Haley's Bay 01 - The Billionaire's Nanny

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Haley's Bay 01 - The Billionaire's Nanny Page 17

by Melissa McClone

  Emma rubbed her nose as if she could smell the scent now. “Mikey was a wrestler. Not that tall, but built solid and strong. He dragged me out of bed, pushed out the screen from the window, lifted me up to the sill and told me to jump.”

  “From the second story?” AJ asked.

  “Mikey said there was no other way out of the house.” Her hands trembled. She’d been terrified, clutching on to her brother’s T-shirt with two hands, waiting for their father to come bursting into the room and save them. But he never came. It had been just her and Mikey. “I clung to my brother. Cried. He said he’d be right behind me. But I couldn’t jump. Then he...he threw me out the window.”

  AJ sucked in a breath, gathered her closer. “Oh, Em...”

  “As I fell, I heard screams. Awful, horrible screams.” I wasn’t sure if it was me or Mikey or my parents.” She fought the urge to cover her ears. She knew the sound was in her memory and not real. “A loud boom sounded. An explosion. I expected Mikey to come to me, but he wasn’t in the front yard. He wasn’t anywhere. I looked back at the house to see it had collapsed. My brother, my mom and my dad were trapped inside. I never saw them again.”

  AJ held her, rubbed her arms, kissed her hair. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Me, too.” She closed her eyes, thinking about her family, then opened them. “I don’t remember what happened after that. I woke up in a hospital, but I’ve never forgotten that falling sensation. That’s why I don’t like to fly or go high on swings or ride roller coasters. I freak out and get sick.”


  “After I recovered, I was put into the foster care system because there were no relatives to take custody of me. My parents had never written a will and appointed a guardian. I bounced around with different families for five years until Libby’s parents became my foster parents the summer before my sophomore year of high school.”

  He caressed her cheek. “I noticed your smoke detector on the dresser, but had no idea.”

  The tenderness in his gaze made breathing difficult. “It’s not typical dinner conversation. I’ve never told Libby everything. No one knows but you.”

  He brushed his lips across Emma’s forehead. The gentle gesture warmed her cold insides. “Thank you for telling me. You’ve overcome a lot. You impress the hell out of me.”

  Emotion clogged her throat. She swallowed.

  His gaze on hers, he looked like he wanted to kiss her. Her heart skipped a beat, maybe two. She could use a kiss. Desperately. Emma moistened her lips. Waited. Hoped.

  AJ lowered his arm from around her. “Grab your purse and whatever else you need.”

  No kiss. Disappointment ricocheted through her. He hadn’t wanted to kiss her, even though she’d wanted...No. She didn’t want anything from him. Well, beyond a fast way to Portland.

  He raised his cell phone. “With the birthday party tomorrow, I’m calling in the reserves to help.”

  “The reserves?”

  “My brothers and sisters.”

  “But the party is my job.”

  “We’re a team, remember? And in case you forgot, as I had until you reminded me, I’m part of a very large extended family. And so are you. It’ll be fine.”

  Emma hoped so because all she wanted besides seeing the twins was to be a part of AJ’s family. She tucked her hair behind her ears. “Thank you.”

  * * *

  The limousine sped through town, a hair above the speed limit, but not enough to warrant a ticket from the officer on patrol, Grady, who waved as they passed. AJ had no doubt Charlie would get them to the airport in safe but record time.

  In the back of the limo, AJ kept his arm around Emma. Her muscles remained tense beneath his palm. The tight lines on her face hadn’t relaxed. She worried him. Hell, everything about this situation did from the injured child to Emma’s tragic past. He patted her shoulder. “We’ll be there soon.”

  “I’m sorry to leave you. I don’t know if I’ll be back tonight, but I’ll try to return before lunch tomorrow.”

  Did she really think he would let her go alone? The thought boggled his mind. “I’m going with you.”

  Her lips parted. “But the party—”

  “Is under control. Thanks to you.”

  Questions filled her gaze. Ones he wasn’t sure he could answer if she asked. But the more he learned about her, the more he admired her. The more he wanted... “I want to help you.”

  And he would. Any way he could.

  Her lips curved upward into a soft smile. “This is your vacation. Your first time home in ten years.”

