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The Alpha (The Pack Book 3)

Page 14

by Kristin Coley

  Both of us caught sight of Caleb coming out of the forest, Anna by his side, and Trent let out a low growl. “Easy, brother, she’s not his, or yours either.”

  “Not yet,” Trent answered confidently.

  “Make sure you stay with them. Jess wants to go to lunch with Anna and Leah, you and Liam need to be with them,” I requested, not bothering to make it a command since I knew he’d acquiesce.

  “Yes, sir.” Trent saluted me, not protesting the fact that he was essentially leaving me unprotected. I’d made my choice and he would honor it.

  “Oh, and make sure Liam knows to protect my mate first,” I added, snarling slightly at the memory of Jess completely undefended while Dylan charged her.

  Trent smiled grimly, “I think he knows, but I’ll be sure to remind him.” He paused, checking Caleb’s progress before asking, “Dylan?”

  “I think we’re safe on that front for now. Caleb won’t do anything to him,” I replied, also aware that Wren would stop Caleb in his tracks if necessary with the shotgun she kept behind the door.

  I watched Trent jog to the office, intercepting Anna along the way.

  “He’s a good guy?” Caleb asked, following my gaze as he came up beside me.

  “The best,” I answered, sucking in a deep breath.

  “He’s welcome into the pack if he wants,” Caleb offered and I gazed at him in surprised gratitude. I doubted Trent would take him up on the offer, but I also knew it was something Caleb’s father never would have done. It made what I had to say all the harder.

  “I’ll let him know,” I answered finally, wondering how to broach my own news.

  “Wanna go for a run?” Caleb asked and I took the brief respite.

  “Yeah, it’s been too long since we ran together,” I replied with a nod.

  “I’ve missed you,” Caleb said, slugging my shoulder. “I know you’re busy with Jess, but maybe we can do something soon, all of us.”

  “Maybe so,” I said faintly, wondering if he’d feel the same after our conversation. “For now, let’s run.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Any suggestions for lunch?” I asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the group when Leah arrived. She and Liam had driven up a few minutes after Trent had come in with Anna, and awkward didn’t begin to describe it.

  “Burgers,” Liam piped up and Trent elbowed him.

  “I think she meant the ladies,” he whispered sotto voice.

  “I did,” I replied, nodding even as I avoided looking at him, “It’s a girls’ lunch.”

  Trent cleared his throat and I reluctantly faced him, my face burning, but thankfully he didn’t mention it. “We’ve got our orders. You get an escort with lunch.” Aggravation erased my embarrassment as I set my hands on my hips.

  “Both of you?”

  “Uh huh,” he muttered, slouching against the wall, unconcerned by my ire. “Dom wants you safe.”

  “And I want some uninterrupted girl time,” I retorted and he shrugged.

  “You can do that when we come back,” he offered. “Promise we’ll stay out of earshot and you can gossip to your heart’s content. Maybe test out some sexy one liners on each other. Swear we won’t eavesdrop,” I flushed in a combination of fury and mortification as Liam glanced at him, whispering, “No eavesdropping?”

  “What the hell is he talking about?” Leah grumbled, as Anna stared speculatively at Trent. “Doesn’t he know sexy one liners are reserved for sleepovers?”

  Her question loosened the knot in my chest and when Anna added, “I’ll play a recording of cats howling to make sure you don’t eavesdrop,” I laughed. When Liam flushed we traded high fives.

  “I think we’ll have to take separate cars,” I mentioned when we got to the parking lot.

  Leah jingled her keys. “Girls in one car and guys in the other?” Trent was shaking his head before she finished but Anna answered.

  “I think we’ll have to take one of the guys,” she told Leah. “I can ride with Trent and Liam can go with the two of you.” It hadn’t taken her long to notice Liam’s devotion to Leah and I sucked in a protest at riding with them.

  Trent seemed hesitant but finally nodded. “That’s fine. Liam, you need to shift.”

  “What? Why?” Liam appeared crushed that he’d have to be in wolf form and I questioned it myself. We’d be conspicuous with a wolf riding around with us.

