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Haley's Bay 01 - The Billionaire's Nanny

Page 10

by Melissa McClone

  AJ’s startled gaze flew to Emma’s. He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off. “One of my responsibilities as a nanny is to cook for the children I care for. That’s what AJ meant.”

  Lilah returned to the salad, seemingly satisfied with Emma’s explanation.

  Crisis averted, for now.

  The Coles were trying to figure out what was going on with her and AJ’s relationship. That much was clear. She didn’t want his family asking too many questions—ones they couldn’t easily answer. That would cause friction and might tip off the charade.

  AJ cuddled closer to her. Gratitude or show or a combination of both? Emma didn’t want to know, because having him so close felt wonderful. Sensation danced across her skin. She raised the bread knife. “Be careful pulling me too close, I’m armed and dangerous.”

  “That’s true whether you have a weapon in hand or not.” AJ nuzzled against her neck, making her inhale sharply. He was one to talk. If she’d been in the process of slicing garlic bread, she would have lost a fingertip. She set the knife on the cutting board.

  “I’ll take my chances,” he added, then kissed her neck again.

  Tingles erupted. Heat pulsed through her veins.

  Not real. Not real. Not real. Maybe if she kept telling herself the kisses didn’t mean anything she could ignore the ways her body reacted to him.

  “You really came back.” The deep male voice sounded surprised and his words edged with something else, something unwelcoming. “Didn’t think you would.”

  AJ’s body tensed, his fingers tightening around her. “I’m throwing Grandma a birthday party, Dad. Couldn’t do that from Seattle.”

  AJ’s voice sounded strong, but the underlying hurt was unmistakable. Emma wanted to hold him tight and kiss away his pain. She covered AJ’s hands with hers, a sign of her support and solidarity.

  A man with tanned, weathered skin and salt-and-pepper hair stood in the kitchen doorway. He was tall like AJ, mid-fifties, and the resemblance between father and son was strong. The man’s eyes narrowed, zeroing in on her and AJ’s locked hands. “I see you brought company.”

  “Not company,” Lilah said. “His girlfriend.”

  “Emma, this is Jack Cole, AJ’s dad.” Marianne’s smile no longer seemed natural. “Jack, this is Emma Markwell. She’s from Portland.”

  “I thought AJ lived in Seattle.”

  “I do,” he said. “Emma lives in Portland.”

  “That makes no sense.” The man’s expression cast a dark shadow on the playful party atmosphere. “How can you be serious with someone who lives in a different state? Didn’t you learn your lesson with Natalie about long-distance relationships?”

  AJ inhaled sharply. Emma wanted to shake Mr. Cole for acting the way he was and AJ for letting the rift remain strong after ten years. The two men had no idea how lucky they were to still be able to say hi, whether either wanted to say another word or not. She would give anything for five more minutes with her parents and brother. Words wouldn’t be necessary. A hug would mean everything.

  “Hello, Mr. Cole.” Emma used her cheery voice. The one that worked magic when kids weren’t feeling well or parents were stressed. AJ’s father had the same intense stare as his son, but Emma couldn’t allow herself to be intimidated. She needed to be strong for AJ, as his assistant and his girlfriend. “It’s nice to meet you. Did you have a good day out in the water? That’s what my mom always said to my dad after a day of fly-fishing in the Metolius River.”

  “A very good day.” He studied her the way his sons had out by the bay. “Do you fish?”

  “Not in a very long time.” Fishing was something her dad loved to do. The family tagged along. She hadn’t gone after his death. “But I enjoy eating fish.”

  “That keeps us in business.” Mr. Cole grinned, the smile transforming his rugged face into a handsome one, much like AJ’s. “When I heard AJ brought home a woman, I figured she’d hate fish or be a vegan.”

  “Not a vegan. I love cheese and burgers. Not to mention whipped cream and milk shakes.”

  “Then you’re staying at the right place. My mother loves to cook with butter. Warn your arteries. Comfort food is her specialty.”

  “It is.” Lilah shooed her hands at her son. “Now get out of here so we can finish getting dinner on the table.”

