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The Last Ritual

Page 5

by S K Smith

  ‘Is Bryce going with you?’ She asked.

  ‘No, he has business with a merchant at the Capital.’ Niall said, casually smoothing her dress.

  ‘So, you’re the Boss again.’ She winked at him seductively.

  ‘Well, I guess I am.’ He replied sweetly. Martha leaned forward to press herself against him. Karl rolled his eyes and removed himself from their presence muttering something under his breath, Theo blushing, quickly followed him to another table thick with smoke and choking laughter, leaving Martha and Niall alone.

  The room was small and dingy, an old wooden wardrobe, double bed and crooked table and chair was all the furniture it contained. Several beams of light shone through the moth bitten holes in the curtains, creating shapes on the wall opposite. It was mid-morning. The bed groaned as it’s occupant slowly sat up and adjusted his eyes to life. He was alone. Pulling back the bed linen, he hastened to his feet. Grabbing his shirt, he pulled it over his head to cover his bare chest and pulled on his trousers and boots. Running his fingers roughly through his hair and then flattening it he stopped as he heard someone on the other side of his door. A couple of taps echoed through the thin wood and it creaked open loudly.

  ‘Morning,’ Martha sidled into the room, encumbered by a large bowl of water and fresh cloth. ‘I thought you might want to wash before you leave, the rest are starting to gather downstairs.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Niall said, relieving her of her burden and setting it on the table. He pulled her into his arms, and smelled her heavy perfume filling him up. They stood there for a moment relishing each other’s warmth, knowing this would be the last time they would be alone for a while.

  ‘Don’t wait for me.’ He said dully, she smiled knowingly in reply.

  ‘You’d better hurry, they need you.’ She whispered, pulling free and leaving the room. Niall knew she understood, there was no love in their relationship, neither wanted it. They merely enjoyed the excitement and impulsive nature of each other. Whilst he cared for her, and she for him, they were friends and they didn’t need anything more complicated clouding their focus. Quickly, he washed the dregs of last night from his face and wet his hair, dampening it to flatten it. When he was done, the dusty floorboards creaked as he left the room.

  Downstairs, the men and women of the Fiends were sat, talking amongst themselves whilst eating their way through mounds of bread, eggs and cooked meats the kitchen had provided. Niall plonked himself heavily down next to Theo and Karl and helped himself to the food in silence, contemplating the task at hand. Once the scraping of knives and forks had subsided and the chatter began to quieten down into a room buzzing with silent expectation, Niall stood and took his place at the centre of the room.

  ‘Here we are,’ He said clearly, loudly. ‘Today is the day we have been planning for. Today is the day we will journey as one into Myrliar. I don’t need to tell you how dangerous it is for us to travel there. You all know. We all know the dangers we humans face on the other side of that river. You know the plan. Stick with your group and we will return home, richer and fatter than ever.’ He began to pace around the room, joining hands with several of the Fiends. Several applauded, confident of the plan. Niall led the group from the hall, out into the yard where fifty horses stood tethered to fences and paddocks, laden with empty sacks. One by one, riders mounted their steed. Cheery and expectant faces looking towards their leader, hopeful of the riches this day would yield for their families. Leading the troop, Niall pushed his stallion into a walk, steady and strong legs pushed forwards through the dirt path, a mixture of coloured horses behind him carefully navigating the path through the fences. Finally, when he was sure everyone was following, Niall broke into a canter, moving confidently towards his target. Dust clouds followed as the troop followed the dirt path through the forest, several children playing in the undergrowth waved at them happily as they passed by. The thundering of hooves roared within him as his heartbeat quickened with excitement, faster they rode, the uneven ride tough on his joints as he bounded in his saddle. They rode on as the forest grew thicker, the grey skies hidden behind the tops of trees. Niall’s eyes were fixed forward in determination, eyeing the Myr Bridge in the distance he kicked his horse faster still, desperate to reach their quarry on time. The hordes followed, it must have been an impressive sight as the riders emerged in a tight force galloping towards the bridge, their leader pushing them harder as their hooves echoed across the fragile wooden bridge. Niall glimpsed upwards, noting the dark clouds rumbling as a cavalry charge towards them. He cursed quietly to himself.

