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A Hurt So Sweet Volume Two: A Dark High School Bully Romance

Page 4

by Rosewood, Betti

  "Don't," I beg him. "Just give it back. Please."

  Of course, my words have the opposite effect. Now that they've realized I don't want them looking at it, they're even more eager to uncover the secrets of Lily Anna's diary. I briefly wonder if I should tell them it's not even mine, but quickly decide against it. If they knew the journal belonged to my predecessor, they'd probably be even more eager to take it away from me.

  "Give it back," I demand again, getting up and leaving my food on the table as I advance toward Lai, reaching up for the locked diary.

  "Not so fast."

  He grins down at me, and I realize he's fucking enjoying this, which only makes me more fucking angry.

  "Lai, stop it," I say, trying to talk some sense into the boy that has seemed the nicest so far. "Please, you don't even know what's in there. It's important."

  "Well maybe if it's so important, I should take a closer look at it," Lai tells me with a wicked grin, keeping the diary in his outstretched arm, just out of my reach. "But here's a little deal for you, Pandora. If you can take it from us, it's all yours."

  I make a grab for the notebook, but Lai tosses it easily to Julian, laughing at my outraged face.

  "Come and get it, little girl," Julian mocks me, taunting me with the locked journal.

  I advance on him, but before I've even made a grab for the book, he's already tossed it to Caspian.

  This is fucking hopeless, and they know it. There's no way I can stand up to three big bullies determined not to let me have the journal back.

  I glance from one of them to the other, their cruel smirks mirrored on all their faces. By now, the entire cafeteria is watching us. They're like goddamn vultures, eager to descend on the smallest bit of drama between the Firstborns. As long as they aren't involved, they're hungry for more.

  "Come on Pandora," Caspian speaks up, his tone apologetic, sweet. "Come here, I'll give it back to you. These guys are such jerks for playing games on you."

  Relieved, I take a step forward as he holds out the journal, but before I've even touched it, Caspian's arm has wrapped around my body, pulling me tight against him. I shriek, but he places his free palm on my mouth, shutting me up effectively as his body cages mine beneath him.

  "You really thought it would be that easy, didn't you?" Caspian growls in my ear, and I struggle against him to no avail. "You're so fucking stupid, Pandora. It's a small wonder you've managed to stay alive for your first few weeks in Eden Falls."

  "Fuck you," I sputter, but he merely laughs at my words, shoving me forward so I fall into Lai's arms.

  The taller boy accepts Caspian's gift, gripping my tightly and grabbing my arms behind my back, painfully twisting them and making me cry out.

  "Stop it," I demand. "You're fucking hurting me!"

  "Do I look like I care?" he grinds out. "What, you think you're important now? I could just easily take that engagement ring off your finger... There's no one around to stop me, is there?"

  Behind my back, his fingers find mine and I cry out helplessly as he touches my left ring finger, twisting the ring off. He flashes the diamond before my eyes, and a shiver goes down my spine when I feel him pressed up against me, his hard cock digging into my spine.

  "Not so brave without Dexter, are you?" Lai mutters in my ear. "I knew you wouldn't be. I knew you'd give in the second he was gone. You can't resist me, can you, little lamb?"

  I stay stubbornly quiet, and he quickly grows bored of it, shoving me so I stumble forward. Julian's on my next, and he cops a feel of my boobs as he pulls me against him.

  "Where's your precious little book now?" he asks me innocently, showing me his empty hands. "Look, it's all gone. However are you going to find it again?"

  "I hate you," I grunt.

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he rolls his eyes. "One day you'll get sick of those empty threats, little girl. You should know by now they have next to no effect on guys like us."

  He's right, but I refuse to acknowledge that. Instead, I raise my chin up stubbornly as the guys keep passing me around like it's some kind of fucked-up game they're playing. Every couple of seconds, one of them cops a feel. There are hands all over me, tugging on my hair, pinching my nipples, holding my throat. They're rubbing their cocks all over me. They have no mercy for me, especially with Dexter not being here.

