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Twisted in Chains

Page 27

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s okay.”

  “What the hell, Noah?” She whispered the words.

  “I told you, I’m fucked up.”

  The room they stood in was an exact replica of their cell.

  No windows. No flooring. Cold, cement floors. He didn’t even allow for heating to come into the room, and it was in fact cold. Skye crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing at her arms.

  On the wall to his left, chains hung down the walls just like where he was once bound. It was not in this exact room, but it was like stepping back in time.

  A single toilet sat in the nearest right corner, and in the far right was a bed with a mattress that had seen better days, but he knew for a fact it was brand-new. He’d purchased it and gotten the men to dirty it up in dust and stuff.

  “I don’t know why you’d do this?” she asked. She turned in his arms, tears in her eyes. “Do you miss it? Are you wanting to go back?”

  “I don’t miss it.” He stroked her cheek.

  She didn’t flinch away from his touch, so he considered that a plus.

  “Then, why? I don’t … how could you have recreated that place?”

  “Does it scare you?” he asked.

  She turned back to look at the small room. “No, it doesn’t scare me.” She took a step inside the room, away from him.

  It didn’t take her many steps until she sat on the bed, her hands gripping the edge. He saw the tears in her eyes.

  “I think about this place so much,” she said.

  She closed her eyes, and he saw her grip tighten on the mattress before getting to her feet and moving to the chains like the ones he’d once been bound by.

  “You know, I thought we’d be there a few hours, a day tops, when they took these off you.” She lifted up one of the metal cuffs. “We should have known sooner they were drugging you.”

  “We were kids.”

  “With some form of intelligence. We should have known something was wrong.”

  “I did know,” he said. “I just … I didn’t know if it was me, or if I was ill or something.”

  She dropped the cuff, and he watched her slowly circle the room. “Does the toilet work?”



  “Tell me what you’re thinking right now,” he said. “I need you to talk to me.”

  “It’s a lot to process right now. I mean, look at this place.” She sniffled. “I think about it so much.”

  He watched her in some amazement as she began to strip out of her clothes. Her hands shook a little, but she didn’t for a second waver.

  They spent so much time together, those few weeks they were taken, naked. Seeing her without her clothes was second nature to him. Even as she’d aged, her body, to him, had only grown more beautiful.

  He craved her in ways he’d never wanted another woman. Even his wife didn’t hold any desire him. The only person he wanted was Skye.

  Was that why he’d recreated this room?

  Even in adulthood, he wanted to be close to the one girl he let get away?

  Nothing had ever been the same for him after their time together in that fucking place. The pain, the fear, the loss, it had all melded together, but alone in their small cell, they had each other.

  Skye sat down on the bed, her hands clenched by her sides, and he saw her take several shaky breaths.

  He stripped down his own clothes, showing the scars he still held. Skye’s body possessed similar scars from the beatings she took. They had both nearly broken.

  Once he was naked, he stepped up to the bed, staring down at her. He climbed across her body slowly, taking his time to settle down near the wall.

  Putting a hand on her hip, she turned slightly, staring at him. Stroking the tips of his fingers up her body, he wiped the tears away from her eyes.

  “They’re still winning?”

  “No, they’re not.”

  “Noah, you can’t say they’re not winning with this room you’ve created. It’s like a shrine to them.”

  “It means nothing.”

  She sniffled. “How can this not mean anything?”

  “I don’t even know why I had it made for myself.” He stroked a finger down her arm, going to her hip. “I needed it.”

  “Do you need it now?”

  He held her tightly, pulling her close.

  “I’ve not stepped foot inside her since I met you again. Do you hate me?”

  “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.” She placed her hand over his. “I’ve thought about this place so much, and it’s hard to think right now.”

  “Do you want to leave?”


  “This … there was more to our teenage years. We spent six weeks here, right?”


  “I thought we were going to die here.” She pulled away from him, sitting up. He followed her, stroking a finger down her back, needing to touch her.

  When she stepped off the bed, he did the same.

  She went to the cuffs, lifting them up, and he watched, mesmerized, as she secured one around her wrist, turning and holding the other out to him. “You have a key?”


  She handed him the cuff and offered up her hand.

  Slowly, in case she changed her mind, he slid the cuff around her wrist, and she breathed out a sigh.

  Noah captured her face in his hands, slamming her back against the wall, and claiming her lips. He needed to kiss her, to consume her, to feel every single fucking inch of her body against his. She was locked up, at his mercy.

  Time seemed to stand still and go backward. As he looked at her now, he saw her hair, long, age faded away, and they were eighteen, locked away, scared. Only this time, they weren’t.

  Lifting her up in his arms, he kept her back against the wall, finding her wet heat. He was shocked to find her slick at all, but she was.

  “I trust you, Noah. I always trust you.” He slammed to the hilt within her, fucking her hard, pounding inside her. He didn’t stimulate her in any way; he just took her.

