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Crime & Passion

Page 35

by Chantel Rhondeau

  Cool lips pressed against his forehead. “I’m here.”

  He forced his eyes open, squinting against bright fluorescent lights above his head. Once his eyes adjusted, her anxious face filled his vision. “Like an angel,” he whispered.

  She smiled. “I don’t know if you’re talking about me or an actual angel, but right now I’m just glad you’re talking.”

  He returned her smile. “I thought my whole world ended when Suzie said she had you.”

  Madeline’s eyes narrowed and she blinked rapidly, turning her face away from him.

  Footsteps sounded on the floor and Jeremy’s head appeared over Madeline’s shoulder. “You gave us quite a scare, son.”

  “I’m too ornery to die,” he said. “Good to see your face, Jeremy.”

  The older man shook his head and ran a hand over his hair. “You were touch and go for a while there. The bullet ripped a hole in your intestines and caused an infection to spread through your body. You were in surgery for a long time.”

  A tear fell down Madeline’s cheek and she placed her hand in his, squeezing tightly.

  “And Eric? Did he survive his bullet wounds?” Donovan asked.

  Jeremy nodded. “He’s fine, but Brice Carter is stringing together the evidence to put him away as we speak. He’ll spend the rest of his life in prison.”

  Relief spread through him. “Him in prison, Suzie in the psych ward. Maybe life can settle down around here.”

  Madeline lifted his hand to her face, kissing his palm. “Thank goodness.”

  “What I don’t understand is why Eric was after us? He called me a murderer.”

  Madeline’s brown eyes finally met his again. She shook her head and another tear fell. “Benny Stark was his kid brother. His mom ended up drinking herself to death after that. Eric wanted revenge for his family.”

  Donovan sighed and closed his eyes. “Damn.” One of the worst things to ever happen in his life, and it almost cost him the woman he loved. He had to make peace with that, and make peace with the knowledge he’d destroyed several lives the day he shot Benny Stark.

  “Now that I know you’re going to be okay, I’ll give you kids some time alone.” Jeremy patted Donovan’s leg. “I’ll be in the cafeteria.”

  As the sound of his footsteps faded, Donovan squeezed Madeline’s hand. “Help me sit up, darling.”

  She grabbed the controller off the table next to the bed and pushed the button. The head of the bed slowly lifted, and Donovan sucked in a breath when stabbing pain shot down his side.

  “Now,” he said when she set the controller aside, “I need a proper kiss.”

  Madeline stood and leaned over the edge of the bed, touching her lips lightly against his. He ran his hand across her face, burying it in her hair and drawing her to him, deepening the kiss. The tears falling from her face wet his cheeks.

  He finally broke away, running his thumb across her mouth. “I’m sorry, Maddie. He almost killed you because of me.”

  “No, don’t say that.” She shook her head. “There’s no need to apologize. We’re together and safe. That’s all I care about.”

  He rubbed his thumbs across the tops of her hands. It felt so good to be with her, touching her, knowing they would be together forever. Except...

  “Where’s your ring?”

  She turned her head to the side, slipping her hand out of his. He heard her fumble on the table beside them. She turned back to him, ring in her hand, holding it out to him. “I wanted to wait until you could put it back on,” she whispered.

  He accepted the ring and pulled her left hand to his face, kissing her fingers lightly. Slipping the ring back where it belonged, he pulled her toward him. “Get up here. I need you.”

  Madeline crawled onto the bed, snuggling between his arm and his uninjured side. “I think we’ve spent entirely too much time in hospitals, my love.”

  He laughed and squeezed her against him. “Let’s make a pact.”

  She kissed his cheek. “What do you have in mind?”

  “From now on, we stay out of this damn hospital.”

  Nodding emphatically, she stroked her hand across his chest. “I agree with that wholeheartedly.”

  “And there’s something else.”


  He tilted her head toward him and kissed her gently. “Never take that ring off again.”

  “Never ever,” she whispered. “I love you.”

  Her lips pressed against his as she kissed him deeply. Love bloomed in his heart, erasing all his aches and pains as it washed him with happiness.

  He stared deep into her eyes. “I love you too, so much. One thing’s for sure—” He paused to kiss her again. “Between all the crimes we’ve seen and all the passion between us, our lives won’t ever be boring.”

  She smiled against his mouth and traced her fingers up his neck, sending a thrill of pleasure through him. “If you think things are exciting now,” she said, “you’d better prepare yourself for kids.”

  A laugh erupted from deep within him. “Sounds like the perfect life. I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Ten months later:

  Madeline stood in the middle of her new living room and stared at their wedding picture, smiling. She loved the way Donovan looked in a tux, though he told her not to expect it again until their kids got married. He claimed the fancy clothes made him uncomfortable, but the way he’d preened for the camera suggested otherwise.

