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A Hurt So Sweet Volume Two: A Dark High School Bully Romance

Page 7

by Rosewood, Betti

  Mr. Rogers clears his throat. My rage is suddenly replaced by a calm, steady sensation.

  "Yes, it's such a shame not all of us are insatiable sluts like you," I tell Audra. "But you know, to each their own."

  "Don't you dare speak to me like that," she gets out, her cheeks flushing deeply.

  "Do I need to remind you of my position in this town?" I get out through gritted teeth. "I'm a Firstborn, sweetheart. What the fuck are you?"

  "Your boyfriend's favorite fuckbuddy," she spits back. "And being a Firstborn means nothing as you know. You're not even married that. You're only important because Dexter's your fiancé."

  "You keep telling yourself that," I smile sweetly. "It's my name he whispers when he's fucking you."

  My words have obviously made their mark. Audra flips me off and the teacher doesn't even tell her off. Easton's words ring in my head. He slept with his student only a few weeks ago... now here he is, protecting Audra.

  Slowly, the puzzle pieces come together in my head. I could be wrong, but my gut feeling is telling me I'm not. They're sleeping together. Audra is another one of the professor's conquests. Well, too fucking bad for both of them, because they're about to get a lesson from the queen bee.

  "I think it's time we interrupt the class for a little demonstration," I speak up sweetly. "Mr. Rogers, do you have something to share with the class?"

  "What?" He clears his throat, staring me down. "Please return to your projects, everyone."

  Nobody moves. You could hear a pin drop in the room.

  "You're just as irrelevant as your latest conquest," I sigh, motioning to Audra. "You're sleeping together. Am I right or am I right?"

  "What?" Mr. Rogers laughs nervously, taking a step away from my classmate. "Don't be preposterous, there's nothing... you don't know anything..."

  "Oh, I know," I reply. "I mean, I guess I get it. I'm sure she has plenty of Daddy issues you're more than happy to help her out with, right, Audra?"

  She's beet-red. It fucking makes me laugh. But I'm not done just yet.

  "Where are you going with this?" Easton mutters in my ear, but I shrug him off.

  "Not your circus, not your monkeys," I hiss at him. "Leave this one to me."

  He raises his hands in defeat.

  "Mr. Rogers, why don't you ask the other students to leave?" I suggest.

  He swallows, trying to decide whether he should do as I say or not, then finally gives me a curt nod.

  “Everyone out,” he mutters, and when nobody moves, he clears his throat, saying it once again, louder.

  The students mutter, beginning to pick up their things and heading out of the room. Audra stays behind, and so does Easton – just as I wanted. I pull aside a couple of Secondborns in the classroom, all guys, asking them to stay as well. Now there’s eight of us in the room, and the tension is palpable.

  “Perfect,” I purr. “This is more intimate, don’t you think?”

  “Miss Oakes,” Rogers gets out through gritted teeth. “I must warn you; I’m not liking where this is heading. You could get in a lot of trouble for what you’re doing here.”

  “Oh, I could?” I ask innocently, flashing him a smile. “I don’t think I will though, because you’re going to keep your mouth shut, aren’t you, Mr. Rogers? After all, you can’t risk getting into trouble with the principal… Not again. Not after the last scandal.”

  He pales as I move closer, running a finger along the lapel of his blazer.

  “Oh yes, I know what happened,” I say, sighing softly. “In fact, everyone does.”

  “It’s just a-a rumor,” he stutters.

  “I’m sure.” I flash him an angelic smile before moving on to Audra. “So, what do you think of my pretty friend here, Mr. Rogers? Isn’t she gorgeous? I heard you like blondes.”

  “Miss Oakes, I…” He clears his throat again, glancing uncomfortably between the smirking Secondborns and Easton who’s leaning against my desk. “I hardly think this is appropriate.”

  “Well then you’re definitely not going to like what happens next,” I wink at him. “But then again, at least she’s legal. I heard the girl who left Prep last week was only seventeen…”

  Mr. Rogers pales even more, and I know I’ve got him wrapped around my little finger.

