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Her Bad Cat (Marked by the Moon Book 5) - Paranormal Black Panther Shifter Romance

Page 14

by Kamryn Hart

  Moonwatch felt like home.

  Chapter 16

  COME NIGHTFALL, NICK, GWEN Willow, Derek, Casey, Karol, Max, Ava, Cedric, Stella (basically all of Nick’s most trusted), as well as Bruiser and his people, migrated to Ethan’s home for a final discussion before their Trinity allies took their leave. It was a lot of names and faces for Emily to get to know, but she already had everyone here down and some beyond, like family members who weren’t present. She was introduced to everyone and managed to keep everything straight so far. She considered that an accomplishment.

  Emily had never seen Ethan look more comfortable. It was funny, considering all the serious stuff they were talking about. But she understood it. This kind of camaraderie was still new for him. Even though he had been with Trinity for years, he never really let anyone in. Now he was cracked wide open. It was freeing.

  Emily kept her arm wrapped around Ethan’s waist—which didn’t hurt too much since her burns had been treated with a miracle salve—because he wanted her close. He didn’t specifically say that, but he had been touching her every few minutes if she wasn’t right there, as if he needed to reassure himself that she was tangible. She also knew him well enough to know that he was trying not to be clingy. But she didn’t mind, so she took the initiative, arm at his waist, to let him know she was fine with touching all he wanted. Especially at that moment, after everything that happened.

  She was relieved. They were alive, together. Everyone in this pack was warm and welcoming. It reminded her of the loving home she left behind. Her parents loved her and Mason dearly. Now she could go back home and visit with Ethan. They deserved that. They deserved to know at least a little about everything that happened. She would discuss with Ethan if they should tell them everything or not. She was okay with following his decision on this. And maybe her parents wouldn’t appreciate the whole truth anyway. Emily knew she was an odd human. Mason and Ethan were hers from the beginning, and she never questioned it.

  At the very least, her parents deserved to know she was okay. She had neglected them long enough. And she wanted to thank them for everything they did for her. She’d give them a call.

  “We’re taking the Black Witch back to Trinity for questioning,” Bruiser stated. “Ava’s going to assist us in the move since we need to keep her and Griffin sedated until it’s safe to wake them up. I might have tried waking Griffin up already, but that Black Witch is extremely powerful, and I doubt freeing him from her hold is going to be as simple as knocking her out. We’ll need Trinity’s resources. She would have been a big problem if we didn’t have Ava.”

  Ava, the mousy girl with hair only a few inches long, was burning red at the compliments. But the big blond man at her side, her mate, had a broad grin on his face as he wrapped his arm around her and squeezed.

  Bruiser sighed. “It’s unfortunate though. This witch could answer a lot of questions for us, but the only sure way to free Griffin from her grasp would be to kill her unless she willingly lets him go—based on the past.”

  “We’ll find another way,” Ava said resolutely.

  “This is the first time the Circle has made a hit on Trinity in thirteen years—if what David said is to be trusted. He was talking to Rogue about the Circle like they were old friends and that Black Witch we captured seems well trained. Or she’s just a natural like Ava.”

  “What happened thirteen years ago?” Gwen asked. She was seated on Ethan’s couch, hand resting on her rounded belly.

  Bruiser glanced at Ethan, who shrugged in response.

  “It’s kind of a sensitive topic,” Bruiser informed. “It’s something Trinity doesn’t like to blab about. But you’re official allies of Trinity, part of Trinity. You deserve to know.

  “Thirteen years ago, the Circle infiltrated Trinity before HQ was so heavily fortified. It was new and a lot of things were under construction. It ended up being a bloodbath where most of the Black Witches who came in didn’t go back out, but that was at the cost of the first Celestial Alphas’ lives.”

  “How the fuck did that happen? I get HQ wasn’t well fortified, but it’s out in middle-of-nowhere Washington, high up in the mountains,” Nick said.

