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Trey Roberts and the Ancestor's Wish

Page 25

by Lee Magnus

  Trey released the woman and gazed at the disk in his hand. He peered out upon the slowly blackening village. Realizing nothing could have survived he wailed in a river of tears.

  “I couldn’t save them! I’m so sorry! I tried but I couldn’t save them!” he moaned to the woman uncontrollably. “Please forgive me!” he continued. She pulled him close and held him as if he were her own child. “Please forgive me,” he whimpered into her arms.


  Trey helped Sharina and her child onto a camel. He climbed aboard his and they set out on a slow southeast journey toward Dashur.

  They were warmly greeted by Karim upon reaching Dahshur. Trey’s former major burns, now minor injuries, were treated by an old shaggy black-haired woman. He changed into a less charred wrapped cloth shirt and belt similar to the fabric he wore before – it hung well below his waist. His pants remained mostly intact with only a few small burn holes.

  Trey described in a flurry of tears, the fire and destruction of Saqqara and how everyone but the woman and infant perished.

  “You were quite brave to face the challenge. I know no one with that kind of courage, including myself. I will personally see to the protection and comfort of Sharina and her child. Will you stay with us for the night? It’s nearly dark out.”

  “I must return to my time. I have a lot to finish,” Trey replied.

  “Very well. Olerand wanted me to tell you one last thing before you leave us.”

  “Yeah? What was that?”

  “He said to trust the queen. She will be a valuable guide in your future quest.”

  “The queen? You mean Lyza? The tall dark headed beautiful woman?”

  “Yes. That is a good description,” Karim said chuckling.

  “I will and I do,” he replied. “Will you walk with me to where I arrived?”


  Sharina approached Trey. She grabbed him by the waist and lifted him in a great hug.

  “Thank you for my baby’s life, young boy. I am eternally grateful for your heroic acts.” He hugged her back with no verbal reply.

  Trey and Karim found the hut in which Trey arrived to be vacant. The old woman was nowhere in sight.

  Trey sat on the floor. He looked up at Karim and said, “Thank you, Karim. Thank you for helping me today. You didn’t question any part of it.”

  “You’re welcome, Trey. But I had prepared for this day. You see I’ve been having these weird dreams.”

  Trey laughed, then said, “You too, huh? One more thing.”

  “What is it, Trey?”

  “The next time you see me, please don’t squeeze so hard.”

  “I don’t see how we’ll see each other again but Ok. I’ll be careful,” he said with a questioning look.

  “Also, thanks in advance for letting me use your bike.”

  “Bike? What’s a bike?”

  “You’ll see in a few thousand years,” Trey said smiling.

  Trey placed the ring on his right index finger, closed his eyes, raised the hand above his head, imagined re-emerging in the warehouse at the time he left. He pulled himself back into his proper timeline leaving Karim in astonishment at Trey’s gradual top to bottom disappearance.


  “Trey! Get up, dude!” he heard Karim yell.

  It didn’t work, Trey thought. I’ll be trapped in the ancient past forever. He opened his eyes to reveal a shipping container full of zombies and Karim urging him to move.

  “Karim! It’s you!”

  “Yeah! Now move it!”

  Trey stood then began running through the warehouse with Lyza, Karim and the remaining rescue force.

  “What are you wearing, Trey? Where did you get that crazy shirt?”

  Lyza’s questioning ignited Trey into action.

  “No! Wait!” Trey said sliding to a halt, his ancient tunic ruffled with the momentum.

  He turned facing the oncoming horde.

  “Trey! No! We must escape!” Lyza shrieked.

  “I know! Come to me!”

  “Puzzled at the change of confidence in the young boy, the team stopped. They flanked Trey on either side and behind.

  “What are you doing, Trey! You’re going to get us all killed!” yelled Karim.

  Trey glanced at the concerned ageless man as he removed something from his pocket. Just as a surge of rogglets began a forceful attack they all fell to the ground motionless upon the busting of the cold black object in Trey’s hand.

