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The Stubborn Suitor, Book Two (An Alpha Billionaire In Love BBW Romance)

Page 7

by Wilder, Alexa

  All the resentment Cami had been feeling towards Maggie immediately melted away, replaced by warmth. She felt guilty and promised herself that she’d do something nice for her best friend very soon. Reluctantly, Cami stepped away from the door and allowed Drew into the house.

  Drew headed straight towards the dining room, where he began pulling delicious-smelling burgers out of the bag.

  Cami came up behind him and slid into a seat, watching him work. He moved around her kitchen with ease, making himself at home as he searched out everything he needed. Eventually, they were both sitting across from each other, with plates stacked high with burgers and fries in front of them, two generous glasses of wine next to the food.

  “So,” Drew started after they’d both begun eating. “I think I owe you an explanation about earlier.”

  “You don’t have to explain,” Cami replied, though she really did want to know.

  “My sister Elsie has been in a horrendous marriage. Her husband Robert is an abusive alcoholic. Well, she called me earlier today in tears because she’d seen Robert shake their four-year-old son, Robbie. She finally realized she needed to leave him and she was asking me for help. I really couldn’t say no to that. It took a lot longer than I expected, hence the canceled date. But they’re all set up in my apartment right now, and when I admitted to her that I’d canceled a date to help her, she insisted I go. And, since I’ve been waiting to see you for weeks, I could hardly put up a protest. So…a quick call to Maggie and here I am.”

  Cami didn’t admit that she’d overheard Drew and his sister having a serious conversation about said marriage while at the beach house a few weeks ago. She didn’t want him to know that such a private moment had been witnessed. What she did do was offer him a large, sweet smile.

  “You’re an amazing brother,” she told him. “I wish I’d had someone like you during my divorce.”

  “Well,” he said with a smile of his own, “you have someone like me now.”

  Cami smiled at that, feeling bold with the mixture of wine and Drew’s own confession.

  “I’ve missed you too,” she admitted. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you…stop thinking about our last night together.”

  Drew’s smile went from sweet to lascivious in a matter of moments.

  “Oh, really?” he asked, his voice growing a little deeper. “And what couldn’t you stop thinking about?”

  “You,” Cami replied. “You, holding me down, tying me up, telling me what to do.” She couldn’t believe she just said all this aloud.

  Drew was looking at her with a gaze so intense that Cami thought she might explode. Her body was already responding, and she could feel desire beginning to build between her thighs. He licked his lips before standing and walking towards her side of the table. He offered her a hand, which she took, and he pulled her up and out of the kitchen. Their food was left half-eaten on the table as he directed her towards the bedroom.

  Drew was the epitome of calm control as he led Cami to the bed.

  “Strip,” he commanded as he stood next to her.

  There was no hesitation in his tone, and Cami knew better than to question him. Instead, she slowly slipped off the t-shirt she’d donned when she’d realized that she’d be spending the night alone, then the unflattering sweatpants she’d also been wearing. Thankfully, Cami had forgone underwear of any kind out of laziness and she was soon standing in the middle of her bedroom completely bare. Drew stood still for a moment, silently devouring her body with his eyes, before he moved forward and pushed Cami until she fell against the mattress.

  Like last time they had been together, Cami sprawled out against the comforter and watched Drew slowly undress himself. Once he was down to his boxer briefs, which were tented and wet with his excitement, Cami couldn’t control herself anymore. She rose to her knees and crawled to the foot of the bed, where she pressed her palm against his hard length through the thin fabric of his underwear.

  “No,” he commanded her. “No touching. Just like last time. I want you to simply lay back and enjoy it while I take you apart. Let me take care of you.” He pressed her firmly against the mattress again, pulling her hands up over her head. “I’m not wearing a tie today, so I will need you to practice restraint and keep your hands right where I put them. But you don’t have to be quiet this time sweetheart. In fact, I want you to be loud. I want to hear you.”