  “I need something first. “Mr. Cole snagged a kiss from Marianne. “Now I can leave you ladies alone.”

  His wife swatted his bottom. “Have the kids wash their hands.”

  With a nod, Mr. Cole exited the kitchen.

  AJ exhaled. “I suppose not making sense is a step up from being a complete moron.”

  “Give your dad a chance,” Marianne said. “He’s trying.”

  AJ’s chin jutted forward. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Yes, and you should be with your father and brothers, catching up with them.” Lilah motioned to the doorway. “Get out there.”

  “But Emma—”

  “I have garlic bread to slice,” she said. “Go visit with your family.”

  AJ didn’t move, but kept hold on her. “I want to visit with you.”

  The man was used to getting what he wanted. Not this time. “We’ll see each other during dinner.”

  Lilah gave him a nudge. “You heard your woman, go. We won’t spill any family secrets that will scare her away.”

  “But those are the ones I want to hear,” Emma teased.

  AJ made a face. “Grandma...”

  “Out.” Lilah gave him a shove. “Before I decide I want a My Little Pony–themed birthday party.”

  He gave Emma a don’t-make-me-go look. Too bad if he wanted to stay in the kitchen; this was for his own good.

  “I’ll be fine.” She leaned closer as if to nibble on his earlobe. Emma had solved many problems on the playground. The situation between Jack and AJ Cole was more complicated than children not wanting to share the swings or take turns on the slide, but she wouldn’t give up without at least trying to help father and son talk, if not reconcile.

  “And so will you,” she whispered.

  Chapter Seven

  Four hours later, AJ disentangled himself from Madison in the sunroom, leaving her in the capable hands of Declan and Grady. AJ didn’t care which one she ended up with as long as she left him alone. What part of his having a serious girlfriend didn’t she understand?

  He had to admit he’d rather spend time with Madison than his dad. AJ had been upset at Emma for making him leave the kitchen, but his father hadn’t said another word to him all evening. At this rate, AJ would survive his time in Haley’s Bay without too many battle scars.

  He wanted to find Emma, to thank her for making him see that his dad wasn’t so scary after all these years. AJ should have known that, but her push had been good for him. He checked the kitchen, living room, backyard and front porch. No sign of her. He pulled out his cell phone and called the number Libby had programmed into his contact list before he left New York. No answer.

  The last time he’d seen Emma had been two hours ago. She’d been helping his sisters with the dishes. She could be back in Portland by now. His heart tripped. No, she wouldn’t have left, would she? His pulse rate accelerating with his steps, AJ made a beeline for the stairs.

  On the second floor, the door to the guest room was ajar. AJ stepped inside. “Emma?”

  Something banged near the bed. “Ouch. I’m here.”

  Relief was palpable, except he didn’t see her. Though he noticed a smoke detector sitting on the dresser that hadn’t been there before. Guess the nanny brought her own. “Where?”

  “Under the bed.”

  He’d been joking about her joining Blossom. “What are you doing under there?”

  “Blossom won’t eat.”

  Dedicated didn’t begin to describe Emma. AJ walked into the room. Two panty-hose-clad legs and feet stuck out from underneath the bed. Nice legs. “The cat might not be hungry.”

  “Cats need to
eat regularly. If they go too long without food they can develop fatty liver syndrome.” Emma groaned, then scooted farther under the bed. “Come on, Blossom. Stop being a diva kitty and eat.”

  “Blossom will eat when she’s ready.”

  “I’d feel better if she ate now.”

  Emma wiggled farther under the bed, sending her skirt up another two inches. He tugged on his now too-tight shirt collar. He was going to have to open a window to cool down the room. “Want help?”

  “I don’t think you’d fit.”

  “Probably not.” But based on kissing her and holding her, they might fit nicely together. He shook the appealing thought from his head. “I can move the bed.”

  “Why didn’t I think of that?” She scooted backward, the hem of her skirt riding even higher.

  Look away. Now.

