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The Dao of Magic: Book III

Page 22

by Andries Louws

He smirks at her glaring face. “You regret throwing away half of my cultivation base yet?”

  “Hah, I knew that you minded. You acted so aloof and uncaring when I talked to you about re-cultivating a single core.”

  Drew only smirks some more. “Yes, I totally mind that you decided to earn it yourself instead of being a gold digger. Off you go. I’ll go and kidnap some more students. Do you mind if I imitate your kin, by the way?”

  Rolling her eyes, Re-Haan jumps from the tower.

  “Go wild!” Re-Haan does not reply to his shout.

  “Okay Lola, wanna try becoming an ice dragon?”

  Re-Haan ignores the discussion between Drew and his rabbit as she falls down. All the air in a ten-meter sphere around her contracts as it clads her right fist in a violet sheen. She swings her clenched hand downwards moments before hitting the street, striking the cobblestone with a thundering explosion of air.

  The guided blast punches through a meter of solid mana—enforced rock. She falls through the hole into a large cavern and lands amidst a billowing plume of dust and debris. The dust halts and reverts direction, shooting upwards as Re-Haan lifts her left hand.

  “Damn, that hurts.” She grits her teeth and pulls on a bent finger of her right hand. The scales covering her digits retract as she puts the broken bone back into place. “Stupid Drew and his heartcore. I want two cores…”

  Mumbling to herself, she starts walking through the large space. She ignores the piles of glittering gold and rare metals, walking past barrels of priceless wines and bolts of exquisite cloth,, without giving them a single glance. The dark surroundings start becoming lighter as she nears a different section of the storage area. Piled up in large barrels,, and laid out on rows of shelves,, she finds an enormous collection of mana crystals.

  Re-Haan starts glowing white, her furry ears and anthropomorphic legs turn liquid as her form expands. The light dies down and a majestic white dragon is lit up by the multicoloured gleam emitted from the crystals. Many shelves and barrels are crushed as Re-Haan lies down on top of the hoard.

  She had sensed a large hollow space while rampaging through the small city and started making plans the moment she sensed the ungodly amount of mana in solid form stored there.


  Drew and Re-Haan have been sailing for a day or two now. She has been loving every single second of the journey, much to her surprise. The plan to intervene with the mana dungeon fight in a week keeps her mind busy.

  The amount of missions and quests she has been giving out has lessened. That was not something she saw saw coming. Instead of giving out a clear mission, she now crafts imaginary scenarios that need a solution. Many minds can see more than a single one. Even if those many minds don’t have the raw thinking capacity that she or Drew have.

  The first one she tested this new new system with was a replica of her library mission. The solutions that the students have been coming up with kept her slapping her forehead in realization. She has given the best and most supported potential solutions the green light, allowing them to perform the missions on their own initiative with resounding success.

  The scenarios she has the students propose solutions for now all have to do with incapacitating large amounts of mana wielders or repelling large-scale sea creatures. The most dangerous ones are vetoed immediately.

  This type of loose and free management is already paying dividends as products and tests are being made and performed that Re-Haan never really thought about. A general skill that nearly everyone is now learning is one of these products, a water walking technique that has an excellent qi—to—result efficiency.

  The fact that qi can now be reliably measured - thanks to a certain braincore and heartcore couple - helped tremendously in this regard. All solutions are now evaluated on two main criteria,, replicability and energy efficiency.

  A complex but perfect solution is useless if the materials needed to craft them are impossible to acquire in large quantities. On the other hand, a perfect solution is also useless if the energy requirements are practicallypractically impossible to reach.

  So, Rhea has been developing a rather odd hands-off management approach while lounging on the ship.

  Her physical needs are being met by Drew, who keeps feeding her delicious food and keeps doing delicious things to her body. Although it needs to be said that she has started to gain small victories here and there in terms of the sensual arts. She has a chart tucked away in a private section of her mind that compares her different shapeshifted forms to the effort Drew has been putting in.