  “Run for that exit! Now!” Trey pointed.

  “What did you do!” Lyza exclaimed.

  “I’ll explain later, just run!”

  “Now is the time you left?” Karim looked at Trey as if Trey were a dog dressed as a clown walking a tightrope or something else just as absurd. “You left for ancient Egypt during this fight?” he questioned Trey who responded with a shrug.

  Karim shook his head in disbelief as they exited through a door to an outside parking lot. As they rushed past the blasted hole in the wall, Trey eyed Commerand emerging alone from the large warehouse. Trey stopped to face Commerand at a distance.

  “I will free you, brother!” Trey said passionately.

  Commerand taking advantage of the moment, lifted Trey off the ground with the staff then crashed him hard on the concrete pavement.

  Lyza yelled, “Trey! Noooo!” as she and Karim turned to assist the young boy.

  Commerand whisked them away with a wave of the magical staff.

  Trey wearily stood. He straightened tall and unsheathed the sword.

  Commerand continued the assault by hurling Trey into a parked semi-truck leaving a dent in a side panel. The sword dislodged from his grip and clanged loudly against the pavement several feet away.

  Before Trey gained solid footing Commerand, still a distance away, reached with lanky fingers and raised him off the ground by his neck.

  Trey fought for leverage but couldn’t grab a foothold on the truck’s smooth surface. He flailed his arms wildly. Commerand swiftly moved him left breaking the trucks’ mirror with Trey’s shoulder then slammed him hard against the door cracking the window with the back of his head.

  Trey fought for air. Blood struggled to find a vital pathway through choked arteries. He grasped at his throat attempting to thwart the telekinetic clutch.

  Freedom seemed hopeless as Commerand held Trey’s near lifeless body in a death grip. Strength seeped from his muscles as consciousness became cloudy.

  Commerand stood emotionlessly holding the staff erect with the base resting on the hot pavement and the other hand outstretched toward the feeble child.

  Lyza and Karim watched helplessly from afar as the young boy began to give up. One of Trey’s hands fell from his throat. Moments later the other. Trey dangled limply against the truck.

  Trey’s eyes searched feverishly for a solution but found none. He cut them desperately at Lyza. He reached out to her. His eyes bled with fear. She ran to try to help but Commerand held her away with the rise of the staff. He closed them briefly before opening quickly again to search once more. Finding no help, he closed them gently as his hopeful arm dropped to his side.

  A whirlpool of colors grew bright behind closed eyes. Reds, blues and yellows spun into a brilliant white. Trey eased near the sharp but painless light. He reached for it. He wanted it badly – more than anything else he’d ever known. But it was too far. He tried to move closer, but it stayed at an unreachable distance. It pulsed with each beat of his heart – each time brighter and more spectacular. He reached again, screaming in his mind to grasp it. Just a touch, he thought, would make the world right. Just a touch would end this pain.

  Commerand strengthened his grip, ensuring a quick end to the child that defied him – the child destined to set him free.

  Trey admired the light. He became complacent and happy to be in its presence. He smiled inside as his body was nearly finished. He reached easily again to caress the light – to bathe in its glow. It pulsed brighter than any other tim
e – like a supernova – to only happen once.

  Trey found himself holding the light. Joy overcame his mind. He smiled physically. Then, a blade of recognition coursed through his soul.

  Lyza watched as the sword rose, flashed a brilliant white then rocketed into Trey’s hand. He then circled the sword around breaking Commerand’s grip. Trey fell to the ground gasping for breath. He nearly caught his breath when he rose to a knee and defended another assault from the deathly sorcerer. Trey maintained his footing. He briefly conjured an image of the sword fending off Commerand’s attacks.

  Upon Commerand’s next move, Trey successfully thwarted it with a matching wave of the sword. His eyes blazed as he sturdily rose to both feet and assumed an aggressive stance with the sword firmly in front. He looked through cold hazel eyes as Commerand was visibly surprised with the boy’s successful resistance.

  The dark sorcerer continued unrelentingly as he overpowered Trey into a slow retreat. Several rogglets regained consciousness and took to the battle.

