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The Last Ritual

Page 18

by S K Smith

  ‘With these Crystals.’ Byran held one clear crystal and one ebony crystal in his hand.

  ‘What do they do?’ Elle asked, intrigued.

  ‘The clear ones absorb magic. The ebony stones block it. This is my belief.’

  ‘How can we prove it?’ Elle asked.

  ‘We will experiment, when the time is right. Now we have you here, you can watch the magic.’ Nhima smiled.

  ‘Why are they stealing magic?’ Sir Rakel asked.

  ‘Control,’ Ayda cut in, ‘Magic destroyed our lands and destroyed our peoples, they want it eradicated and to be the only ones with power.’

  ‘I believe that is partly the reason.’ Byran nodded.

  ‘How so?’ Ayda shot him a look.

  ‘Magic is all but extinct. No one feels its presence anymore, so why steal it unless you have something to gain? I haven’t figured this part out yet.’ Something didn’t add up to Brielle. There were thousands of Mages in her Kingdom, yet the Elders only wanted her dead? They even left her Father untouched over the years before the uprising.

  ‘Why do they want me dead?’ The question left her lips without permission. She hated how scared she sounded.

  ‘The Elders target anyone who uses their magic or whose magic is a threat.’ Nhima responded simply.

  ‘I’d never used mine, nor am I threat.’ Elle replied.

  ‘And Father used magic, and they never targeted him.’ Ayda added.

  ‘Your Father hid his Magic how I taught him, they knew he had magic, but could never trace him using it. That is why it is essential not to use your magic unless you are in the training rooms. They can trace you here.’

  ‘But why-’

  ‘That’s enough for today, you are all tired and need rest. Tomorrow we will begin your training Princess. Get some sleep.’ The Scholar dismissed, and without another word, he locked himself into his private chambers and left them with Nhima. Elle was annoyed, she had some answers, but nothing definite. The Old Scholar had many ideas and explanations but no proof, and he still had not answered why the Elders want her – a child elf – dead when so many Mages are alive! She allowed herself to be ushered back down the stairs towards the training halls again, lost in her thoughts and confusion, she realised she was being led to a corridor with many doors, Nhima showed her friends to their own room, and then finally came to Elle, opening the door she walked inside. The room was small and brightly lit, sconces lined the walls. This room was also covered head to toe in the black crystals. Elle thought he must have spent a long time creating these training rooms. The room contained a small bed and wooden wardrobe, opening it, she was relieved to see a selection of simple linen clothes, including a nightdress.

  ‘Your sister is in the room opposite you, if you need her,’ Nhima advised, ‘I am next door.’

  Elle nodded appreciatively as Nhima closed the door quietly behind her. She was exhausted. Flinging herself down on the bed she stifled a yawn. The bed was comfortable, much more comfortable than the bed of leaves Ayda had been creating for her every night. It pained her to remember the last night she spent in her grand bed when Amie would brush out her hair before sleep. How far away those nights were, they didn’t seem real to her anymore, a distant dream perhaps. Her head was whirling with thoughts, plans, ideas and worries, she didn’t think sleep would come to her. She tried to imagine an empty box, peaceful, dark and quiet so she could rest. Like a beacon, however, her thoughts would come smashing back to her through the artificial serenity. She decided her dirty clothes may not be helping. Throwing them to the floor she shimmied into her clean, plain nightdress. It was nothing fancy or decorative like back at the Castle, but it was fresh. The scent and softness alone relaxed her. Lying back under the sheets, she felt herself ease a little, and finally, she slept.

  15 -AYDA

  Damn him, Ayda thought, as she rolled over again in her bed. She hated being wrong, but she hated being pointless even more. Looking up at the dark stone ceiling she let out a long sigh. What was she to do now? Sir Rakel had gotten them this far, and Elle was to begin her training. Ayda felt frustrated. Her tiny, little sister was more powerful than her and no longer needed her protection. She was also annoyed with herself. She hadn’t trusted Sir Rakel and now she wasn’t sure, he had led them safely here, and Elle was now going to learn to control her magic, which was in everyone’s interest. Something just didn’t feel right. They were now stuck in the middle of a hornet’s nest, there was no escape, so if there was a long-term plan, that Rakel had cooked up with the Legion, they were ready to be served. She couldn’t lower her guard, that would be expected. Sitting up, she gave up on the notion of sleep. Too much had happened, and the soft comfort of the bed was too much for her aching bones. Redressing, she decided to poke around their new home. Pulling open her door slowly, she crept out. She considered waking Elle up for the adventure, but she’d guessed Elle was resting, besides she quite fancied the silence of being alone. She tiptoed along the stone corridor, trying her best not to wake up any of her friends. Reaching the end, she stopped as she heard hushed voices coming from the connecting room.

