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Page 26

by Stacy McWilliams

  I let myself in and flopped onto the sofa just as the door opened and Jay walked entered. He spotted me straight away and came over, brandishing the tequila, laughing, “Your tequila, my lady.” I smirked up at him, opened the bottle, and drank a few mouthfuls.

  As I swallowed the third, Jay grabbed the bottle.

  “Girl, what’s the matter?” I closed my eyes and thought back to Coop’s amazing announcement.

  “Cooper’s back, and he’s engaged.” Jay plopped to the floor in front of me, his mouth open in horror.

  “No. Is he really?” he probed, and I nodded with tear-filled eyes.

  Jay took one look at me and then at the bottle, giving both a questioning look as he stood and pushed the button on the sound system. SIA began singing, and we took a shot every few minutes and after a few, I was feeling pleasantly squishy inside, so he pushed me to my room, otherwise known as the dressing room.

  “Get purty, we’re going out.”

  He went into his room and I grabbed some silver shoes, a short little black dress, and some silver jewelry that I left at his place. I touched up my makeup and left my hair in the clip since my earrings accentuated my long neck.

  After spraying myself with my favorite perfume, I walked out into the living room and twirled as Jay whistled. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the door.

  “Our cab’s here, gorgeous. We’re meeting some of the guys in Malone’s.”

  I nodded feeling the alcohol burn through my system and focusing on that.

  Jay paid the cab, and we crossed the street, going into Malone’s to meet some of our friends. As we made our way to the group, I heard my mom’s voice call my name and my stomach dropped like a stone. My hand on Jay’s arm contracted like a claw and he winced, dropping his hand to my arm and then glancing up at me.

  Spinning around, my mom, Shawn, and Cooper were sitting at a table we were passing, but it was the girl sitting on the end of the table, sporting a rock the size of a small country that drew my eyes. My eyes widened first in horrified recognition and then in pain. As I fought to school my expression, I smiled and said hello to my family, before Jay excused us and dragged me over to our friends.

  After a hasty discussion, it was decided that we would move on. My stomach rolled and Yvette decided to take me to the bathroom because I looked a little green to her. As we stood in the washroom, the stall door opened, and Jan came out. She glanced at me and at Yvette before she made her way towards me.

  “Bailey, how nice to see you again,” she said sweetly, but I could see the anger in her eyes, “but as you know, Cooper and I are engaged now, so could you stay away from him or things will get ugly between us?”

  She washed her hands and strode away leaving me shaking and beyond furious. I splashed some water on my face and marched out of the club, running into Jay outside on the sidewalk.

  “Get. Me. Out. Of. Here,” I hissed in his ear and his eyes widened a fraction. He glanced over my shoulder and slipped his hand around my waist as Cooper and Jan walked out, followed by my mom and Shawn.

  “Hi, everyone, I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Jay.” His soft voice was sexy with just the right amount of spice in it. My mom’s eyes widened, and I smiled at her before turning my face into Jay’s neck and whispering, “Please, Jay. Just get me out of here now.”

  He nodded at me and kissed my head. I glanced up at him and amusement danced over his features. He nodded his head slightly and I followed the movement to see Coop standing stock-still glaring at us. Jan was beside him, curled into his side, looking amused at my mom’s and Shawn’s faces.

  My mom stepped forwards, extending her hand as she did.

  “Jay, it’s lovely to finally meet you after all these years. I thought you lived in London though, so it really is a surprise to see you with Bailey.”

  Shawn nodded politely and then turned to look for their car, as my mom pulled me in for a hug. She squeezed a little too tight and released me a quick second later.

  As they moved away, I saw Coop chatting to Colin Donoghue, an old friend of his from school and a member of our group through Alisa, a friend of mine from the art world. I heard Colin invite them to go out with us and my eyes darted over in horror as Coop was saying no, but Jan answered, and my stomach dropped.

  “Oh sure, we’d love to come. There’s nothing better than catching up with old friends, is there?”

