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The Kiss of a Rogue

Page 20

by Bethany M. Sefchick

  "Adam, I need..." Abigail whispered as she arched up again and this time, he ground his hips hard into her femininity, allowing her to fully feel the long, hard length of him. "Oh! My!"

  He knew that in comparison to most men, he was large. Not that it was a competition really, but when one was changing in the back at Gentleman Jackson's there were bragging rights to be had, after all. Even if one never removed one's smalls. Adam also knew that more than one lover in the past had trouble accommodating him. He prayed that would not be the case with Abigail when the time came.

  "Come for me, Abby," Adam demanded, grinding his hips into her and then thrusting hard so that she could still feel him despite all of their many layers of clothing. "I need this from you." He could not say why he needed it, but he did. There was no denying it.

  Waves of sensation washed over Abigail as she lay writhing beneath Adam's hard male body - and each wash of pleasure was more delicious than the last. She pushed her own hips up to meet his thrusts and he continued to stroke her mouth with his tongue. He pinched her nipples until they were taut and rolled them back and forth between his fingers tightly, driving her nearly mad with pleasure.

  She knew what she wanted. She knew what he wanted. And it all but killed her that they could not have it. Yet. But she understood why. So she took what she could get, pulling him as close to her as she could, threading her fingers through his hair with one hand while the other roamed the hard length of his back.

  "Yes, Adam! Yes!" The words were torn from her throat as he continued to thrust and once more, she cursed the layers of fabric between them. Then, he pulled his mouth away from hers and began to suckle hard at her breast.

  That was all it took. In an instant, she was flying, her body quaking hard and fast as she found her release, the summer heat swirling around her like a lover's caress until she felt completely and utterly sated.

  When she finally came back to herself, Abigail opened her eyes and looked up to see Adam gazing back down at her, an expression of sheer amazement on his face. "That was incredible," he whispered. "To see you so lost in passion? I almost forgot myself as if I was a callow youth. You will be my undoing, Abby, and yet you are my greatest desire all in one."

  That was among the finest compliments he could have given her and Abigail felt warm and tingly all over again. "Soon, Adam," she whispered hoarsely, thankful there had been no one nearby to hear her cry out as she found her release. "I do not know how much longer I can last without you."

  "Soon," he agreed as he leaned down to kiss her most chastely this time. "Very, very soon."

  Abigail fully intended to hold him to that promise.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Town Tattler

  Ah, dear and gentle readers! There is more news out of Fairhaven this morning, but is that not what we would expect as the house party races to its inevitable conclusion? For good things cannot last, can they? No, I fear they cannot, more is the pity. However, I am told that this year, the party has had more ups and downs than in the past. Several couples are thought to be deeply in love and simply waiting for the right time to announce their betrothal. Others, however, have found that their fortunes have turned rather suddenly. And not for the better.

  And then there are the mysteries...

  Lord Raynecourt, otherwise known as The Earl of Heartbreak, was last seen riding off with Mr. Greer in the early morning hours the other day, though by nightfall, a entire cadre of other gentlemen, including Lord Blackmore, late of the 12th Light Dragoons, and some of his other, untitled yet still gentlemanly associates had arrived at Fairhaven to fill their bedrooms once more. Along with the ever-dashing Baron Makesford and Viscount Strathaven. What are we to read into all of these new arrivals? I fear I haven't the faintest notion. It is known that Lord Blackmore does, on occasion, do work for Bow Street, but I hardly think that Lord Enwright's house party calls for such protection. Perhaps he simply wishes to enjoy the swiftly approaching grand masked ball along with the other revelers. And who can blame him, really? It is ever so much fun! Or so I am told, of course.

  And what of Lord Hathaway and his press to rebuild his reputation? I am told exclusively that he has already received forgiveness from his mother, the current Duchess of Hathaway, which was once thought to be a nearly insurmountable hurdle for him. It appears that it was not. As for his sister, Lady Sophia? Well, that is still yet another matter entirely. After all, she is the woman scorned, so it is not likely that she will grant forgiveness any time soon.

