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Nurturing Britney (Surrender Book 7)

Page 11

by Becca Jameson

  I stand very still, but I bite my lip.

  “You look so beautiful, sweet girl,” he finally murmurs. “Like sunshine and innocence.” He stops rounding me when he reaches my front. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it.” I glance down and shudder when the pleats brush over my nipples. “You haven’t given me a bra for two days though. Are you ever going to provide me with a bra?” I say lightly, biting into my lip again.


  I shiver and lift my gaze. “No?”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t like them.” His hand comes up to cup my breast, his thumb flicking over my nipple and making me shudder once again. I sway toward him and he hauls me into his arms. His finger trails along the edge of the neckline, teasing my breast. “Not in the house, at least. Maybe when we leave the house if your outfit calls for one, but not here.” He cups my breast again, holding it lightly, reverently.

  I’m panting. I can’t form words. He’s just told me he won’t permit me to wear a bra in the house. It’s not as if I have huge boobs that require support, but the thought of never wearing one while I’m staying here sends a surge of moisture to my panties.

  How long am I staying here? I feel like my feet are in two worlds. The practical world insists I need to figure out my shit, find a new job, and get on with my life. In my fantasy world, I remember once again that Davis has claimed every inch of me as his own. Did he mean it? Does he even remember?

  Still toying with my breast, his free hand runs down my back, cups my butt, and then slides under my dress.

  My breath hitches when he dips down and drags his fingers over my panties between my legs. “You’re wet,” he whispers.

  I whimper as I grab his arms. “Yes, Sir.” The word slides out before I can think, shocking me. My eyes go wide as I meet his gaze.

  He’s smiling as he stops tormenting me to clasp my biceps. “You’re welcome to call me Sir anytime you’d like, sweet girl. I only demand it in the bedroom.”

  I nod. Apparently, he has not forgotten that conversation. My mouth is too dry to lick my lips. I have a question though. “Are you…” I swallow. “Are you a Dominant?”

  His smile broadens. “Yes. But I’m much more than that. And it’s complicated. You’re not ready to hear and grasp the type of fetish I prefer yet. I’m shocked and pleased at how quickly you picked up on my preferences though, so you’ll just have to indulge me as I gradually introduce you to my world.”

  I nod, my head spinning with more questions than answers. His world? “Why not just tell me?”

  He chuckles. “Because I make the rules, and I decide what you’re ready to know and when.” He taps my nose.

  The rules… I shudder again.

  “Come here.” He takes my hand and leads me into the kitchen area. He points at the two pieces of paper he stuck to the refrigerator door yesterday and reaches over to the counter to hold up something new.

  I smile. Stickers. “You really got the stickers?”

  “Of course, I did. Little girls need positive reinforcement when they do their chores. Did you make your bed?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I whisper. It seems like the right thing to say. It feels natural or…appropriate. After all, he said I was to call him Sir when we’re in sexual situations. I’m so turned on right now that we might as well be having sex.

  He pulls off a pink flower from the sticker sheet and hands it to me.

  I lift it up and stick it in the first square I drew next to “Make my bed.”

  “Did you brush your teeth, sweetie?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I smile at him as he hands me a lavender sticker this time.

  He sets the sheet down on the counter and kisses my forehead. “Good job. We’ll add to them throughout the day or sometimes at the end of each day.”

  I can’t stop smiling ear to ear.

  When his hands land on my hips and lift me up to swing me onto one of the stools, I squeal, kicking my feet out. He chuckles as he plants me on my butt. My skirt is flowing around me. I’m sitting on my panties. I consider tucking my dress under but then decide against it. The only person who can see me is Davis and he certainly doesn’t care if my panties are exposed. I suspect he likes it.

  “Since we’re exploring your neglected pink side, I’ve ordered several pink-themed items. Some already arrived. Some will come later today.”

  “What kind of things?” I ask, swinging my legs, the hem of my dress grazing my thighs with every movement. I’m glad I have the freedom now to wear dresses.

  “It wouldn’t be any fun if I told you, sweetie. I’ll slowly let you open them.” He turns around and gives me a stern look. “When you earn them.”

  I glance at the naughty chart.

  He chuckles. “You’re catching on.”

  “When are you going to tell me what the tally marks mean?” I ask, anxious to discover this oddity.

  “When I’m ready. Stop asking.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I murmur.

  The next time he turns around, he has breakfast in his hands.

