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Shared Reverse Harem Bundle 1

Page 13

by Kaylee Kane

  They said if you couldn’t make up your mind, throw a coin because, by the time the coin was in the air, you already knew what you were wishing for. I didn’t have to anymore.

  The smell of my lavender body wash filled every inch of my skin, now smooth and clear of the bad boys’ cum. Forgiving myself might be the hardest thing to do, but now that Cecily had forgiven me, I had no reasons to hate myself, not when the planet was at stake and there were people waiting to be rescued.

  Not only my mind was refreshed, I felt like a new person. Someone who had a clear direction in her life and knew what she wanted. I was completely woke now. Wiping myself clean, I whipped into my crisp catsuit and never had I felt so belonged before.

  I turned to my wall of fame. I still remembered every detail from the newspaper clippings. How I fought to my fame, to become the Mysterious Kitty everybody adored and worshipped.

  I remembered Vylan saying how he too kept the newspaper clippings of Mysterious Kitty and I wondered how many more people were doing it. Give up just because I got fucked by some immature bad boys? No fucking way.

  Wearing my makeup and full outfit, I looked at myself in the mirror, proud of the reflection smiling back at myself. I was the Mysterious Kitty, the savior and idol of Corn City. It wasn’t even about my own hometown anymore.

  I had to stop some psycho alien and his traitor human assistant from wreaking havoc on my home planet. Not to mention, rescuing the man of my dreams from danger.

  “You can do this, babe!” I winked and pointed the gun-finger to myself in the mirror. I turned to grab my trench coat from my chair, then hesitated. I smiled to myself and left the trench coat. Not today.

  Grabbing my keys and my gadgets, I slipped into my cat mask and left the apartment.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” I cried the moment I set eyes on the pink sedan car. When Cecily rolled down the tinted window, she looked completely different, if not ridiculous.

  “Do you like my costume?” Cecily asked smilingly.

  She was clad in a glossy bright pink bodysuit that made her look like she came from a sixties space movie.

  She had a six-inch pink stiletto and face mask that had two cat ears, similar to mine but covered her whole face except for the two eye-holes, to match.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” I asked once I jumped into the passenger seat.

  Cecily released the handbrake and sped into the street. “I had a long thought last night once I got home. All my life I was spending other people’s money. I don’t really have any achievements that I can be proud of.”

  “That’s not what I mean, Cecily. I didn’t mean that you should become a vigilante like me. I just said you shouldn’t put a price tag on everything.”

  “It’s my decision, Kat. Plus, I thought you might need a sidekick.”

  “Does your husband know what you are doing?”

  “Don’t worry about him,” said Cecily, waving her hand dismissively. “I am my own woman.”

  “Sure you are.” I fought not to roll my eyes as a sigh escaped from my chest.

  With Cecily’s speeding skills, we arrived at the nuclear department in fifteen minutes. The pink car screeched to a halt into a parking spot. I was thrown forward. Luckily, the seatbelt pulled me back.

  An enormous shadow cast over the geodesic building like a dark cloud. My eyes widened and I stepped back when I saw the giant spaceship hovering in the sky.

  The large white cubic shape of the spaceship rang a bell until I remembered it was Xavior’s house, where he’d fucked me so good for the first time and asked me to become his sugar baby. I had no fucking idea it was a fucking spaceship.

  “Holy fucking shit,” I gasped. “What the fuck am I seeing? A fucking spaceship?” I pinched myself in the cheek, wondering if I were still unconscious from last night.

  “Kat!” Cecily squealed from inside the car. She scrambled out of the driver’s seat, holding onto her phone when I turned around. Now that she was out of the car, she looked even more ridiculous, like some sort of pink plastic sex doll.

  But one thing I couldn’t deny–she was freaking hawt. If both of us stepped into a scene, all eyes would be looking at her. Cecily was always the popular girl, no matter where she went.

  She could take even the ugliest outfit and pull off something sexy. I guessed that was her real superpower.

  “Check out this video!” said Cecily, shoving the phone into my face before I could stop her. Xavior’s face jumped before my eyes and he was wearing his signature smirk.

  “Mysterious Kitty still hasn’t even shown her shadow at this time. I can only come up with one conclusion. Anyway, I have planted a couple of nuclear bombs in this department. You know, just for a trial run for the mini prototypes,” said Xavior.

  My admiration at him had long turned to hatred and now evolved to disgust. Even Cecily’s face was twisted as she watched on.

  “Shut up, Xavior! You’re nothing but a thief!” A familiar voice came behind Xavior, from out of the screen. Xavior’s face twitched with displeasure, then he moved the screen towards Vylan.

  Vylan glared at Xavior, showing no signs of fear despite Xavior looked like a homicidal alien. “Mysterious Kitty is not dead. She will be here in no time.”

  My heart skipped. Cecily gasped and her face flew to cover her mouth. She flashed a glance at me and continued watching the live video.

