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Sex and Chocolate Chocolate Covered Cheri

Page 5

by Marteeka Karland

  Cheri immediately covered herself with the towel and faced him. She tried to sound stern and authoritative, but she kept getting distracted by his rapidly hardening cock.

  “Because it’s a legitimate concern. Just how much of that footage did you plan on using?”

  “Actually --” He ran a hand through his sleep-tousled hair and his cockiness vanished, replaced by a sheepish grin. “-- none of it. Though if it turned out as well as I think it did, I may have to rethink that. You looked hot enough to sell chocolate to a health guru.”

  Cheri blinked several times, trying to let his words sink in. “None of it?” That part sounded a bit confused, which wouldn’t do at all. “What the hell do you mean, ‘none of it’? I was covered from head to toe in chocolate so you could get your damned commercial done! None of it?” There, she thought, that sounded much more indignant. Or it would have, if she hadn’t been so relieved.

  “It’s like this, Cheri,” he began, his hands out to her almost beseechingly. “I could care less about the Choco Chocolate campaign. I took it because I’ve been obsessing over getting you boobs-deep in chocolate since Christmas, and all the sexual frustration had to come out some way.” He gave her a heart-stopping grin, and his cock came to full attention. “It was worth every day I had to wait.”

  Cheri wanted to be mad, she really did. But it was so damned cute. And flattering. The man who could have any woman in the world created an elaborate ruse to live out a fetish.

  “Well.” She crossed her arms over the towel and held it tightly against her breasts. “Why not simply ask me?”

  He snorted. “Are you kidding? You’d have clobbered me! No, I knew I’d have to tell you something totally outrageous to get you to help me live out my fantasy. Besides, I think you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

  Lifting her chin up a little in defiance, she replied, “So what if I enjoyed it.”

  “I’m betting you enjoyed it enough to try it again.”

  “Oh, no. It was fun, but it’s sticky. And it makes me itch. I don’t mind being a chocolate treat from time to time, but I’d rather not sit in a vat of liquid sugar again, thank you very much.”

  “You know --” He took a step toward her. “-- why not lose the towel.”

  “Because I don’t know if I want you to see me naked just yet.” It was childish, really. He’d seen all there was to see before their nap, but Cheri couldn’t help but be a bit insecure. She suspected it had little to do with her personally so much as it was a plague upon big, beautiful women everywhere when faced with a muscled-up hunk wanting to rip their clothes off. Her faults were many. He had none that she could see.

  He cleared his throat, and his smile was huge. “Then you might want to pull it around your backside because the mirror is most definitely my very dear friend.”

  Cheri’s mouth came open, and she immediately whipped her head around to see the reflection of her ass looking back at her. “Oh! You ape!”

  “What? It was there to see, and I like seeing it. How does that make me an ape?”

  She threw the towel at him and tried to slip past him, making a run for her clothes in his bedroom. He simply batted it away in midair and scooped her up and over his shoulder. When she screamed and struggled, he simply swatted her ass. She wasn’t up there long, though, because he tossed her on the bed and followed her down.

  “You’re mine, Cheri. Don’t ever think there’s anything about you I don’t totally adore. Even your smart mouth, no matter what I said earlier.”

  “Oh, Jedadiah,” she sighed happily. “And to think I didn’t think you knew how to romance a girl.”

  “I don’t. I simply take what I want.”

  With that, he captured her mouth with his for an open-mouthed, very wet kiss.

  It happened every time he kissed her. Jedadiah seemed to completely lose himself in the pleasure he found in her arms and body. Her lips were soft and pliable, but firm when he needed her to be. She took as much as she gave, and Jedadiah was struck that he’d never had such a giving lover before. Whether or not it was intentional, she seemed to pick up on what he needed and saw to his pleasure like no one ever had.

  Cheri rolled them over so she straddled his hips. She still kissed him and clutched his shoulders. She rode his cock between her pussy lips, wetting them both and driving Jedadiah insane. She’d mentioned she wasn’t very experienced, but Jedadiah would have been hard-pressed to prove that. She seemed to know just what he needed. Her skin was silky soft against his rougher, hair-dusted flesh, and her body was rounded and soft next to his hard and muscled one. And she was driving him wild.

  “Keep this up, my beautiful Cheri, and you’ll get well and truly fucked,” he growled. His hands gripped her ass, guiding her movements against his cock. “I can’t get enough of you.” He felt almost helpless against her pull on him, and he wondered if she noticed. More importantly, how would she use that knowledge?

