A Spy Named Orphan
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Sansom, Alfred “Sammy,” 221–2, 226, 258–9
Sargent, Sir Malcolm, 368
Sargent, Sir Orme, 76, 228
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 109
Saturday Evening Post, 104
Schmidt’s restaurant, London, 3, 300, 311, 318
Schwarzach, Austria, 352
Scientific Worker (journal), 171
Scoones, Bloomsbury (school), 57, 223, 317
Scott, C.P., 9–10, 14
Scott’s restaurant, Mayfair, 311
Second World War: outbreak, 99, 207; Soviet–Finnish Winter War, 102–3, 137; Nazi occupation of Low Countries and France, 116, 117, 118; Battle of Britain, 122; Blitz, 127–8, 130; Nazi invasion of Soviet Union, 129–30, 131–2, 134–5, 360; US entry, 129, 136; Battle of Kursk, 133; D-Day landings, 134, 139, 277; Soviet advance on Berlin, 155, 185; end of, 161, 185
Sereni, Emilio, 264
“sex-pol” movement, 48–9, 56n, 82
Shakespeare, William, Othello, 42
Shawcross, Sir Hartley (later Baron Shawcross), 173
Sheers, Harriet see Marling, Harriet
Sheers, Jay, 301–2
Shipping, Ministry of, 124
Shrubb, Sylvia, 273
Sillitoe, Alan, 364
Sillitoe, Sir Percy, 264, 315, 330, 331–2
Silver Crescent (Trinity Hall magazine), 39–40, 41
Simon, Ernest (later 1st Baron Simon of Wythenshawe), 14
Simon, Jocelyn (later Baron Simon of Glaisdale), 37–8, 61
Skardon, William “Jim,” 234–5, 239, 260, 287, 330, 342–3, 354, 377; questioning of family and associates following DM’s disappearance, 311, 320, 331, 332–3, 340, 342, 346, 347
Slater, Humphrey, 285, 296, 318
Smith, Phyllis, 197
Smith, Sally (later Toynbee), 285
Smith, Walter Bedell, 331
Society of Analytical Psychology, 256
SOE (Special Operations Executive), 137
Solly-Flood, Peter, 193, 253
Solon, Larry, 324–5
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 369
Sonning, Berkshire, 336
Sorbonne, 111
South Egremont, Massachusetts, 111, 143, 197
Southampton, 5, 303
Soviet Union: Western diplomatic recognition of, 26; under Stalin, 29, 79–80, 82, 360–61; Five Year Plans, 29; Western visitors to, 29, 363; Western communists’ views on, 33; purges, 79–80, 82–3, 312; Second World War, 118, 131–2, 134–7, 155, 360; and post-war division of Europe, 146–7, 150–51, 155–9, 199; Berlin blockade, 202; atomic weapons development, 173, 189, 191–2, 231–2, 235–6; and Korean War, 263; “Doctors’ plot” against Stalin, 360; death of Stalin, 350, 361, 362; under Khrushchev, 350, 356–7, 362, 364, 377; under Brezhnev, 377; glasnost and perestroika, 371, 375, 380; see also Nazi–Soviet Pact
Spanish Civil War, 73–7, 90, 91, 101, 365, 382
Spectator, The (magazine), 367
Speers, Ellen, 246
Spence School, New York, 111
Spender, Humphrey, 14, 335
Spender, Sir Stephen, 14
Spurgeon, Ernest, 90
Stalin, Joseph: Five Year Plans, 29; purges, 79–80, 82–3, 312; and Munich Agreement, 90–91, 96; Second World War, 118, 130, 131, 133, 135; and post-war division of Europe, 146–7, 150–51, 155–9, 199; and Iranian oilfields, 162; and Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech, 163; and Turkish Straits crisis, 181–2; and atomic weapons development, 186, 202; and Marshall Plan, 199–200; and Berlin blockade, 202; “Doctors’ plot” against, 360; and threat of nuclear war, 281; death, 350, 361, 362; denounced by Khrushchev, 364; see also Nazi–Soviet Pact
Stalin, Svetlana, 126
Staten Island, New York, 186
Stein, Gertrude, 110
Stephenson, Sir William, 176
Stern Gang, 207
Stettinius, Edward Jr., 137
Stevenson, Sir Ralph, 257
Stockholm, 338
Stokke Manor, Wiltshire, 261, 318
Strachey, John, 28
Strachey, Julia, 59
Strachey, Lytton, 28, 59
Strang, Sir William (later 1st Baron Strang), 272, 299, 315, 330, 340
Strauss, Lewis, 190
Student Christian Movement, 39
Sudetenland, 90, 92
Sudoplatov, Pavel, 94
Suez Canal, 182, 206, 215
Sunday Times, 348, 356–9, 371, 375
Sunnyside, New York, 376
Supply, Ministry of, 124, 278
Suschitzky, Edith (later Tudor-Hart), 47–8
Sweden, 103, 263, 336; see also Stockholm
Swiss Bank Corporation, 344
Tangier, 264
Tatsfield, Kent, 1, 273; Beaconshaw (Maclean family home), 273, 311, 341, 363
Taylor, Eunice, 246
Teheran Conference (1943), 162
Tel Aviv, 207, 214
tennis, 42, 141, 153, 211, 231
Territet, Switzerland, 351, 353
Thatcher, Margaret, Baroness, 377, 378
Thistlethwaite, Richard “Dick,” 219