  We moved to Park Lane, which was a marvelous restaurant, serving all kinds of cuisines, but I wasn’t hungry at all. I forced myself to eat some sushi and rice, but I couldn’t manage anything else as I tried to figure out a way to leave without anyone noticing.

  My eyes burned, my chest felt as though it was being sat on by a ten-ton weight, and my head throbbed. All I wanted to do was go home, but I couldn’t let her win. Jan wasn’t waltzing into town and worming her way in with my friends.

  God, what if they moved here, and I was forced to attend functions with them. My breathing began to accelerate, and I quickly excused myself, almost running towards the bathroom. I hadn’t bothered looking around the table, so I didn’t notice Coop wasn’t at the table, and when I barged by him on my way to the restroom he gasped as my fingers ran across his stomach.

  “Sorry, I’m…” My eyes darted upwards as the heat from his touch burned into my brain and I backed away.

  “Bailey,” he murmured, but I shook my head at him and turned tail, heading outside onto the sidewalk. As soon as the fresh air hit, my legs began to feel a little shaky and my heart pounded hard against my chest.

  I didn’t have my clutch or my cell or anything, but the gallery was close by, so I decided to head in that direction. As I passed the alley a hand shot out and grabbed me, pulling me in. I wanted to scream, but then I thought being unconscious would be better than being here right now.

  Coop’s scent filled my nostrils and my panic calmed, but my heart rate sped as I stood there.

  “Bailey, please let me explain.” He touched my cheek and my skin burned, but I backed away from him, speaking through the tears that erupted from my eyes.

  “No, you don’t get to speak. You don’t get to explain anything to me. There is nothing… nothing you can say that I want to hear.”

  I spun around and ran for the end of the alley and I heard Coop exhale, kick the dumpster and shout, “Goddamn it,” but I didn’t care. I had to get out of there, so I headed straight for my gallery, thankful that Martine had convinced us to remain open to the night crowd.

  As soon as I reached the familiar building, my heart rate slowed, and I went up to the apartment upstairs. We hadn’t renovated it yet, but we’d planned to turn it into either office space or an apartment for me to use in the city. Martine stood behind the cash desk and I waved at her.

  The sofa in the gallery apartment was uncomfortable and lumpy and when Jay came by with my belongings. I let him talk me into spending the night at his apartment, but it didn’t matter where I was. Sleep was beyond me. I spent the night awake, sitting by the window in the dressing room on an old armchair watching the moon move across the sky.

  At five a.m. my cell chimed with a text and I opened it. I’d had the same exact number since high school but seeing his name on the message made me want to delete it straight away. All it said was,

  We need to talk. Coop

  I ignored it and another one came through almost immediately.

  Bailey, let me explain to you, please.

  I ignored that one too and when my cell began to ring, I put it on silent mode, so I didn’t hear it. I finally drifted off at around six a.m. I slept for three hours and when I was fully awake, after four cups of coffee I dressed in tight jeans, a red tank, and a black wraparound sweater. I took down my hair, leaving it loose and curled around my face.

  I had to go to the gallery since I was meeting a client at eleven, so I put my feet into my sneakers, taking my heels in my purse as I left. Once in the street I shot Jay a text and let him know that I’d gone to work, thanki
ng him for the previous night. My eyes narrowed on my phone and I had another six texts and seven calls from Coop, but I ignored them all.

  As I walked, I placed my earbuds into my ears and cranked up the volume of my favorite band. It helped drown out the sounds of the city while I was trying to ignore the pain in my chest at seeing Coop with Jan, seeing him with anyone would be hard, but with her was soul-destroying.

  My body slowed as I reached the gallery, but before I went in, I stopped into a convenience store to pick up a bottle of water and our newspapers. I made my way across the road and saw Coop sitting outside on the steps of the gallery. He stood up as I approached, his eyes narrowed on me.

  “Bailey, we need to talk,” he spoke as soon as I was in earshot. I shook my head at him and moved into the café. I went behind the counter and grabbed my apron, determined to keep busy, but there wasn’t much to do. So, I wandered through to my office, and he followed me.

