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Sex and Chocolate Chocolate Covered Cheri

Page 2

by Marteeka Karland

  “Have I? Then why are you breathing so hard?”

  Cheri didn’t know what to say. Was she that obvious? She had a sinking feeling, like Jedadiah knew exactly what he was doing, and she was already in so deep there was no way she could get out.

  “I was exercising.”

  “Then why did you answer your phone? You knew it was me. All you had to do was ignore it, or better, turn it off during your workout.”

  “Force of habit.” Cheri’s whole body tingled. She’d never felt so sexually alive in her whole life, and he wasn’t even in the same room with her.

  “You wanted me to call. You wanted to talk to me. You’re curious about what I have planned for you tomorrow, aren’t you?”

  Cheri wanted to refute him, but her mouth was too damned dry. She couldn’t form the words. “I --”

  “Shhh. Don’t deny it. I’ve been waiting for this too long.”

  Butterflies danced in Cheri’s stomach. She wanted his words to mean he’d wanted her sexually, the way they sounded, but maybe it was just her heightened sexual excitement making him sound like he wanted more from her than work on a commercial. She knew she wasn’t his type, but, oh, what fun they’d have if she were.

  “OK, so, exactly what is it you want me to do?”

  “I want you to get dipped in chocolate.”

  * * *

  Jedadiah grinned as he listened to the silence. He’d finally done it: rendered her speechless. It had taken almost four years, but he’d done it. It was almost as sweet as seeing Cheri in nothing but dripping, gooey chocolate. He’d wait to tell her the rest until she was already chest deep in a pool of dark goodness.

  “What? Nothing to say?” He couldn’t help goading her, and he could just imagine her cute little face flushed in embarrassment and frustration.

  “You’re a pig, you know that?”

  He chuckled, excitement building for the coming day. “I’ve been called that from time to time, but only after the break-up. I think it’s a first for me being called that before the actual encounter took place.”

  “Well, you can forget about that. I have no intention of being in any kind of encounter with you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m trying to watch a movie.”

  “I thought you were exercising.”

  Cheri let out a frustrated screech as she ended the call.

  Quickly, hopefully before she could turn off the phone, Jedadiah sent her another text. I’ll be waiting, my little chocolate covered Cheri.

  He could almost hear her second screech, of outrage this time, but he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she’d be there. Whether or not she’d let him keep his eyes was another story. She might scratch them out. But it would be worth it, and he’d go to his doom with a huge grin on his face.

  Chapter Two

  Cheri was so tied up in knots, she barely got a wink of sleep. Still, her alarm went off at 5 a.m., like always, and she stumbled out of bed.

  “I’ve got to be out of my mind,” she mumbled to herself. Windy twined around her feet and gave a hungry “meow.” “You think so too, huh?” No response from the cat. “OK. I’ll feed you, on one condition. If Jedadiah Blackheart comes anywhere near this place, you scratch his eyes out. Deal?” Windy gave her another “meow,” but longer this time. Cheri wasn’t sure if it was an affirmative or more of a “Feed me, now.”

  Kitty kibble in the kitty bowl, water in the bowl next to it, Cheri busied herself with her morning routine. She bathed and washed her hair, brushed her teeth, and dressed. She remembered Jedadiah saying she should wear something casual and put on her favorite pair of jean pedal pushers, a black blouse, and flip-flops with no makeup. She started to pull her hair back in a ponytail, but thought better of it. If she were going to do this, she’d damned well do it comfortable. As it was, she had no idea why she was even going. She’d told him she wouldn’t be there, yet here she was getting ready to go.

  She was definitely out of her mind.

  One last look in the mirror and she’d go, but when she saw her reflection she stopped and stared. Her cheeks were pink in her frustration and anxiety, and her eyes were glassy, making them shine brightly. Cheri wasn’t sure if it made her look pretty or simply in need of a good fucking. Given her destination, neither seemed like an acceptable option.

  No sense worrying about it now.

  Fifteen minutes later, she arrived at the big high-rise that contained Blackheart and Myan Communications. The parking garage was less than one-third full, and she got a nice spot next to the elevator five floors down in the basement structure. Strangely enough, she celebrated her good luck until she quashed the happy thought. She was going to her doom, not getting a prime parking spot.