  Her giving heart meant she thought of others before herself. Whether that was the children she cared for or a person like him she’d met only a couple days ago. But someone needed to put Emma’s needs first for once. He could do that. “My family understands.”

  “They think I’m your girlfriend.”

  “You are.”

  “Not really. Once we leave Haley’s Bay...”

  He brushed his lips across hers, fighting the urge to kiss her more deeply.

  But she didn’t need that now. “Don’t think about that now. Lean on me. I’m right here. You’re not going anywhere without me.”

  She rested her head against him.

  The limousine turned into the airport and parked. Charlie hopped out of the car, then opened the passenger door. AJ followed Emma out of the car. Lights illuminated the tarmac outside the hangar.

  She looked around, her eyes panicked. “Where’s the jet?”

  “No jet.” He pointed to the waiting helicopter. “We’re taking that instead.”

  “A helicopter?”

  “It’s not the same as flying in a plane. The momentum is different on take-off, more lift than propulsion. Might be easier for you. More distractions.”

  “This has gotta be costing you a lot of—”

  “I’ve been thinking about getting a helicopter for a while.”

  “You bought this helicopter today?”

  He nodded once.

  Her eyes gleamed with gratitude. “Thanks.”

  “Just trying to help.”

  He’d spend as much money as it took to keep her from relieving a nightmare. “Let’s go. The pilot is waiting.”

  She took a step toward the helicopter then stopped. Her body stiffened. “What if I get sick?”

  “The pilot knows about your takeoff issues. He said we’re good no matter what happens.”

  The look in her eyes made AJ feel like a superhero. “You think of everything.”

  “Not always.” Except with Emma, AJ didn’t want to forget anything. He wanted to do things for her himself, be in charge of all the details. “But this was easy.”

  He hoped the flight would be as easy for her. Buckled inside the helicopter with headphones on, AJ held Emma’s hand. The rotor spun. Blood drained from her face, leaving her skin ashen. Her free hand balled into a fist, knuckles white.

  He understood Emma’s fear.

  But if she didn’t relax she would make herself sick again.

  Emma needed a distraction. He knew what might work. All he needed to do was wait for the right moment.

  The pilot made his final checks. Almost time for liftoff. This was it. AJ lowered his mouth to Emma’s. So what if no one was around who needed to see them acting like boyfriend and girlfriend?

  His lips pressed against hers.

  So soft. And all his.

  Yeah, kissing was the perfect distraction.

  He wouldn’t mind being distracted like this for the rest of today. Tomorrow. Every day.

  Self-preservation screamed to stop kissing her. But he couldn’t.

  For Emma’s sake.

  Liar. He wanted to kiss her. For him.

  He paused. They were airborne. “Good?”

  She looked around. A grin spread across her face. “Really good.”

  “Let’s not slack off now. There could be turbulence or a cloud...” AJ brushed against her mouth and nipped her li
ps open.

  He might not get her into bed, but that didn’t matter. Having sex with Emma wasn’t the reason that he helped her get to the hospital. He was her friend. No ulterior motives involved.

  What was happening to him? Emma had gotten under his skin. Even that damn cat was growing on him. Letting them go was going to be harsh, and unwelcome.

  The realization made him deepen the kiss. He would give all he could and take what he could get. For now.

  * * *

  At the hospital, Emma skirted past AJ, who held open the door to Abbie’s room. A cartoon played on the television, one of the girls’ favorites. Trey stood next to the bed. Keely, the new nanny, sat on a recliner with Annie on her lap. Abbie looked so tiny in the hospital bed, tubes and wires connected to her bruised and broken body. Bandages covered her face. Gauze wrapped around her head. A cast was on her left arm.

  Emma’s heart tightened. Goose bumps covered her cold skin. She fought the urge to rub her hands over her arms and forced a smile instead. “Hello, everyone.”

  Annie jumped up from the chair, ran and threw herself against Emma. “You’re here. I knew you would come. Abbie, I told you she would come.”

  Emma hugged the little girl. Sticky fingers touched her skin. “It’s awesome to see you, Annie. You’ve gotten taller.”

  “I’ve missed you so much. Abbie has, too.”

  “Well, I’m here now.”

  “Yay.” Annie wouldn’t let her go. “Just like you promised.”

