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The Werewolf Dates the Deputy

Page 13

by Kristen Painter

  Alice set the rod aside. “The spell is surrounding you, Deputy. It’s influencing everything in your world. But that’s what I expected. That’s how a spell works.”

  “So that’s…good news?”

  “As good as can be expected.”

  Jenna sighed as Alice prepared the second rod with Titus’s blood.

  When she ran it through the flame, it sparked white and blue, but this time when the flame turned green, it wasn’t nearly as bright. As they watched, it darkened until it went black.

  Titus had never seen a black flame before. “What does that mean?”

  Alice stared at the flame for a moment longer before setting the rod aside. She looked at Titus. “It means…I cannot remove the spell from you.”

  Jenna put her hands flat on the table, unwilling to accept what she’d heard. “Why not? How can that be?”

  Alice shook her head as she peered at the rod now cooling on the table. “Blood. That’s how.”

  Titus rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t understand.”

  “Neither do I.” Jenna twisted her hands together. “Please, Alice, explain what’s going on.”

  Alice straightened the rod so that it lay parallel to the one she’d used for Jenna. “For you, Deputy, the spell has worked as it was built. It’s enveloped you in its magic. Like an unbreakable bubble. But for Chief Merrow…”

  When she didn’t finish, Titus cleared his throat. “It’s okay. Just say it.”

  Alice’s brows bent as though she was deep in thought. “This spell isn’t surrounding you. It’s in you. In your blood. It’s become one with you. That makes it impossible to separate you from the spell.”

  “How is that possible? Why is it different for me than for Jenna?”

  Alice’s expression changed to one of concern. “There are two possibilities. One is that this spell was built with you in mind, and whoever did it had access to your blood and included some in the spell. If that’s true, whoever built this spell is powerful. Or stupid. Or both. Blood magic is not for the uninitiated. It’s dangerous even to those who understand it.”

  “What’s the second possibility?”

  “That the spell wasn’t meant for you but got into your system by another means. But blood was still involved. And that’s what complicates things.”

  He shook his head. “Why would someone target me? For a love spell?”

  Jenna leaned her hip against the table. She could imagine all kinds of reasons someone would want to be part of a love spell with him. “We never considered you as the target, but I guess we should have. After all, that sulfur scent could very well have been about getting you there.”

  “True. But it could have just been to get someone in the house. Not necessarily me.”

  “Let’s say it was,” Jenna continued. “Do you have any secret admirers? Have you gotten any anonymous emails, letters, or texts from anyone recently? How about an ex-girlfriend who never really got over you?”

  “No. Since Zoe, I’ve kept a pretty low profile dating-wise.”

  Jenna wasn’t done. Her training as a law enforcement officer wouldn’t let her give up that easily. “Have you made any witches mad?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  Alice blew out the black candle before asking the next question on Jenna’s mind. “Who would have access to your blood?”

  “Not many people,” Titus answered. “You know shifter blood has its uses, so as a community we’re pretty careful about who we see for our medical checkups and such.”

  “Wait a second,” Jenna said, suddenly curious. “What do you mean shifter blood has its uses?”

  Alice spoke before Titus could. “Supernatural blood, be it vampire, shifter, witch, valkyrie, whatever, is a powerful ingredient in certain types of magic. Mostly the worst kind. But that only adds to the price a vial of such blood can bring. Shifter blood is especially potent.” She looked at him. “It’s wise that you choose your doctors carefully.”

  “Hold up.” Things clicked together in Jenna’s mind. “You mentioned something about the spell getting into his system by other means.”

  Alice nodded. “It’s possible, yes.”

  Jenna glanced at Titus. “You cut your hand on a nail right before the box exploded.”

  He opened his palm as if remembering. Then he shifted his gaze to Alice. “Would that be enough? A cut on my hand?”

  “Did it bleed? Was it open that much?”

  “Yes, but I heal fast.”