  She still had time to back out. Did she really want to do this? She had no idea. She’d thought about it over and over, and the dreams she’d had last night weren’t exactly helping her make that decision. They’d alternated from the insanely erotic to Jedadiah pointing and laughing until she fled sobbing from the building. Standing at the elevator, she couldn’t bring herself to press the “up” button, so she just stood there.

  “Waiting for it to magically appear to take you to the office?”

  Crap. Jedadiah would choose today to park in the non-executive lot. He’d probably been waiting to catch her so she couldn’t back out at the last minute. She started to give him a sharp retort, something witty and cutting, but she got a look at him and all thought fled except a few of those insanely erotic dreams from the night before.

  He was dressed in black jeans that hugged him lovingly, and a form-fitting white T-shirt that looked like it might be a size too small. She could see every contour of his muscled torso, and his arms stretched the short sleeves. His skin was deeply tanned and etched with a myriad of veins running from his biceps down his lightly hair-dusted forearms. Strong hands rested casually at his sides. When Cheri was able to make it past his chest, she noticed his chestnut hair was no longer bound at his neck, but flowed around his face in wavy locks. One strayed over his eyes, giving him a roguish look that appealed to everything woman inside her.

  She was so in trouble. Just like all the women he’d seduced since she’d known him, she would willingly follow him anywhere he went. She’d probably hate herself in the morning, but she’d do it.

  Clearing her throat, she stabbed the elevator button and glared at him, her head held high. “I was just waiting for you. You’re very predictable, you know.”

  Jedadiah chuckled. “I suppose I am.”

  Neither said a word while they rode to their floor, but Jedadiah made no effort to stay out of her personal space. He turned to face her as if sizing her up, and Cheri had no choice but to do the same or risk looking weak. They stood toe to toe, neither giving an inch. Jedadiah’s superior height put Cheri at a disadvantage, but she didn’t back down.

  “Something on your mind, Jedadiah?”

  “Oh, definitely.”

  “I’d ask you to share, but considering the way you’re crowding me, I’m pretty sure I get the idea. The answer is no.”

  He grinned at her and for a moment his eyes filled with heat like she’d only read about. That look was definitely directed at her, and it scorched her eyelashes. “Bet I could make that answer a yes.”

  Before she could throw herself at him and see if he was as good a lover as she’d heard, Cheri shrieked and shoved him backwards as hard as she could. “Jedadiah Blackheart, you’re an ass!”

  He took a step backwards, but probably not from her show of strength. He was chuckling, which no doubt affected his balance. “I know, sweetheart, but I’m a cute ass.”

  At that point, the elevator door opened, and Cheri stormed out and down the hall. “Where are we supposed to be? I want to get this over with so I can get on with my weekend.”

  “I’ve got everything set up in my office.”

  “Your office,” Cheri repeated, looking back over her shoulder and raising an eyebrow.

  “It’s for the view. It�
�s pretty cool, you know.”

  Overlooking the city from almost its tallest point was definitely impressive, but this felt all wrong. He was planning something.

  Deciding it was better to just get on with it, she marched to his office and shoved open the double doors…

  And froze.

  The entire room had been transformed. Gone was his elaborate desk and plush furniture, and in its place was a studio complete with all the props and sets a chocolate lover could ever desire.

  Next to the big picture window, behind where his desk usually sat, was a platform covered in chocolate-brown silks and white lace and set with tables covered in reds and whites. On every available surface were chocolate dishes of every kind imaginable. Cakes. Mousse. Strawberries for dipping in the chocolate fountain. The thing about the fountain was, it was as big as a hot tub.

  That’s where Cheri’s heart kicked into overdrive.

  She looked at Jedadiah, and instead of the infuriating boss, she saw the man. All tall, dark, and glorious man. Bright blue eyes gleamed at her, suggesting all the naughty thoughts that had just run through her head were about to come true. Then there was the little smirk that curved his lip…

  No fucking way.