  “It’s important to keep your word.”

  “I remember.”

  Emma let go of Annie, then kissed the girl’s forehead. “Of course you do. You’re a very smart girl.”

  Annie led Emma by the hand across the room to the hospital bed. “Abbie’s going to be fine. Right, Daddy?”

  “That’s right, pumpkin.”

  Trey looked as if he’d aged ten years since Emma had seen him last. His usually coiffed hair was disheveled, as if the strands hadn’t seen a comb in days. Whiskers covered his normally clean-shaven face. But the worry clouding his gaze and the deep lines at the corners and around his mouth surprised her the most. He looked wary, exhausted, ten years older.

  “Hey, sweet princess.” Emma touched the injured girl’s left pinkie, one of the few places that didn’t have any bruises or cuts. “It’s so good to see you.”

  Abbie’s dry lips formed an O, then curved upward. “Emma.”

  A lump burned in her throat. “I’m here, baby.”

  “Annie said you’d come.” Abbie’s voice sounded hoarse and weak. “All I had to do was ask.”

  Emma’s chest tightened. She picked up the water cup and stuck the straw in Abbie’s mouth. The girl sipped. “I’m sorry you’re hurting.”

  The straw fell from her lips. “Better me than Annie.”

  Tears stung Emma’s eyes. “You’re such a good sister.”

  “Like you taught me to be.” Abbie moved her hand to hold Emma’s.

  Trey gasped. “She moved her hand.”

  Keely touched his arm, a gesture of comfort and sympathy. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close so her head rested against his shoulder. The two looked more like a couple than an employer and employee, but their relationship was none of Emma’s business. She was here for the girls, nothing else.

  “I need to get the doctor,” Trey said, then walked out of the room.

  Emma focused on Abbie. “Are you as tall as Annie now?”


  AJ stood next to the bed. “So this is Abbie.”

  Abbie’s eyes widened. Her dry lips parted. “It’s Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid.”

  “I’m AJ,” he said. “Emma’s friend.”

  “It’s Prince Eric,” Abbie said again.

  Annie studied AJ with a discriminating eye. “My sister’s right. You look like Prince Eric.”

  From the expression on AJ’s face, he didn’t have a clue who they meant. Emma took the opportunity to study him. “You know...the girls are right. Well, if you transformed yourself into a cartoon character.”

  “Who is Prince Eric?” AJ asked, sounding confused.

  Annie giggled. “Emma’s favorite prince.”

  “My favorite from the Disney princess movies,” Emma clarified.

  Trey returned. “The doctor will be right here. This is the most alert Abbie’s been. Thank you so much for coming, Emma. You brought a friend?”

  “Oh, my goodness.” Emma let go of Annie. “Where are my manners? I totally forgot to introduce all of you.”

  “You were concerned about the girls,” AJ said.

  Trey extended his arm. “Trey Lundberg.”

  The two men shook hands. “AJ Cole.”

  “That name sounds familiar.” Trey’s mouth quirked. “The tech mogul. The one your friend works for.”

  “Emma works for me, too,” AJ said.

  “I’m filling in for Libby.” Emma didn’t want to get into too many details. This wasn’t the time with Annie plastered against her side and Abbie holding her hand.

  “You’ve met Abbie. This pretty princess is Annie.” Emma motioned to the nanny. “That’s Keely.”

  “Nice to meet you, AJ.” Keely stared at Emma. “Your coming so quickly means the world to the girls and us.”

  Us. Definitely a couple, especially if the sparkling diamond engagement ring on Keely’s hand was from Trey. Emma had to admit the two looked good together.

  Trey cleared his throat. “The doctor will be here shortly. Could you take Annie to the cafeteria for a few minutes?”

  “Yes,” Emma said. “We’ll have a snack.”

  “Ice cream.” Annie shimmied her shoulders. “I want ice cream. Emma loves ice cream.”

  “I didn’t know that,” AJ said.

  Annie nodded. “Rocky road is Em’s favorite.”

  Emma pushed a strand of hair off Abbie’s face. “It’s true. But do you know my second-favorite flavor?”

  “Butter pecan,” Trey answered, to her surprise.

  “How did you know that?” she asked.