  She sighed, closing her eyes briefly. “It may not have been quick enough. I’m sorry. That could definitely do it.”

  He swore softly, balling his hand into a fist. The wolf shine gleamed in his eyes for a moment, then vanished as he seemed to compose himself. “So that’s it, then. You can’t remove the spell from me?”

  “No,” Alice replied.

  “What if it’s removed from Jenna but not me?”

  “She would be free of it. You would still feel the effects for the remainder of your days.”

  “All my life? You’re sure of that?”

  Alice hesitated. “There is a very good chance, yes, but it’s not definite. It might fade as the years go on. But it might not.”

  Jenna felt for him. He was clearly unhappy about this new development. She got it. Being temporarily stuck in this love spell was bad enough, but for a lifetime? She reached out and touched his arm to get his attention. “Hey, this is Nocturne Falls. Anything is possible. I’m sure Alice and the coven can figure out a way to free you.”

  The anger had left his face, but a spark of it remained in his eyes. “And if they can’t?”

  “Then they can’t. Don’t forget, the spell is supposed to become permanent for both of us when the full moon rises.” She smiled at him. “Better to be stuck in it together, right?”

  “No,” he barked. “Not better. Who wants to spend a lifetime wondering if their emotions are real? Worse, knowing the person they care for only cares for them in return because they’re magic-bound to do so. What kind of way is that to live?”

  Jenna’s heart ached, and instantly she understood. Did she feel for him because of the spell? Or because she genuinely cared? She had no idea.

  He looked at Alice. “Is it just the love spell or the binding spell too?”

  “Both,” was her quiet response.

  He shook his head. “There has to be a way out of this. What do you need? How do we unlock this prison?”

  Alice frowned. “Chief Merrow, the magic used on you two was death magic, I’ve figured out that much.”

  He snorted. “Death magic for a love spell?”

  She nodded. “It might seem ironic, but death magic is the most ironclad of them all. It’s as dangerous to cast as it is to break. Maybe more so.”

  “Alice Bishop is afraid?” His eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t sound like you.”

  “I’m not afraid for myself. The danger would be to you and the deputy. Breaking a death magic spell takes time and knowledge and great power. That’s why I was going to try to create a counterspell first. To buy us all some time.”

  “So do that. Give us a counterspell.”

  “That won’t work for you now that it’s in your blood.”

  Titus went quiet for a moment, his gaze on the floor. When he lifted his head, he looked as though he’d come to peace with something. He gave Jenna a little half smile before turning to Alice. “You can still create a counterspell for Jenna?”

  Alice nodded. “Yes, but that would mean—”

  “I know what it means,” Titus said. “Do it.”

  “No,” Jenna said. She stepped closer to him so that she could put her hands on his chest. “That’s not fair to you.”

  “Keeping the spell isn’t fair to either of us. At least this way, you could be free.”

  “You’re being chivalrous but also stupid. I’m not letting you do this alone.”

  He put his hands over hers. They were big and warm, and the gesture touched
her in a way she didn’t expect. “Jenna, you don’t want to be tied to me for the rest of your life. You don’t even like me. Let Alice and the coven do their best to free you.”

  “No.” She slid her hands free of his to cup his jaw. “I like you just fine.” She liked him a lot more than fine, truth be told.

  He snorted. “That’s the spell talking.”

  “So what if it is? I don’t care. I’m not letting you do this alone. You think life would be hard never knowing if your emotions are real or not? If the person you love actually loves you back? How much harder would it be if you had to watch the only person you could ever love fall for someone else? Marry someone else? And all while you were bound to stay within a hundred feet of them?”

  His jaw tightened as he took in her words.

  She didn’t give him a chance to answer with more macho, I-can-handle-it nonsense. “I’ll tell you what kind of life that would be. The worst kind. One that was a daily misery.”

  He swallowed but said nothing.

  “We’re not doing that, Titus.” She shook her head slowly while looking deep into his eyes. “Because we’re in this together.”