  A clearly sectioned type of management with discrete borders but a lot of freedom, that’s what she has grown confident in the past few days. So confident that she feels like she sees the true beginning of that path.

  So Re-Haan breathes out, expelling all of her qi into her surroundings. It flows slowly, but the shining crystals around her take up all of her attention. The wind stops caressing her draconic form as it stills. The mana crystals start rattling against their containers and each other as a higher energy invades their structure, ripping loose the bonds keeping them in solid form.

  She previously would have assigned a process to disintegrate the crystals when needed. Now she just pulls on them in the correct spot, trusting that they will disintegrate on their own. Taking a deep breath of the mana and qi—laden air, she opens her connection to Database. Even though the odd construct made from qi and jade is in another dimension, she can see it as if it was in front of her.

  The mental construct has a single starting point, a nexus through which all data flows;; aa point very similar to Drew. . From that point, the web of information spreads. Each person working for her is there at the end of the web, connected to flows of data and feedback. Almost like a tree.

  And just like that, the image of a tree is stuck in her mind. Unwillingly she finds other links. Like how a tree is sustained by its leaves, all identical and doing a small part of the whole. How the tree itself is still but allows for a large amount of dynamic movement. The trunk is merely a vehicle through which the water and nutrients flow to the hard-working leaves.

  The fruits are also made by the leaves. Leaves come and go, the tree makes the whole while the leaves are transient, much like someone overseeing an operation with changing personnel. Even devoid of underlings - like a bare tree in winter - the supporting structure is there, recuperating until the next time it’s needed.

  Amidst a swirling vortex of qi, mana,, and wind, crying inside at the injustice of it all, Rhea’s foundation is laid in the form of a majestic tree.

  chapter twenty-five


  In a place with only clouds, a girl is falling. Black hair whipping in the wind, she has her eyes closed and a serene expression on her pale face. Her arms are outstretched and her fingers wiggle as if she is trying to feel for a way to grasp the wind slipping through her digits. She takes a deep breath in - only slightly hampered by the fact that she is falling at terminal velocity - and breathes out.

  Fog blacker than midnight blooms from her back as it travels along her face and neck. The swirling blackness shapes into two long forms as they coalesce into wings. Her arms and legs are drawn downwards as her torso suddenly gains a large amount of wind resistance. For a few moments it seems like she will remain stable, only for her to tumble sideways while shrieking seconds later.

  She tumbles through the air, rapidly approaching a thick cloud bank. Instead of soaring through the fog-like obstacle, she smashes into it face first, sinking a few meters into the softly textured floor. She stands up on wobbly legs and starts looking upwards. She gently puts an elegant hand to her mouth before shouting in a thunderous volume.


  A boy embraced by a chaotic swirl of flat pieces of metal soars through the clouds and into view. He looks down on her like an immortal being, a cold sneer on his lips as he casts cold eyes downwards.

  “No… Te
ssy… figure it out for yourself.” And he flies off, large sheets of metal flapping the air.

  Tess takes a deep breath while looking down. Her clenched fists tremble as veins pop out on her forehead. “Ow… wait a minute. Why should I bother with wings?”

  Her previous anger forgotten, she now frowns while she looks at her hands. “Bored and unsure…” One hand becomes black and smoky. “Happiness? Being at peace, was it? OI KET! WHAT ARE THE GOOD LIGHT—MANA EMOTIONS!”

  Ket pops out of a cloud. “Contentment and overconfidence! I think that’s why Danarius is such a happy go lucky guy but still manages to be a condescending asshole.” The clouds around him swirl,, as he moves the metal around,, while the fog swallows him up again.

  “Content and conceit. Hmm.” Her other hand flickers with some flashes of light, pin pricks of brightness that shine red through her skin. She looks between both hands with a thoughtful expression on her face. She then shakes her head again as if freeing herself from a trance. “Not mana, qi. And there is something here. It is both or in-between?”

  “STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF, WEIRDO!” she hears a shout from above.