  The two danced an imaginary sword fight from a distance as Commerand attacked while Trey matched in defense.

  “Look, Lyza!” Karim exclaimed.

  “I know. He’s starting to believe!”

  “Over to that car! Quickly!” Karim said to Lyza.

  In a brief moment, as Commerand sliced the great staff down, Trey countered with a side-step and a lateral lash that threw Commerand off balance enough for Trey to disengage the powerful sorcerer in time to tumble into the open back door of a slowly passing car.

  Karim powered the car away from the warehouse, skidded onto the highway, then out of sight.

  Home Again

  “That was too close!” Trey exhaled. “You got there just in time!” He breathed heavily while holding his throat.

  “I thought you were gone,” Karim said to Trey who was sprawled out in the back seat.

  “I think I was. I don’t really know what happened.”

  “You did good, Trey,” Karim said proudly.

  Lyza added, “No, Trey. You did great! I’ve never seen that before. It was amazing.”

  “Why is it that…” Trey took a labored breath, “…everything amazing has to come from me nearly dying?”

  Lyza laughed uneasily, “It seems that way doesn’t it. We’ll have to change that, now won’t we?”

  “Please do,” Trey promptly replied.

  They all shared a brief laugh.

  Lyza continued, “We had no idea Commerand would be there. We thought we were just dealing with the Phoenix’s men,” said Karim.

  “What happened to him, The Phoenix?” Trey asked.

  Lyza looked back over her seat and said, “We don’t know. His men were mostly eliminated by the rogglets, so it seems that he was also surprised by the attack.”

  “I’m sure he ran away. That coward,” Karim added.

  “What about the loads of zombies?” Trey shivered at the memory.

  “There’s nothing we can do about them right now,” Karim replied. “Commerand controls the warehouse. It’ll be nearly impossible to penetrate while it’s occupied by so many rogglets. By the way, good thing Olerand gave you that orb.”

  “So, you do remember after all those years? It was just this afternoon to me.” Trey said laughing. “Oh my god, Karim, how are you still alive?” he continued in astonishment.

  “All the protectors are ageless while in possession of the relics,” he replied.

  “You’re a protector of a relic? Which one?”

  Karim looked at Lyza who nodded in agreement. “He turned to where Trey could see him holding out the tiny staff charm attached to a titanium neck chain. “I have Olerand’s.” There are only two people who know about it besides me, You and Lyza.”

  “Don’t you mean, Queen Raferti?” Trey said accusingly.

  Lyza looked at Trey sternly.

  “Don’t you look at me like that!” Trey said in an angry tone. “You lied to me! You were…still are Khaitu’s wife. How do we know you aren’t just looking for the relics so you can free him yourself?”

  “How did you find out who I am?”

  “The Phoenix. He told me. He told me you wanted to free Khaitu.”

  “Do you trust him?”

  “No. I don’t guess so. But I do trust Olerand. He said I should trust you. So, I guess I will. Sorry, I yelled at you. It’s been a hard day.”

  “Olerand?” Raferti said clearly surprised. “When did you speak with Master Olerand?”

  “Who O? He and I go way back,” Trey said laughing. He closed his eyes and said, “I just want my bed. I’m so tired.”

  She smiled and said, “Ok, Trey. Let’s get you home.”


  “Trey! It’s time to go!”

  “Just a few more minutes,” he mumbled.

  “Trey! Get up, it’s time to go home,” she said budging him on the shoulder.

  “Home? Huh?” he asked groggily. “Home! Yes! Let’s go home!” he said sitting up.

  “I called Nick. He’ll be waiting for you. Do you have your key?”

  “Yeah, it’s in my pack,” he said as he pulled out the green bag.

  “Aroushidium,” he said then pulled out the key as he regarded the pill shaped capsule containing the demon Koltek. He thought, there’s no reason to let them know what I’m about to do. Grandpa will fill her in in time. Probably best no one knows about the key – just yet.