  “Oh, professor,” I shake my head with a sweet smile. “You really do like them young, don’t you?”

  “I’ve had enough of this.” Audra attempts to walk away, but I tangle my fingers in her blonde mane of hair and drag her back. “Owww, you bitch! Let the fuck go!”

  “No,” I hiss at her. “And you’re not going anywhere, not until I’ve proved my point. I’m a Firstborn, Audra, and you’re fucking nothing. It’s about time you remembered that.”

  “What do you want?” she demands.

  “I want you to suck Mr. Rogers’ dick,” I purr sweetly.

  “What?” Her laugh is outraged, and she glances nervously between me and Easton, as if he’s going to stop this from happening. “You can’t make me do that. You can’t make me do anything!”

  Easton gets up, sighing heavily as he says, “She is above you, Audra.”

  “So?” she cries in outrage. “You can’t just let this happen, Easton! I’m your friend!”

  “My friend?” He laughs in her face. “I don’t think so. Now do as you’ve been told.”

  The Secondborns snicker behind us. Audra’s as red as a lobster as she faces Mr. Rogers.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask. “Haven’t you done this a thousand times? Or is the audience a problem?”

  “Fuck you,” Audra spits out.

  It takes me two steps to reach her, then I slap her with everything I’ve got. She stumbles back, a hand held to her burning cheek as she turns to face me with an outraged expression.

  “How dare you-”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I snarl at her. “Time to learn some manners. I’ve been too lenient with you, Audra. Now get on your goddamn knees. You don’t want your family to find out you disobeyed a direct order from a Firstborn, do you?”

  Power surges through my veins as she does exactly what I told her to. Tears are welling in her eyes as she kneels before Mr. Rogers who looks uncomfortable as fuck under our watchful eyes. I wonder whether the Firstborns feel this way when they boss me around. It’s powerful. It makes me feel like I own the room. And I fucking love that feeling.

  “Unbutton his pants,” I tell Audra.

  Her hands shake as she reaches up, slowly undoing the buttons on Mr. Rogers’ pants. She peels them off him, exposing his red silky boxers, then looks at me for further instructions. She doesn’t dare speak – probably for the better. My hand is itching to land on her cheek again.

  “What are you waiting for?” I demand. “Take it out.”

  Mr. Rogers shifts uncomfortably, but the moment the blonde reaches into his pants to bring out his engorged cock, everyone in the room knows he’s fucking enjoying this. He’s thick, thicker than any cock I’ve seen before, and his tip is already glistening with precum.

  “Well well well, Mr. Rogers,” I purr. “You should have told us you were this excited. We would’ve gotten down to business much sooner.”

  He groans as Audra strokes his length. Her eyes have lost the hurt edge they had before. Now they’re needy, hungry. She really is a fucking slut that would do anything for cock.

  “Suck him,” I say simply. “Make him come into your mouth.”

  Audra glances at the rest of the people in the room. The Secondborns seem preoccupied with the bulges in their pants while Easton watches her with a gaze that is half-amused, half-curious. He’s got his arms crossed, still leaning back against my desk as the blonde lowers her lips to our teacher’s cock, slowly allowing him to enter her mouth.

  Mr. Rogers groans when she takes him, her full lips wrapping around his thickness, cheeks hollowing out as she pulls him in deeper and deeper.

  “That’s right,” I say softly. “Suck him like the good girl you claim
to be, and nobody will ever find out about this.”

  Audra lets out a small moan as she latches onto his cock. She begins sucking him, making our professor throw his head back, his hands going to her hair and tangling in the blonde mane.

  It’s so fucked up, making them do whatever I want. Like they’re marionettes and I’m the puppet master. I smirk to myself, loving the feeling of them being helpless against what I say. For the first time ever since I’ve arrived in Eden Falls, I feel like I can actually get through this – make these people dance for me any way I want.

  Dexter and his cronies may own me, but there’s a whole school of people I can boss around.

  Easton bumps me with his hip, and I tear my eyes away from the sensual scene in front of me to look at him. He’s grinning, his handsome face even more unbearably chiseled as he motions to the girl on her knees and the man who’s starting to thrust his hips against her powerless face.

