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The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu f-1

Page 10

by Sax Rohmer

  "You do not understand," she whispered. "Oh, will you never understand and release me from him! I must go. Already I have remained too long. Listen. Go out without delay. Remain out-at a hotel, where you will, but do not stay here."

  "And Nayland Smith?"

  "What is he to me, this Nayland Smith? Ah, why will you not unseal my lips? You are in danger-you hear me, in danger! Go away from here to-night."

  She dropped her hands and ran from the room. In the open doorway she turned, stamping her foot passionately.

  "You have hands and arms," she cried, "and yet you let me go. Be warned, then; fly from here-" She broke off with something that sounded like a sob.

  I made no move to stay her-this beautiful accomplice of the arch-murderer, Fu-Manchu. I heard her light footsteps pattering down the stairs, I heard her open and close the door-the door of which Dr. Fu-Manchu held the key. Still I stood where she had parted from me, and was so standing when a key grated in the lock and Nayland Smith came running up.

  "Did you see her?" I began.

  But his face showed that he had not done so, and rapidly I told him of my strange visitor, of her words, of her warning.

  "How can she have passed through London in that costume?" I cried in bewilderment. "Where can she have come from?"

  Smith shrugged his shoulders and began to stuff broad-cut mixture into the familiar cracked briar.

  "She might have traveled in a car or in a cab," he said; "and undoubtedly she came direct from the house of Dr. Fu-Manchu. You should have detained her, Petrie. It is the third time we have had that woman in our power, the third time we have let her go free."

  "Smith," I replied, "I couldn't. She came of her own free will to give me a warning. She disarms me."

  "Because you can see she is in love with you?" he suggested, and burst into one of his rare laughs when the angry flush rose to my cheek. "She is, Petrie why pretend to be blind to it? You don't know the Oriental mind as I do; but I quite understand the girl's position. She fears the English authorities, but would submit to capture by you! If you would only seize her by the hair, drag her to some cellar, hurl her down and stand over her with a whip, she would tell you everything she knows, and salve her strange Eastern conscience with the reflection that speech was forced from her. I am not joking; it is so, I assure you. And she would adore you for your savagery, deeming you forceful and strong!"

  "Smith," I said, "be serious. You know what her warning meant before."

  "I can guess what it means now," he rapped. "Hallo!"

  Someone was furiously ringing the bell.

  "No one at home?" said my friend. "I will go. I think I know what it is."

  A few minutes later he returned, carrying a large square package.

  "From Weymouth," he explained, "by district messenger. I left him behind at the docks, and he arranged to forward any evidence which subsequently he found. This will be fragments of the mummy."

  "What! You think the mummy was abstracted?"

  "Yes, at the docks. I am sure of it; and somebody else was in the sarcophagus when it reached Rowan House. A sarcophagus, I find, is practically airtight, so that the use of the rubber stopper becomes evident-ventilation. How this person killed Strozza I have yet to learn."

  "Also, how he escaped from a locked room. And what about the green mist?"

  Nayland Smith spread his hands in a characteristic gesture.

  "The green mist, Petrie, can be explained in several ways. Remember, we have only one man's word that it existed. It is at best a confusing datum to which we must not attach a factitious importance."

  He threw the wrappings on the floor and tugged at a twine loop in the lid of the square box, which now stood upon the table. Suddenly the lid came away, bringing with it a lead lining, such as is usual in tea-chests. This lining was partially attached to one side of the box, so that the action of removing the lid at once raised and tilted it.

  Then happened a singular thing.

  Out over the table billowed a sort of yellowish-green cloud-an oily vapor-and an inspiration, it was nothing less, born of a memory and of some words of my beautiful visitor, came to me.

  "RUN, SMITH!" I screamed. "The door! the door, for your life! Fu-Manchu sent that box!" I threw my arms round him. As he bent forward the moving vapor rose almost to his nostrils. I dragged him back and all but pitched him out on to the landing. We entered my bedroom, and there, as I turned on the light, I saw that Smith's tanned face was unusually drawn, and touched with pallor.