  My heart pumped with exhilaration and fear. Relief washed over me knowing that Vylan was safe but watching him restrained to the chair in what looked like a dark room filled me with worry.

  From the dark, stuffy look of the room, it looked like some sort of underground room. Probably somewhere secret and not easily accessible, which added to the challenge of rescuing Vylan.

  Where was this place? What were those two bastards going to do with Vylan? I clenched my fists as anger burst through my veins.

  “What makes you think that your Kitty will come to save you? Trixter and I have finished her off. After we finished in her.” Xavior chuckled and that sent a shiver down my spine.

  It wasn’t that tingling feeling that made my pussy clench with want. It was pure hatred and disgust that made me want to send my punch right up his face right now.

  I covered the phone with my hand and said to Cecily, “That’s enough. We need to go now. Xavior rigged the building with explosives. We need to evacuate the people in there.”

  “But it’s not finished!” cried Cecily.

  “If we wait, all of us will be finished!” I didn’t wait for Cecily to come with me. But she tagged along, her eyes glued to the screen like some teenager who couldn’t tear her eyes off her phone.

  I marched towards the baying crowd that had gathered around the circumference of the geodesic building. All craning their necks trying to check out what’s behind the police line.

  A few people caught my presence and pointed at me. Whispers broke out from the crowd. Soon, more heads turned in my direction. Cameras flashed on my face.

  “Mysterious Kitty is here! She’s not dead!” Few voices tweeted.

  I raised my arm to cover my eyes. Usually, I would embrace this moment, feeling proud of what Mysterious Kitty had achieved after so long. But today, my mind was set on Vylan.

  “Sorry, ladies.” The officer stepped up in front of me, his belly bounced as he raised his hand to stop me. “You can’t cross this line. It’s not safe.”

  “I’m the Mysterious Kitty. I am going in to save the Beast,” I said firmly. I had no idea why but every time I put on the Mysterious Kitty’s outfit, it gave me some sort of confidence. Like some sort of protection telling me it’s alright to be brave and speak your mind.

  “Sorry, cosplayers are no exception,” said the officer. Apparently, he needed no mask to run his mouth like that. Guess that’s the plus side of his gender.

  Wrath boiling in my blood, I clenched my fist and tried to calm myself. “Are you going to remove
the hostage from the building? There are bombs inside.”

  “Which is why we are not allowing you to get in. What are you going to do? This is not a superhero movie. That psycho guy up there is a fucking extraterrestrial. No way in hell you could handle that,” said the officer. “Please back off.”

  “Oh my gosh, Katrine!” Cecily screamed behind me.

  I spun around and shushed her. I whispered into her ear, “Lower your voice, Cecily! And don’t call me by my real name!”

  “Sorry,” said Cecily apologetically. She showed her phone again. “Xavior has started the timer. We only have half an hour to get Vylan out!”

  Fear raced through my heart, catapulting my feet towards the officer.

  “I said no–”

  My fist flashed and was connected to the officer’s face. Blood burst from his nose and satisfaction exploded in me. A few officers had started to move towards me.

  A few whoa’s rose from the crowd. I couldn’t be bothered. All I could think of was Vylan. If anything should happen to him, I wouldn’t forgive myself for the rest of my life.

  I slid under the yellow line, with Cecily following tightly behind me, when the officers started chasing us.

  “What the hell are you doing? You’re supposed to stay back. It’s not safe here!” I cried to Cecily.

  Cecily glanced back and gasped loudly. “No way in hell, Katrine! I am your fucking sidekick!”

  “I said don’t call me by my real name!” I shouted.



  The whole building went blackout. Electricity was cut out and I felt like in some sort of zombie apocalypse movie. Except if there were zombies, we had a higher chance of survival. Well, at least the officers weren’t after us anymore.

  The empty reception greeted us. Behind it were cubicles of glass walls and doors, with sleek computer screens and aesthetic decors, the perfect epitome of a minimalistic workspace best suited for their millennial interns.

  “Looks like the building has been evacuated after all,” I commented.

  “We have twenty-eight minutes,” reminded Cecily, eyes on her phone. “Xavior and Trixter are leaving via the spaceship now. We are losing them.”

  “I don’t care about losing them. I want to find Vylan right now,” I said firmly. The memories of him rescuing me in the back alley flashed into my mind and that was the beginning of our romance, the first true love I’d had since a long time ago.

  I wasn’t going to give it all up. I had to find Vylan. My hand reached for my back and whipped out the heat sensor device. Turning it on, I scanned the floor with it.

  “Maybe you want to put down that phone and give me a hand, sidekick?” I said, whipping out another heat sensor device and passing it to Cecily when she’d pocketed the phone.

  Cecily was quick to figure out how to use it. She flipped it on and started scanning at the other end.

  “Hey, I found the floor plan!” cried Cecily. “This building has twenty-five floors and five are underground.”