  “I want you prepared in case anything happens. Your senses are better in wolf form,” he told him, including me with a sweep of his gaze. “You’re also the youngest so don’t argue.” That shut Liam’s mouth as he sulkily started to shuck his clothes. No one seemed bothered by this except for me. Leah openly admired his cut form, not seeming bothered by how skinny he was. I eyed him in concern and then mentally asked Trent, Should he be so skinny?

  No, Trent answered swiftly. The Hanley Alpha would have kept them hungry so they’d obey. He’ll gain weight now that he’s with us.

  I nodded, satisfied with his answer and averted my eyes as he stripped down. Trent laughed at me as he said, You’ll have to get used to it. It’s just a way of life.

  I know, but I’d rather just stick with seeing Dom naked, I told him to his dismay.

  God, that’s almost as bad as this morn –

  Don’t mention that ever again, I warned him, casting a sharp glance at him and he sucked in a breath.

  Fine, but don’t force me to listen to that either, he retorted and I nodded.


  Anna didn’t speak but I got the idea that she was studying us, trying to figure something out, and I was afraid I knew exactly what it was. Did you talk to Caleb yet? I asked Dom, and had the sudden disorienting impression of the ground flying beneath me.

  No, not yet. Why?

  Anna suspects, I told him and he cursed. Talk to Caleb before this goes sideways, I pleaded, concerned about how Caleb would react. Maybe Trent should stay here?

  No! I want him with you. I’m not sure Liam can be trusted to keep you safe.

  I glanced over at Liam who was now standing next to Leah, his coat now a shiny golden brown instead of the dirty matted mess he’d been the first time I’d seen him. He seems dedicated to Leah, I said and Dom snorted.

  Yeah, that’s the problem.

  Alright, we’re about to go. I paused, waiting and when he didn’t say anything, I huffily added, I love you.

  I love you too, he answered hastily and I rolled my eyes. “How are we supposed to walk around with a wolf?” I demanded to know and Leah glanced up, her eyes curious. Trent smiled, pulling something from his back pocket and shaking it out.

  “This,” he declared in satisfaction and I tilted my head sideways to read what it said.

  “Service dog,” I read aloud, recognizing it as a vest. “Are you serious?”

  “It works,” he said defensively and Anna gave me an apologetic glance as she agreed with him.

  “It does work,” she said, talking the vest from Trent and quickly attaching it to Liam. “We have documentation to back it up too.”

  “Pretty clever,” Leah said admiringly, stroking the fur on Liam’s head.

  “No petting service dogs,” I told her and she yanked her hand back guiltily as Liam shot me a wounded look. I shrugged, ignoring it as I said, “It’s true.” I saw Dad leaving the office and told them, “I’ll be right back.”

  “Dad,” I called, drawing him to a stop. “Can I ask a favor?”

  “Sure, Bunny, what you need?”

  “Keep an eye on Dom for me?”

  He blinked at me for a second before realizing I was serious. “Uh, okay, sure. Um, why?”

  “He’s supposed to talk to Caleb,” I told him, unable to keep the worry out of my voice.

  “Ahh,” Dad nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle them.” I opened my mouth, not sure I liked the idea of Dad handling two men who shifted into wolves, but when he nodded and told me not to worry, I did just that.

  When I got to the car, Liam was curled up in the backseat, watching us. “Everything okay?” Leah asked, as she put the car into gear.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to let him know where we were going and make sure I didn’t need to bring Monster.”

  Leah paused, “Do you want to bring him?”

  “Oh, no,” I said hurriedly. “Monster is fine, he’s playing with Dylan.”

  When we got to the restaurant, Trent handed me the leash. “Keep a hold on him,” he told me and gave Liam a stern glance. “Remember your priorities.” Liam whimpered, lowering his head as his ears flicked back.

  The restaurant didn’t question the fact that our service animal happened to be a wolf as Trent stared them down and it wasn’t long before we were seated.

  I ordered an extra appetizer when Liam propped his head on my knee, his pleading puppy dog eyes giving Monster a run for his money.

  “Sucker,” Trent mouthed when he heard me double the order and I flipped him the bird. A phone rang and we glanced at one another until Anna raised her phone. She glanced at the caller and her forehead wrinkled.