  ‘Could cause us problems!’ Karl said loudly to him as he rode up beside Niall. He nodded in agreement, they could have done with a clear day today. The storm had ridden in unnervingly fast. He felt water run down his face as the clouds liberated their wealth onto the ground below. Ignoring the rumbling thunder and the bright claps of light piercing the dark sky he pressed forward, never slowing, despite the heavying rainfall. Their horses began to squelch and whine through the sodden paths as the rain lashed down. The wind was fierce, and Niall could feel his stallion waning beneath him.

  ‘We should turn back!’ Karl yelled through the storm. ‘The horses won’t be able to keep this up!’

  ‘We’re nearly there!’ Niall replied loudly.

  ‘This storm is punishing! How do you expect us to pull this job off Niall?!’ Looking behind, Niall noticed large numbers of his men turning tail and running back on their exhausted mounts, leaving swamp like paths in their wake as the earth struggled to hold water. Niall was not going to give up, he had been waiting for an opportunity for a long time, and he knew the Patrol would have left by now. They had to get there soon! Pushing on for an hour with only his closest friends now in tow, he nearly laughed with relief when he saw the white stone of the manor through the storm’s rainy veil. The rain was not slowing. His clothes were sticking to his skin and his hair was drenched through, his horse was breathing harshly beneath him as he slowed down to a brisk walk, not daring to slow too much for fear of becoming stuck in the earth.

  ‘What’s the plan then?’ Karl snarled, water pouring off him, ‘There’s only six of us.’

  ‘We’ll have to lower our expectations for a start.’ Niall muttered, squinting through the downpour. The small group moved forwards, each one soaked from head to toe, each weakened horse struggling to push through the sodden ground, fighting through the wind.

  ‘We need to find somewhere dry, so we can make a new plan!’ Niall announced. Theo was pointing, following his finger, Niall saw an old, crumbling stone barn not far from them, and in view of the manor. He nodded at them, and quickly they rode their horses to shelter. Niall heaved himself off his stallion.

  ‘Eurgh.’ He moaned as his boots sank deep into the mud. Creeping around the barn, he spied through the wooden door. Nodding to the others, he led his horse inside. For ten minutes, the barn was full of disgruntled scoffs and curses as they all dismounted and checked themselves and dried out as much as they could. Finding an old lantern, Niall lit and hung it from some old rope on the ceiling.

  ‘Thank the Gods for that storm, they are really looking out for us!’ Niall said jovially.

  ‘Why are you so damn cheerful?’ Karl demanded angrily, tipping his boots and letting the water pour from them.

  ‘Why not? We are here, and the Patrol isn’t - as we planned!’ Niall smiled sarcastically at his wet friend.

  ‘Aye, and most of our men are probably cosy by their fires right now!’ Karl spat.

  ‘Well get going then! Why did you follow if you don’t want to be here?’ Niall asked, his temper flaring.

  ‘Niall what do you plan to do? We are only six men.’ A quiet voice came from the corner.

  Spinning around, Niall watched as Theo rung out his messy hair and attempted to tie it back once more. The thunder growled, and lightning sparked the sky.

  ‘This storm’s good for one thing - we’ll have to sneak in.’ Niall said simply.

bsp; ‘We should at least get some rest, that was a tough ride and we need our energy to get home.’ One of the companions suggested.

  ‘No, there is only a small window until the new Patrol arrives, we must move quickly.’ Niall dismissed. Shaking his head, Karl picked up his gear from the floor in preparation, the other’s followed suit, clangs of metal sounding as each readied his weapons.

  ‘I don’t like this Niall, not one bit.’ Karl said gruffly, staring his leader straight in the eye. ‘But I cannot walk away knowing you are likely to die.’ Niall rested his hand on Karl’s shoulder, a small smile playing on his lips.

