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Page 2

by Merrill Gemus

  “Yes, Pam. It’s me.”

  Trish squealed in delight as Pam sighed in relief. The two were deeply worried when they witnessed Moira dragging an unconscious Ally across the room. Happy that her friend was alive, Trish squeezed her hands through the bars and reached out to her. The gesture moved Ally. She was nearly brought to tears, but she refused to shed one drop. Once she had avenged the wrong that was done to her and her friends, then, and only then, would she weep for them.

  Ally took Trish’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Are you o.k.?”

  “Yes, we’re fine. What about you?” Trish replied.

  “Angry, to say the least… Who brought you here?” Ally asked urgently. She already knew the answer to her question, but she wanted to be positive that no other persons were involved in their predicament.

  Pam cleared her throat. “The same woman who brought you: Moira.”

  Ally straightened up. “Ok, girls, I need to know everything that has happened since you guys were brought here.”

  “Well, after I got your text, saying you up and left with that dude at the bar, Trish and I went looking for you.” Pam said. “You know, you’re absolutely out of your mind to have followed that stranger without telling us where you were going! God, Ally, seriously?” Pam said, truly chafed.

  “Pam, it’s not like that. I didn’t mean to put us in danger.”

  “Well, here we are, Ally! Who knows when, if ever, we’re getting out!” Pam cried. Trish dropped Ally’s hand and immediately went to Pam’s side to put an arm around her. The two have been dreadfully terrified for Ally since Moira abducted them.

  “I’m so sorry, Pam. I swear, if I would have foreseen any of this…”

  Pam sighed. What was the point? Though she was upset, she knew there was no reason to make Ally feel any guiltier about their circumstances. Shit happens, and now they needed to figure out what to do next. A problem cannot be resolved if one continues to procrastinate at finding its solution.

  “No, it’s okay, Ally. Honestly, I’ve been so worried about you. We both were. I’m just relieved that you’re alive and well.” Pam pressed on. “After we left Flambé, Trish and I searched up and down the streets for you. After an hour, we were finally going to give up, when, out of the blue, a car pulled up right beside us. I never saw this type of vehicle before, so I thought it could be someone who needed directions. As the rear window pulled down, there you were sitting and smiling up at us.”

  Ally frowned. “What? That’s impossible.”

  “Yeah, we know that now. The fake you asked us to hop in, that you wanted to give us a ride back home. We asked who did the car belonged to, and you simply shrugged.”

  “I admit this was probably the first sign we missed.” Trish added.

  “At any rate, it was too late. Once the imposter opened the door and we stepped in, there was no way we could have escaped. It was so weird, Ally. I had the same feeling of discomfort that I had for that guy you liked.” She informed.

  Ally moved away from their cell. Could they now feel the discomfort from her? “That guy I liked is named Benedict.”

  “Well, whatever. By the time Trish and I knew something was off, the doors locked and the fake you transformed into Moira. We tried desperately to get out, but the car sped away and oddly enough, we started to drift into sleep. I think she was chanting a spell but I’m not so sure… Once we came to, we knew Moira was off to get you.”

  For a moment, the girls were silent in the small room. Ally wondered if Pam and Trish knew the real reason as to why they were lock inside of here. Did Moira tell them that Ally unintentionally stole her fiancée? No, that would have definitely been their first question.

  Ally sat back down on the cold floor. Gosh, this was a mess. She needed to figure out a safe way to get her friends out of here. But, how? Would she be able to negotiate their release with Moira?

  “Ally?” Pam asked.


  “I didn’t want to bring this up, but I thought that you should know that this Moira chick isn’t well. Bluntly speaking, she’s downright crazy.” Pam laughed. “Do you know what she told us? That woman actually believes she is a vampire! Crazy, right?”

  Ally only groaned in reply.


  November 1st

  6:16 AM

  Great, just great, Ally thought to herself. Moira told her friends that she was a vampire. Ally wanted to be the one to inform her friends of the reality of things. Of what Ben was and what she was turning out to be. She wanted to state to Pam and Trish that things were getting quite weird in their small city, and that it would be in their best interest if they could keep a very open mind.

  Yet, Moira had beaten her to it. Her friends already thought that their abductor was crazy. Pam and Trish would never believe in vampires! Gosh, how was Ally to explain what was really going on? Hell, Ally barely believed it herself!

  Sitting in her cold cell, her costume torn in numerous places, she realized that Moira must have been stalking Ben ever since he postponed their nuptials. Obviously, Moira was aware that he must have been more aggressive in his search for his mate. Determined, she would not have let any human stand in her way. As soon as Moira learnt that Ally was indeed Ben’s mate, she laid her trap and kidnapped her.