  ‘Can you not see how pointless this is?’

  ‘How much longer do we have to stay?’

  It was Karl and Theo, and she guessed they were talking with Niall. Although their voices were hushed, there was a distinct tone that she had not heard from them for a while.

  ‘We promised we’d help them.’ Niall’s voice replied quietly. Ayda felt a rush of warmth spread through her at his words. For some reason, he had put hers and her sisters needs ahead of Theo and Karl, and they had finally had enough. He seemed adamant that he needed to stay, and despite herself she wanted him to. He had been a nuisance to her at the beginning, he had brought back memories she had preferred locked away. Ayda could not deny, her comfort at him being around. Their great defender. He had defended them as best he could against an enemy he never understood, and he had never faltered. Even when faced with leaving Syren, who had hated them so intensely, he had chosen to be the bigger person. She had never appreciated him before.

  ‘There’s nothing left for us, what more can we do? This isn’t our war.’ Karl urged. They continued their heated conversation in hushed tones for a little while longer, Theo and Karl adamant they wanted to return home to the Hole and their Fiends. Ayda stood awkwardly by the door, until finally she spoke up.

  ‘If you guys want to head home, no-one will hold it against you,’ She said kindly appearing in front of them, ‘you have done so much for us, we cannot ask for anymore.’ The three of them were sat around the old wooden table in the centre of the room. Theo and Karl looked up at her when she spoke, relief across their faces.

  ‘It’s not that we don’t want to stay, Ayda, but you don’t need us anymore and we’ve been gone too long as it is.’ Theo replied warmly.

  ‘I understand, I won’t stop you.’ Ayda nodded. Theo and Karl stood happily, content that they at least have Ayda’s support. Walking towards the corridor she had emerged from, Theo patted her on the shoulder as he passed. Ayda smiled at him, but her eyes stayed on Niall. He hadn’t looked at her once. He was looking down at the table, unmoving. Ayda heard the snap of the door as Theo and Karl returned to their rooms and moved closer to Niall.

  ‘You want us to go?’ Niall whispered quietly, still not looking at her.

  ‘What? No, I mean, it’s what you want isn’t it?’ Ayda replied taken aback. Niall finally looked her in the eye. There was an emotion she had not seen before. It was longing. He was holding something back from her, and his expression was hurt and tired.

  ‘I don’t want to leave you, not again. But I have to.’ Niall started. There was a softness in his eye she hadn’t seen before.

  ‘I understand, where will you go?’ Ayda asked gently.

  ‘All these stories, and lies, I need to find the truth about my own people.’ Niall replied.

  ‘About magic?’

  ‘Yes, I want to know why it’s been conc
ealed from us. I was doubtful and rude to you before. But after seeing Elle with my own eyes, I can only apologise.’

  ‘I understand, the world is deceitful. Everything we both believed in was a lie.’ Ayda said quietly. Niall reached across and touched her hand. They were both silent. Ayda looked at the man in front of her. He still had the eyes of the boy she had known before, they were softer. The journey had changed him. He had been so carefree before, but now, he seemed to bear the weight of the world.

  ‘What will you do?’

  ‘I have learnt a lot about your world, there is something you should know of mine,’ Niall started, ‘It has been rumoured that our King has a Spirit God, an advisor.’

  ‘A Spirit God?’ Ayda repeated.

  ‘Yes, no-one has ever seen him, but it is told he possesses magic. No one has ever believed this as no one believed in magic…’

  ‘But now you do. Is that where you will go, to your King?’ Ayda finished.