  Cami clutched the comforter above her head and nodded. Drew stepped back and pulled his underwear off. He was swollen and dripping—even more excited than the last time they’d been together. Cami moaned with desire as he crawled on top of her, rubbing his erection against her wet thigh, mixing his juices with her own as he began to suck and nip at her hard nipples.

  Drew ground down against Cami’s thigh, but that wasn’t enough. She needed more friction. Without thinking, she reached down and grabbed his tight, muscled ass and pulled him towards her aching core. He immediately pulled back and crawled off her, pinning her hands to the bed above her head once again.

  “Sorry,” Cami replied sheepishly. “I forgot.”

  “I understand,” Drew said soothingly. “But it’s not going to happen again, do you hear me?”

  “Yes, sir,” Cami answered, feeling herself shudder at her own response. She didn’t know where it had come from, but she’d loved the feeling of it slipping from her lips.

  Leaving one hand on her wrists above her head, Drew used the other to flip Cami over in one fluid movement, so that she was sprawled out on her stomach. Cami let out a sharp, needy cry, thrusting her ass in the air in an attempt to find some sort of friction.

  “You’ve been very naughty,” he said in her ear. “I know exactly what you need.”

  With that, he brought his large, strong hand down roughly against her raised ass. The sharp sting of the contact caused an unexpected swell of pleasure within Cami, and she felt herself grow even more excited.

  “You liked that, didn’t you?” Drew asked with a chuckle. “I thought you would.”

  Quickly, another slap was brought down on Cami’s ass, even harder than before. Cami moaned and pushed her buttocks higher into the air in encouragement. Then more smacks came down, one after the other, until Cami’s ass was stinging pleasantly, and she’d lost count of the number of time’s she’d been struck.

  She’d never been spanked like this before and she would have never guessed that she would like it, but a thrill of pleasure shot through her with each point of contact. Soon, her ass felt like it was on fire, only matched by the burning heat between her legs. Cami closed her eyes and let go, allowing her insecurities and tendency to over-analyze to go as she let the sensations to wipe through her body and completely relinquished all control.

  She lost track of time, and it wasn’t until Drew’s strong hands began to massage her hot, throbbing buttocks, that she realized the spanking was over. Drew squeezed and rubbed for a few minutes, stopping every few moments to bend down and kiss one cheek, then the other.

  “Your ass looks so pretty with my hand marks,” he crooned, his voice thick with his own desire.

  After a few more minutes of massage, one hand began to slide lower, slipping between her legs, and Drew slid three fingers in and out of her aching core. By the time that he started to use his thumb to circle her clit, Cami was a crying, writhing mess.

  “Please,” she sobbed.

  “Please what, sweetheart?” Drew asked, using his other hand to stroke her hair as he continued to play with her pussy.

  “Fuck me,” Cami pleaded, though it came out as barely a whisper, her voice growing hoarse with need.

  Drew smiled and stood up, bending to pull a condom out of his pants pocket. Like last time, he wrapped his hand around himself and gave his shaft a few slow jerks before pushing the sheath on his swollen member.

  Cami turned back away from him, burying her head in the comforter as she lifted her hips again in invitation. She felt strong hands grip her sore buttocks, p
ulling her towards him. One of those hands moved to her hip as he used the other to line up his cock, rubbing against her clit a few times before pushing it into her burning body.

  They cried out in unison as he filled her completely, thrusting himself to the hilt in one fluid motion. The delicious feeling of Drew’s cock, stretching Cami open and filling her up, had her keening and pressing back against him almost instantaneously. Bringing his other hand up so that they were both gripping her hips so tight they would leave bruises, Drew began to pound into her hard and fast. He set a punishing pace, driving into her without mercy. Cami was helpless to do anything but cry out as she pushed herself back onto his cock. She was so overcome with need that she could barely think.