  ‘We are just going to have a look my friend, I will not put any of you at risk if nothing can be gained.’ Niall said softly. Karl nodded in acceptance. The door to the barn complained gently as it was slowly opened, and the group trailed out one by one, leaving the horses to rest in the dry. Niall, at the helm, crouched as low as he could and briskly crept carefully toward the dim flickering light emanating from the manor. The rain was lashing down, his comrades were close behind, but he could not hear the squelch of their boots in the sodden mud over the deafening roar of the storm. All around the sky was black and unyielding, the occasional flash of light flew overhead, lighting up the darkness for a split second. A couple of times, Niall had to roughly tug on his boot to free himself from the flooded fields. Finally, they reached the outer fence of the manor. The storm was unrelenting, showing no remorse to the suffering fields and the crops that gave up their hold, and began to float away sadly in the torrent. Keeping low, Niall approached a window of the manor. No sooner had he reached it, he ducked down from view with a gasp.

  ‘Damn it!’ He cursed. Inside the hall of the manor, were several men dressed in rich golden armour, helmets laid aside as they were entrenched in deep conversation. The Patrol had not left.

  ‘They must have changed their plans when the storm came.’ Karl muttered in his ear. Niall sighed. That was it, he thought. They could not risk a confrontation with the Patrol, they would all be slain for sure. He guessed the men in the hall were the leaders, so the Patrol must still be around. Hidden beneath the grey skies and curtain of fall. Niall had failed. He was going to be a laughing stock. All the months of planning, the perfect opportunity washed away by the storm. The damned storm! He screamed silently in his head. Where had this cursed storm come from? The ground had been bone dry, there had been no rain for months! With his face screwed up in disappointment he spun around and lead his men back to the horses, not taking care to stay hidden, too angry that this great haul had been robbed from him. Reaching the barn, he pulled open the creaky door and stepped inside. Stomping over to his horse he saddled up, hearing his comrades wordlessly doing the same. Each bitterly disappointed and exhausted from the rain and the effort this pointless raid had costed.

  ‘Don’t even think of getting on those horses.’ A blade was at his throat. A figure roughly spun him around, the cold metal never leaving his skin. Looking to his comrades, he saw they too had been caught by surprise. Theo had a sword aimed steadily at his heart, Karl had his blade pressed upon his assailant but was also threatened by steel to the throat. Niall groaned in irritation. They had been bested. The only one out of the six to have realised the trap had been Karl, and he was in no better a position than him. Three more figures emerged from the dark shadows of the barn. Considering the face of his attacker he realised it was a woman, she had long dark hair and a hard face drenched by the rain. They must have walked straight passed them. He could have kicked himself.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ A female voice asked. Niall looked towards the three from the shadows. All the attackers wore black cloaks. Each soaked to the bone, the cloaks clinging uncomfortably to their forms. He glimpsed the shape of amour beneath them, they had been cleverly disguised in the storm. The golden armour they wore beneath their cloaks would have been just enough to detect, but in the storm the black of the cloaks had made them invisible.

  ‘Just seeking shelter from the rain ma’am.’ Niall said politely.

  ‘Humans don’t seek shelter in Myrliar.’ She answered quickly. Stepping forwards, she lowered her hood and shook her head, shaking off the rain that was running down her face. Her blonde hair was cut short, her skin ghostly white, he was startled by her piercing blue eyes. He knew those eyes.

  ‘We got lost.’ One of his companions said quietly. The Patrol laughed loudly. The woman holding Niall giggled quietly to herself, not loosening her grip on him. One of the Patrol was laughing whilst disarming each of them happily, examining each blade as he stole it from its sheath.

  ‘Oh? You just happened to wander over the Myr Bridge by mistake, did you?’ The she-elf laughed.

  ‘We should just kill them, Ayda, there is no point talking to them. They are all liars.’ One of the guards said clearly.