  Finally, there are also rumblings that the esteemed Miss Northrup might be reconsidering her long-held position on resisting marriage. I cannot be certain, mind you, for I am not there. However the lady has been seen in Lord Hathaway's company quite often as of late and she always seems to have a smile on her face. As they say in Dorset, from there, the math is really quite simple.

  -Madame C

  Two days later, Abigail was still floating on a cloud of pure bliss after her afternoon at the ruins with Adam. Though he had not touched anywhere but her naked breasts, that had been more than enough to give her fevered dreams that night. And the day afterward. And the night afterward as well.

  In fact, just about every waking moment, if Abigail was not thinking of Adam, she was actively seeking out his company. She knew that all of the time spent in his presence was being remarked upon, but she did not care. Oh, she supposed she should, especially as Miss Cutwright was finally making some improvements in her health and had stated that she would join Abigail for the masquerade ball, if not before. Once her chaperone began mixing with the other guests, Miss Cutwright would hear of Abigail's numerous adventures in short order, even though nothing scandalous or untoward had transpired. However, Abigail knew that the older woman would still not be pleased.

  Then again, given the way Miss Cutwright had been all but mooning over Dr. Hastings, Abigail wondered if her chaperone would even notice that all of her charge's time was being monopolized by a certain duke of questionable morals and reputation.

  Except that Adam wasn't quite so questionable any longer. Over the last two days, ever since their trip to the Roman ruins, Abigail was noticing a decided shift in regard to the duke - a very positive one, in fact. She had no doubt that not all had been forgiven, but she also suspected that breaking his fast with his mother several days ago had much to do with his improved social situation.

  Clearly if Lady Mary Reynolds could forgive her son, then the rest of the ton could do so as well.

  Every so often, Abigail worried about what that meant for her - however silly it might be. She was growing extremely attached to the duke. She would not say that she was in love will him. Well, perhaps she was a little in love with him, but that could also be infatuation and lust. Since she had never felt this way about another man, it was difficult to tell for certain.

  Oh, very well. Abigail had never been one to prevaricate, so she might as well admit the truth, even if it was only to herself. She was falling deeply in love with Adam, despite her vow not to do such a foolish thing. For he could never be hers and she could never be his. At least not in the way that Abigail wished. Love only complicated matters even more

  However after the day at the ruins, she knew that she was loath to give up her position as his favorite female houseguest. Even though she had no claim on the man. And likely never would.

  She needn't have worried however.

  While Adam might be slowly regaining favor among London's elite, he had not forgotten about her in the slightest, usually seeking her out shortly after breakfast, or, as was the case this morning, just as the sun was rising so that they might enjoy an early morning walk around Fairhaven. He would remain in her company off and on throughout the day and into the evening, as much as was permissible without arousing too much scandal.

  Abigail now looked forward to seeing Adam each day. She also looked forward to whatever came next in their dance of seduction - if that was truly what this was. She hoped that it was a seductio
n, for she could not bring herself to regret the day at the ruins, no matter how often she told herself that she should. Or when she thought about how much of a wanton hussy she truly was for giving herself to him as she had. However, Adam made her happy, and she would continue to bask in that happiness for however long it lasted. Abigail was not so foolish as to believe that it would be forever.

  After all, Adam was a duke and she was a mere miss. They had not made each other any promises, and Abigail had already made her position on marriage very clear some time ago, despite what that morning's gossip rags had reported. Still, if Abigail was forced to marry? She would prefer her husband to be someone like Adam. Someone who made her heart flutter and her fingers tingle with anticipation each time she thought about seeing him.

  Very well. She wished that it could actually be Adam, the man she loved. It could not be, of course, but it was nice to pretend for a little while longer.