  Bruiser visibly stiffened. “The founder of the Circle has a son, a shifter. He’s a wolf like you, but unlike you, he has witch blood in his veins. He has both Moon Magic and Black Magic at his disposal. He’s dangerous and deadly: Luc Lenoir. He and the current Moon Alpha, Viktoriya Petrov, had a thing going on between them. They were born on the same day, both born with a Moon Mark on their foreheads. It was weird stuff no one’s ever heard of. Because of that, Trinity wanted to give him a chance. That chance led to the attack that nearly crippled Trinity. Viktoriya chased Luc off, but she was pregnant with his kid.”

  Bruiser touched the back of his neck like he was feeling suddenly very uncomfortable. “I don’t know how much more I should say. It’s pretty personal stuff for the Moon Alpha.”

  “What?!” Max interjected. “Ava and I were at Trinity HQ for an entire month, and we didn’t hear a thing about this.”

  “It’s not really something that gets talked about until it becomes necessary. Viktoriya’s daughter is kind of a secret. We don’t think Luc has a clue about his kid. Viktoriya was way too early in her pregnancy. She didn’t even know until about a month later.” Bruiser pursed his lips. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, but you should all be aware of Luc Lenoir, especially after what just took place here.”

  He paused again. “I’ve never laid eyes on Luc myself, but he’s found a way to slip in and out of the Berserker state, use all of that rabid power at will, by utilizing Black Magic. I don’t know what other tricks he has up his sleeve, but if that doesn’t tell you how dangerous he is, I don’t know what could.

  “Viktoriya’s daughter isn’t well. She’s weak, often sick, while her father is a complete monster and her mother is a powerful Moon Shifter. It’s strange.”

  Nobody said a word. Emily was the newest to all of this, and her head was spinning.

  Ava whispered, “Luc can’t be all bad because Viktoriya still loves him. I finally understand why she fought like she did during my trial. She regrets chasing him away.”

  Bruiser shrugged. “Don’t know nothing about that and it’s none of my business. I’m focusing on this thing that happened today. I hope it’s all some big mistake and that this was all David Fletcher’s plan to get back at Rogue and me, but it’s possible the Circle is getting ready to start something. We’ll get answers out of this Black Witch and keep you all informed. Keep your eyes and ears open, friends.”

  There was a weighted silence before Ethan broke it. “Good talk. Let’s wrap this thing up then. It’s getting late, and I want time alone with my mate.”

  Everyone agreed and started talking amongst themselves as they got ready to head out.

  “You should check in with Owen,” Ethan said to Bruiser.

  “That’s funny,” Bruiser replied dryly.

  “At least you only have one brawler brother and not two. Brother number two is a softy, doesn’t fit in with the family one bit. Never did. And in the end, neither did you.” Ethan winked. “That’s why you like me, isn’t it? I remind you of your baby brother.”

  Bruiser didn’t say anything to that.

  “You have siblings?” Derek commented, butting in on the conversation. He said it so loudly, everyone’s attention went back to Bruiser.

  Bruiser clenched his jaw. “Two brothers. But we don’t talk. I’m dead to that fucked up family. And my brawler brother, Owen, is the one who gave me this.” He pointed to his colorless eye and the long scar curving up and down from it. “But I paid him back by nearly tearing his heart from his chest with my claws. He has the scar to prove it.”

  Stella gasped and her lilac eyes grew wide. “I think I’ve met your brother,” she said.

  Bruiser scowled. “When, why, and how?”

  “Tyler, the Berserker who kept me and Russel prisoner, kidnapped women regu
larly. He had just taken someone new, a young woman from money, and this big grizzly bear shifter broke in and pummeled him. Then he took the girl and left. It seemed like he was a mercenary. Someone obviously hired him to rescue that girl. And he had a big scar like you said on his chest. Now that I’m thinking about it, the two of you look a lot alike.”

  Bruiser grunted and shook his head. “Sounds like Owen.”

  “In a way, he saved us. I wouldn’t have run away with Russel and found Cedric if he hadn’t broken in. He was scary, though. Predatory. He said we wouldn’t give him much of a fight and lost interest in us quickly.”

  “Fight’s no fun unless it’s tough. And trust me, he didn’t care about saving you. You were just lucky.”