  "It is a poisonous gas!" I said hoarsely; "in many respects identical with chlorine, but having unique properties which prove it to be something else-God and Fu-Manchu, alone know what! It is the fumes of chlorine that kill the men in the bleaching powder works. We have been blind-I particularly. Don't you see? There was no one in the sarcophagus, Smith, but there was enough of that fearful stuff to have suffocated a regiment!"

  Smith clenched his fists convulsively.

  "My God!" he said, "how can I hope to deal with the author of such a scheme? I see the whole plan. He did not reckon on the mummy case being overturned, and Kwee's part was to remove the plug with the aid of the string-after Sir Lionel had been suffocated. The gas, I take it, is heavier than air."

  "Chlorine gas has a specific gravity of 2.470," I said; "two and a half times heavier than air. You can pour it from jar to jar like a liquid-if you are wearing a chemist's mask. In these respects this stuff appears to be similar; the points of difference would not interest you. The sarcophagus would have emptied through the vent, and the gas have dispersed, with no clew remaining-except the smell."

  "I did smell it, Petrie, on the stopper, but, of course, was unfamiliar with it. You may remember that you were prevented from doing so by the arrival of Sir Lionel? The scent of those infernal flowers must partially have drowned it, too. Poor, misguided Strozza inhaled the stuff, capsized the case in his fall, and all the gas-"

  "Went pouring under the conservatory door, and down the steps, where Kwee was crouching. Croxted's breaking the window created sufficient draught to disperse what little remained. It will have settled on the floor now. I will go and open both windows."

  Nayland raised his haggard face.

  "He evidently made more than was necessary to dispatch Sir Lionel Barton," he said; "and contemptuously-you note the attitude, Petrie?-contemptuously devoted the surplus to me. His contempt is justified. I am a child striving to cope with a mental giant. It is by no wit of mine that Dr. Fu-Manchu scores a double failure."

  Chapter 13

  I will tell you, now of a strange dream which I dreamed, and of the stranger things to which I awakened. Since, out of a blank-a void-this vision burst in upon my mind, I cannot do better than relate it, without preamble. It was thus:

  I dreamed that I lay writhing on the floor in agony indescribable. My veins were filled with liquid fire, and but that stygian darkness was about me, I told myself that I must have seen the smoke arising from my burning body.

  This, I thought, was death.

  Then, a cooling shower descended upon me, soaked through skin and tissue to the tortured arteries and quenched the fire within. Panting, but free from pain, I lay-exhausted.

  Strength gradually returning to me, I tried to rise; but the carpet felt so singularly soft that it offered me no foothold. I waded and plunged like a swimmer treading water; and all about me rose impenetrable walls of darkness, darkness all but palpable. I wondered why I could not see the windows. The horrible idea flashed to my mind that I was become blind!

  Somehow I got upon my feet, and stood swaying dizzily. I became aware of a heavy perfume, and knew it for some kind of incense.

  Then-a dim light was born, at an immeasurable distance away. It grew steadily in brilliance. It spread like a bluish-red stain-like a liquid. It lapped up the darkness and spread throughout the room.

  But this was not my room! Nor was it any room known to me.

  It was an apartment of such size that its dimen
sions filled me with a kind of awe such as I never had known: the awe of walled vastness. Its immense extent produced a sensation of sound. Its hugeness had a distinct NOTE.

  Tapestries covered the four walls. There was no door visible. These tapestries were magnificently figured with golden dragons; and as the serpentine bodies gleamed and shimmered in the increasing radiance, each dragon, I thought, intertwined its glittering coils more closely with those of another. The carpet was of such richness that I stood knee-deep in its pile. And this, too, was fashioned all over with golden dragons; and they seemed to glide about amid the shadows of the design-stealthily.

  At the farther end of the hall-for hall it was-a huge table with dragons' legs stood solitary amid the luxuriance of the carpet. It bore scintillating globes, and tubes that held living organisms, and books of a size and in such bindings as I never had imagined, with instruments of a type unknown to Western science-a heterogeneous litter quite indescribable, which overflowed on to the floor, forming an amazing oasis in a dragon-haunted desert of carpet. A lamp hung above this table, suspended by golden chains from the ceiling-which was so lofty that, following the chains upward, my gaze lost itself in the purple shadows above.