  “I can’t seem to get enough of you, either, Jedadiah,” she confessed between kisses. “Your threats don’t exactly scare me right now. Ah!”

  He swatted her ass and grabbed her cheeks, pulling them apart. He kneaded the fleshy globes and swatted her again. “Before tonight is over, Cheri, you’ll never want to leave me, and it wouldn’t really matter if you did. I’m keeping you.”

  Jedadiah gave her a long look, letting his words sink in before flipping her to her back and burying his face between her legs. Her cunt was sweet. Just like Cheri, it was perfect. She had plump lips that just begged to be sucked and a dainty little clit that seemed to give her more pleasure than he thought possible for any man to be a part of. She writhed under his ministrations, clutching his hair and holding him to her. Her body trembled, and sweat slickened her skin.

  “Sweet God,” she gasped. “Don’t stop, Jedadiah. Please, don’t stop.”

  Knowing he’d pay for it later, Jedadiah shifted his focus from her clit back to her lips. Cheri went limp and groaned.

  “Patience, my little chocolate-covered Cheri.”

  “Patience may well kill us both.” Her breathing was still deep, and she still trembled, but Jedadiah knew she was coming down from a near orgasmic experience. Not exactly the most satisfying sensation, but he’d finish her in due time. The longer he could build her tension, the better it would be.

  He chuckled and licked her again, relishing her gasp. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you, Cheri.”

  “That would be a first,” she tried to laugh, but it came out a little strangled, and Jedadiah smiled.

  “Consider it returning the favor.”

  Jedadiah would have given almost anything if he’d had some more of that chocolate mousse. As he looked up Cheri’s body, her nipples were just begging for attention. He’d thought he’d had enough of the chocolate bit, but he found tasting Cheri’s delights through a layer of chocolate was addictive. It was probably just that his fantasies had been focused on this woman dipped in chocolate for so long it was hard to dismiss it after only one encounter, but he’d definitely talk her into it again. Besides. The cleanup and party of two afterward had been worth the mess.

  Instead of immediately zeroing back in on her pussy, Jedadiah crawled up her body and settled this time between her breasts. He squeezed them together and swiped both nipples with his tongue only to latch onto her right one. Followed closely by her left. Cheri arched her back and, once again, tunneled her fingers through his hair and held his head to her. His belly rubbed her sex, and she ground herself into him. No doubt she was trying to get some relief for her aching clit.

  Her movements rapidly became urgent and needy, and Jedadiah knew she was getting close again. So he stopped and inched his way up her body again.

  “Jedadiah Blackheart, I swear I’m going to kill you.” Her face was deliciously flushed, and her lips were swollen from his earlier kisses. Sweat made the springy little curls around her face much more unruly. To Jedadiah, she had never looked more beautiful. His woman. Wanting him. Needing the p
leasure only he could give.

  That thought brought him up short. He wasn’t the only man who could give her pleasure. Well, he’d have to take care of that.

  When he settled between her thighs once again, he wiggled until his cock was nestled securely between her lips, brushing her clit. Cheri’s eyes rolled back in her head, and she let out a painful sounding groan as she let her head fall back onto the bed.

  “You OK?” he asked as innocently as he could given the fact he knew exactly what he was doing to her and was counting on it to manipulate her as much as he dared.

  “No, you turd, I’m not OK!”

  “How about now?” He started moving. Just a little. He mimicked the act of fucking her, letting his cock slide up and down her clit. Her intimate moisture made the ride easy and slick, and her hands grasped and released his upper arms almost as if she couldn’t control her fingers.

  “Are you trying to drive me insane? Please, Jedadiah, fuck me, already.”

  “Ah, but I’m not ready. No protection or anything. Safety first, you know.”

  She screeched at him and wrapped her legs around his waist. Several times she shifted her pelvis as he made an up stroke, but Jedadiah was prepared and dodged her attempts at getting him inside her. It was about all his poor control could handle, though. He wanted inside her almost as much as she wanted him there. Probably more, if he admitted it.

  Finally, he decided they’d both had enough. That, and Cheri threatened him with castration, which really shouldn’t have been amusing but was. He reached for the drawer to his nightstand and took out a condom. Ripping it open with his teeth, he freed the thin piece of latex and sheathed himself.

  Placing his cock at the opening of her cunt, he stopped. There were a couple of things he needed to straighten out before this went any farther.

  “Are you ready, my Cheri?”

  She barked out a strangled laugh. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I’m completely serious. Do you want me to fuck you now?”