  * * *

  Her reaction was perfect. It was exactly what Jedadiah had hoped for. Unless he’d completely misread her, she was now seeing him as a man and not her boss. He hoped her imagination was running as wild as his was. Hopefully, he had her mind racing with endless possibilities. All of them involving the two of them wrapped around each other covered in ooey gooey chocolate. All of them welcomed.

  “What do you think, Cheri? Too much chocolate?”

  “You’re out of your mind.” She spun around back toward the door. “I’m outta here.”

  Jedadiah caught her arm. “Oh, no you don’t.” He pulled her against him and trapped her with his arms. He let his hands rest lightly on her back. She was plump and very nicely rounded, but his hands were still big enough to span her back. For the first time he could ever remember, he didn’t feel like such a huge freak of nature. He was a very large man, and he was always afraid he’d hurt a woman if he weren’t careful. Especially all those model-thin women who usually flocked to him. Cheri was a woman who could take all he had to give and come back for more. At least he hoped she was. Besides, he simply adored her curves. They made him want to strip her clothes off and uncover the abundance of treasure they concealed. She was simply mouthwatering.

  “Not before we shoot the footage I’ve set us up for,” he continued. “If you do what I tell you to, it won’t take an hour. Then you can go sunbathe to your heart’s content.” He still held her close to him, and she wasn’t struggling to be free. In fact, her eyes were wide and glazed over, and he could feel her heart pounding where his chest was pleasantly mashed against her breasts. Her breathing was rapid, and sweat dampened her forehead and upper lip. Jedadiah grinned. Oh, yeah!

  Content to just stand there until she made the first move, Jedadiah looked down at her and could almost taste her luscious lips. He couldn’t keep the grin from his face. This was working out better than he’d hoped.

  Cheri felt like she was falling. She was light-headed, and she thought her heart might explode, it was pounding so hard. Her ears roared, and her vision narrowed to Jedadiah’s sexy mouth. Seemingly on their own, her hands gripped Jedadiah’s broad shoulders. It took little effort to let them slide up and around his neck.

  She felt like she was in a trance. He was some kind of mage, and he’d cast a spell of hopeless lust over her. It took very little imagination for her to see herself immersed in that chocolate pool with him wrapped around her, licking every sticky drop of the dark goo from her body. She shivered, and his arms tightened around her.

  With one final, resigned sigh, Cheri closed her eyes and tilted her head to wait for Jedadiah to kiss her. She didn’t doubt he would. She might not be the most worldly woman, but she definitely knew sexual hunger when she saw it.

  “Oh, no no no, my precious.” She felt his breath brush her lips as he whispered his words. Her eyes fluttered open to find his face so close to hers -- all she had to do was move a fraction of an inch to claim his lips like she longed to do. “Not yet.” His tongue snaked out and swiped the seam of her mouth. Cheri gasped, parting her lips for him. “Definitely soon, but not yet.”

  Even as he denied her his kiss with his words, he closed the distance and plunged his tongue into her mouth, melding his lips with hers for a quick kiss. Once. Twice.

  “Ah, hell. Never mind.” Jedadiah pressed his mouth to hers in earnest now, and his arms tightened around her. His tongue dueled with hers fervently, sucking it into his mouth.

  Cheri couldn’t believe this was happening. Jedadiah had always been physically appealing, but she’d never imagined she’d find herself in his arms. She’d never wanted to be in that position, but this felt so good! She loved the feel of his strong arms squeezing her like he had no intention of letting her go.

  “Mmmmm,” he hummed into her mouth before releasing her slightly to add, “You’re just as responsive as I’d hoped you’d be, and you taste so damned good.”

  Cheri shivered. She had to get away. Now. If she didn’t, he’d swallow her whole, and she’d never be free of him. She already wanted to stick around and let him do whatever he wanted with her. She definitely had new respect for all those women she’d seen come and go from his life -- and, presumably, his bed -- over the years.

  That did it. She shoved away from him and stumbled over her own feet, almost falling to the floor. She wanted to crawl into a corner and hug herself until she got her emotions and hormones under control, but looking that weak in front of Jedadiah Blackheart was not an option.

