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Nurse's Orders

Page 19

by Penny Birch

  ‘Half, easy. More. Come with me. I’ll show you. Seriously, you should. What you shrinks don’t realise, Gabby, is that once you’ve got some poor sod on the couch and you’re giving them the third degree, they’re going to say what you want to hear. I mean, only a nutter is going to admit he gets off on the girls he watches being scared, isn’t he?’

  ‘I do realise that situation can exist, Monty, and remember, that with you as the sole exception, my clients come to me of their own accord. I don’t normally take cases where a report has to be made to an outside authority.’

  ‘Yeah, I suppose so. It’s true, though, in general, and you read too much too, and soak up all the theory. Now, if I was to take you out, I could show you that if we’re together at least half the other couples we see’ll want to swap a peep.’

  ‘In this weather? We will be lucky to find another couple.’

  ‘You’d be surprised. Sure, it won’t be like in summer, but I know places.’

  It was tempting, appealing to my sense of display and the gradual sense of frustration that had been building up during the week since playing with Natasha and Poppy. At the least I would be able to go bare in his car, with the cold and darkness stretching away outside, while I was warm and naked…

  ‘I will come,’ I said. ‘This weekend?’

  ‘Saturday,’ he answered me, ‘always the best night, after the pubs turn out, and girls are pissed and feeling dirty. So what else do you want to talk about?’

  ‘That was my main point, and we seem to have reached an impasse. I’m perfectly satisfied that you are not dangerous, merely irresponsible.’

  ‘I can be responsible.’

  ‘That is what I am hoping.’

  ‘Cock time, then?’ he asked happily. ‘What do I get? A bit of T and A? A starfish show? Cunt?’

  With a sigh I put my hands to the button of my trousers.

  * * *

  Monty collected me on the Saturday afternoon in his strange, box-shaped car. I had talked to Natasha and she had explained to me about the lay-by and wood near Reigate, which I immediately outlawed on the grounds that he could very well have set something up. He pouted a little but accepted my decision and drove out to the west instead of south. I had the maps, determined to deprive him of any chance to take us somewhere prepared in advance, and directed him out along the main corridor of roads leading towards Reading.

  It took a bit of time to identify any suitable parking places and, as I’d suspected, it was really too cold. The first two proved completely empty and the third had only one car, which drove off the moment we appeared. We did glimpse the occupants, a fragile-looking blonde girl and her shaven-headed boyfriend, so I noted them down as a clear case of a couple not wanting to be watched. Monty argued that we had no proof they’d actually been having sex, or so much as a cuddle, so we ended up counting them as a half.

  The third car park was more urban and busier, with five cars parked. Two appeared to be occupied, each parked well away from the others. Unfortunately, the windows were so heavily steamed up that it was impossible to see in, and must have been equally impossible to see out. Monty wanted to stick around and watch, suggesting that I’d be surprised by what went on. I declined. By then it was nine o’clock, and ice was starting to form on the puddles, making it seem very unlikely indeed that any men would be watching from the bushes, sane ones anyway. One thing was for certain, even the most determined voyeur was going to have serious trouble getting an erection, and flashers were going to be showing very little indeed.

  We retired to a pub to eat and discuss what to do. Monty was insisting we were simply too early, and that it was worth going back to the best of the car parks after eleven o’clock. I was doubtful, but despite our lack of success there had been a certain thrill in the game and I agreed to his suggestion.

  We’d had beer with our meal, and he bought me a Cognac afterwards while he prudently sipped tomato juice. A second followed, leaving me slightly tipsy and slightly aroused by the time we left at a quarter to eleven. We returned to the car park to find it as quiet as before, with the puddles now solid ice.

  Monty backed the car into an area in deep shadow and turned the lights off. Opposite us was a low bank, illuminated dull orange by a single street light which penetrated the bare twigs of bushes growing on it and the trunks of a line of young cherry trees at the top. I could see that in summer it would have been ideal for men to hide as they watched the car park, but now anybody would there would be clearly visible.

  I began to tease Monty, suggesting that all he really wanted was to have his cock sucked in the car and that I’d have happily done it in London. He threatened to put me across the bonnet and spank me, cold or no cold. I was going to answer him back, only to stop as he lifted a hand.