  I ignored him, but as I sat at my desk, palpations started in my chest every time I looked up from my computer or wrote something on the wall behind my desk. By ten forty I’d had enough.

  “Say what you need to say, then get out,” I muttered through my teeth as he sat watching me.

  “Bails.” I flinched as I heard my nickname and his face fell a little.

  “Sorry, Bailey.” He automatically corrected himself and I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose before I leaned back and stared at him. He met my gaze steadily and continued.

  “I never expected to feel like this. Seeing you again has messed with my head in so many ways, but I love Jan and I don’t want to hurt her, so can you please keep your disdain of her to a minimum for me.”

  I sat back in my chair and tapped my fingers on the desk as he spoke, my eyes narrowing with every word.

  “Get. Out,” I hissed at him, and he sat back, stunned, but I wanted, no I needed him out of my office. “I never want to see you again. You complete ass.”

  Tears sprung into my eyes as I shot up from my desk, beyond infuriated.

  “This has been hard for you? Oh, poor Coop, I can’t even imagine how hard this must be for you.”

  My body vibrated with fury as I struggled to control myself. I took a deep breath and clenched my fists at my side in order to stop myself smacking him across the face.

  “Do you have any idea? Any idea at all how hard I worked to try and get over you? To rebuild my life after you wrecked it and you come back here after six years,” I sucked in a breath and glared as he stood wide-eyed and shocked. “And tell me you’re engaged and that’s not the best part, your fiancée is someone who blackmailed you into a relationship when we were teenagers, then broadcast our first time to your dad.”

  Moisture filled my eyes and I put my hand on my chest trying to hold some of the pain inside as he stared at me.

  “Bailey, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for hurting you, but we can’t be together…”

  His voice shook as he spoke, but I cut him off refusing to look at him.

  “Cooper, just leave. Please, just leave me alone. I can’t do this again with you.”

  He sucked in a breath and backed out of my office. As the door closed, the pain in my chest almost floored me, but I rushed to the bathroom, splashing my face, and reapplying my makeup.

  I went through the day on autopilot and begged Jay to come to dinner, but he couldn’t. Harold was off work, and they were going on a date night.

  “It’ll be fine,” he assured me as I called him in a blind panic and then Zane called. He’d gone by to see his dad and his dad had called the police and had him removed from the property.

  “Bailey, can you give him a card from the kids and a photo of them? I’m not gonna try anymore.” The pain in his voice was palpable and made me feel even worse as I remembered I was supposed to try and sort it, but Coop being back and engaged had thrown my head under a bus. I couldn’t think straight as I agreed to the photo and the card almost without thinking about it.

  “Good,” Zane said, “I’m in the gallery again.”

  I rushed out towards him and flew into his arms, his surprised look as I collided with him and wrapped my arms around him, told me he hadn’t expected my hug, but I never needed a hug more than in that moment.

  “Bailey, are you okay?” his concerned voice asked, and I nodded and then shook my head at him.

  “I dunno. When do you leave, Zane? Can I come by and see the kids and Sam before you leave?” I asked as I realized I hadn’t seen them yet.

  “Yeah, of course, you can. The kids miss their aunty, Bailey. We leave first thing Monday.”

  I nodded and opened my mouth to ask a question but saw his mouth pop open and I glanced behind me to see Coop standing there. His hands were in his pockets and his shoulders were slumped, but he was watching Zane and me.

  I couldn’t look at him, so I turned to go back to my office, but Zane put his hand on my arm, whispering, “Stay, please?”

  I nodded at him and held the envelope tighter as the brothers sized each other up. Coop nodded once and motioned to one of the sofas.

  He moved towards it and Zane went to follow, but I hung back a little. Zane stopped and walked back over to me.

  “Bailey, what’s going on? Why do you suddenly look completely devastated?”

  My eyes moved to Coop, and Zane followed them.

  “What’s he done?” he asked in a low voice. I shook my head and pursed my lips trying not to cry.

  “Go,” I murmured around tears, “catch up with your brother. I’ll be over in a minute with some coffees.”