  He moved to the foot of the bed where he didn’t have a view that would embarrass Emma. He wished he could blame his leering on one beer too many, but he’d drunk only two and didn’t feel the slightest bit buzzed.

  Emma stood. She smoothed her skirt back in place, straightened her sweater and adjusted her glasses. “Sounds like the party’s still going strong. Why are you up here?”

  “I couldn’t find you. I called your cell phone, but no answer.”

  “Sorry. I turned off the ringer before I boarded your jet and forgot to turn it back on after we arrived.”

  “I need to be able to get in touch with you at all times.”

  “I’m here now.” She grabbed a pad of paper off the nightstand. “What do you need?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You called me.” She readied her pencil. “You must have wanted something.”

  You. But he couldn’t say that. Nor could he tell her that of all the people in the house, many related to him by blood, she was the only one helping him adjust to being home. Libby and he knew each other better but could never pull this fake dating off. They’d talk work and sync schedules and kissing her would be far too uncomfortable. She would never give him advice because that wasn’t her job. Emma didn’t know him, but kissing her was a pleasure, her advice was sound.

  AJ searched his brain for a task that would make sense. “On the flight you mentioned phone calls that needed to be made.”

  “Done. When I returned to the house from our walk.” She tapped her pencil against the edge of the pad. “I spoke with your CPA about the donation to the shelter, and I’ve scheduled two meetings for tomorrow. Anything else?”

  She was efficient. “No.”

  “Then let’s get Blossom out from under the bed.”

  Damn. He’d forgotten about the cat. But the dark circles under Emma’s eyes told him she needed to sleep, not waste more time cajoling a cat. “Where’s the food?”

  She pointed to a small stainless steel bowl on the floor. “I took that under the bed with me, but Blossom wasn’t interested. She skipped lunch, too. I decided to try dry food instead of canned this time.”

  “Sounds like the cat is figuring if she holds out she might get something more palatable.” He picked up the bowl and shook it once. “Dinner.”

  “I’ve tried shaking, calling, sticking the food under the bed. Blossom wouldn’t budge.”

  AJ wasn’t about to kowtow to a cat. “Give her a chance.”

  Less than a minute later, the cat’s nose poked out from under the bed skirt. Whiskers twitched.

  “I don’t believe it,” Emma said.

  He waved the food in front of the cat’s nose, then placed the bowl three feet away to draw out the cat. Time to eat.”

  Blossom’s head appeared. Her wide green-eyed gaze bounced from him to Emma, then back to him. The cat cautiously made her way from under the bed, step by careful step, her eyes never straying from the bowl. She sniffed the contents, then ate.

  Emma’s mouth formed a perfect O. If someone other than the cat had been around, he would have stolen another kiss.

  “I’ve been trying for over an hour to get her to eat,” Emma said. “You waltz in here, shake the bowl and call her. Now she’s chowing down. I don’t get it.”

  “Why should Blossom eat when she can get your attention and make you crawl under the bed to keep her company?”

  “I’m an idiot, and you’re a cat whisperer.”

  “You’re compassionate,” he countered. “I know nothing about cats, but I know behavior. I have a couple coders who are divas. Brilliant programmers, but that kind of personality needs firm handling. The same as Blossom.”

  The cat glanced up at hearing her name, then returned to her dinner, as if she hadn’t eaten in days. Given her weight and appearance, he knew she was well fed.

  “You’re welcome to manage Blossom anytime you’d like.” Emma touched the top of her head. That must have been what banged against the box spring. “She’s got me wrapped around her paw.”

  He should be so lucky. “Let’s hope she doesn’t abuse the privilege. Head hurting?”

  “It’s just a little bump.”

  “You hit hard. Show me where.”

  Emma stared up at him, above the rim of her glasses. “You don’t have to manage me. I’m as far from a diva as you can get.”

  “True.” Genuineness was part of her appeal, another reason this dating game must be difficult for her. AJ had to bluff through business deals all the time. She was clearly a rookie at deception and that, above all, made him comfortable. “From what I’ve seen, you’re a model team player. A hard worker who pitches in where needed with no concern about herself. Now show me the bump.”