  In a chair piled high with dragon-covered cushions a man sat behind this table. The light from the swinging lamp fell fully upon one side of his face, as he leaned forward amid the jumble of weird objects, and left the other side in purplish shadow. From a plain brass bowl upon the corner of the huge table smoke writhed aloft and at times partially obscured that dreadful face.

  From the instant that my eyes were drawn to the table and to the man who sat there, neither the incredible extent of the room, nor the nightmare fashion of its mural decorations, could reclaim my attention. I had eyes only for him.

  For it was Dr. Fu-Manchu!

  Something of the delirium which had seemed to fill my veins with fire, to people the walls with dragons, and to plunge me knee-deep in the carpet, left me. Those dreadful, filmed green eyes acted somewhat like a cold douche. I knew, without removing my gaze from the still face, that the walls no longer lived, but were merely draped in exquisite Chinese dragon tapestry. The rich carpet beneath my feet ceased to be as a jungle and became a normal carpet-extraordinarily rich, but merely a carpet. But the sense of vastness nevertheless remained, with the uncomfortable knowledge that the things upon the table and overflowing about it were all, or nearly all, of a fashion strange to me.

  Then, and almost instantaneously, the comparative sanity which I had temporarily experienced began to slip from me again; for the smoke faintly penciled through the air-from the burning perfume on the table-grew in volume, thickened, and wafted towards me in a cloud of gray horror. It enveloped me, clammily. Dimly, through its oily wreaths, I saw the immobile yellow face of Fu-Manchu. And my stupefied brain acclaimed him a sorcerer, against whom unwittingly we had pitted our poor human wits. The green eyes showed filmy through the fog. An intense pain shot through my lower limbs, and, catching my breath, I looked down. As I did so, the points of the red slippers which I dreamed that I wore increased in length, curled sinuously upward, twined about my throat and choked the breath from my body!

  Came an interval, and then a dawning like consciousness; but it was a false consciousness, since it brought with it the idea that my head lay softly pillowed and that a woman's hand caressed my throbbing forehead. Confusedly, as though in the remote past, I recalled a kiss-and the recollection thrilled me strangely. Dreamily content I lay, and a voice stole to my ears:

  "They are killing him! they are killing him! Oh! do you not understand?" In my dazed condition, I thought that it was I who had died, and that this musical girl-voice was communicating to me the fact of my own dissolution.

  But I was conscious of no interest in the matter.

  For hours and hours, I thought, that soothing hand caressed me. I never once raised my heavy lids, until there came a resounding crash that seemed to set my very bones vibrating-a metallic, jangling crash, as the fall of heavy chains. I thought that, then, I half opened my eyes, and that in the dimness I had a fleeting glimpse of a figure clad in gossamer silk, with arms covered with barbaric bangles and slim ankles surrounded by gold bands. The girl was gone, even as I told myself that she was an houri, and that I, though a Christian, had been consigned by some error to the paradise of Mohammed.

  Then-a complete blank.

  My head throbbed madly; my brain seemed to be clogged-inert; and though my first, feeble movement was followed by the rattle of a chain, some moments more elapsed ere I realized that the chain was fastened to a steel collar-that the steel collar was clasped about my neck.

  I moaned weakly.

  "Smith!" I muttered, "Where are you? Smith!"

  On to my knees I struggled, and the pain on the top of my skull grew all but insupportable. It was coming back to me now; how Nayland Smith and I had started for the hotel to warn Graham Guthrie; how, as we passed up the steps from the Embankment and into Essex Street, we saw the big motor standing before the door of one of the offices. I could recall coming up level with the car-a modern limousine; but my mind retained no impression of our having passed it-only a vague memory of a rush of footsteps-a blow. Then, my vision of the hall of dragons, and now this real awakening to a worse reality.

  Groping in the darkness, my hands touched a body that lay close beside me. My fingers sought and found the throat, sought and found the steel collar about it.

  "Smith," I groaned; and I shook the still form. "Smith, old man-speak to me! Smith!"

  Could he be dead? Was this the end of his gallant fight with Dr. Fu-Manchu and the murder group? If so, what did the future hold for me-what had I to face?