  "Hey, douchebags. Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

  We all turn around in the direction of the calm voice to our left. And there he is - tall, handsome and imposing as hell.

  Easton Brantley.

  He may not be Dexter, but I still have a feeling he'll be eager to protect me from the savages who are causing me harm. And as Easton watches, the three boys take a step back, leaving me exposed in the middle. I shiver, glancing between them to see who has the journal now. I need to get it back - at any cost.

  "What's up, Brantley," Caspian grits out, crossing his arms defensively. "You trying to get in trouble with Booth? You know she's his property, don't you?"

  "I don't see a ring on her finger," Easton smirks, and I remember my engagement ring which is still in Lai's palm. "Until you put it back on, she's as fair game as anyone else in this goddamn room, if you ask me."

  "Nobody did ask you," Julian mutters, and Easton approaches him in two quick steps.

  They're about the same height, so I'm not certain who would win in this stand-off, but from Julian's facial expression, I can tell Easton holds some power over him. Perhaps not quite as much as Dexter does... but he is an important figure in Eden Falls, and I'm not convinced Julian will stand up to him - even if he could take the boy.

  "So what's this all about?" Easton asks lazily. "She giving you trouble?"

  "More like the other way around," I grit out grumpily, making Easton focus his attention on me. "They stole my notebook. And my engagement ring.”

  I shiver underneath his glare as he says, "Nobody asked you, princess. I'd recommend keeping your mouth shut if you want to get any kind of help from me."

  I'm about to bite back that he's not the boss of me, but I think better of it, shutting up and glaring at him instead. He's right, of course - he's the only chance I have of getting out of here without the other guys fucking me up. He seems to hold some kind of power over them, which is more than I can say for myself.

  "So where is this notebook?" Easton asks next, staring at the three guys. "Who's got it? I wanna see it for myself."

  Lai steps forward, handing him the purple journal but not before glaring at me.

  "What is it?" Easton asks next, inspecting the lock on the diary while my heart pounds in my chest.

  "We don't know yet," Julian speaks up. "Haven't managed to break the lock yet."

  "Did I ask you?" Easton stares him down.

  I can see Julian's pissed, but he doesn't say another word, just stares at Easton with a silent challenge present in his gaze.

  "Why don't you tell me?" Easton suggests, giving me a cruel smile that surely melted hearts all over Switzerland while he was away. "Since it's your fucking notebook."

  "It's... a diary," I mutter, shifting my weight from one foot to the other as I stand there awkwardly.

  "Oh, how exciting. And you'd like it back?"

  "Yes," I nod eagerly, eyeing the diary in his hands. "I really, really need it back. Please."

  "I do like it when you beg," he mutters thoughtfully. "I think I'm going to need to hear a little more of that so I can decide if you deserve it back or not."

  "Okay..." I grit my teeth, glaring at him as I realize he's not much better than the others. "Can I please have my diary back?"

  I'm still being tormented, this time by one guy instead of three. At least that makes it one against one. And they still don't know the diary belonged to Lily Anna, which is good news for me.

  "No, I don't think so."

  Easton gives me an easy smile that makes my blood fucking boil. These guys really think they own Eden Falls and its inhabitants. But I have some power here too.r />
  "Give it back or I'm telling Dexter what you did," I spit out, making Easton laugh out loud.

  "You think Dexter Booth can make me do what you want?" Easton raises his brows. "Unless he's somehow gotten pussy-whipped by you in the past few weeks - which I really don't think he has - you're pretty much on your own. Pandora, is it?"

  I don't reply, and a shadow passes over his face. He grips the notebook in one hand, advancing on me and grabbing my throat with the other.

  "Did you hear me, princess?" he grits out. "I asked you a goddamn question."

  "Yes," I manage through the pressure of his squeezing fingers on my neck. "My name is Pandora, Pandora Oakes."

  "Okay, Pandora, Pandora Oakes," he mocks me, finally letting go of me and watching with hunger in his eyes as I stumble back. "You can have your diary back, because I'm such a nice guy. And your ring, too. Just because I like knowing you’re another man’s property."