  “Or the Moon was looking out for us.”

  Bruiser nodded. “Or the Moon was looking out for you, but you’d be smart to stay far away from Owen if you ever see him again.”

  Suddenly, little Opal burst through the door, letting in a rush of cold wind and snowflakes. Russel was hot on her heels this time. He had an apologetic look on his face as he reached out to grab her.

  “She wouldn’t stay put,” Russel said, looking at Cedric.

  “No worries. It’s time for bed anyway. Sorry to leave you in charge so long,” Cedric said as he caught the five-year-old snowy owl shifter in his arms.

  “What’re you doing, Daddy?” she asked.

  “We’re going home, and we’re going to bed,” he reiterated.

  “Noooo,” she whined.

  “See you later, Rogue, Emily.”

  Ethan and Emily waved as Cedric and Stella gathered their kids and walked out the door.

  “We really should all get going,” Nick said. “Night, everyone.”

  One by one, or pair by pair in most cases, Ethan’s house emptied. When all was said and done, he and Emily were the only two left. The house seemed a lot bigger now that there was ample room to move.

  “You’ve got your hands full, Ethan,” Emily commented. “This is one big family to take care of.”

  “Hmm. Maybe. But I can handle it. Especially if you’re by my side,” he replied. Then he smirked. “You were really talking out of your ass back there. That was one crazy idea you put into David’s head, but hey, it worked out. You saved yourself and probably several other lives all because of it. Clever, gutsy human. You are dangerous.”

  “We both know Bruiser’s the one who saved the day, bad cat.”

  “Bad is not a word I would use to describe myself.”

  She pulled him down for a quick kiss. “Gang banger all tattooed to hell.”

  “Oh, right, because how I look says everything.”

  Emily laughed. “It doesn’t.” She gently pressed her hand to his heart. She knew his, hers, and Mason’s Lunas Sigil was hidden underneath that worn hoodie and shirt he was wearing. “You, Ethan, have the biggest heart. But bad is totally a word I would use to describe you.” She patted down each of his pockets. “And yet you have nothing on you for me to prove my point. Curbed your kleptomaniac tendencies, did you?”

  Ethan smirked, moved his hand to the back of his black cargo pants, and revealed Emily’s gun. “You didn’t even notice it on me.”

  Sighing, Emily did her best to look annoyed, but she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. She was starting to wonder if her pistol had disappeared for good back when she got separated from it in that blast. “That’s more like it. And in my defense, I’m burned and hurting. Kiss me to make me feel better.”

  After setting her gun down on a cupboard, they kissed again, but it was quick like their first one. Ethan’s mind was somewhere else, or he was feeling insecure. She wasn’t sure.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I can’t shake the feeling that something bad is coming.” He glanced at her pistol. “Not right this second or whatever, but close down the line. I feel like life just has a way of taking things away.”

  “Don’t talk like that.” Emily’s chest squeezed at the thought of Mason, at the unfairness of it. “Life is uncertain, but that’s why we need to make this count. We need to make every moment together count. We’re together, right here and now. And maybe no one really leaves, Ethan, or don’t you feel Mason like I do?”

  Ethan’s gaze was on the floor, but he looked up at her during that last part. “I feel him.”

  “We can face whatever’s coming together, Ethan. I never stopped loving you when we were split up. I was always with you too, in my heart. And we, the three of us, will never be separated again because we’re in each other’s hearts.”

  She tapped his chest. Little sparks of energy made her finger tingle at the contact. To make sure Ethan felt it too, she grabbed his hand and pressed it to the right side of her chest. “Feel that?”

  “Yes.” Ethan closed his eyes. “You’re right, Em. Thanks for the pep talk.”

  “Anytime. I hold half of your heart, and I always will. Just like you’ll always hold half of mine.”



  Things had quieted down considerably since Emily first arrived in Moonwatch. She was assured that this kind of quiet was what Moonwatch was usually like. It was peaceful, and she found herself fitting into her life there with Ethan.