  Hiding her smile, Tess starts jumping up and down. Her legs and arms shake and dissolve in uncoordinated ways each time she launches herself upwards. Ket pops his head out of the clouds again, confusion plastered on his face. He shrugs and starts flying around the dungeon floor again.

  The twenty-fifth level is an odd one. Dark blue sky and clouds as far as the eye can see, the floor seems endless at first glance. But, as Tess so aptly demonstrated, there are definite limits to its seeming endlessness.

  Ket looks upwards, spinning half of the plates around him in the opposite direction of the other half. A good quarter of his solid braincore is dedicated to calculating the needed movement for flight. The irregularly shaped,, flat pieces of metal at his disposal only helping to to complicate the needed calculations. His first attempts at free flight took up all his thinking capacity and then some before he designed a few efficient formulas and simulation models.

  Now he has the plates arranged in two clusters, each spinning around him. Changing the angle of deflection of the plates allows him to move as free as a bird. The order for regularly shaped,, metal wing segments is already being produced by Database;; he only needs to wait for them to be finished and go pick them up. Ket considers the option of making a delivery mission, but decides that it isn’t worth the cost.

  He halts at the upper cloud limit that bars his way, an irregular barrier of soft but unyielding fluff.

  “Hey Ket, I finally figured it out.” He turns to see a beaming Tess hovering in the air. Her entire form flickers black multiple times a second, causing Ket’s eyes to hurt and water slightly.

  “Are you making small shadow jumps?”

  Tess nods enthusiastically. “Yeah.”

  “Let’s get going then.” And the two fly off towards the dark stairwell suspended in a solid looking cloud. They silently land and walk down the narrow stairs. They step out onto slowly moving water.

  “This floor is still super weird,” Tess says as she looks around. Dark blue water forms walls, floorss and ceiling, slow ripples moving across the surface.

  “Agreed. The swimming birds don’t help.” Ket stares at a duck-like creature with a complicated look. The happily quacking fowl is swimming on the ceiling, leaving ripples in its wake while,, seemingly ignoring gravity. Ket sighs and flicks his finger at the beast, exploding it in a red feathery mist.

  “That’s a bit overkill, no?” Tess asks while avoiding the expanding red stain. She suddenly stops. “I got all distracted! Damn. Ket, what the hell? Who were those kids? What the fuck dude…”

  Ket sighs again. “Uhm, no time to talk about that. Enemies.” He points deeper into the tunnel, where a large gathering of swimming birds approaches from a large open space. Tess rolls her eyes and disappears in a dark flash. A black streak travels across the crowd of beasts and Tess is standing in front of Ket again, her figure framed by the slow toppling of many bird heads.

  “Alright,, I was helped by a baggage carrier when I was younger, okay? It only seemed right to pay it forward.” The duo keeps walking through the dark watery hallways, fighting enemies with contemptuous ease.

  “What happened to him?” Tess asks after a long period of violent silence. They reach the stairs to the next floor before Ket answers.

  “He… yyou know. What always happens to baggage carriers.” They fall silent again as they step onto the next floor. The stairs end in caves made from wood, bark adorning the walls instead of stone, with smooth wooden floors.

  “Okay. Let’s fix it. We’ve got the power now. No need for any more of those kindskinds of stories.” Tess wipes plant sap from her fist as she kicks the wilting leaf construct aside. Each large room has plants and leaves littered everywhere that transform into plant monsters when they detect movement.

  “That was my plan, yes. Thanks…” Ket manages to cut through half of the plants in the next room before they start wrapping themselves into monster form. The remaining plants immediately charge at them instead of cautiously feeling them out, as if enraged by Ket’s pruning.

  “So, what’s the plan anyway? We’ve got a location and some recruits. What do we do when they wake up?”

  “We will check what their forms of cultivation are,, first of all. Who knows what form their bases will take, thanks to a certain girl interrupting my speech.”

  Tess grins at him. “Telling them to form cores would have been so boring! I want to know what new minds can do with qi. Ferah and Rodrick did other stuff, Teach always tells us to find our own path, but I think that even the cores are part of someone else’s path. I think I’ll cultivate something new when I reach foundation.”