  He stirred beneath my trembling hands.

  "Thank God!" I muttered, and I cannot deny that my joy was tainted with selfishness. For, waking in that impenetrable darkness, and yet obsessed with the dream I had dreamed, I had known what fear meant, at the realization that alone, chained, I must face the dreadful Chinese doctor in the flesh. Smith began incoherent mutterings.

  "Sand-bagged!… Look out, Petrie!… He has us at last!… Oh, Heavens!"… He struggled on to his knees, clutching at my hand.

  "All right, old man," I said. "We are both alive! So let's be thankful."

  A moment's silence, a groan, then:

  "Petrie, I have dragged you into this. God forgive me-"

  "Dry up, Smith," I said slowly. "I'm not a child. There is no question of being dragged into the matter. I'm here; and if I can be of any use, I'm glad I am here!"

  He grasped my hand.

  "There were two Chinese, in European clothes-lord, how my head throbs!-in that office door. They sand-bagged us, Petrie-think of it!-in broad daylight, within hail of the Strand! We were rushed into the car-and it was all over, before-" His voice grew faint. "God! they gave me an awful knock!"

  "Why have we been spared, Smith? Do you think he is saving us for-"

  "Don't, Petrie! If you had been in China, if you had seen what I have seen-"

  Footsteps sounded on the flagged passage. A blade of light crept across the floor towards us. My brain was growing clearer. The place had a damp, earthen smell. It was slimy-some noisome cellar. A door was thrown open and a man entered, carrying a lantern. Its light showed my surmise to be accurate, showed the slime-coated walls of a dungeon some fifteen feet square-shone upon the long yellow robe of the man who stood watching us, upon the malignant, intellectual countenance.

  It was Dr. Fu-Manchu.

  At last they were face to face-the head of the great Yellow Movement, and the man who fought on behalf of the entire white race. How can I paint the individual who now stood before us-perhaps the greatest genius of modern times?

  Of him it had been fitly said that he had a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan. Something serpentine, hypnotic, was in his very presence. Smith drew one sharp breath, and was silent. Together, chained to the wall, two mediaeval captives, living mockeries of our boasted moder
n security, we crouched before Dr. Fu-Manchu.

  He came forward with an indescribable gait, cat-like yet awkward, carrying his high shoulders almost hunched. He placed the lantern in a niche in the wall, never turning away the reptilian gaze of those eyes which must haunt my dreams forever. They possessed a viridescence which hitherto I had supposed possible only in the eye of the cat-and the film intermittently clouded their brightness-but I can speak of them no more.

  I had never supposed, prior to meeting Dr. Fu-Manchu, that so intense a force of malignancy could radiate-from any human being. He spoke. His English was perfect, though at times his words were oddly chosen; his delivery alternately was guttural and sibilant.

  "Mr. Smith and Dr. Petrie, your interference with my plans has gone too far. I have seriously turned my attention to you."

  He displayed his teeth, small and evenly separated, but discolored in a way that was familiar to me. I studied his eyes with a new professional interest, which even the extremity of our danger could not wholly banish. Their greenness seemed to be of the iris; the pupil was oddly contracted-a pin-point.

  Smith leaned his back against the wall with assumed indifference.

  "You have presumed," continued Fu-Manchu, "to meddle with a world-change. Poor spiders-caught in the wheels of the inevitable! You have linked my name with the futility of the Young China Movement-the name of Fu-Manchu! Mr. Smith, you are an incompetent meddler-I despise you! Dr. Petrie, you are a fool-I am sorry for you!"

  He rested one bony hand on his hip, narrowing the long eyes as he looked down on us. The purposeful cruelty of the man was inherent; it was entirely untheatrical. Still Smith remained silent.

  "So I am determined to remove you from the scene of your blunders!" added Fu-Manchu.

  "Opium will very shortly do the same for you!" I rapped at him savagely.

  Without emotion he turned the narrowed eyes upon me.

  "That is a matter of opinion, Doctor," he said. "You may have lacked the opportunities which have been mine for studying that subject-and in any event I shall not be privileged to enjoy your advice in the future."


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