  As he walked away, I rushed behind the counter, helping during our busy period and as things quietened down, I moved towards the boys carrying three coffee cups, one for each of them and one for me to drink in my office. When I was in the vicinity of the table Coop looked up and met my eyes for a second, but he looked away towards the sidewalk after a moment.

  I placed the cups down on the table and Zane smiled at me. Coop swallowed and turned back to face me.

  “Kids, Bails. He has kids, two of them.”

  I tried to smile, managed to nod, and went to back away. Cooper’s face fell and Zane looked between us.

  “Bailey is coming to see the kids tomorrow, why don’t you come too?”

  My heartbeat sounded loudly in my ears as I stared in horror at Zane and Cooper’s face lit up.

  “Yeah, that’d be…” he said before he turned and met my gaze. “Oh um, I dunno. I might be…”

  Zane’s face fell and I knew that something was happening between them because of me again.

  “No. It’s fine. Meet me here at ten a.m.”

  Zane winked at me and Cooper smiled.

  “Can I bring my fiancée,” he asked, and Zane looked uncomfortable as he shifted in his seat.

  “You’re engaged?” Zane asked and Coop nodded smiling.

  “Yeah, for a year now. You remember Jan?” He asked and Zane nodded shooting a glance in my direction and Cooper seemed to forget for a moment that I was sitting there.

  “We met back up on campus one day and bam, you know?”

  Cooper glanced over at me and then down as I stared into my coffee cup and envisioned drowning myself because every word was like a knife being twisted in my gut.

  I stood up and Zane shared a look with Coop as I moved to go back to my office. I grabbed the folder from under the counter and when I went back out half an hour later Cooper was gone. Zane was still sitting and as I moved around tidying up and clearing tables, he moved towards me.

  “Bailey,” he whispered, and I looked up at him with tears stinging my eyes. I fought to clear them, but they got worse and a single tear rolled down my face.

  I wiped under my eye and picked up my cloth, wiping down a table as Zane stood beside me.

  “Sweetheart,” Zane spoke softly, and I shook my head.

  “Zane, I can’t… I can’t talk about this. Not yet.”

  He nodded at me and kissed my head, whispering,
“Anytime you want to talk about it, you call me, okay. I love you, kid.”

  I hugged him tightly and choked back the tears that were screaming for release.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, “love you too. Give my love to Sam and the kids and hug them from me.”

  He nodded once and left me standing wiping the same table over and over again. I scrubbed and scrubbed at the stain on it, but it wouldn’t come off. Eventually, Sean-Paul came over and steered me to the table.

  “Mon cherie, what has happened to you?”

  His delightful accent wrapped around the words, and he tapped his fingers against my knee.

  “I can’t talk about it yet,” I whispered brokenly, and he nodded.

  “Perhaps a few days off?” I nodded, and he spoke softly, “You take one week from today and come back better, okay?”

  I smiled at the gesture and leaned across the table kissing his cheek before standing. I had to get ready for the dinner of my nightmares.

  Somehow, I had to face Cooper and Jan alone, with only my mom and Shawn for support. I needed a miracle. If I could have called out sick, I would have, but my mom would never forgive me if I did, and she must have known I was considering it because as I made my way to my office, my mom rushed in leaving a whiff of Chanel in her wake.

  “Bailey,” she muttered as she grabbed hold of my arm, “we need to talk.”

  She steered me towards my office and when we arrived, she pushed me towards my chair as she sat in the one facing my desk. Her eyes darted around the room taking in the messy walls lined with files and my calendar where all my trips were planned.

  I moved some papers around on my desk to save from looking at her, but there was only so much to move around. Just as she opened her mouth my desktop phone rang, and I answered it. It was Pierre, one of our contacts in France, telling me about a delightful gallery that was on the market. I made an appointment to fly over in the next week to see it, and he offered to organize the hotel, which just left me flights.

  “So, I’ll fly out Tuesday and fly back Thursday? Does that work?” I asked in my business voice and Pierre answered,


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