  Her nails sank into the flesh of his back, and he captured her hands, thrusting them above her head, holding her completely at his mercy. He loved seeing the dark black cuffs against her hands.

  Slamming his dick inside her, he felt her walls begin to tremble.

  “You want to come on my dick?”


  “Say please.”


  “Who owns you?”

  She moaned. “You, Noah, you do.”

  He kept his dick to the hilt within her, reaching between them to stroke her slit. He watched her, seeing the pleasure play across her face as he fingered her pussy. She was so close and yet she fought her release. He kept her at the edge, but she was being so stubborn, refusing to come. He wasn’t having that.

  Letting go of her hands, he wrapped his fingers around her throat and claimed her lips, hard. He squeezed her neck just enough for her to know he meant business.

  The flood of her cream across his dick made him growl.

  Biting her lips, licking over them, plunging his tongue into her open mouth, ravishing her, drew her orgasm from her with a scream.

  His name echoed off the walls. The moment she came, he let go of her neck, held her hips, and fucked her harder than ever before, wanting to hear her scream of submission as he fucked her.

  “You feel so fucking good. So fucking good.” He kept repeating the words, and as he came, he did so filling her up, flooding her pussy with his cum.

  Afterward, he wished she didn’t have the chains on her wrist. All he wanted to do was to wrap his arms around her, hold her, but instead, he had to leave her body. He watched the spill of his release as it slid down her leg.

  Grabbing the keys from his pocket, he moved to the cuffs and opened them up. She rubbed at the soreness from the metal cuffs.

  He didn’t give her the chance to leave. Picking her up, he carried her toward the door.

>   “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “We’re going to my bedroom.”

  He slammed the door closed and carried her through to his main bedroom. Putting her on the bed, he climbed in behind her, nestling her ass against his crotch. He cupped her tit, and with the warmth of the room, finally seeping into his flesh, he felt … whole.

  Kissing her neck, he couldn’t get close enough to her. He wanted to be completely wrapped in all things Skye.

  “Did you take your wife into that room?” she asked.


  “Did she know about the room?”

  “She stole my key and let herself in.”

  There was a brief silence.

  “She didn’t get it, did she?”

  “No. She thought I was a freak. Some monster serial killer about to go and find my next victim. When in fact, all I was doing was remembering you.”

  She rolled over so now that she faced him. “Remembering me?”

  “Every time I stood in that room, and I’m not saying I was there every single day or even every week.”

  “Fifteen years is a long time.”

  “That room hasn’t been with me that long. Whenever I did stand inside it, I thought about you. I thought about us. I thought about what we’d missed out on.”

  “Noah, it’s never good to be thinking about another woman when you’ve got a wife.”

  He sighed. “I know that.”

  “I thought about you,” she said.

  “You did?”

  “Yeah. I mean, I never had the means of recreating that, but you were always there, even when I was married. It’s … surreal to think that we’re back here, together. After everything we’ve been through.”

  He cupped her cheek. “I don’t regret us finding each other again.”

  “I wasn’t looking for you, Noah.”

  He smiled. “They always say you find the things you didn’t realize you were looking for.”

  He kissed her lips, knowing deep down, he’d never stopped looking for her. The only thing was, he was always looking in the wrong places.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Skye held the coffee she’d made in one hand, and in the other, she squeezed the key she’d gotten from his pants. Their clothes were in a pile near the door. She was going to pick them up to take them to the laundry room, but for now, she was staring straight at her past.

  The memories were always there, so vivid, so scary.

  “You think we’re getting out?”

  “I’ve got to have hope.”


  “Because, without it, we’re stuck here until they’re finished with us.”

  Noah had been so confident they were leaving. Why would he not? He’d been unstoppable all of his life. He’d been the guy everyone looked up to.

  Tears filled her eyes as another memory surfaced, this one of Noah on the floor, covered in blood and other things. They had both suffered so greatly.

  When she thought of this place, she often felt guilty. Looking back, part of her had wanted to return, especially when life got too hard. People always wanted their pound of flesh, but back here, it was a dog eat dog world. There were no blurred lines, just clear need for survival.

  Most of her adult life, even married to Martin, she had missed Noah.

  She never wanted to admit it, not even to herself, or to anyone else. What good would it do? He’d left, and she hadn’t fought for him to stay. He’d gone, and she’d been alone.

  “Skye, right now, I really fucking hate you. I don’t deserve your forgiveness or anything. I didn’t want to rape you. I didn’t want to be taken, or share a room with you, or do any of that, but I fell in love with you.”

  Did he still love her?

  Hearing those words after he’d let her know his father was going to take a promotion, take him away from her.

  Stepping into the room, she didn’t take her robe off. She sat down on the mattress, sipping at her coffee. The door was still open, and she felt the same one was open that she’d kept shut all these years on her feelings.

  Wiping the fresh wave of tears from her eyes, she took a sip of her coffee.

  “What are you doing in here?” Noah asked.

  She looked up. He wore a pair of boxer briefs, nothing else. He also held a cup in his hand.