  A few breaths went by without him saying anything. “You really want to do that?”

  With her hands still on his face, she leaned in and brushed her lips across his. “I really do.”

  “Okay.” He took her hands, kissed her palms, then looked at Alice. “Whatever you can do for us, do it. But please, there has to be a way to fix this. You said time, knowledge, and power. How can we give you more of those?”

  Alice took a deep breath. “I have the power. The time cannot be changed. But the knowledge…that might be something you can help with.”

  They turned toward her and in unison said, “How?”

  “If you can find the witch or sorcerer who crafted this spell, that could give me some insight as to how to break it.”

  Jenna tipped her head. “Don’t you have any magical way of finding that out?”

  “I do, but it would take longer than we have. I doubt I’d have my result until after the full moon.”

  “Understood.” Jenna looked at Titus. “I know you have the inspector coming, but I really need to dig into this investigation if we have any chance of figuring this out in time.”

  He nodded. “We’ll make it work. This takes precedence.”

  “In the meantime,” Alice said, “I will have every available witch in the coven working on this.”

  “Thank you.” Jenna smiled. “Are you sure there isn’t anything else we can do to help?”

  Alice thought for a moment. “There is one thing, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

  “Anything,” Titus said.

  She looked at him with a curious glint in her eye. “Stop fighting the spell. One of the elements I found in it was a strengthening agent, which means the more you fight it, the harder it works.”

  A thousand things went through Jenna’s head. All of them to do with Titus. “Are you telling us to give in to…what we’ve been feeling?”

  Alice nodded, the corners of her mouth turning up in a cheeky smile. “Would that be so bad? You’re both young, attractive individuals. Both consenting. I’m not telling you to go on a murdering spree through town here. Just stop fighting the attraction. All that does is strengthen the spell. You may find that if you give in a little, things mellow out.”

  Jenna looked at Titus, and he looked at her. She shrugged. “I’m game if you are.”

  He slipped his hand in hers. “It’s worth a shot.”

  Having that much contact with him sent a ripple of pleasure through her, and for a moment, she wanted to push back at that pleasure in an attempt to keep the spell at bay. But that wasn’t what they were supposed to do.

  Instead, she allowed herself to feel the satisfaction of his touch and gave his hand a little squeeze in return. “You’ll let us know the minute you figure anything out?”

  Alice nodded. “I will.” She started pulling books and bowls and ingredients from the shelves.

  Titus tugged Jenna toward the door. “We’ll see ourselves out. Thank you again.”

  Alice mumbled something as she stared up at one spot on her bookcase.

  They left and went straight to the truck, where he finally let go of her hand. He started the engine, and they left the estate, headed for town.

  “You’re really okay with this?” he asked. “You’re not going to hurt my feelings if you change your mind and want to be free.”

  She sat back a little, studying his profile and seeing traces of his wolf here and there. “Would you do that to me?”

  He glanced over. “No.”

  “Then there you go.” She smiled and looked out the window. “We’re in this together, Merrow. And that’s it.”

  His phone chimed with an incoming text at the same time hers did. She pulled it out of her pocket. “It’s from Alice. She says she forgot to tell us there is one other way to break the spell.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If the creator dies.”

  “That’s kind of harsh,” Titus said. The outcome at Alice’s had been both disappointing and encouraging. He might be stuck in this spell, but he wasn’t alone. Jenna’s refusal to leave him had only made him fall harder for her.

  And he’d decided, in light of what Alice had told them, that from now on, he was just going to lean into those feelings.

  Jenna nodded. “So is the spell. But yeah, what are the odds that would happen? I’m not about to have blood on my hands for this. These spells are just annoying and inconvenient. Not fatal. Thankfully.”

  “I’m with you on that.”

  She put her phone away. “Are we still headed for Bell, Book & Candle?”

  “Yes. Then Salvatore’s to pick up pizzas for lunch. Which reminds me, would you mind calling that in?”