  So it was with a very sunny smile on her face and a rather cheerful disposition that Abigail entered the breakfast room and searched for Lady Charlotte so that they might breakfast together. The house party was to end in a few days and they had not spent nearly as much time together as they had planned, mostly because Lord Underhill was taking up a large portion of Charlotte's days. Just as Adam was taking up Abigail's.

  Unfortunately, she couldn't locate her friend anywhere but she did spy Lady Sophia who quickly waved Abigail over. Despite the fact that they had spoken the day of the battledore incident and everything was supposedly forgiven, Abigail had still been avoiding the other woman whenever possible. It was partly because Abigail had no idea what she would say to Adam's sister that wouldn't upset the woman and partly because Abigail was afraid that Lady Sophia would quickly uncover Abigail's interest in the woman's brother. Not that it was likely any great secret at this point, but still...

  This morning, however, Abigail was unable to avoid the woman and, after collecting her breakfast plate, she made her way to the open seat beside Lady Sophia.

  "Good morning, Lady Sophia. You are awake early." She really wasn't, at least not as far as Abigail was concerned, but for a Society lady like Sophia who probably slept until at least noon most days, the nine o'clock hour was likely beastly early.

  The other woman made a dismissive snort. "Today is the boating tournament and the swimming relay. You know. That silly Fairfield Cup nonsense that my brother is participating in? My mother informed me that I was not to miss it. Since it is so beastly hot, Lord Enwright has moved up the starting time of the tournament, much to the horror of most. So here I am."

  Abigail didn't think that the people competing in the Fairfield Cup were likely to complain about the earlier hour since the heat was often much worse in the afternoons. Even now, Abigail could still feel the burning heat of the stone on her naked back as Adam kissed and nibbled at her throat. She also prayed that she was not blushing again at the mere memory of that delicious afternoon.

  Realizing that a response of some sort was required, Abigail cleared her throat and took a quick sip of her tea. "My apologizes, my lady. I was just woolgathering."

  "Likely about my brother." Abigail's hand with her teacup froze halfway to her lips at Sophia's words. "Do not think it has gone unnoticed the way you follow him about."

  Placing the cup back in the saucer, Abigail gave the other woman a coolly direct look. "I do not think that I 'follow him about,' as you say. I will admit that I enjoy his company and that we have spent quite a bit of time together. After all, in the beginning, I was the only one who would speak to him. We are friends. But that is all."

  Lady Sophia shrugged carelessly. "I simply do not want you getting any ideas in your head. My brother might be out of favor at the moment, but in time, he will back in the bosom of Society." Her eyes narrowed fiercely and Abigail had to fight the urge to jump up and flee. "As will Lord Selby. And when that times comes, I simply do not wish for you to be hurt."

  "To be hurt implies that one's heart is involved," Abigail tossed back easily, her own ire rising. "Mine is not. I have no plans to marry anyone. Not even your brother. This is not news to anyone."

  "That is not what the Town Tattler says." Lady Sophia looked a bit smug and for some reason, Abigail wanted to all but scratch the other woman's eyes out. The previous Season, this woman had been the epitome of everything a lady should be. Now, she was more like a shrew. Was that how being denied the love of one's life changed a woman? If so, then Abigail's future did not look so happy.

  "That gossip rag is wrong. It happens all the time." Abigail did not wish to discuss this matter further. Especially not with Adam's sister. That was the last person on the face of the Earth whom Abigail wished to know about her feelings for the duke. If Sophia knew...well, the outcome would not be favorable. Least of all to Abigail.

  Sophia paused for a moment. "Do you mean to tell me that you do not wish to leg shackle my brother to your side? For every woman does. They all love the idea of being a duchess."

  "I do not." In fact, the idea of being a duchess made Abigail's skin crawl with fear. Love for Adam or no love for Adam. She had never wanted a title and still didn't. "I find him intelligent and charming and witty. As I said, I had the chance to get to know him when no one else was speaking to him and we have become friends. That is all and nothing more." She prayed that she would not be struck dead where she sat for lying.