  Ally cursed herself for being on that stupid balcony. Why did she felt the need to leave Benedict’s side? He told her that she was in danger. Wouldn’t that proclamation be enough to keep her near Ben? Still, even if she stayed beside him, and was never taken away, Moira would still have held Pam and Trish as hostages. Why did she have to abduct her friends? Wasn’t this creepy dungeon with its iron shackles enough? But, Ally knew the answer to that question. It wasn’t. Ally would have found any and every way possible to escape. She would have been damned to allow Moira to marry Benedict; to have their marriage officiate by the high councils. But, what now? What was she to do about her friends?

  Ally smiled weakly to herself. That bitch knew exactly how to keep her in check. Though her chains and shackles would never have been enough to prevent Ally from trying to flee out of this prison, the lives of her friends undeniably were. The stakes were too high. She could not imagine risking their livelihoods.

  Trish became restless under Ally’s silence. She assumed that Pam’s “vampire” comment pushed Ally to the edge. Gosh, why were they here? Who exactly was Moira? Trish asked herself these questions over and over again. It made no sense; it was as if Moira had a vendetta against them. But, a vendetta over what?

  “Ally, are you ok? You’ve been pretty quiet.” Trish asked.

  “Yeah, Ally, don’t be afraid. Moira is not really a vamp... just a lunatic,” Pam added, nervous that she might have upset Ally with her news. Trish glared at her. As if, Moira being a lunatic was any better! Good grief!

  “Are you sure, Pam? Look, I don’t know what she is or isn’t, but how do you suppose she was able to transform herself?” Trish asked.

  Pam was visibly shocked. “So being a vampire is the logical reason?”

  “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss it. What other explanation can it be?”

  “Ever heard of David Copperfield? He could fly, you know.”

  “What?! So it makes logical sense to assume that Moira is a magician?” Trish demanded.

  “I’ll take magician over a vampire any day of the week!” Pam retorted.

  As the two bicker over the plausible reason as to what Moira was, Ally realized that now would be a good time to set both of them straight. Things were only about to get weirder, and she should take this opportunity to explain what was going on before Moira showed her face. Or, before Ally was completely transformed…

  Looking down at her wrist, Ally gazed at her punctured wounds. The small red dots glowed on her delicate pale skin.

  God, Ben, where are you? Ally was disturbed how much she missed and needed him. Would she ever see him again? How long had she been apart from him?

  For god’s sake, get a grip, Ally! She chastised herself. She was no damsel in distress and she knew how to take care of herself. She just needed a game plan. Wallowing and wishing would get her nowhere. Her friends depended on her and so did Ben.

  “Would you two quiet down?” Ally yelled.

  The room fell silent. Ally was not used to yelling at her friends, but now it was time for action. They needed to be united against Moira. Bickering was futile.

  “Ok, you two are going to listen to me. We are in grave danger. I mean it! We are in deep shit.”

  “Okay…How so?” Pam asked.

  “Because Moira IS a vampire!”

  “What! Ally, vampires do not exist! It’s Halloween for crying out loud! It’s a stupid costume!” Pam exclaimed.

  “No, Pam, you’re wrong. She is a full-fledge vampire! They exist, I can assure you.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Pam demanded.

  “Because Benedict is one as well.”

  Both girls gasp immediately upon hearing this. So far, this was not exactly how Ally planned to tell her friends about her new love. She was hoping that she would have had more time, and preferably not within the walls of a prison. Everything turned so sour.

  “I knew it!” Pam exclaimed. “Didn’t I tell you that something was off with him?”

  “God, Pam, he’s a good guy. Forget all the crap that we read in books or saw in movies. It’s all lies!”

  “Oh, really? Then what the fuck are we doing here?!”

  Ally was taken aback. Shit, did Pam really just cuss her off? Ok, things were totally getting out of control. Ally pondered how to get things back on a better foot.

  “Girls, he isn’t the reason why we’re locked here. Moira is the one who imprisoned us.”

  “Whatever, Ally. This is getting all too weird for me. You’re probably just mistaken... or drunk out of your mind.” Pam replied sourly.

  “No, I was not drunk or have I mistaken anything. Newsflash: you two had better start believing me and listening to what I’m telling you. Things are only going to get worst before we can get ourselves out of this mess.”

  Again, all three were quiet. Pam and Trish just received a wallop of information, and right now, it was time for an intermission. Ally decided to give them a few minutes to digest what they just learnt.

  Whether they believed her or not, Ally had to come up with a plan. She needed to know just how much time she had. Being locked where she was, did not give her any indication of time. It could have been a full 24 hours since she was knocked out. Perhaps more. Where was Moira? Why hasn’t she come yet? Was she with Benedict? The idea of her with Ben, beside him, talking to him, made Ally grit her teeth.

  “Well, I, for one, will consider what you said, Ally.” Trish replied.

  Thank God, Ally thought.

  Pam cleared her throat. “Ok, let’s say I’ll entertain this crazy notion. If Moira is a vampire, then what does she want with us?”