  “I couldn’t sleep.” She cleared her throat. “I’ll grab our clothes. Do the laundry.”

  He stepped into the room and sat beside her. The door to the room was still open. His pristine floors stood out against the cold cement. One door was the past, the other, the present.

  What was their future? Should they even be together?

  “You know, I didn’t want you to leave,” she said. “I lay in that hospital bed, and my parents, because the men had been killed, didn’t feel it was necessary for them to stay. They didn’t know I was breaking apart inside.”

  “I never wanted to leave.”

  “It was good that you did. We wouldn’t be who we are today without you going away, without you giving me a chance to find myself. I can’t bring myself to regret telling you to leave. It has done us good, both of us.”

  “Have you found yourself?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” She let out a little chuckle. “I didn’t mess around. I studied hard. I doubt it would have been the same with you around.”

  “We’d have been bad news for each other,” he said, laughing. “You know, I would have loved it.”

  “What do you mean?” She turned to look at him.

  “I shouldn’t have left.” He took hold of her hand, and in the process, she dropped the key onto the floor. He locked their fingers together. “I didn’t want to leave. You were the only one who could understand me. You knew me. When all the layers had been pulled back and all that remained was us, we were the strong ones. We’re here, living and breathing.”

  “We’re still in the past,” she said. “Look at the room, Noah. You created this. A like-for-like memory of one of the worst times of our lives.”

  “Then why does it at times feel like it was one of the best times?”

  She shook her head. “You’re blurring those memories. We were raped. We were tortured. We had to kill people to survive. What we had back then, it wasn’t real. This is not real.”

  She stood up, staring at the walls.

  “The only way for you to fight this grip that the past has on you is to let this go. When you’re ready.”

  “I’ll get rid of it.”

  “Noah, first you need to figure out why you built it,” she said, tucking some hair behind her ear. “I’m not judging you for this. I know how trapped I feel in my memories. How they scare the crap out of me. But, being here, I have two feelings for this place.”

  “What are they?” he asked.

  “One, this is the worst time of my life, ever. I don’t want to ever be taken, be kidnapped, be at someone else’s mercy again. Don’t forget that. We were not there of our own free will, and this is where you’re blurring the past. We weren’t there willingly. This wasn’t something we asked for, Noah.” She touched his cheek. “You need to realize that.” She stroked his cheek, withdrawing her hand. “I’m going to go and get some air.”

  She got to her feet, but Noah reached for her hand, grabbing her and pulling her down onto the bed. In the process, she dropped her cup, and she heard it smash on the ground.

  He had her on the bed, beneath him.

  “What are you doing?”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, silencing her. Her pussy grew wet as he began kissing down her body. Moving past her lips, to her neck, then down her chest. He sucked on each nipple, his tongue sliding across the hard peak. She arched up, moaning, wanting him, even as she knew they shouldn’t do this here.

  This room brought with her so many memories.

  She gritted her teeth as he kissed down her body, going across her stomach. His tongue slid between her slit with ease. She wanted him so much. There
was no mistaking her need for him, how desperate she felt.

  When he opened the folds of her pussy and licked through her slit, she was lost. She couldn’t think, let alone form a complaint.

  He sucked on her clit, sliding down to her opening, plunging in deep. He gripped her hips, holding her up to his mouth, sucking on the flesh of her. The grip he had tightened even more as he held her close to his face.

  “You taste so good. Just like I remembered.”

  She cried out as he sucked her clit into his mouth, so hard that he used teeth scoring against her delicate flesh.

  “You’re fucking mine, Skye. All mine.” He eased off the biting and flicked his tongue back and forth, and she felt that peak begin to build, unfurling deep within her, driving her higher than ever before. She couldn’t think or focus. There was just her and Noah.

  Before she came though, he stopped, moving so that she was now straddling him on the bed. His back was against the wall, his feet hanging off the bed, and he moved her, putting her into the position he wanted.

  He slid inside her so easily as she was so wet. Each slide of his cock, she heard the sounds of her own arousal.

  “I want to feel you come all around my cock, Skye. All over my dick.” He began to thrust inside her, starting off slow, but that didn’t last long at all. He grabbed her wrists, holding them down to the bed as he fucked her harder, taking what he wanted, and she loved it. Even as she wanted to come, she waited, desperate to feel him. The hunger he had in his eyes, she never wanted that to go away. “You’re the only one for me, Skye. The only one.”

  Over and over, he pounded away inside her, until he finally released her hands. She watched through tiny slits as he stroked a hand over her body, going to her pussy. When his fingers began to slide through her flesh, she nibbled her lip, arching up, moaning as he did so.

  “Come for me, Skye.”

  It was as if her body was his to command. All he had to do was snap his fingers and she was putty in his hands.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck, you feel so good. So good.” He began to rock inside her as she came. Each touch of his cock sent little lightning strikes inside her pussy, prolonging the pleasure of her release.

  She couldn’t think or feel. Her entire body belonged to him, and there was no getting away from that.


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