  ‘Yes, alone, it seems, I have asked too much of my friends.’ Ayda felt slightly uncomfortable as she realised he was still holding her hand. The warmth from his fingertips rose steadily up her arm. She felt their connection change. He was no longer just a haunted past. He was a future, and someone she would greatly miss.

  ‘You have never moved on, have you?’ Niall asked her. Ayda knew what he meant, and strangely, she felt ready to talk.

  ‘I couldn’t. I made it my life’s work to protect my family. I failed.’

  ‘You haven’t. Elle is here safe because of you.’

  ‘But she doesn’t need me.’

  ‘She needs you more than you realise. She wants to protect you too.’

  ‘When will you go?’

  ‘Soon. It will be a long ride.’ Ayda withdrew her hand from his grasp to yawn. It had been a long journey; the tiredness was now creeping up on her. Taking that as his cue, Niall stood.

  ‘Goodnight Princess,’ He smiled, dropping into a deep mocking bow as normal. This time it made her smile, a smile she couldn’t remove from her face as she watched him walk away. Ayda sidled into the seat he had vacated. It was still warm. He was leaving, she thought. Finally, she had pushed him away, and the irony of that was she did not want him to, she wanted him to stay. She wanted all of them to stay. After all the heartache and suffering, after the blood they had shed next to each other, they felt like family. How she felt and what she said never worked well as a team. Ayda felt numb, everyone she cared about was disappearing, maybe she should be the one to leave, before Elle was next. Anger and regret filled her completely. She hated to admit it, but she would miss him. Ayda would miss Niall.

  16 - ELLE

  All was silent. No flowing river, no scurrying animals or singing birds could be heard. It was silent. She was the only living thing in the world. She waited for the gentle caress of the morning breeze, or the early sun to warm her face, but nothing came. Breathing in she expected the scent of morning dew to soothe her, but the air was cold and stagnant. Where was she? Slowly, she opened her eyes, her vision was blurry, so she blinked the laziness of sleep from them. The room was dim, and dark. There were no windows, she could not tell if it was morning. The walls twinkled in the dimming light of the candles and for a moment she thought she was sleeping with the stars at night. Then she remembered. She was deep in the Mountain, in the cold, lifeless mountain. Her friends were somewhere nearby, silent in their rest. Her bed was warm and comfortable, she felt safe in its embrace. Elle found she missed the freedom of the forest. She had woken warmer and more comfortable than before, yet looking around, she felt like a prisoner. She felt a smile spread across her lips as she remembered why butterflies had taken residence within her – she was going to learn magic today. Jumping up with bubbling enthusiasm she ripped open the wardrobe and pulled on a clean plain dress. Not pausing, she flew out of the door and tore down the corridor. Hearing voices ahead she slowed. Niall and Ayda. Standing in a doorway they were talking in serious voices, it looked uncomfortable, Elle thought. Niall’s expression was grim, it turned her gut to ice, it was not an expression she had seen on his face before. She tried to back away from view – but too late.

  ‘Elle!’ Ayda greeted her, happy to walk away from Niall towards her sister. Elle pushed down a grin as she saw that her sister had also changed her clothes. She looked misplaced in her fresh linens compared to her Patrol Gear and clearly felt uncomfortable, although she had still managed to fix her blade to her waist.

  ‘I don’t think you need that here, we’re safe.’ Elle stifled a giggle, pointing to Ayda’s sword.

  ‘There’s Scholars and the Legion mere feet away from us, we are not safe.’ Ayda pointed out, pulling Elle into a squeeze.

  ‘Why do you have to do that?’ Niall hissed at her, approaching, his expression still dark. ‘We’re safer here than we have been in a long time. Don’t listen to her Princess.’ Elle shook her head fiercely. Nothing was dampening her spirits, today, finally she was going to learn all about her magic. She was one step closer to her Mother, and that was a feeling that wouldn’t fade. Ayda seemed to glimpse the excitement in her little sister’s face.

  ‘Breakfast first, you can’t go magicking around on an empty stomach.’ She teased, leading her sister on. Niall followed closely behind them.

  ‘How are you feeling?’ Ayda asked her little sister.