  “Well, if you think they are going to drink our blood, than you’re wrong.” Ally replied.

  Both girls sighed in relief. Apparently, this was exactly what they were thinking.

  “So, do you think we’ll make it out alive?” Pam asked.

  “Yes.” Ally returned. “In short, Moira locked us here so she could marry Ben without any interference from me. I assume she threw you two in the mix as collateral. With both of you here, I dare not do anything foolish.”

  “Let me get this straight.” Pam said. “The only reason we’re locked in here is to prevent Moira’s marriage from getting annulled?”


  “And once Moira and Benedict are married, we’ll be freed?” Pam asked.

  “I can’t see why not.” Ally said.

  Pam and Trish stared at one another and squealed excitedly!

  “Oh, thank goodness! I thought we were goners!” Trish exclaimed happily.

  “Wait a minute.” Pam interjected. “This really doesn’t explain why we need to be locked up. Unless she is one of the most jealous women—err, I mean, vamp lady on this planet, did she really have to go to such lengths? I mean, honestly, Ally, you barely know Benedict. How can you be such a threat in her eyes?”

  Ally sighed. “Well, the problem is that Ben has zero intention of marrying Moira now. In fact, he and I, err, had sex and, um, kind of bonded.”

  “What?!” Both girls cried in unison.

  “You slept with him on the first night? Oh, Ally. You know the rules! No sex on the first date! What will he think of you now?” Trish asked.

  Pam stared at Trish in disbelief. “To hell with the dating rules! Didn’t you hear what she just said? The marriage might not take place and we could be stuck in here for a long time.”

  Trish eyes widened in fear. How long could they possibly be imprisoned in here? Why would Benedict be so quick not to marry his fiancée? Were Ally and he in love? So soon?

  Ally cleared her throat. She needed to get their attention back. Though she knew she just dropped a bomb on her friends, she wasn’t quite finished yet. She had to clarify how serious she and Ben were. How things would never ever be the same again.

  “Also, um, I’m in mid-transformation and should soon be a full fledge vampire...”

  “HOLY SHIT!” Pam and Trish cried.


  November 1st

  6:41 AM

  Benedict stared absentmindedly out the window of his parent’s library. His mind was too preoccupied to appreciate the panoramic view of the gardens laid below. His family’s residence was a three-story, 50-room mansion built between 1897 and 1899. It was his most cherished place and he hoped to bring Ally here, once they were officiated.

  Remembering his dilemma, Benedict rubbed his jaw. He was nowhere near at finding her than he was a few hours ago. He called some key people from the council, but bureaucracy had a tendency of moving at a snail pace. In addition, he was loath to get too many people involved. He remained unsure as to whom to trust and he did not want anything or anyone to alert the abductor. He turned and faced Gabriel with a solemn look on his face.

  Gabe returned his gaze. Though he had never bonded with another, he knew what it was like, to lose someone you love. He pushed himself off the plush leather armchair and walked over to Ben.

  When Benedict realized that Ally was missing, Gabe was the first person he tried to contact. He quickly brought his friend up to speed on everything that recently occurred within the last few hours. Ben explained that, as of now, he does not have any leads on her whereabouts or knew the people who were responsible for her disappearance.

  Gabe scoffed. “Honestly, man, you don’t have the faintest idea?”

  “It’s not her. She’s not involved.”

  “Truly? Don’t you find it interesting that out of everyone, she is the only one with a motive?”

  “And what motive would that be?”

  “To get married to you! She probably figured out that you met your mate.”

  “For the last time, Gabe, Moira is in Argentina. She is visiting one of her friends as we speak.”

  “She’s lying. I bet that she’s nowhere near Argentina.”

  Benedict shook his head. Once an idea entered Gabe’s skull, it was hard to get it out. He was truly the most stubborn man he had ever met.

  “Gabe, don’t you think that I would have sensed her? After knowing her for all this time, I would have noticed her faintest scent. I can assure you that the smell that I detected was not hers. It belonged to someone else.”

  Gabe ran his left hand over his short raven hair, visibly frustrated. Even now, Benedict was astonished that his friend had still managed not to find his mate. Was he doing it on purpose? Human or vamp, Gabe refused to settle down with either kind, which was not easy, since he received numerous offers for dates every week. The man was not even betrothed! Benedict really envied him that part.

  Gabriel was not quite sure how Moira could be involved if Benedict failed at detecting
her scent. Every vampire carried a unique odor. However, those from the same family had similar scents, but each member had their distinct perfume to separate themselves from each other. Could it be that Moira was able to mask her odor? If so, how did she know of the spell?

  “Then who do you suggest it could be?” Gabe questioned.

  “That’s what I intend to find out.”

  “Do you think it’s possible that Ally changed her mind and left by the balcony?”

  “Don’t be a fool. We’re bonded. Trying to be apart from one another would prove to be most difficult.”


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