  “I need to answer this,” she murmured, excusing herself as she swiped the front of the phone. She went to the entrance but didn’t exit the restaurant as Trent kept an eye and ear on her. His expression was distant and I had a feeling he was listening to her conversation. I didn’t call him on it because I was curious myself.

  Not good, Trent broadcast along the Pack link and Liam’s ears came up, suddenly alert. Dom brushed against the bond link, reassuring himself I was fine, but didn’t ask anything, and I had the impression he was distracted.

  “I need to go,” Anna said, reaching for her purse, but Trent snagged it before she could sling it over her shoulder. “Not now, Trent,” she admonished, her face tight with worry.

  “I heard. Going alone after a newly shifted wolf with no pack ties is dumb.”

  “They’re not positive he shifted,” she argued, not bothering to question how he knew. “He’s young and I understand what he’s going through.”

  “Which means you think he did shift and the wolf is in control,” Trent replied coolly, not letting go of her purse. She studied him silently for a second, then slipped her hand in her purse, yanked out the keys and left him literally holding her purse.

  She would have succeeded if Liam hadn’t darted out and clamped his teeth around her leg. She froze, not willing to test if he’d actually bite down.

  “Not alone,” Trent ground out. “You’re not the fucking Lone Ranger.”

  “If we send a search party out, it’ll freak him out,” she snapped, sounding absolutely sure.

  “You speak from experience.”

  “That’s not your concern,” she answered, pressing her lips together. “Right now, Zeke Daniels is running around loose, more wolf than man, and potentially dangerous.”

  “I agree, but again, you don’t go alone,” Trent repeated, resolute.

  Anna opened her mouth, ready to argue, when I spoke up. “I agree with him.” She snapped her mouth shut, glaring at me. “Hey, it doesn’t happen often, but occasionally he’s right.”

  “Thanks,” Trent said dryly. “Your support is overwhelming.”

  “Take Trent with you,” I continued and both of them stared at me. “Trent goes with you so if you need assistance he’ll be there,” Trent gave me a pointed stare and I rushed to finish, “And Liam will escort us back to the motel.”

  Trent didn’t look too sure and I discreetly kicked Liam. Anytime now, kid, I muttered to him and his head popped up.

  I can do this, he promised, looking so adorably determined I almost wanted to pet him and say, “Good boy.”

  Trent sent me a frown as Anna hovered there, ready to take off the second I released my grip on her sleeve. I’d seen her twitch when Liam released his hold and grabbed for her to make sure she didn’t take off. She didn’t look pleased but I was in full agreement with Trent on this one.

  “Straight back to the motel,” Trent ordered, his gaze sharp as he looked between me and Liam. “I mean it. Anything happens to the two of you….” He didn’t complete the thought but he didn’t need to. He would hold himself responsible and nothing Dom said or did would be worse than that. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath, spinning a sucker between his fingers. “I don’t like it, but I don’t see another option.” He nodded to Anna. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”

  They exited the restaurant and Liam eyed Trent’s abandoned plate. I set it on the seat next to me, and watched him gobble it up.

  “It’s always an adventure with you,” Leah joked, chewing on a breadstick.

  I sighed, “I could do with a little less adventure,” I replied, squeezing two of my fingers together to show how much less and she laughed. We finished up our food and paid, as I tried not to choke on the bill to feed three wolves, two of whom didn’t even stick around to eat. Liam stayed alert as we walked through the parking lot, and I thought it was cute how seriously he was taking his job.

  I opened the back door so he could jump in before getting in the passenger seat. “Okay, manis and pedis next?” Leah asked, her eyes glinting with amusement.

  “Oh, yeah,” I cried enthusiastically, holding up my hands. “Have you seen my nails?”

  “To the nail salon,” Leah stated, starting the car and Liam barked, the sound distinctly panicked.

  No stops! He shouted in my head, using the link I’d created earlier. Trent will kill me.

  I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, I replied as I glanced back at him.

  Dom will, Liam answered his eyes huge and I gave a put upon sigh.