  “Yes, Coach.” She pointed to a spot on the top of her head. “Right here.”

  He gently touched the spot.

  She winced.

  AJ pulled his hand away. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Just a little tender.”

  He brought his hand back, more carefully this time. Her hair, still pulled back in a braid, was soft against his fingertips. “A slight goose egg.”

  “Told you I’ll be fine.”


  “Would have your grandmother in here fussing over me.”

  That wouldn’t be so bad. An audience would give them a reason to act like a couple, something they hadn’t done much of tonight since they’d been apart. “If it were me or the cat or one of the kids who were running around, you’d be the one fussing.”

  She shrugged, but the sheepish look on her face told AJ he was correct. The long day seemed to be weighing on Emma. She deserved a little TLC. “Change into your pajamas and I’ll get the ice.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Yes, but ice will help the swelling. You’ll feel better.” He brushed a strand of hair that had fallen out of her braid off her face. His hand lingered on her soft hair. “Let someone take care of you for once.”

  “It’s not necessary.”

  “Many things aren’t necessary, but we still do them out of respect or desire.”

  “Or duty.” Her face flushed a dark pink. So sweet.

  “I’ve never been great with that one.” He was operating off the first two options. If he didn’t move away from her now, he would kiss her. He’d promised her they wouldn’t touch without an audience. Practicing by the water had been pushing the rules. He couldn’t keep that up without being disrespectful. But his feet remained glued to the rug, his gaze locked on hers. Was that longing he glimpsed in her eyes?

  Something bumped against his leg. Once, twice. He looked at the floor. Blossom was squeezing between their feet.

  “Still hungry, kitty?” Emma stepped back, breaking the connection between them, and kneeled. The cat nuzzled against her hand. Purred. “She’s so content. I’ve never seen her act like this.”

  The cat rubbed against his legs, leaving orange fur on his pant leg. He hoped Haley’s Bay had a competent dry cleaner, otherwise Charlie would be driving to Long Beach or across the Columbia to Astoria. “She’s happy to be in a home. That’s all.”

  AJ should be happy the ca
t kept him from kissing Emma, but he wasn’t. Not really. That was a problem. Keeping a firm grip on his libido had always been essential for keeping himself—and his company—out of trouble. “I’ll be right back with the ice.”

  * * *

  Emma scrubbed her face, flossed, brushed her teeth, put on moisturizer, unbraided her hair and changed into a pair of sleep shorts and a camisole in less than seven minutes. Not quite a record, but she wanted to be under the covers before AJ returned.

  She stared at the queen-size bed, knowing she’d have to share it soon. “I can do this.”

  Blossom jumped onto the bed, circled around a pillow then lay on her back, exposing her tummy for belly rubs. Emma obliged. “Make yourself comfy, why don’t you? I hope it’s that easy for me.”

  The cat meowed.

  “You like AJ so much you sleep with him.”

  “I’m not sleeping with the cat.”

  Emma jumped. Her hand covered her chest. “Don’t be all ninja around me.”

  He closed the door behind him. “I didn’t realize I was stealthy.”

  “My heart’s pounding.”

  “Other women have experienced the same phenomenon around me. My ninja skills had nothing to do with their reaction.”

  The man was too charming for her own good. Rules and boundaries were in order. “Please knock or announce your presence the next time.”

  “Will a ‘Honey, I’m home’ work?”

  Having fun and playing around would be easy to do, but self-preservation told her no. “An ‘I’m back. Are you decent?’ will suffice.”

  His gaze raked over her, a slow appraisal that sent heat rushing through her veins. “If I was your boyfriend, I’d say you’re much better than decent.”

  “But you’re not.”

  “Right. So I’ll just do what you ask next time.”

  “Thanks.” And she’d dream he was her boyfriend.

  Something sparked in the air. Emma felt exposed. She crossed her arms over her chest, wishing she’d packed flannel pajamas even though it was summer. Staying in the same room was not going to work. Not at all. Sleep would be impossible with AJ Cole lying beside her. “I—”


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