  I raise my brows at him. Nobody is buying his shit - but then again, I don't want to object. He'll just take more from me if I try.

  "Give it," I demand, and he holds out the diary for me.

  I snatch it out of his hand, shocked when he doesn't try to stop me, force me to play another game with him.

  "So," Easton speaks up again, addressing the three guys as I stash the diary in my bag. "Has Booth corrupted this little princess yet?"

  I feel goosebumps erupting all over my skin as the three guys exchange glances. Fuck. The moment of truth. Their answer will reveal whether Dex kept my secret... or ruined me forever.

  "Not that I know of," Caspian finally speaks up, and a huge weight falls from my shoulders.

  So nobody knows. At least not yet. Thank fuck for that.

  "Are you sure?" Easton asks thoughtfully, tapping his pointer finger against his chin.

  He has a dimple there, I notice distractedly. It's kind of cute.

  "Because I was thinking I should really check for myself," he goes on, making me shiver.

  "No need," I retort. "Dexter will get really mad if you touch me, anyway."

  "Oh, shut up, Pandora," Julian speaks up from behind Easton. "He was more than happy to have you play with all three of us."

  God, this is so fucking embarrassing. And worst of all, the entire cafeteria is listening.

  "Interesting, interesting," Easton mutters. "Well, I suppose I'll just have to see for myself. Why don't you come closer, Pandora? Right here, next to me?"

  I hesitate, even though I know I'm only dragging out the inevitable. He's going to make me do whatever he wants, anyway. Slowly, I walk closer to him, telling myself at least the diary is safely stowed in my bag. Nobody's gotten a sneak peek of Lily Anna's words before me - and I'm hoping that will work in my favor.

  Easton pulls up a chair from one of the table, sitting down and tapping his knee.

  "Right here, princess," he says with a cruel smirk. "Come sit down."

  I swallow a reply, instead walking closer to him and settling on his knee. I'm nervous, my heart pounding in my chest as he places a strong hand on my inner thigh.

  "Now how would you like this to go down?" he asks thoughtfully. "We can do it the easy way - you let me see what's between your legs without a single peep coming from your lips... or we can do it the hard way, and I expose you to the entire hall while one of them..." He motions to the other three guys. "Holds you down for me. So, what do you say, princess?"

  I hesitate, and he grins, tapping his ear.

  "Whisper it in here, I promise not to tell anyone what a needy little slut you are."

  I lean in closer, opening my mouth to tell him all my secrets. "The easy way."

  "The easy way it is," Easton murmurs, sliding his fingers higher up on my thigh.

  There's no denying the fear I feel when he touches me, but there's something else, too. A glimmer of excitement, a spark flying between us as he gently pries my legs apart. With a start, I realize I want him to do this, if only because I don't want him to stop touching me. His touch is electric, his presence magnetic.

  And I want so much more.

  "I have a feeling you secretly like this..." Easton murmurs against my ear, and I flush, shame burning my cheeks. "Oh, I'm right, aren't I? You fucking love it. Such a dirty little princess."

  I'm about to say something snappy back, but I stop myself just in time. This is still better than the alternative - him taking Lily Anna's diary away from me.

  "Let's see now," he mutters when he reaches my panties. "If we push these right aside..."

  I gasp as he pushes the fabric away from my pussy lips, leaving me exposed and shivering. He's about to find out just how much I like this... One finger flick, and he'll see how dripping wet he's made me.

  And he seems intent on doing just that. The boy smirks to himself as he swipes his fingertip along my soaked pussy, never taking his eyes off mine. I feel like the whole room is standing still, watching him take what he wants from my body. The three guys are glued to their spots, eyes zeroed in on Easton and what he's doing.

  "So wet," he whispers in my ear, softly enough so nobody else can hear. "Booth always knew how to pick them."

  I close my eyes tightly as his fingertip gently forces its way between my folds, feeling my opening. He's about to find out my biggest secret, and there's no way he's keeping the scandalous matter to himself.