  “No manicure today, Leah, apparently I need to go home,” I told her, smiling mischievously.

  “Gosh darn it,” she said, snapping her fingers. “And I thought we could go lingerie shopping afterwards.”

  This is so not fair! Liam howled and I burst out laughing, gasping as I told Leah, who proceeded to laugh until tears ran down her face. You were joking, Liam said sheepishly after we finally stopped laughing.

  Yes, Liam, I replied, wiping my face.

  That wasn’t funny, he grumbled, turning around in a circle before lying down on the seat.

  It was, I disagreed, and put on my seatbelt as Leah backed out of the parking space. She turned on to the highway, cranking up the radio as we sang along.

  A couple miles from the motel a car came flying up around us and swerved into our lane, cutting Leah off. She jerked the wheel to try and avoid getting hit. The tires bumped over the shoulder as her car left the road as we went airborne.

  We’re going to hit the trees, was my last panicked thought before everything went dark.

  Chapter Seventeen


  We padded back to where we’d left our clothes, our sides heaving from the run through the forest. After shifting back and changing, I grabbed some water bottles from the room I now shared with Jess.

  “Fully mated, huh?” Caleb said, nodding his appreciation as he took the bottle. “How’s that?”

  “Surprising,” I answered. “The connection is more than I ever dreamed.”

  Caleb nodded. “I’d like to have that,” he said, glancing at me. “One day,” he added with a laugh. “I don’t think I’m ready for it right now.”

  “It’s not easy,” I agreed, tapping the mark on my chest. “She’s everything to me now. I would do anything for her.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad,” Caleb replied, downing his water. “I remember my dad talking about Payne’s mom like that.” He glanced down at the empty water bottle in his hands, crushing it. “Might be why my mom left.” I nodded in sympathy. We all knew that’s exactly why Caleb’s mom left the Navarre Pack when Caleb was only six years old. She couldn’t compete with a ghost and got tired of trying. She’d left Caleb with his dad because he wouldn’t let her take Caleb with her.

  “You ever talk to your mom?” I asked, wishing I could introduce Jess to my o
wn mom. Caleb shook his head. “You should try contacting her, now that –” I cut myself off but Caleb just grinned wryly.

  “Now that my dad is dead?” He finished, glancing up at me, a sandy lock of hair falling over his forehead, the sight reminding me how young he still was.

  “Yeah,” I muttered.

  “I’ve thought about it, but really what do you say? She left, didn’t look back,” Caleb shrugged. “Sometimes I think she should have fought harder for me. Other times, I know she did what she could. He wouldn’t have let me go.”

  “Might be worth a shot, talk to her and see,” I told him, bumping his shoulder. “I need to tell you something.”

  “That Trent is your Pack mate and not just some lone wolf?” Caleb asked, his head swinging toward me.

  “How?’ I stared at him in shock and he shrugged.

  “A lone wolf isn’t that loyal. Besides, you trusted him with Jess. You wouldn’t have done that without knowing without a doubt that you could trust him completely.” He gave me a sideways glance. “I’m not mad.” He paused and corrected himself, “Not anymore.”

  “That’s not all though,” I forced myself to continue, figuring I needed to come clean and he gave me a tired smile.

  “Liam made three,” he concluded, not seeming surprised and I gave a jerky nod. “I’d call that a pack,” Caleb replied, his voice devoid of any anger or bitterness. “You’ll be a good Alpha.” Caleb nodded to himself.

  “Dylan too,” I added, rubbing my neck and he gave me a surprised glance. I shrugged, still not entirely certain how it happened. “I was able to force him into shifting back to human form.”

  He nodded slowly as he said, “That’s good.” He sounded certain and I glanced at him. “You’ll be a better Alpha to him than anyone I know.”

  “I wish I had your certainty. I’m not exactly prepared to be Alpha,” I told him. “It was never something I wanted.”

  “Maybe that’s a good thing,” Caleb murmured, his gaze lost. “Better than insisting your way is the right way and never listening.” It wasn’t a stretch to know he was talking about his Dad. “Payne would have been the better choice, but he can’t shift. Hell, anyone would have been a better choice.”


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