  She had called her parents, who were relieved beyond belief to learn she was still alive. She promised to visit them soon. She wanted to wait until her burns were a little less noticeable. They were light and didn’t hurt anymore, but she wanted to focus on happy news when she saw her parents again, not all the shit. Ethan was nervous about finally meeting hers and Mason’s parents, but he agreed to do it when she was ready.

  Ethan, along with Casey’s help, was currently teaching every Moon Shifter in Moonwatch how to use Lunas the way he could. It was quite an undertaking, but he seemed to enjoy it, and it made everyone feel a little better, a little more protected.

  Thoughts of the attack had crossed Emily’s mind, and everyone else’s, many times since it happened, but there were no solid answers, just speculation. Until recently.

  Trinity held that Black Witch Ava had captured. They woke her up as soon as they got back to Trinity Headquarters, but she was completely uncooperative. She held on to Griffin and refused to give out any information other than her name: Eliza Covington, a member of the Circle like everyone had feared. However, a couple days ago, a small team of White Witches led by Ava and Josh were able to restore Griffin without Eliza’s help. Griffin was her only leverage. Freeing him was a win, but they were still hard on information. All he remembered was tailing Eliza. She discovered him, they fought, and he lost.

  It wasn’t much to go on.

  Trinity liked doing things the nicest way possible, it seemed. Ethan told Emily violence was honestly their last resort to anything. Still, that didn’t change the fact he had seen plenty of it since joining them. Patience wears thin. Sometimes violence seems like the only way to get results. Eliza’s defiance was met with rage. The Sun Alpha, Samson Read, snapped yesterday. He got the witch to talk, but only in pained mutterings about something called the Hell Dragon. No one had any idea what that was. Trinity hoped to get more information out of Eliza Covington soon.

  It turned into nasty business. Ethan tried not to worry too much, but he kept Emily up on everything, letting her know what was going on right after he was told if not the same moment. He trusted her implicitly and no longer coddled her by worrying about her being some fragile human. She was glad, and so was Ethan. She was his firm foundation, and he needed that. Her black panther had a lot on his plate. Any way she could help lighten his load, she would.

  All of the craziness made this peaceful time in Moonwatch all the better. Moments like this, when Emily and Ethan were together at home taking it easy, were the absolute best. She could feel Mason perfectly in those moments. The three of them were taking on the world together like they were always supposed to, even if it wasn’t the way she had originally imagined it. The three of them took
care of each other.

  It was evening, and Emily was in Ethan’s room, changing into her pajamas. She and Ethan weren’t going anywhere tonight. They were done, done, done with the day. It was prime time for cuddles.

  Ethan walked up behind her before she had a chance to put her pajamas on. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him. They were both naked aside from Emily’s underwear. Ethan moved one of his hands to her right breast and massaged her flesh. It sent an intense wave of pleasure through her, a result of him touching that Lunas Sigil on her skin.

  “I thought we were both exhausted,” she said through a little moan as she pushed back into him, feeling his hard-on at her back.

  “Sex will bring our energy back,” he said with a growl.

  “No, it’ll leave us both more exhausted,” she argued, but she wasn’t against it. It was impossible not to get into the mood when he touched her like this. “But let’s do it.”

  Ethan let out a groan. “I just can’t help myself, Em. You get me so hot all the time.”

  “Same here.” Her legs were trembling with need. She was good and wet.

  “But only if you’re feeling up to it,” he added.

  They had abstained from sex since their first and only time together so far. Ethan had insisted on her healing up before then. She was practically healed after these two weeks, and it was remarkably quick for how harsh those Solsis burns were. Ethan said that accelerated healing was probably because of their Lunas Sigil, him sharing his shifter healing with her. The pain was gone, but she hoped marks left by those burns would fade a bit more before they went out to see her parents.

  Emily turned around in his arms and took the initiative to walk him back toward the bed as they kissed over and over. “I’m feeling up to it. More than feeling up to it, but what about protection, Ethan?” she reminded. “I thought you were worried about getting me pregnant.”

  She pushed him down on the bed and crawled over him, dominating him in that way he loved.


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