Thomas, Wilfrid, 150, 283
Time (magazine), 84, 288
Times, The, 12, 74, 83, 363, 367
Tiree, Hebrides, 8, 366
Topolski, Feliks, 131
Tours, France, 120
Toynbee, Arnold, 241
Toynbee, Philip: family background and early life, 59; appearance, character and views, 59, 61, 241, 288; DM first meets, 59–60, 61, 270; in Paris, 114; in Cairo, 241–3; drunken binge with DM, 243–7, 257, 258–9, 270, 272; and DM’s treatment for breakdown, 255–6; in London, 261, 266, 285, 288–9; article on Hiss–Chambers case, 288–9; last encounters with DM, 288–9, 300, 301, 309; correspondence with DM after defection, 365–6
Toynbee, Sally, 285
trade unions, 17–18, 26
Travellers Club, 3, 261, 281, 300, 301, 308, 309, 318
Treasury, 78, 278
Trevelyan, Sir Charles, 15
Trevelyan, G.M., 38, 62
Trevelyan, Raleigh, 369
Trinity College, Cambridge, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34
Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 28–9, 30–31, 61, 171; Silver Crescent (magazine), 39–40, 41
Trollope, Anthony, 363
Trotsky, Leon, assassination, 175
Truman, Harry S., 157–8, 181–2, 186, 191, 199n, 201, 202, 236, 280
Tube Alloys (British atomic research programme), 172, 186n
Tudor-Hart, Alexander, 47–8
Tudor-Hart, Edith (née Suschitzky), 47–8
Turck, James, 295
Turing, Alan, 136
Turkey, 146, 199; see also Istanbul
Turkish Straits crisis (1946–53), 181–4, 202
Turquet, André, 57
Tynan, Kenneth, 369
Tyrrell-Martin, Eric, 224, 225, 226
Tzara, Tristan, 114
Union Bank of Switzerland, 344
United Nations, 188, 260; foundation, 156, 158, 182; Security Council, 263
United States Shipping and Service Corporation (front organisation), 175, 176
University College, London, 49, 376
uranium, 172, 173, 186–7, 189–90, 282
V-weapons, 139
Vassar College, New York, 174
“Venona” operation (US decryption project), 179–81, 192, 205, 217–18, 232–4, 236, 264–5; identification of DM, 218–20, 227–30, 232, 265, 277, 282–4, 298–9
vetting procedures, Foreign Office, 64, 347, 367
Vevey, Switzerland, 111
Vienna, 47, 48–9
Vinogradov, Sergei, 183–4
Vivian, Valentine, 69, 106
Volkov, Konstantin, 166–9, 172, 181, 239, 373
Volkov, Zoya, 167, 169
Volpe, Joseph, 190
Vyshinsky, Andrei, 156
Wain, John, 364
Waldman, Louis, 108
Wall Street Crash (1929), 29
Wallace, Henry, 149
h-Jones, Sir Owen, 45, 51–2, 64
Wardle-Smith, John, 246, 247
Warminster, Wiltshire, 335
Washington, DC, 143–4, 151; Bellevue Hotel, 108; British Embassy, 105, 140–41, 148–9, 227–9, 265; Georgetown, 192; Hay Adams Hotel, 191, 205; Hotel Lafayette, 143; Rock Creek Park, 198, 199; Wardman Park Hotel, 198
Waterloo Station, 342–3
Watt, Donald Cameron, 371
Waugh, Evelyn, 41, 131; Brideshead Revisited, 25
Webb, Beatrice and Sidney, 208; Soviet Communism: A New Civilization, 43
Weidenfeld, George, Baron, 131
Weisband, William, 217, 233
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of, 91
West, Nathaniel, 110
West, Dame Rebecca, 150, 194, 305
West Wheeling, Virginia, 236
Westerham, Kent, 273, 288, 336
Westminster School, 34
Wheeler’s restaurant, Soho, 3, 318
White, Sir Dick, 229, 296, 309, 315, 327, 331
White Paper on Burgess and Maclean defections (1955), 367, 381
Whitechapel, 85
White’s Club, 168
Wigg, George (later Baron Wigg), 328
Wight, Isle of, 241
Wilde, Oscar, 217, 331
William Collins (publishing company), 343
Williams, Geraldine, 246
Williams, William Carlos, 110
Wilson, D.A., 351
Wilson, Edwin C., 183–4
Wilson, Henry, 1st Baron, 188
Wilson, Henry (psychiatrist), 193, 253–5, 257
Winter War (1939–40), 102–3, 137
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 29, 38
Wolton, Aubrey, 127
Woolf, Leonard, 127
Woolf, Virginia, 41, 127, 307
Woolwich Arsenal spy ring, 81, 84
Wormwood Scrubs Prison, 240, 375; MI5 temporary headquarters, 137–8
Wright, Esther, Lady, 311
Wright, Sir Michael: in Washington, 144, 177, 311; in London, 215; as possible intelligence leak, 239, 282–3, 291, 292; and DM’s posting to FO American Department, 271–2; and identification of DM as spy, 297–8, 311
Yakovlev, Anatoli, 198
Yalta Conference (1945), 155–7, 161, 217
Yeats, W.B., 292
Yost, Yevgeny, 195
Yugoslavia, 146, 147; see also Belgrade
Zhukov, Georgy, 157
Zola, Emile, La Bête Humaine, 95–6
Zurich, 344, 352
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