  ‘Yes. That is the law, there is to be no human on Elven soil. Take them outside an end it.’ An older guard behind Ayda agreed nodding. Niall couldn’t take his eyes off Ayda’s face. It was her. It was Ayda. She was watching him, a cold stare reserved for his kind he guessed. Niall felt the elf holding him give one strong heave and he moved towards the door. He heard his comrades scream and curse as each were bustled and ripped away from each-other and pushed through the barn door. From the sounds of it, Karl was doing a good job of fighting off the guards and had now been upgraded to the honour of three captors to restrain him. The screams were drowned out as the thunder tore across the sky. He could not turn from Ayda. He had saved her - why was she letting them do this to him? She was watching him intently. Anger inside him grew, furiously he attempted to rip away from the she elf. Why was Ayda not helping? Then he saw it, a glimmer of recognition on her face. Her lips parted in slight surprise, as finally she remembered the boy he had been. As he continued to struggle with his guard, he saw it, the glitter of metal in the hand of a guard behind Ayda. He advanced towards her quickly, blade in hand, aimed for her.

  ‘Ayda!’ Niall shouted in warning. Everything was a blur, immediately he found himself freed as his captor threw her blade with precision and planted it into the throat of the assassin. Ayda whipped around smartly and plunged her dagger into the stomach of the second who had stepped up soon after. Niall crossed over to her and found himself standing in her defence once more. This time he was not alone. The elf who had released him had her blade held high and was staring at him incredulously.

  ‘He’s a friend Syren.’ Ayda said softly, eyeing him up. Making a split decision to trust him, as other guards in her Patrol turned to attack, Ayda passed him a dagger. Two more guards advanced, ducking a blow Niall spun around to neatly tackle the man to the floor. Just as Syren danced quickly behind and slit the other’s throat. Niall planted his fists one after the other into the Elf’s face, bloodied, he lay unconscious on the floor.

  ‘We need to leave!’ Niall yelled. The barn door smashed open and Karl and Theo ran in, bruised and battered and armed.

  ‘What the hell is going on?’ Karl shouted advancing on Syren and Ayda. Niall dived in front.

  ‘They are coming with us!’ Niall shouted, straining to be heard above the storm. Racing to the other end of the barn, Niall took a moment to calm down the horses who had been whinnying through the commotion as he took the reins and mounted. Gesturing to the other horses the others followed suit. Syren had to help Ayda onto a horse who was clearly shaken in disbelief. Leading the way out of the barn, Niall blasted through the doors and back into the peril of the storm. Welcomed by the sounds of metal on metal and dying elves, the horses raced away from the barn, the sounds of death and danger spurring them on.

  ‘Run, Princess, run!’ A dying soldier screamed at Ayda as he dealt out blows to guards trying to mount other horses, until he was finally ended with a spear through the heart. They ran faster than ever before. The horses galloping through the storm, lightning cracked the sky, thunder laughing at them as they flew as far away from the manor as they could. Niall turned to see Ayda rushing to
catch up to his side.

  ‘We must go to the Stone City!’ She demanded through the weather.

  ‘What? No! We need to get as far from here as possible!’ He yelled in reply.

  ‘My sister needs me!’ She cried, even through the rain he could see the tears in her eyes.

  ‘It’s too dangerous!’ Niall warned. Ayda shook her head and pulled her horse back to Syren. Then without another word, they changed course and ran west, their horses speeding off into the distance. Damn her, Niall thought. She’s still the stubborn girl she used to be. Checking that Theo and Karl were still with him, they ran on and on only resting when the Myr river came into view.

  ‘They weren’t that interested in us.’ A gruff voice came.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Niall asked, exhausted.

  ‘As soon as were tackled outside, the guards started killing each other. I don’t know what started it.’ Theo said.

  ‘The other lads got caught up in it, Kev took a bolt to the eye, but we managed to get back to you.’ Karl explained.

  ‘Gods.’ Niall breathed, ‘They tried to kill Ayda.’

  ‘That was the girl, wasn’t it? The elf girl you saved all those years ago.’ Theo whispered quietly. The storm had passed in the night. The ground was still flooded, and their hooves were still sliding in parts, but the air was quiet, and the rain had stopped.

  ‘You know if she goes back to the Stone City, she’s dead.’ Karl said simply.

  ‘That’s not our concern. She knows the risk.’ Niall waved a hand. Even as he said it he felt bitter. He was angry with her still, angry that she had put him through that and angry that she had once again left him without a word.


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