  The two cultivators speed through the dark floors while chatting, only pausing at the sight of a large two-headed dog.

  “Wow, floor thirty already. This is a lot easier now.” Tess says while stretching.

  “We are many, many times stronger than the first time Teach forced us to fight here. You might have a good point, about the core locations. Teach has a lot of books about his previous world on Database, and everything I read about that place indicates that it is millions of years old. I think that world also took a path, making core cultivation the only viable options after millennia of people thinking like that.”

  Tess takes a sprinter’s position, disappears into fog and reappears a second later. She drops a a large still—beating heart to the floor, shaking her hand free of the warm blood. The large dog tilts both heads before crumpling to the floor without any external wounds.

  “I too did some research, and reaching the foundation levels should take ten years at the minimum. Our cultivation speed is not normal. Also, I think we shouldn’t start the process of locking Tree into thinking that cores are the only possible ways to cultivate.”

  Ket kicks at the dog a bit while closing his eyes. Tess blinks and the dog immediately disappears when unobserved, causing Ket to stumble as his foot does not find the resistance hehe expected. “Okay, I can agree with that. Let’s hurry up, though., though. WWe need to speed up if we want to return by the time the kids wake up.”

  “Why hurry? They can’t leave the building.. WWe reinforced and locked it up up pretty tight.”

  Ket shakes his head. “They would have found a way to escape without qi. Now that they are fledgling cultivators, who knows what they will do if they wake up with us gone.”

  Tess pales and starts running. “They are new cultivators. They will expel impurities. Oh, gods. And they will be stuck in an enclosed space, oh dungeons, the smell.”

  “No worries, I also modified the toilet. They can dump their impurities there.” Ket reassures her while keeping pace.

  “Heartcores sweat it out; did you prepare an impurity cleaning bath? I thought not. What are impurities anyway?”

  Ket slaps his forehead. “And Ferah pissed out her impurities. Okay, let’s get a move on
. I analysed a sample, and it’s made up of the same stuff our bodies are made from - water, carbon, proteins, and some other stuff. I couldn’t explain why it looks and smells so terrible though.”

  “Hmm, so what Teach said about turning our bodies into energy is actually correct? That’s pretty neat,” Tess muses as she casually punches and kicks some of the dungeon mobs. “Ket, do you know what they mean with those heavenly laws I read about? There should be lightning when stepping into the foundation realm, but Teach didn’t get any.”

  Ket also punches and kicks the beasts approaching him, the metal cloud hanging unused and motionless above him. “Not sure. The most likely scenario is that the first ascended cultivators put them in place to prevent a large amount of potential competition. That seems like something those guys would do. Anyway, wanna race?”

  Tess and Ket lock gazes, barely able to see the other in the darkness of the nocturnal dungeon. “Deal,” Tess replies with fire in her eyes.

  Any other conversational topics are forgotten as they focus on clearing the floors as fast as possible. At first, Tess gains a lead in both speed and body count, her enhanced physique winning from Ket’s weaker frame. This changes when Tess uses a bit of dark qi to reach a mob before Ket. Having seen her use of power, Ket starts directing his metal arsenal to great effect.

  They tear through the floors, Tess a streak of blackness, leaving decapitated heads in her wake. Ket is a metal storm, loud clanging noises warning the monsters of their impending change into minced meat, as he flings the metal around.

  Their previous record - floor forty - is reached and passed without much note. The two slow down by floor sixty, more to conserve qi than because of the dungeon’s difficulty. Floor seventy is reached while their speed drops further. Tess has started using her rapier in order to deliver pinpoint precision lethal strikes while Ket is employing his steel needles to the same effect.

  Their mad dungeon rush stops on the eighty-second floor. Ket and Tess stand on a small stone platform, overlooking a bubbling sea of green sludge. Ket drops a piece of metal inside only for it to dissolve in seconds. Tess flickers black, only to emerge with panic on her face and a finger that’s rapidly growing green and black.


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