  ‘Excited, after I’ve learned magic, we can go home. We can see Mother.’ Elle said happily. In her happiness, Brielle did not notice the way Ayda’s mouth open and closed as Niall nudged her slyly.

  ‘Magic may take some time to learn –’ Ayda began.

  ‘I know, but I’m ready.” Elle dismissed. Elle had not noticed the night before how much of labyrinth the underground rooms were. The space was vast, she had no idea how long the construction must have taken. There were several bedrooms next to hers, presumably the same size as hers, where her friends slept. Following the corridor led to the smaller domed room where she had watched Nhima heal Syren the night before. Finally, the large dome, the training dome, connected them to the stairwell which led to the Scholars’ Chambers. To her surprise, they did not follow the staircase up. Ayda led her to another door, a door that she had not noticed before, she could hear laughter and talking voices. As Ayda opened the door for her, Elle squealed as she took in the sight before her. Her friends were all sat around the table, oddly dressed in their clean linens and all content and comfortable in each other’s presence. At the head of the table was the Scholar, laughing at a story Sir Rakel was telling of his childhood with her Father. Nhima was serving up a small portion of porridge into a stone bowl and beaming at her. Their faces all shone at her. She smiled back at them happily, until one smile caught her by surprise. Furthest from her, between Nhima and the Scholar sat a young woman, weakened and pale, but nonetheless sat, quite proudly. Her red hair had been washed and she too was sporting clean clothes. Syren. Elle sprinted faster than ever before and jumped into her arms, tears threatening to flow from her eyes.

  ‘Careful, little one!’ Nhima exclaimed. Elle pulled away from Syren and turned to the young woman. To everyone’s glee, Elle wrapped her arms around her waist.

  ‘Thank you so much!’ Elle wailed in happiness. Nhima blushed and softly patted the curls on the Princess’s head. Elle sat herself down between Nhima and Syren and glowed. Her heart felt as though it was on fire. She had everything. Her friends had fought for her to get here. She loved them and would do anything for them. To see Syren well, happy and sat with her dearest companions filled her with joy. Sir Rakel had been accepted it seemed, Ayda was being far more pleasant to him now that trust had been restored. Elle’s eyes locked with Ayda’s. A deep sadness was silhouetted in her eyes. Ayda had suffered much to get them here. Her over protective, caring, fierce sister had done everything in her power to keep her safe and had fought the odds to get to her. Brielle knew she had much to worry about and much to fear. The most powerful Mages on earth were hunting her, and their army was mere feet awa
y, but right now, when she saw how much she had to lose and how many people had fought loyally beside her, she could not bring herself to fear, or to hate. When her heart weighed so heavily with adoration. The morning was one of light and laughter, the team were lifted to tremendous heights with their success. When Scholar Byran suggested they begin training, the other’s insisted on joining. Brielle could sense their eagerness and agreed, somewhat nervously. Moments later, they were positioned in the large training hall. The black crystals were gleaming brilliantly across the walls.

  ‘First off, let’s see if my theory works.’ The ex-scholar said. He placed one clear crystal on his palm outstretched, Nhima and Elle closely surrounding it.

  ‘Nhima is going to expel some of her Magic into it, Elle I need you to watch it closely.’ He instructed. Elle nodded. At once, a faint trickle of tiny glowing orbs spread from Nhima’s hand towards the crystal. Watching closely, Elle ascertained that the glow of magic moved through the physical boundary of the crystal and lay deep within, leaving the crystal seemingly glowing on its own. Elle explained what she saw. Next, Byran instructed the same, but this time surrounded the white crystals in rough, ebony stones, like the ones on the walls. Firstly, Nhima attempted to pour her magic into the black stones. The light could not penetrate the shell of the stones and merely rested against them unable to go any further. Then she tried to move the stones, as before the glow surrounded the stones but no matter how she tried, they could not be moved. They were unaffected by her magic.

  ‘What does this mean?’ Elle asked.

  ‘I believed the Ebony Stones blocked magic, and as you can see they are not affected by it either,’ The Scholar explained. ‘What you have just described to me, proves that the flow of magic cannot pass the Ebony Stones, but it can be absorbed into the crystals.’ Elle nodded. ‘What we do not know for sure, is if they block the appearance of magic.’ He scratched his head.


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