  ‘There’s one,’ he said, nodding towards the bank.

  Sure enough, a man was walking slowly along the top of the bank. He was short, hunched over in a black great-coat, sandy-haired, balding, maybe fifty, and certainly shifty-looking. He also had a dog.

  ‘He is just walking his dog,’ I answered.

  ‘In those bushes? He’s not. He’s out for girls. The dog’s a cover. Loads of men have dogs.’

  ‘That doesn’t make them voyeurs.’

  ‘A voyeur’s a guy who likes seeing girls in the raw, or being dirty. Find me one who doesn’t.’

  ‘Fair enough, but still…’

  I stopped, because the man had ducked down as a new car swung into the car park. It stopped at the far end, well away from us. Nobody got out.

  ‘If they want to be watched, they’ll turn the interior light on,’ Monty said. ‘Look, watch him.’

  The man had disappeared, over the crest of the bank but moving towards the car. For a moment nothing happened, before I glimpsed a new movement and caught the pale oval of his face among the bushes, just for a moment. It felt strange, sinister almost, but compelling to think of what was presumably a normal couple having sex and the man watching. Monty took my hand to comfort me, or so I thought until he pulled it closer and guided it on to his bare cock.

  ‘Wank me,’ he said.

  I began to stroke at his already growing shaft. He twisted the control of his seat, letting it down so that I could get at his cock properly.

  ‘Nice, like that,’ he said, ‘Maybe I should spank you over the bonnet, then fuck you from the rear. He’d love that.’

  ‘Don’t, no.’

  ‘Only joking. Yeah, that’s nice, just gently.’

  I continued to pull at him, feeling his cock swell and stiffen in my hand. Across the car park, the man seemed to have lost interest and the car remained dark inside. I was beginning to lose interest and thinking of sucking Monty’s cock when a second car pulled in, again selecting an empty area of the car park. This time, the interior light came on almost immediately.

  ‘Here we go,’ Monty said. ‘Watch.’

  He pulled himself up, squeezing my hand and his erection in under his gut. I kept tugging and focussed on the car. They were sideways on to us and I could see the occupants, a girl in the near window, brown-haired, freckled, probably still a teenager. He was beyond, and harder to see, but I could make out a loose grey top and his face. He was black, his hair cropped short, grinning as he said something to her. Her response was to pull up her top over naked, pert breasts, one with a tiny tattoo.

  ‘Wow, nice,’ Monty said. ‘Go on, mate, make her strip.’

  His cock was now rock solid in my hand, his eyes fixed on the girl’s breasts. The boy was talking to her, apparently telling her what to do. She responded with a shy smile and began to stroke her nipples, bringing them to erection. It was very clear that he was deliberately making her show off and that she was enjoying it.

  Still tugging at Monty’s cock, I leaned forwards to peer at the bushes. Sure enough, the man was visible at the edge of the pool of light, cautious but moving closer. I wasn’t sure if the couple had seen, but with the light on inside their car it was obvious
they didn’t mind.

  The girl had cupped her breasts and was running her thumbs over her nipples, really showing off. The boy was staring at them, then glanced suddenly away out of the window. He turned back, grinning, and said something. The girl giggled, put on a pout and held her breasts out, showing them off even more blatantly, with her face set in an expression of exaggerated ecstasy.

  ‘Teasers,’ Monty whispered.


  ‘They’re teasing him. Watch, and keeping wanking.’

  I nodded, tugging at his erection. The girl was putting on quite a show, but it looked staged rather than for her pleasure, with a lot of writhing and lip-licking. In the bushes, the man was moving closer, presumably gaining confidence as the couple were obviously showing off. He moved fully into the light and I saw that he had his hand in his coat, with his arm moving to a familiar rhythm.

  I saw the boy speak. Suddenly the girl pulled down her top, her expression changing to a sulky pout as fake as her ecstasy. The boy pushed open the door to stand, one fist raised.

  ‘You looking at my girlfriend’s tits?’ he demanded.

  ‘Yeah, you were, you filthy pervert!’ she shouted from the car.