  “There was always a pint of that and one of rocky road in the freezer. The girls only eat chocolate or cookie dough.”

  Annie tugged on Emma’s arm. “Can we get ice cream now? Please?”

  Emma leaned over the bed to whisper into Abbie’s ear. “We’ll be back in a few minutes. As soon as you feel better, I’ll take you for ice cream. Okay?”

  Abbie gave a half nod.

  Emma held Annie’s hand as they exited the room. The little girl looked up at AJ. “What’s your favorite ice cream, Mr. Prince Eric?”

  “Rocky road,” he said.

  “Just like Emma.”

  His gaze met hers, a tender glance full of affection. “We have lots in common.”

  Emma’s pulse quickened. “Do you like butter pecan, too?”

  “No, but I don’t mind black walnut.”

  Annie beamed. “You both like nuts. I like peanuts.”

  “What about hot fudge?” AJ asked.

  The girl nodded, her ponytails bouncing furiously.

  “Emma likes chocolate, too.” AJ winked. “I saw her having seconds of my grandmother’s brownies.”

  “I only had two.”

  He laughed. “You could have had more.”

  Emma wished she could have him.

  Wait. What was she thinking? She wasn’t. That was the problem. Her worry about Abbie was no excuse. Kissing most of the helicopter ride had addled Emma’s brains. She needed to be more careful around AJ. Much more careful.

  “I’m hungry,” Annie said.

  Emma realized she’d mentally drifted away for a moment. Something she had a habit of doing when AJ was around. She looked at the little girl and fought the urge to sniff the strawberry shampoo scent in Annie’s hair. But Emma couldn’t get too close. She was no longer their nanny. “Let’s find you some ice cream.”

  Chapter Twelve

  In the hospital gift shop, AJ bought stu
ffed animals for both girls and a bouquet of flowers with Get Well balloons for Abbie. He returned to the room to find Trey and Emma gone. AJ gave the presents to the girls, earning him smiles, thank-yous and a hug from a bear.

  Annie curtsied, cuddling her stuffed bear like a baby. “Thank you, Mr. Prince Eric.”

  “You’re welcome.” He bowed. “Fine princess.”

  Abbie’s frog sat next to her on the pillow while a nurse checked her vitals. The girl stared at the flowers with a smile on her bruised face. AJ would make sure fresh flowers and balloons were delivered every day during Abbie’s recovery.

  “You didn’t finish telling me about the ice cream,” Keely said to Annie.

  “We had two scoops of ice cream.” The girl bounced from foot to foot, making AJ wonder if she needed to use the bathroom, but Keely didn’t seem alarmed. “Two big scoops.”

  “Did you eat all the ice cream?” Keely asked.

  “Every last bit. I had chocolate with whipped cream and a cherry. Emma and AJ both had rocky road. That’s their favorite. But they didn’t want whipped cream or a cherry. I don’t know why they wouldn’t want a cherry. That’s the best part.”

  Keely toyed with Annie’s pigtail. “Did the ice cream taste good?”

  “Oh, yes. The best.”

  “Sounds like special ice cream.”

  “It was.” Annie lowered her voice. “Especially since Mr. Prince Eric bought me a soda to drink.”

  “Wow.” Keely touched the little girl’s shoulder, reminding him of Risa interacting with her two kids. Emma had been attentive, but not as warm and fuzzy with Annie downstairs in the cafeteria. “Ice cream with a soda would be the best.”

  “I know.” Annie held up her bear. “And he also got me this.”

  Keely shook her head. “So cute.”

  “Abbie loves her frog already.”

  “Frogs are very special,” Keely said. “Just like bears.”

  “Special like you and Emma.” Annie hugged Keely. “Though you get to be my new mommy, not just my nanny.”

  AJ watched the two and realized there was a slight disconnect, a distance, in the way Emma interacted with the two girls. Oh, she cared about Abbie and Annie. Emma’s coming to the hospital at a moment’s notice was proof of that, but Keely acted more like a mom while Emma seemed—he searched for a word—guarded. No, perhaps professional was a better description, since Emma was nurturing and affectionate. But not even that adjective truly fit, because someone who was only doing their job wouldn’t be here or trying to get him to reconcile with his family. Maybe he was off base. Except...


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