  Through the cloudy haze of desire, Cami felt one of Drew’s hands leave her hip and move down between her legs to circle around to her clit. He began moving his fingers with the same vigor with which he was fucking her, causing pleasure so intense it was almost unbearable.

  It didn’t take much longer for Cami to completely lose control. A few more harsh thrusts, and Cami was overtaken by wave after wave of pleasure that pushed everything else out of her mind.

  When she finally came back to her body, Drew’s own movements had become erratic. Then, with a loud cry, he stilled above her. Cami could feel his cock pulsing as he spilled himself deep within her.

  In that moment, Cami regretted the latex between them. She wished that she could feel his seed deep inside her. That was Cami’s last coherent thought before she collapsed onto the bed and passed out.



  Cami slowly blinked awake, rolling onto her back and cringing at the sting of her bottom as it rubbed against the cool sheets. The sensation brought a smile to her face as she remembered the night before, and the vigorous spanking she’d received. In fact, she didn’t even remember crawling between the sheets. Drew must have tucked her in after she’d fallen asleep.

  He had really proven himself last night. He’d shown up like a knight out of a fairy tale and whisked her off her feet with her favorite food, wine, and flowers before pulling her into the bedroom for some very kinky—and not to mention steamy—sex.

  At the thought of dinner, however, her stomach began to growl. They’d left their dinner half-eaten on the kitchen table last night, too caught up in each other. Now, however, she was regretting it.

  Perhaps she’d make Drew take her to brunch today. It was Sunday, after all. Surely he was free. He’d just gotten back from a business trip that had lasted almost two weeks. He deserved a little R&R. Perhaps afterwards, they could come back here for another roll in the hay.

  Drew was no longer in bed, but his side of the sheets was still warm. Cami climbed out of bed and set out to find him, not even bothering to put on clothes. Perhaps she could talk Drew into coming back to bed for round two before they went to brunch.

  In the kitchen, Cami was surprised to find the table completely cleaned off, all the food from last night disposed of and the dishes washed and put away. Something deep inside of her stomach began to curl into a knot, however, when she noticed the note in the middle of the kitchen table.


  Something came up and I had to run off early this morning. I’ll explain later, but didn’t want to leave without a note.


  Cami grimaced. It was always something with him. He seemed so sincere and into her in the moments that they were together, but he was always dashing off as soon as those moments ended. He was so unreliable.

  She hated feeling like she wasn’t his priority. Helping his sister out of a horrible situation was totally understandable…but what about the other times? He’d never spent the night at her house and actually been there the following morning to eat breakfast with her. There was always something more important to do—somewhere else he needed to be. And it wasn’t like the last few times had been week-days, either. They’d been Sundays, and yet Drew had still run off at the crack of dawn.

  Cami started thinking back over all of his excuses. She knew that he was telling the truth about his sister—she’d seen it with her own eyes. But what about the other times? A business breakfast, a business trip, now something had simply come up, dragging him away from her. The knot in her stomach became even tenser as a new idea began to work its way into her mind.

  What if Drew wasn’t as sincere as he seemed? What if he had been lying to Cami the entire time? For all she knew, he could be in a relationship with another woman—that tall, skinny model from the beach, perhaps. Cami could be the other woman.

  After having had her husband cheat on her, that thought made Cami sick to her stomach. Now that she thought about it, though, it made perfect sense. The erratic behavior, the change in personality around certain people, constantly dashing of for vague reasons.

  Cami sat at the table for a long time, staring off into space, until she heard her phone ring in the other room. It was Maggie’s ringtone, and she still felt indebted to Maggie for the night before, even if Drew turned out to be a cheating asshole.

  “Hey,” she said once she’d answered the call.

  “Hey, girl. You and your beau want to roll your sorry behinds out of bed long enough to join my brother and me for brunch?” Maggie chirped.

  She was entirely too perky, which was surprising for Maggie. Perhaps her date had gone extremely well.

  “I don’t have a beau,” was all that Cami said in response.