  “Looks like you’re learning the ropes alright,” he tells me. “I fucking like it, kid. You sure your fiancé’s going to let you get away with this, though?”

  “He doesn’t have a choice,” I tell him. “And besides, he didn’t even bother to show up.”

  Easton nods thoughtfully as I advance on Audra. Her scared eyes meet mine as I stand inches away from her, inspecting our teacher’s cock that she’s sucking so damn eagerly.

  “I think it’s about time you swallowed something, don’t you?” I ask the blonde sweetly, and she groans with her mouth full. “Make him come. As fast as you can. You have one minute.”

  She cries out in protest, but Mr. Rogers doesn’t seem to care. My words have only made him more eager, and he grabs onto Audra’s hair with a firm grip, guiding her down on his shaft. Her eyes flutter closed, and she takes him in deep, spit dribbling down from her chin as she accepts inch after inch of his impressive length in her mouth.

  “Goddamn,” one of the Secondborns mutters from behind us. “This is a show alright.”

  “Spread the word,” I tell him sweetly. “Make sure the Firstborns find out what I did. I want everyone to know what happened in here – except for the teachers.”

  I smirk at the panicked look on Mr. Rogers’ face.

  “After all, our friend will need to keep up appearances if he wants to keep his job.”

  Right then, Mr. Rogers groans, hands gripping Audra’s head tightly as he drives himself into her throat one last time. She sputters and chokes, cum dribbling down her chin and onto her school uniform.

  “Good girl,” I say, smoothing down her now messy hair. “See, Audra? If you do as I say, you’re so much better off. Maybe we can be friends after all.”

  She picks herself up, cheeks burning as she pulls her skirt lower. There are stains on her blouse, and she wipes at them helplessly as Mr. Rogers zips up behind her, grabbing his briefcase and disappearing out of the room without saying anything else.

  My heart is pounding from the adrenaline rush, and I catch Easton’s gaze as Audra scampers out of the room. The Secondborns surround us, high fiving me and singing me praise. I’m sure news will get around of what happened in the classroom today. Maybe that’ll show the rest of my classmates what I’m really made of.

  Nobody messes with Pandora fucking Oakes. Today, I wear my last name proudly.

  As I’m heading out of the classroom, Easton catches up with me, grabbing my elbow and sending a jolt of electricity through my body when his fingers touch me. I glance up, fighting off the light blush in my cheeks as my eyes meet his.

  “That was impressive.” He grins as he delivers a compliment. “Even for a woman.”

  “Glad you approve,” I tell him. “I had to show these people who the fucking boss is.”

  “And I’m sure they won’t forget it,” he says appreciatively, giving me a long once-over that makes my cheeks burn. “By the way. I’m competing in the equestrian tournament that is being held this weekend. I’d love it if you came, as my guest.”

  “Oh?” My brows shoot up. “You don’t think my husband-to-be will have a problem with that?”

  “Well, so what if he does?” Easton challenges me with a mischievous smile. “You’ve proved you can stand your own. The whole school’s going to be talking about what happened here.”

  “Okay,” I say, nodding after a moment’s pause. “I’ll be there.”

  “Until we meet again, Miss Oakes…” Easton bows as he walks away, a sly smile on his brutally beautiful face. “I’ll be thinking about you.”



  “Minnie, can you please come up to my room?”

  “Of course, Miss Oakes.”

  She’s still calling me the formal way when there’s a chance of someone listening, but I know my friend will switch to the informal greeting once she comes up to my room. I’m still locked in and have been since my father discovered what Dexter did to me. It’s as if he thinks keeping me locked up will keep all the bad stuff away. He couldn’t be more wrong.

  A moment later, there’s a knock on my bedroom door, and I call out for Minnie to come in. She appears on my doorstep, looking pretty as ever in her sky-blue and white uniform, with her pale hair pinned up on top of her head.

  I’m about to greet my friend when her mother shows up behind her, shoving Minnie out of the way.

  “I can take it from here,” she says, giving her daughter a nasty look. “You’re needed in the kitchens.”