  The scars on her face were barely noticeable in the picture. Then again, the scars had become such a part of her, she hardly noticed them at all these days, even while looking into a mirror. In a way, they had become a symbol of her and Donovan’s love—proof they could make it through anything, as long as they were together.

  Even crazy people.

  “What’re you doing, beautiful?” Donovan asked, walking up behind her and slipping his arms around her.

  “Nothing you’d be interested in.” She shrugged and leaned her head against his shoulder. “Just looking at pictures of an extremely hot man.”

  Donovan gasped and spread his hands wide against her stomach. “Don’t talk that way in front of Josephine,” he said. “She doesn’t need to know how wicked her mother is.”

  Turning in his arms, she laughed and kissed him on the mouth. “Six more weeks and you won’t be able to hide it from her.”

  Joy shined in his eyes. “I can’t wait for her to get here. Not much longer now.”

  She sighed with contentment. “Our life is so wonderful. How’d I get so lucky?”

  “I have news to make you even happier. Well, relieved at least.”

  She quirked an eyebrow. “That was Chief Carter on the phone, wasn’t it?”

  “Yep.” Donovan nodded. “Brice got a call from the prosecutor at the district court. The jury came back today with a guilty verdict. Eric’s going to serve two consecutive life sentences.”

  Madeline sagged in her husband’s arms. “And with Stone retiring from the force and moving Suzie back east to that super expensive mental facility, she won’t ever get away again.” She stroked her stomach, taking her first completely easy breath since finding Frank Johnson’s body.

  He kissed her forehead. “And now we’re getting everything we’ve ever wanted. I never imagined I could be this happy.”

  “Neither did I.” She laughed and ran her hands through his hair. “I think we deserve it.”

  “Hey, kids?” Jeremy stepped into the living room from the adjoining hallway. “I have a question.”

  He looked right at home in the large house Madeline and Donovan had bought three months ago. That was a good thing, because he’d certainly be in it often enough when he visited the grandkids. He’d been delighted when she and Donovan told him he would be ‘Granddad’ and Madeline’s father would be ‘Grandpa.’

  Although they were slowly paying Jeremy back the bail money, buying the house had been a necessity. Madeline and Donovan couldn’t get
approval to become foster parents until they had a house with room for the children.

  Donovan’s jail time had stood as a roadblock hampering their dreams, but everything finally worked out. Their foster son, Colton, would arrive any minute. It helped that Madeline was the newest schoolteacher in Pleasant View and Donovan a respected officer on the police force. They’d cut through the red tape surrounding their foster application in a shorter time than Madeline thought possible.

  “What do you need, Granddad?” Donovan asked with a smile.

  Jeremy walked further into the room. “Karen wanted me to see if she can set the cake out on the table now.” He shrugged. “What should I tell her?”

  Madeline groaned. No matter how she’d argued with her mother against baking a cake, there was no stopping that woman. Chocolate cake was Karen’s contribution to any situation, appropriate for both happy and sad occasions, but Madeline had already put on enough weight as it was.

  “Shouldn’t we eat dinner first?” she asked.

  “Don’t be that way.” Donovan’s lips brushed against her cheek. “Life’s too short to wait for dessert. Besides, you love chocolate cake, and you’re eating for two.”

  She smiled at her husband. No matter how many pounds the pregnancy put on her, he told her everyday how beautiful she was. She had no choice but to believe in his sincerity. The baby weight didn’t deter him from a single passion-filled night, even now when she looked like she swallowed a large beach ball.

  She sighed. “Tell her to go ahead. We’ll eat it first. Maybe it will relax Colton.”

  Donovan nodded. “He’s going to be nervous. He’s only met us twice.”

  “He’ll settle in quick.” She squeezed his hand. “Once we’re able to adopt him and he knows this is his forever home, he’ll be even better.”

  “Have I told you today how magnificent you are?” he asked, kissing her forehead.

  “Never hurts to hear it again.” She laughed.

  Jeremy laughed too. “You guys are so sweet, it’s disgusting.”

  “Jeremy?” Keith walked into the room. “Think you could help me tack streamers onto the ceiling? Karen says it’s not a party without streamers. I don’t dare argue.”

  Jeremy exchanged a knowing glance with Donovan and Keith. “It’s best to never argue with your wife. Let’s go hang them up.” He followed Keith out of the room.

  After watching him walk away, Madeline bit her lip and glanced at her husband. “Do you think Jeremy will find love again? I hate him being alone.”

  “Women will line up to fill his dance card as soon as he’s ready.” Donovan shrugged. “No one will replace Maria and he’ll always love her, but he’s going to be alright.”

  “I’ve heard a rumor Mrs. Stanfield has a crush on Jeremy.”

  “Really?” He looked at her, a half grin on his lips. “Jeremy likes dogs, and Mrs. Stanfield is a handsome woman. She’s been widowed almost three years. She might be just the person to help Jeremy heal.”

  “And Brutus would be a welcomed addition to any family.” Madeline would always carry a fondness for that dog in her heart. After all, he’d tried his best to protect her.

