring a slow-building inferno within me. With my arm around her waist, my other hand caressed the rounded curve of her ass, dipping down and around until my fingers found her burning core.
Ravena threw her head back and moaned as I began to massage her little nub. My mouth latched onto her exposed neck, licking and nipping at her markings.
“Ravik,” she whispered in a throaty voice when I slipped one of my fingers inside o
f her.
The sound of my name on her lips nearly drove me insane. With my finger still dipping in and out of her, I waded through the water to the edge of the pool. I sat her at the edge, forcing her to let go of my cock. The need to taste her superseded the terrible sense of loss. Lifting her legs over my shoulders, which forced her to lie down, I buried my face between her thighs. She cried out, her back arching off the floor. The most exquisite taste exploded in my mouth as I lapped at her with ravenous hunger, and dipped my tongue in and out of her opening.
Ravena writhed under my touch, one hand fisted in my hair while the other kneaded her own breast. My abdominal muscles contracted painfully from the throbbing ache in my cock. Knowing that I couldn’t fuck her, I wanted to wrap my hand around it and stroke it with wild abandon until I found the release it demanded. But my woman’s pleasure had to come first.
With my lips sucking on her clit, I inserted two fingers inside her, dipping them in and out with growing intensity. Her tight walls gripped them, contracting in the precursor spasms of her imminent climax. There was something unusual about the texture of her inner walls, not unpleasant, but not as soft as other females. They also seemed to have some rippling ridges within. When my free hand brushed against the Veredian markings on the left side of her leg, Ravena detonated with a guttural cry, her pelvis lifting off the edge of the pool.
I continued my sensual assault on her until she came down from her high. Pulling myself out of the water, I drew her away from the edge of the pool. I lay down next to her, the rubbery surface of the floor soft beneath us.
Still a little dazed, Ravena nonetheless turned to kiss me. This time, her tongue demanded control. It threw me at first, unused to females trying to take charge. But I allowed it, too distracted by her hands caressing my chest. She rose to her knees. Water dripping from her long hair sticking in dark swirls to her skin. She resembled a dark water fairy come to seduce an unsuspecting mortal. She straddled me while pursuing her exploration of my body. Her silken palms and divine lips left a blazing trail of pleasure in their wake.