  “Actually, I wanted to speak to Minnie,” I say defiantly. “I don’t need your help, Belle.”

  “Go,” Belle mouths at her daughter, and my anger spikes when Minnie throws me an apologetic look before heading back downstairs without another word.

  “I don’t like that one bit, Belle,” I tell the maid. “You’re preventing me from using my personal maid.”

  “Oh, about that,” she says. “They’ve made me your maid now. Minnie’s too busy with the rest of her tasks.”

  “What?” I hiss. “I didn’t approve that.”

  “No,” Belle says sweetly. “But your father did.”

  My lips form a thin line as I ponder her words. I can’t go against my father’s wishes, but I’ll make sure to speak to him about this – if I can even manage to look into his eyes after everything that’s happened lately.

  “Belle,” I speak up again. “We have to speak about Minnie and my father.”

  She instantly straightens her back, her eyes going back to their cool, indifferent stare that gives nothing away as she asks, “What about them?”

  “It’s not right,” I say. “What he’s doing to that poor girl, it’s… it’s sick.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Belle says. “I’ve got it under control.”

  “No, you don’t,” I argue. “Minnie’s just a pawn in your games, isn’t she? He must be paying you a hefty sum if you’re willing to let him treat your daughter this way.”

  She remains stubbornly quiet, which makes me think I’ve hit the nail on the head. My father must be giving her a fortune – although I’m not sure why she’s so intent on sticking around if he’s already paid her so much money.

  “You could go somewhere else,” I say next, a last attempt to convince her. “Move out of Eden Falls… find a new job. Something Minnie would enjoy. Or maybe she could at least go to school somewhere.”

  “Out of the question.” Belle shakes her head, crossing her arms in front of her body. “Now is that everything, Miss Oakes? I do have other matters to attend to.”

  I sit back in my armchair, feeling miserable. So much for my plans of rescuing Minnie. But while I have Belle here, I might as well try and dig a little deeper.

  “Bryony told me something about my mother,” I finally say. “I haven’t even met her. I just… want to see an old picture or something. Do you have any of those?”

  “You would have to ask your father.” Belle seems to sense how upset that makes me, and she warms to me a little, giving me a tight smile. “She was beautiful. You look a lot l
ike her.”


  My hand goes to my hair nervously. Not many people have called me beautiful, especially not here in Eden Falls. It feels good, like I’ve finally been accepted, and I hate myself for knowing how much those words mean to me, even coming from Belle.

  “Your father…” Belle speaks up, nervously glancing over her shoulder to find the bedroom door closed. “Your father couldn’t get over it.”

  “No?” I’m almost afraid to say anything else, scared she’s going to stop talking to me.

  “No,” she shakes her head. “He… he didn’t take her leaving him very well.”

  “I wish she was still around,” I sigh. “I wish she hadn’t died years after. I wish I could visit her, speak to her now. Maybe she’d know how to help me, or at least give me some advice.”

  “But you have Mrs. Oakes,” Belle suggests lamely.

  I give her a meaningful look which seems to be enough to remind her Bryony’s isn’t useful at all. She keeps switching between obsessing over me and being strangely mean, which makes me feel at odds. I don’t trust her. Especially not now that I’ve found out about her ongoing pill addiction.

  “Miss Pandora, I…” Belle trails off, biting her bottom lip.

  “What?” I demand, raising my brows at her.

  “I know you don’t think I’m a good mother.” Her voice is shaky, and she looks up at me as if I’m going to deny what she just said – but we both know it’s true, and I stay stubbornly quiet. “But I am not a bad person. And I can’t carry this secret with me any longer. I think you should know.”

  “Know what?” I ask, getting up from the chair and approaching her.

  She’s trembling. I only notice it when I get close enough, and on an impulse, I reach out, taking her trembling, pale hand in mine as I say, “It’s okay, Belle. You can tell me. I won’t get upset.”

  “You can’t tell anyone I told you,” she says. “Especially not your father.”

  I take a moment to think about it, but she looks so panicked I find myself nodding anyway. I’m too curious about what she’s going to tell me – I need to know all the secrets she’s found out while working for my father.


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