  He pushes deeper. There's no resistance from my body, instead, my pussy accepts him, wet, ready and willing. If he's surprised by this, he doesn't show it, instead merely smiling to himself and rubbing the inside of my hole with his fingertip. Next, he pulls it out with a pop, his eyes on mine as he brings the finger to his lips, sucking on it.

  It's a moment frozen in time, with me waiting for him to ruin my life forever. And he knows it, making sure to prolong it until I'm trembling with fear. I am completely at his mercy, and we're both aware of the fact.

  "Well, it looks like Booth hasn't gotten his claws in yet," he says out loud, and a huge weight falls from my shoulders.

  He lied. He lied for me. Why on earth would he do that? Surely, he has an ulterior motive.

  He moves his legs and I slide off his lap, my hands trembling as I pull my school uniform down.

  “Why don’t you give her that ring back?” Easton suggests lazily.

  Lai comes forward, his face a grimace as he hands back my engagement ring. I slide it on my finger, giving him a long look full of hatred.

  The other two guys exchange long, heated glances. I can see the outlines of each one of their cocks through their trousers. This got them all hot and bothered.

  The room seems to go back to normal after that. Once again, there's the sound of chatter from the other tables in the cafeteria, and after a few moments, Lai, Julian and Caspian leave. It's only Easton and me now, but luckily, the bell rings, signaling it's time for another class.

  I'm about to push past the new boy when he grips my forearm, his playful eyes coming to rest on mine.

  "I know your secret," he whispers against my cheek. "Now it's up to you to make me keep it."



  Later that day, I'm in my bedroom still trying to unlock the diary. I've tried - and broken - several of my bobby pins, but the lock just won't give in. It's as if Lily Anna doesn't want me to know her secrets. But I'm determined to get to the bottom of it. Right before I finally decide to break the lock, I remember the key Minnie gave me, for the sealed-off wardrobe behind the hidden door. It was just as tiny, and if I'm lucky, it might just fit into the keyhole of Lily Anna's diary.

  I locate the key in my pillowcase and am shocked to find it fits into the lock perfectly. One twist, and the lock gives, falling away from the purple notebook. Open sesame… the diary unlocks, and I stare at the pages upon pages filled with loopy, child-like handwriting.

  I lie back on my bed, losing myself between the pages of Lily Anna's story. In moments, I'm mesmerized, and I barely notice the time passing me by as I start reading. There are no
dates on the pages, which makes me wonder when all this was written - but it must have been years before Lily Anna died.

  * * *

  Dear stupid notebook,

  Every time I look at you, I just get angrier and angrier. What kind of fool thought writing my feelings down would make them better? I guess I’m the biggest fool in the end, since I keep putting pen to paper in the vain attempt of making things better.

  I wonder if anyone will ever get to read this. I wish I could speak to them now. Find out what happened to me. If I ended up running away from Eden Falls… If I’m happy now, somewhere far far away from this corrupted town and its twisted citizens.

  At least I have the upper hand on these people. I’ve got everyone wrapped right around my little finger… just the way I like it. It’s what happens when you know so many secrets. People will do your bidding, tell you anything you want, and take your secrets to the grave – all because they trust you’ll do the same for them.

  Little do they know; you’re playing a game of your own.

  And you don’t give two fucks about the others. The only thing that matters is yourself.

  Because if you don’t care about your own damn self, who else is going to do it?

  I learned at a young age I’m responsible for myself in this world. I carry my fate in my hands, and I can decide which path my life is going to take. And the best way to do that? Use other people’s secrets against them.

  I thought it might be a good idea to write down everything I know about Eden Falls in here, so I don’t forget. A town of this size, with this much money… there’s bound to be secrets on every corner. And I’m eager to know every single one – if only to use them against the people I’m supposed to love most.

  Sometimes I’m afraid for my life. Sometimes I’m convinced I’ll find out too much one day. That I will become a danger to the people here, and they’ll do anything to get rid of me. Of course, Father would never let that happen.


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