  “That’s a neat bag. What’ve you been doing since you’ve been gone?” asked Raferti.

  Trey closed the bag quickly then said with a big smile, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  “We’ll have to have a sit down soon to discuss all of this,” she said with a sly smile.

  Trey’s brow furrowed and he looked down into the floorboard. “My family and friends still aren’t safe, are they?” He then looked up. She saw at that moment the young boy that was thrust into a perilous world against his will.

  “You are as safe as you’ve ever been, but not to freak you out you’re definitely on Commerand’s watch list. Fortunately for you, he’s still focused on the relics and I don’t believe he knows you have one. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let you leave the warehouse with it. He also doesn’t know where the rest are, so he’ll be looking for the eye and the book, if he even knows the book exists.”

  “And you still have people watching us?” Trey asked

  “Yes. Well, most of them are people.”

  “I’m not sure I like how you worded that.”

  “They are….”

  “No. Don’t tell me. I’ve had enough for today. What’s the shape of the D.C. portal we used before?”

  “It’s like this,” she said as she drew the shape in the air with an outstretched finger. “Form a star then leave an ‘L’ down here at the bottom.”

  “I wish I could have remembered that back in Roberton.”

  “Where?” She asked.

  “Our sit-down. Remember? We’ll discuss all that at our sit down,” Trey said with a crafty smile.

  “Oh yeah?” she said laughing.

  “Take care, Trey. We’ll be in touch.”

  He hugged them both tightly, then said, “I’ll miss you guys, but I certainly don’t want to see either of you for a long time.”

  They all had a brief laugh then Trey said, “Till next time.”

  He bent the key and was again amazed when it animated to form a perfect star and L. He touched the key to the portal. He appeared in front of Nick standing next to the old well.

  Nick rushed to hug Trey, then said, “I’m so glad to see you! I thought I’d never see you again.”

  “It’s good to see you too,” Trey said lovingly to the man who filled in many empty spaces that his father left behind.

  “I thought I’d have to tell your mom what happened. They’d lock me up you know?”

  “Yeah. They would,” Trey smiled.

  He stood back, then continued, “What on earth are you wearing? Here, Lyza said yo
u would need a change of clothes.” He handed Trey a pair of jeans and a hoodie.

  “You’ll never be able to tell this story. Don’t even try,” Trey said as he shook away the surreal memories.

  They got into Nick’s car then drove to Trey’s house.


  Trey rushed in through the kitchen door and grabbed his mom around the waist.

  “I’m so glad to be home, Mom!” he said hugging her tightly.

  “I’m glad to have you back too,” she said happily with a confused look.

  “Teenagers. You know. All the hormones and such,” Nick said reassuringly at the door.

  “Thanks for bringing him home, Nick.”

  “No problem, Janet. I hope you all have a nice evening together.”

  “You too!” she said.

  “Thanks for the ride. Mr. H! See you at school Monday!”

  “Later, Trey,” he said walking to his car.

  Trey turned back to his mom. “Did I already tell you it’s great to be home?” Trey said as he hugged her tightly again.

  “Yes, you did. And you stink like you haven’t bathed in two days. You go on and get a shower.”

  “Yes, Mom,” he said smiling.

  “And put away that sword! It’s not right to be carrying around a weapon!” she said worriedly.

  “Yes, Mom!” he yelled from down the hall.

  Trey showered, placed the bag full of magical items on the bed post for quick access then removed the bag holding the portal key and Koltek.

  Grandpa Patrick

  Trey set the small bags on his dresser. He said Aroushidium then removed the capsule. He held it to his eye and thought he herd a faint buzzing sound. He then grasped the other bag in the same hand as the capsule, paused to reflect on what he might say, then turned the contents out onto his other hand.

  “Logos, I have returned with Koltek. Release Patrick Roberts.”

  “Indeed, you have,” Logos replied almost before Trey could finish his statement. “There is but one more thing – leave with me the Ragnastant’s key and I will release your grandfather.

  “That wasn’t part of our deal. Our deal was –“


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