  He groaned. “Sweet Jesus, that was good.” He advanced on her, a predator after his prey. “I want more.”

  “No way, mister. Back the hell off or I won’t be responsible for my actions.” Cheri wasn’t sure if she meant she’d kill him by bludgeoning him, or fucking him to death.

  Jedadiah grinned but stopped his movement, crossing his arms over his massive chest. He still looked like he wanted to eat her, but he obeyed her wishes. “That’s OK, Cheri. I can wait.”

  “You’ll wait a long time, Jedadiah.” Cheri was still struggling to catch her breath. She hated that he could see how affected she’d been when he seemed so in control of himself. Was he not as affected by their kiss as she’d been? Probably not. He was used to an abundance of sex. She wasn’t.

  “I want you, Cheri. I have for a very long time, and I’m used to getting what I want.” His bold statement started her settling heart back to thudding again. Still, she had to try. A sexual encounter with Jedadiah wouldn’t be the casual fling for her it would be for him.

  “Jedadiah, I’m going to be frank about this.” She saw no reason not to be honest. He always respected total honesty, and if she just came out and told him, maybe he’d understand why she couldn’t sleep with him and simply move on the way he could. “I’m not that experienced. It’s a personal choice. I just haven’t met that many men I wanted around very long, and I’m not a casual sex kind of girl. As a result, I’m finding it hard to imagine having sex with you only to go back to a platonic and professional relationship. I’d never look at you the same, and it would hurt me more than I care to think about.”

  “Then don’t think about it. There’s more to me than you realize, Cheri. Why not just lay back and relax? Let me take care of things for once.”

  “Because I can’t do this, Jedadiah!” Cheri was beginning to get desperate. “Whatever you have planned for that chocolate fountain, I’m sure the primary concern is not the commercial. And if it is, that just proves to me I’m way over my head. I think the best thing for me to do is to just leave now.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “If you do that, you’ll always wonder what it would have been like to follow up on that kiss.”

  Cheri threw up her hands and gripped two handfuls of hai
r. The man really was trying to drive her crazy. “That’s exactly my point! Aren’t you listening to me?” She held out her hands beseechingly to Jedadiah. She was damned close to begging him to please, please just let her leave before this went too far. “This isn’t for me. I really just want to leave.”

  He looked at her for a few moments, as if trying to size her up. Then he laughed. “You are afraid of the Big Bad Wolf. No matter what you say to the rest of the office staff, you’re afraid of me.”

  That was it. The whole experience was too much for Cheri, and this was just one more reason she needed a nice, long vacation. “Asshole!” She shoved Jedadiah backwards. Hard. He stumbled and fell on his ass, still laughing.

  “Now, Cheri,” he managed through his fit of laughter, “I didn’t mean any harm. I was just pointing out that you’re not exactly immune to my charms.”

  “The hell I’m not!” she shouted. “You know, this is your whole problem. You get a woman who might really be interested in you for more than a boy toy, and you have to go and ruin it by being an ass. Why can’t you just be a nice guy for a change?”

  Cheri didn’t feel a bit sorry for him, but when he held up a hand for her to help him to his feet, she took it without question. Big mistake. He pulled her down with him. She landed sprawled out on top of him, and he rolled quickly so that his big body covered hers. She let out a startled squeal. The movement was so sudden, Cheri didn’t have time to close her legs, and Jedadiah wiggled his way between them. His jean-covered crotch rested snugly against hers, and he flexed his hips once. Cheri’s eyes rolled back in her head, and this time she groaned.

  “You wouldn’t be nearly as hot for the nice guy as you are for the bad guy. Besides --” he kissed her mouth once, “-- a nice guy --” twice, “-- wouldn’t have --” three times, “-- nearly as much fun as I’m having right now.”

  Cheri was helpless to resist him. It wasn’t the physical restraint, but the sensation that had her bound. There was no way in the world she’d miss out on the pleasure he was giving her right at this moment. Why had she denied herself even the sexual satisfaction she could get from masturbation? If she’d given in, maybe she wouldn’t be as affected by Jedadiah now.


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