  “Yes, Jedadiah. Please!”

  He flexed his hips to let his cock enter her just enough to stretch her entrance slightly. “Are you sure?”


  “What would you be willing to do for me to give you the relief you crave?”

  She blinked at him. Her eyes were a bit glazed, and he knew he was taking shameless advantage. “What do you want from me?” She looked very close to tears, and Jedadiah felt the tiniest bit of remorse, but immediately tamped it down. He wanted her, and he’d do damned well anything he could to keep her. “Just tell me. I’ll do anything you want! I’ll do anything you want if you just fuck me, Jedadiah. Please!”

  “Then swear to me you’re mine. Move in with me, and give me a chance to prove I deserve a woman like you.”

  “That’s extortion, you know.” Cheri gripped his arms harder, but she immediately let her hands slide to his buttocks and gripped them instead, like she was readying herself for his plunge home.

  “Indeed, but I’ll hold you to it, Cheri. Don’t doubt that.” She opened her mouth to speak then, but Jedadiah shushed her with a finger laid gently on her lips. “But I also promise I’ll do everything in my power to make you want to stay. I’m not talking about a one-way commitment here. Just give us a chance to really get to know each other. See if we have what it takes to form a lasting relationship. Will you?”

  She smiled and brought one hand to his face. One tear did escape her eye then. “Yes.”

  And he plunged home.

  * * *

  Cheri had never known pleasure in the arms of a man the way she was experiencing with Jedadiah. He not only gave her pleasure while he took his own, but he seemed to relish holding her to him during the act of sex. Instead of keeping his body above her, or sitting up on his knees while he fucked her, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. He enfolded her protectively, and Cheri loved it.

  Over and over he surged into her, grinding his pubis into her clit, creating delicious sensations she knew would soon send her over the edge. Her orgasm wouldn’t be long in coming.

  Just as she started to see spots around the edges of her vision and her ears began to roar, sweat slickened Jedadiah’s skin, and his breathing became ragged along with his movements.

  “Now, Cheri. Come with me. Come with me now,” he panted.

  Immediately, the pulsing, tingling sensations of her orgasm began where their bodies joined. She stiffened and waited for it until pleasure washed over her in wave after wave. She bucked against Jedadiah because she couldn’t keep her body still. She heard someone scream and had the vague thought it was her own voice, but her ears were ringing so much she could barely hear anything. She squeezed her eyes shut and her toes curled, and all the while she clung to Jedadiah as if he were her only lifeline in a turbulent sea.

  Jedadiah gave a hoarse shout of his own before he slammed into her one last time. He held himself deep inside her until his cock quit jerking as it emptied his seed into the condom surrounding it.

  When, finally, they both lay there sweaty and spent, Jedadiah laughed. He sounded weak and tired even to himself, but he couldn’t keep it in any longer. Cheri was his. He’d made her promise. True, it had been under duress, but he planned on holding her to it as long as he could.

  “I don’t see anything so very damned funny, Jedadiah.” She didn’t really sound aggravated. She sounded as out of breath as he was, and her lips twitched in what looked suspiciously like a smile.

  “If I’d known fucking you senseless was all I had to do to get you to promise to do -- and I quote --” he couldn’t help the sudden inspiration to use a falsetto voice, “-- anything you want! I’ll do anything you want if you just fu -- oomph!”

  Cheri threw a pillow and hit him in the face. “You ape! You had me on the verge of coming for like twenty hours! What did you expect?”

  “Exactly what I got. And don’t forget, you promised to move in with me, too. I’ll send someone over to your place to pack your things.”

  “Oh, stop it. I’m perfectly capable of packing my own stuff.”

  “Not if you’re otherwise occupied.” He pulled Cheri to him and rolled them over so he once again lay between her legs, sliding a fresh condom over his hardening cock.

  “Jedadiah! Again?” She laughed and, though she tried to protest, when Jedadiah probed her pussy with his fingers to ensure she was ready for him, she was wet as ever. Her clit stood out from its hood, eager for his touch. He didn’t disappoint. One finger coated in her slick fluid, Jedadiah circled her clit a couple of times before guiding his cock inside.

  “Uh huh.” He kissed her and started moving inside her in slow, even strokes. “And again after that.”

  Cheri didn’t complain.

  Marteeka Karland

  Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried hard to rid her of.

  Want to see what’s up with Marteeka? Check out her website at or join her Yahoo! group at Marteeka always welcomes e-mail from her readers. You can reach her at




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