  She got her phone out again. “Sure. What’s the order?”

  “Two meat lovers, two pepperoni, one extra cheese. All larges.” He grinned at her. “Feel free to get something for yourself.”

  She laughed. “Seriously? Never mind, I saw them plow through breakfast. Hey, can we get one of their white pizzas? Those are really good.”

  “I’ve never tried it, but if you like it, then I’m in.”

  “Yeah?” Her smile grew. She made the call to Salvatore’s and ordered all the pies. When she hung up, she gave him a curious look. “So was agreeing to try the white pizza you giving in to the spell? Or are you the kind of person who likes to try new things?”

  He couldn’t resist throwing the question back at her. “Is this you asking, or is the spell making you ask?”

  She let out a little snort-laugh that made him laugh too. “It’s me asking. So? Answer the question.”

  “I like to try new things.” He turned onto Main Street.

  “Is that why you eat dinner at Howler’s every night?”

  “Point taken. Since we’re going there tonight so you can meet your friend, how about tomorrow night we go to Big Daddy Bones? You told me I should go there anyway.”

  “Okay. If we’re not knee-deep in investigating this spell.”

  “We still need to eat.” He parked in the closest spot to the bookstore. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to Agnes.”

  He got out, got the crystal ball stand out of the back seat, then joined Jenna on the sidewalk. He held the shop door for her as they went in.

  It took Agnes all of three seconds to greet him. “Titus! How are you?”

  “I’m good. How are you?”

  She approached him, arms wide, and embraced him in a hug. “I’m better now. Is that my stand?”

  “It is.” He handed it over.

  She took it, but her eyes, bright blue even behind her round, black frames, flicked over to Jenna. “Who is this gorgeous creature you’ve brought with you?”

  “This is my friend Deputy Jenna Blythe.”

  “Blythe?” Agnes tapped a finger on her hot pink lips. “Ar
e you related to Tessa Blythe? You must be. You look like sisters.”

  “We are,” Jenna said. “She must shop here a lot.”

  “Oh, yes, I love Tessa. She’s in here all the time.”

  Jenna smiled. “She does love bookstores. And books. And reading.”

  Agnes took a step back, then pointed at Jenna’s T-shirt. “And I love your taste in television. Come with me. I have something to show you.”

  Jenna glanced at Titus, but he just shrugged. Agnes was a force to be reckoned with. If she said come, you went.

  They both did, following her into a different part of the store.

  Where she promptly pointed out a display of Real American Firefighters merchandise. “Have you seen this stuff?”

  Jenna’s lips pursed. “I, uh, I’m not really that much of a fan. I just—”

  Titus leaned in. “Quit lying, Blythe. You know you want one of everything.”

  “I do not.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

  Titus snickered. “She’ll take the coffee mug. And a sticker. Do you want the body pillow too?”

  Agnes laughed. “Why would she need the body pillow when she’s got you?”

  In two seconds flat, Jenna flushed.

  Titus realized that wasn’t ground either of them was ready to cover. He stepped in front of her and changed the subject, giving her a moment to regain her composure. “Make sure you don’t get that stand wet, Agnes. But if you do, dry it off immediately. And keep it out of direct sunlight.”

  She seemed to understand the Real American Firefighters topic was over. “It won’t get wet or be in sunlight. Let me go grab my checkbook, and I’ll give you what I owe you.”

  “I’ll be right here.”

  Agnes left, and he checked on Jenna. “She definitely says what she thinks, doesn’t she?”

  Jenna nodded. “Yeah. You think everyone’s thinking that?”

  “No. But what if they are? Is there something wrong with being involved with me? I thought we were past all that.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being involved with you, and we are past that. I guess I’m just not used to my personal life being discussed like the weather.” She picked up a coffee mug that said Real American Firefighters—Bigger, Hotter, Better. “Maybe that’s because I haven’t had a personal life.”


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