  The voyeur fled, stumbling off through the bushes. The boy ducked down, laughing, to kiss his girlfriend as he pulled his door to. An instant later the engine caught, the interior light went out and they left with a screech of tyres.

  ‘Teasers, like I said,’ Monty remarked.

  ‘Do people often do that?’ I asked.

  ‘Quite often. There are always some who like to wind the men up; get them randy, then have a go at them.’

  ‘Well, that certainly alters the picture of the voyeur as aggressor.’


  ‘Do you think he will be back?’

  ‘I don’t know. Let’s find out if he’s got guts.’

  ‘What are you doing? Monty!’

  He had turned our interior light on. Suddenly it was far harder to see what was going on outside. I felt a shiver of apprehension, thinking of the man out in the darkness.

  ‘Get down on my cock,’ Monty ordered. ‘The sort of bloke who teases almost never gets it out.’

  ‘Hold on, Monty…’

  ‘Come on, give him a show, yeah? He deserves it, after that.’

  ‘Perhaps, yet…Hey!’

  He had taken me by the hair and was pulling me down on to his crotch, gently but firmly. I went, not at all sure if I wanted to be watched sucking his penis, even as it was pushed into my mouth. He held me down, easing his cock in and out of my mouth, and I waited, my stomach crawling a little, wondering if the man would come.

  Monty’s hand had gone to my bottom, squeezing me through the thick woollen skirt I’d chosen, then starting to inch it up. I managed a muffled protest around my mouthful of erection, but he carried on.

  ‘We’ve got to give him something to see, yeah?’ he said. ‘He’d like to watch you suck, sure, but he doesn’t want to see my cock, does he?’

  I didn’t try to answer, thinking of how I’d feel bare. He was right. If it was going to happen at all, I needed to be showing, intimately. Monty chuckled as I shifted my hips to let him take my skirt up more easily. It came up, over my thighs, over my bottom, until the rear of my tights was showing, stretched taut over my cheeks. Monty began to feel me, stroking my bottom through the tights.

  ‘These are coming down – you know that, don’t you?’ he said.

  I nodded, and shifted position, pulling one knee up on to the seat. It was awkward but my bottom was stuck right up, obviously deliberately on show. Monty chuckled again and moved round to take me by the hips. His fingers dug into the top of my tights and they were coming down, eased slowly off my bottom, my panties with them, to leave me showing, bare and open. My bottom was sticking out right at the window, and I could imagine the view from outside, a bare, pale moon framed in dark cloth, with the lips of my sex showing between. Anybody close would even be able to see my bottom-hole.

  ‘He’s there,’ Monty said.

  A shudder went right through me, really strong, at the thought of the man, watching me, bare, knowing I was sucking on Monty’s penis.

  ‘He’s not sure,’ Monty said. ‘He’s staying back. Wiggle your bum.’

  I obeyed, thinking of the lewd, crude way Monty liked girls to be, dirty, sluttish, displaying bottoms and breasts for men’s amusement. He’d got me just like them, panties down, showing off to him and to a dirty old man. His hand found my bottom, pulling at my cheeks to stretch my anus wide, then lower to hold open my pussy, deliberately exposing the pink, fleshy interior.

  ‘He liked that,’ Monty said. ‘He can see me. I think he realises we’re not teasing. Yeah, he’s coming over.’

  Another shock went through me, anticipation, and a little fear. Our doors were locked, but the man was going to be just inches away from me, from my bare sex, watching me in my arousal. I sucked harder, wanting the man to see me take Monty’s sperm in my mouth, to watch as I surrendered myself.

  ‘He’s here,’ Monty said.

  The tap on the window still made me jump. I looked up as I heard the purr of the window motor, and there he was, his red, eager face peering in at the window. Not knowing what to do, much less say, I went back to sucking Monty’s cock.

  ‘Hi,’ Monty said. ‘Want to watch her suck, close up?’

  ‘Yeah,’ the man answered, his voice thick with lust. ‘Pretty little bitch, ain’t she? How far does she go?’

  I’d thought Monty objectified me. This man was worse, far worse.

  ‘All the way,’ Monty said, ‘but for now, you watch her wiggle her arse while she sucks me off.’