  Adam's sister laughed, attracting the attention of more than one curious guest. However when the two women did not immediately begin bickering or clawing at each other, they turned away, robbed of their chance to be present for a juicy bit of gossip. It was just another reason why Abigail knew she could never be a part of this life. Of Adam's life. She was entirely unsuited for it.

  "Then you, Miss Northrup, are one of the few who feel thus." Sophia patted at her lips delicately with her napkin. "And I cannot say that, were I you, I would feel the same. After all, the allure of a title is a great and powerful thing."

  "So is love." Abigail truly believed that with all of her heart.

  Sophia raised an eyebrow. "And you will marry for nothing other than love. Or so I understand."

  Abigail was quickly tiring of this conversation. "The reasons I will or will not marry are my own, Lady Sophia. I do not typically discuss them outside of my family." And given Mama's letter, even those discussions had not done any good. There was still Mr. Burleigh to deal with, after all.

  Adam's sister shrugged, as if this conversation was no longer important to her either. "Very well. However, when my brother moves on with his life and you are still pining away for him, do not say I did not warn you. He is a duke and meant for someone...loftier. Do not take offense, but you are not like him and will never be. Though for that you might also be grateful, for he can be a hateful idiot at times. Especially when he is crossed." She smiled then and it seemed both a touch vindictive and yet well meaning at the same time. Lady Sophia truly was a peculiar sort. Or one very confused young woman. Abigail could not decide which.

  "As I said, you have nothing to worry about. I am not in love with your brother." Another lie and Abigail hated herself a little more for it.

  However Sophia was no longer listening. "Adam is a complicated man. He is not currently in my favor, but he is still my brother and I do not wish to see him hurt any more than he already has been. That said, the woman who can eventually claim his heart will hold a prize. I am just not certain any longer that it is one worth claiming. Not like the hearts of others in Society who are judged far more worthy."

  With that cryptic bit of advice, Sophia rose and tossed her napkin aside before sweeping out of the room in a cloud of rosewater.

  Abigail did not know what to think and, rather than cause yet another scene - for there were people still watching her to see if she would storm out of the breakfast room the way Sophia had - she stayed to finish her eggs and toast. And to mull over Sophia's words.

  After thinking about the matter for some time, Abigail decided t
hat much of what Sophia had said was likely colored by her still-simmering anger towards her brother. While Adam was slowly regaining the favor of the ton, Lord Selby was just as steadily losing whatever regard he had once enjoyed. What had seemed like a love match between Sophia and Selby was now viewed by many as a cunning, fortune hunting man taking advantage of an infatuated woman that he had thoroughly fooled. Adam had actually said as much to Abigail before, and while she had believed him of course, it was becoming more and more evident that others now saw the same side of Selby as well.

  However, it was also clear from Abigail's own observations that Sophia had not given up on the idea of wedding Lord Selby. The two were frequently seen in each other's company, often physically far closer together than was proper. They had also flouted Lady Enwright's dinner seating plans at least twice, causing the older and more staid members of the house party - women like Lady Huffton - to remark that Sophia was headed for a bad end if she continued to disregard propriety. And her brother's wishes.

  All that said, Lady Sophia and her lack of approval for Abigail's friendship with Adam was the least of Abigail's problems. There was still the little matter of Mama's letter and Mr. Burleigh to deal with, a matter that was more and more like a millstone around her neck every day. Even though a second letter had yet to arrive, it was all but impossible to forget the first. And when she was not with Adam, it was also all Abigail could think about.

  She could, of course, just ignore the missive. She was of age, and could wed as she pleased. But what if Adam tired of her? What if he never married her, despite his sweet words, especially since she had told him she never wished to wed? What then? She would have hurt her family for no reason, and while Abigail didn't think Papa would cut her off financially, she did not know that for certain. While he indulged her, he did have a temper at times and this deal was important to him. In fact, his future - and the future of Henry & Sons - depended upon it.


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