  “Oh…” Maggie replied. “I thought…Drew called me last night. Did he not show up?”

  “Oh he showed up, all romance and hot kinky sex. Then he crept out in the night, or the early hours of the morning. Who knows? He only left a vague note about something coming up.”

  “I’m sorry, honey,” Maggie replied, her voice soothing. “Come join us for brunch and we can talk about it. Grant and Declan will be there. They know Drew well… Maybe they’ll be able to shine some light on the situation.”

  Cami agreed to meet them at a local café in half an hour, so she jumped in the shower to wash all of the funk from the night before off. She felt halfway decent by the time she joined the already-sitting group at the table. Once they’d ordered and had steaming cups of coffee between them, Maggie turned towards Cami.

  “Spill,” she demanded.

  Cami eyed Grant and Declan wearily.

  “Oh they won’t care. And I’ll make sure nothing you say here will get back to Drew. They can probably help. So, spill.”

  “There’s nothing really left to say. He showed up late last night with a bottle of my favorite wine, a bouquet of my favorite flowers, and takeout from my favorite restaurant. I hear that I have you to thank for that, by the way—so, thank you! And it was amazing. And he told me all about how he’d played the knight in shining armor to his distressed sister. He wined me and wooed me until I willingly allowed him to pull me into bed.”

  “Don’t act like it takes all that much wooing before you allow him to take you to bed,” Maggie said with a smirk.

  “Shut up,” Cami said with a blush as the two men at the table chuckled. But she couldn’t really deny that either, so she just chose to move on with the story. “So…then I woke up alone. There was a hastily scribbled note on the table vaguely stating that something came up.”

  “That doesn’t sound too bad,” Declan volunteered. “At least he left a note, right?”

  “That’s better than you do, right, Declan?” Maggie joked, punching him playfully.

  Cami couldn’t help but notice that Maggie’s hand didn’t leave Declan’s arm even after her punch had landed. She continued to touch him as she smiled at him brightly. Cami was a little thrown off…

  This was definitely Maggie’s flirting behavior, yet it was Declan. He was practically her brother. Not to mention that he flirted with pretty much anything with boobs. Shaking her head, Cami tried to veer her obviously over-reacting mind back to the conversation at hand.

  “It wouldn’t be that bad if it were t
he first time it had happened,” Cami replied dejectedly. “I mean…it was the first time he left a note. The first time we actually slept together, I woke up alone with no note or anything.”

  Both men at the table grimaced and Maggie nodded knowingly. She’d already heard that story…more than once.

  “We’ve slept together three times,” Cami said, deciding not to have any shame or hold anything back from these guys if it would help her get to the bottom of what was going on with Drew. “And all three times, I’ve woken up alone. The second time he had the decency to wake me up and say goodbye. He told me he would be going on a short business trip and would call me soon.”

  “That doesn’t sound bad,” Grant offered.

  “I didn’t hear from him for almost two weeks,” Cami replied with obvious frustration in her voice.

  “Oh…” Grant said, looking a little disappointed to hear that. “Listen… I know Drew is going through some things right now, but he’s a really great guy.”

  “I know he’s a great guy…when he wants to be. He can be so sweet and caring—like he’s really into me. Then he’ll disappear for a week or two. He’s completely inconsistent. Even at the beach house he was like that. One minute, he’d be totally into me, the next minute ignoring me while some stuck up model clung to his arm and he laughed at really snobbish jokes. His behavior is so erratic, I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s cheating on me. Or…not cheating on me. I don’t even think we’re in an exclusive relationship. But I think he’s cheating on someone else with me. I’m the other woman.”

  “Cami, calm down!” Maggie said, leaning over to place a soothing hand on Cami’s shoulder. It was only then that Cami realized that she was hyperventilating.

  “I’m sorry,” she said to the others. “I’m just under a lot of stress right now, with the custody battle. I’m a little more sensitive than usual. I know I’m over-reacting.”


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