  ‘It’s cold!’ I complained, pulling up.

  It was, freezing air wafting in despite the heater.

  ‘Watch from the back, yeah?’ Monty offered, and before I could protest he had pushed the button to open the rear door locks.

  ‘Ta, mate,’ the man said.

  I went back to sucking as the man climbed in. I was shaking hard and feeling very vulnerable indeed with my bare bottom raised for their attention. I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to touch me or not, but I wasn’t going to ask. His zip rasped down, and he made an odd little grunting noise as he started to pull at his cock, not even bothering to ask.

  ‘She’s got a nice tight arse, ain’t she?’ he grunted.

  ‘The best,’ Monty answered.

  They went silent, both with their eyes fixed on my bare rear view. The man was right behind me, peering around the seat so that he could look between my buttocks, his eyes feasting on my bare sex and the tight dimple of my bottom-hole. Monty took hold of my head, feeding his cock to me with increasing urgency.

  ‘Shaved,’ the man grunted suddenly. ‘I like ’em shaved. She’s creamed her ring too, ain’t she? I bet you love to fuck her arse.’

  His words filled me with a new vulnerability and the worry of a finger in my bottom-hole. I pulled up, with some difficulty.

  ‘No touching. Just look,’ I said.

  ‘Yeah, right,’ he answered as my face was pushed back on to Monty’s erection. ‘I can talk though, eh? I bet she loves dirty talk, eh?’

  Monty simply grunted. He was close to orgasm, jamming his cock in and out of my mouth, his great belly quivering with the effort, his breathing deep and fast. There was silence again, except for the wet sounds of my mouth being fucked and the slapping noise of the man’s masturbation, until he spoke again, as suddenly as before.

  ‘I would just love to see you fuck her up that tight little arsehole, mate,’ he drawled, ‘right up her dirt-hole, and give her a cream pie, all over her cunt and up her tube. Fuck me, I’d like to do her myself, right up her tube…spunk up her arse…I’ve got to, mate. Hold her, while I fuck her arsehole.’

  I shook my head frantically at his words, trying to pull off. Monty just tightened his grip, jamming his cock deep into my throat to make me gag even as I writhed my bottom away, expecting the man t
o take hold of me, to jam a finger into my bottom-hole, or worse.

  ‘Stop wriggling, I’m coming!’ Monty gasped.

  ‘Yeah, that’s right, mate, spunk in her mouth!’ the man called. ‘Right down her fucking throat. Make her swallow it, the dirty bitch, make her swallow the fucking lot. Then you can hold her down while I fuck her arsehole for her, oh, yeah…’

  He gasped, and at that instant his hand found my bottom, clutching one cheek, his fingers slipping down into my crease. I jerked frantically away, wrenching my head off Monty’s cock.

  ‘No!’ I shouted. ‘I said not to touch!’

  The man didn’t answer. He had gone back, his body arched against the seat, his eyes mouth wide, a stiff little cock gripped in his hand, and white come spurting and bubbling out of the tip. I waited, watching, until he had finished.

  ‘Now just get out,’ I ordered.

  ‘Bitch,’ he answered, but he went, still trying to stuff his cock back into his trousers as he climbed out of the door.

  I blew my breath out. I was shaking all over and there was a sick feeling in my stomach. I was confused, too, uncertain of my own feelings and struggling to come to terms with what we’d done.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Monty asked.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ I echoed. ‘What do you think the matter is? He wanted me held down while he raped me anally!’

  ‘Yeah, but he didn’t do anything, did he?’

  ‘No, but he wanted to…he would have done.’

  ‘It’s what I’d like to do, not against your will, but…’

  ‘What, hold me down while some complete stranger has anal sex with me?’

  ‘No.’ He laughed. ‘I’d rather he held you down while I had anal sex with you.’

  ‘This is not funny, Monty.’

  ‘Come on, Gabby, you’ve got to allow a guy his fantasies. It doesn’t mean he’d actually do it. I mean, I fantasise over giving you one up the arse all the time, but I haven’t forced you, have I?’


  ‘Then calm down and get your head back on my cock. I was nearly coming there.’


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