  “Do you think I should give Jeremy a little nudge in that direction?”

  Madeline nodded. “Whenever you think he’s ready for it.”

  The doorbell rang and Madeline’s heart skittered in her chest, thoughts of Jeremy’s potential love life pushed to the background. “Here we go. Are you ready?”

  He nodded and led her to the door, but paused with his hand on the knob. “I hope Colton likes it here.”

  “He’ll like it better if you let him in,” she pointed out.

  A grin lifted the corners of his mouth. “Smart aleck.”

  He twisted the knob, and Madeline’s heart pounded. She was going to be a mother. She hoped she was good at it.

  The door swung open.

  “Are we too late for the party?” Lindsey stood on the other side of the door, holding hands with Brandon.

  Madeline’s mouth dropped open. “You’re supposed to be on your honeymoon. Why are you here?”

  “We came home a day early.” A smile lit Lindsey’s eyes. “I’ve never been ‘Aunt Lindsey’ before. I wanted to be here to welcome Colton to the family.”

  “You know he might not be ready to call you that right away, don’t you?” Madeline shook her head. “He’s been through a lot, and he’s really traumatized. His birth mom...” A shudder passed through her. She tried not to think about what the poor kid went through at the hands of his abusive mother. Three months earlier, he’d nearly died.

  Donovan stroked her arm. “We’re going to give him a better life.”

  Lindsey shrugged, seeming unconcerned. “My title of auntie will come in time, but I don’t want to miss his first day.”

  Donovan stepped back from the doorway, pulling Madeline with him. “Our folks are in the dining room setting things up. Why don’t you guys go help them?”

  It was a measure of Donovan’s love for her that he had set aside his differences with Lindsey and Brandon, encouraging Madeline to keep her friends. His constant support made her fall in love with him all over again, every single day.

  The happy newlyweds walked through the living room and disappeared down the hallway. Madeline had to admit, she was happy they came back early. In the months since Madeline stopped working at Woofy Cuts to take on her teaching position, she and Lindsey had only grown closer.

  Donovan started swinging the door shut when a car pulled alongside the curb. A soft gasp escaped his throat. “It’s him.”

  They stepped out of the house, hand in hand, walking down the sidewalk.

  The seven-year-old boy climbed from the backseat of the car, brown eyes round as he looked at the house. He glanced at Donovan and Madeline and clutched the bag in his hands tighter.

  When they reached him, Donovan crouched down to the boy’s level. “How are you, Colton?”

  “Fine, sir,” the brown-haired boy said in a small voice.

  “We’re going to be family,” Donovan said gently. “You don’t have to call me sir. You can call me Donovan if you want.”

  Madeline knew how much it cost him to say that, since what he wanted Colton to call him was ‘Dad.’ They agreed to wait, though. After Colton had stayed with them for a few weeks and became more comfortable, they would talk to him about becoming his parents. However, they didn’t want to frighten him with too much, too soon.

  Colton looked over his shoulder at the social worker standing on the other side of the car before turning back to Donovan. “Sharon said you’re my new Mommy and Daddy, and you’ll take good care of me. She said you’d never hurt me or let bad things happen.” He looked up at Madeline and shifted his weight back and forth, obviously nervous. “Is that true?”

  So much for waiting. Madeline smile. “Well, that’s what we want. Is it what you want?”

  Colton looked at his feet and nodded.

  Donovan glanced up at Madeline, a smile lighting his eyes. “Everything we dreamed of has come true.”

  She blinked back tears and nodded, joy cradling her heart. “A real family.”

  The boy looked at Madeline and a shy grin crossed his face. “I brought a book with me. I could read you a story later.” He swallowed hard as if suddenly afraid she might react in anger.

  “I’d like that very much,” she said softly, keeping her voice kind to encourage him.

  The child looked at her stomach and took a small step forward, his shoulders relaxing slightly. “Sharon said you have a baby in your belly. It’s good to read to babies.”

  “I’ve heard that too. Looks like this particular baby is very lucky,” Madeline said. “You’re going to be an awesome big brother to Josephine.”

  “Yes, he is.” Donovan took the boy’s hand in his own. “Come on, son. Let’s go meet the rest of the family.”

  Chapter extras ~ Author’s Note

  I hope you enjoyed Donovan and Madeline�
��s story. I had such a fun time writing this. Unraveling the mystery and figuring out the motives for each character was great fun. Although I loved Madeline, I have to admit that Suzie was a close second for my favorite character in this book.

  While this book is fiction, Donovan’s childhood history of abuse is something that does happen, unfortunately. Abuse is an outrage that should not happen. If you suspect child abuse occurring to someone around you, in American you can call the National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453. Visit for more information on things you can do to get involved and help in the fight against child abuse.

  I wish you happiness and joy. Thank you for reading my story.

  ~ Chantel Rhondeau

  Visit my website at

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  Coming Fall 2013

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