  I took her side and studied the floor plan. If you wanted to know what a criminal would do, you had to think like one.

  My thought went back to the video, trying to remember the slightest detail about the room Vylan was restrained in. It looked dark and stuffy, like some sort of underground secret vault.

  I scanned the profusely bright workspace and glanced at the floor plan again. An idea struck my head. “Vylan is underground!”

  Cecily looked at me. “How do you know?”

  “Remember the second video? Vylan is in a dark room, as opposed to the first video where it was bright outside where they were. All these floors were brightly lit, just like this one. No way you could find a dark room there.”

  Cecily thought for a while. “That’s true. Let’s get going.”

  “Wait! That leaves us with five floors. The first three floors are laboratory floors. During an emergency, all the entrances will be secured, so there is no way anyone could get in there. If you were a villain, you wouldn’t be possibly trapping your hostage in a lab. I mean, there are so many things you could use to escape.”

  “That makes sense. That leaves us with two.”

  “It’s just two floors. Why don’t we just go and search? Rather than guessing around here. Plus, we could be wrong,” said Cecily. You could tell she was getting anxious when she couldn’t stand still. That stiletto didn’t help too.

  I stared at the floor plan as my mind worked hard to recall what happened in the video. What would Xavior do? What would Xavior do? What would I do if I were Xavior?

  “What would you do if you were Xavior?” I mouthed to myself.

  “I don’t know. Maybe fleeing while we are here undecided about where to go,” said Cecily, biting her nails as she checked her phone again. “Twenty-two minutes.”

  My eyes went to the ‘Archive’ at the lowest underground floor. “That’s right! If they were going to stall time, they would trap Vylan where we couldn’t easily get to him!”

  Spinning around, I pushed through the door to the staircase and went downstairs. It was getting dark so I flashed out my flashlight. Cecily was using her phone’s light behind me.

  The air was thinning. My heart thumped against my chest as we descended into the abyss, unknown of our fate. I purged my murky thoughts out and focused on the important task at hand: to find and rescue Vylan.

  The staircase came to an end, a cue that we were on the lowest floor. I pushed the door open and a gust of the trapped chilled air brushed over my face, raising the tiny hairs on my arms.

  The musty smell of dust and old papers filled my nose, making me cringe. “This is creepy,” I mouthed as I stood at the door, unable to bring myself to walk in.

  I threw my flashlight into the room, fearing what I would see.

  “Vylan!!!” Cecily shouted behind me, making me jump a foot in the air. I was about to scold her, then I realized it was actually a good idea.

  Cold sweat pooled in my catsuit. I had no idea how much time had passed but it felt like forever in the darkness and we only had few seconds to spare. Urgency catapulted me away from the door.

  I turned on my heat sensor and frantically threw it around the floor. Large paper boxes stacked and decked around the hallway and we inched our way in, carefully not pushing over the heavy piles and blocking our way out.

  “Vylan!” Cecily continued to shout behind me.

  “Here!” A muffled voice in the distance made us stop at our tracks. My whole body froze as I lifted my hand to stop Cecily.

  Blood raced through my veins. I almost thought I was imagining it until I heard it for the third time and the clearest time.

  “There!” Cecily acknowledged and we briskly made to the source of the sound.

  There was a door. I grabbed the knob but it didn’t budge.

  “Stay back!” I shouted to Cecily, who stumbled back. My foot connected to the door with a powerful kick and it swung open.

  Happiness burst in me as I saw Vylan. He didn’t look his best but that was the most beautiful sight of him. He smiled at me. He gasped over his mask, “Katrine, is it really you? Or am I just seeing things?”

  I couldn’t control myself when I ran and threw my arms around him. Relief swarmed over me when I felt his chest rise and fall against mine, the warmth of his body on my skin.

  My emotions got the better of me. I pressed my lips against his through the mask. Even with the filter, that was the best kiss I’d ever had and I had no idea how much I missed the touch of his lips until now.

  My groins were already throbbing with want and if Cecily weren’t here and the time bomb wasn’t ticking, I’d do Vylan right away. It didn’t help that his crotch was pressing against mine, rubbing so close together. I was so silly to walk out on him.

  “Oh gosh Vylan, you were so silly to try to take on Xavior alone. He’s a psycho and he’s got enough evidence of that,” I said, half-sobbing.
r />   “I am so sorry, Katrine. I love you so much. I just wanted to prove to you I am serious about being a vigilante. I am–“

  Cecily cleared her throat and I quickly jumped off Vylan’s lap. “Sorry guys, I didn’t mean to be a cock block but we only have fifteen minutes left.”

  Urgency burst through me afresh. “We need to get out of here right now!”

  “No!” cried Vylan. All heads snapped to him. “We have to disengage the bombs. These nuclear weapons are so powerful that if they detonate, the whole Corn City will disappear, wiped out completely. Even if we could make out of this building, there is no way in hell we would make it out of the city. Plus, imagine the lives lost!”


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