  My eyes widen when I see what he’s holding, and I’m tongue-tied as he sets my food in front of me. “Pink cup. Pink plate. Pink fork.” He sets the last down with a flourish. “Let the pink phase begin.”

  He turns back around, leaving me dumbfounded. He’s gone all-out. The plate and cup are ordinary enough, but the fork is chubby, like a kid would use. Granted, it was probably hard to find pink silverware for adults. I shrug it off and start eating.

  “Milk?” He holds up the carton.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He fills my glass about halfway and then cups my face. “Yep, I like this respectful addition.” He’s referring to the fact that I keep calling him Sir. If it pleases him so much, I’ll keep it up. It’s obviously part of his Dominant side, though I’m beginning to realize his Dom isn’t a side. It’s a way of life.

  He eats next to me and then swings me into the air again before setting me on my feet. I’m reminded of his previous girlfriend. Collette. She was his submissive. He took care of her. I’m curious about his preferences, however. I thought submissives took care of their Dominant, not the other way around. That is not Davis’s dynamic. He clearly thrives on taking care of me.

  “Dishes, sweetie,” he admonishes when I start to walk away.

  “Yes, Sir.” I rush back and pick them up, take them to the sink, rinse them, and put them in the dishwasher. I’m not sure I’ve ever cleaned up after myself immediately after eating before. I’ve been a slob for a long time. I hope I can remember Davis doesn’t like that and change my ways. This is his home after all.

  He points at the table. “Your first gift.”

  I smile as I rush over to pick up a pink-wrapped package. It’s flat. Feels like a book. “Can I open it?”

  “Yes, you may, sweetie.”

  I rip into it and find two things that make me nearly jump up and down with excitement. I’m absurdly happy for a grown woman, but the reality is Davis is fulfilling my childhood dreams one at a time. I clasp the book to my chest. “I’ve never had a coloring book or crayons of my own.”

  He’s smiling but it doesn’t reach far enough. He pulls me against his chest, flattening my cheek to his pecs and rubbing my hair. I suspect he feels bad for the little girl who didn’t have her own crayons. Finally, he kisses the top of my head and then pulls out a chair for me. “I have some things I need to take care of in my office this morning. Will you be okay coloring for a while?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I’ll be okay coloring for hours if he lets me. And if I finally decide to use the crayons. As he leaves the room, I open the box and run my thumb over each and every pointed tip. These aren’t rejected crayons someone had last year. They’re a new box. Mine. All the colors are inside.

  It takes me a while to break the seal, so to speak, but I finally remove a pink crayon from the box and open the coloring book to the first page. A princess of course, and she shall have a pink dress like mine.

hapter 15

  Master Davis

  I shut my office door and pray Britney won’t come in while I’m on the phone, and then I place my first call to Lazinski.

  He answers on the first ring. “Yeah?”

  “Jacobs here. Checking in.”

  “Ah, Brock. Whatcha got for me?”

  I run a hand through my hair and school my voice. I need to keep the façade up every time I talk to him. “I went to Ms. Heath’s apartment, but your men had already turned it into a tornado. It was hard to pick through the mess. What the fuck did they do that for, are they stupid?” I ask, trying to sound pissed, as if his first henchmen were making my job difficult.

  “They were trying to find contact information. Family. Friends. Someplace she might have gone.”

  “Yeah? Well, I tried to do the same thing except the place was ransacked, which makes my job harder. If you want me to help you, call your damn goons off. They’re making things worse.”

  “Not a problem. Consider it done. Did it look like she’d been there?”

  “No. Not a sign. Since her mattress wasn’t even on the frame, I seriously doubt she’s been sleeping there.” I’m exaggerating, but I need to drive home my point.

  “Fuck,” Lazinski muttered.

  “Why do I get the feeling there’re things you aren’t telling me?”

  “Because you’re on a need-to-know basis, and you don’t need to know every damn detail.”

  I seethed, but continued the show. “Listen, there’s no way one of your girls just up and left town without a good reason, and it’s pretty damn hard for me to locate someone when I don’t have all the details.”

  Lazinski sighs and I picture him trying to decide how much to divulge. “Fine. She has something valuable of mine, and I want it back.”

  I cringe, fighting the urge to strangle this piece of shit through the phone. But I’m trained to keep my cool, so I find the will. “You lend her some fucking diamonds or something?”

  “Something like that.”

  “What makes you think she didn’t already sell the commodity and use the proceeds to get the hell out of town?”

  “She would never sell this item. Not in a million years. Of this I’m certain. Which means she’s stolen it and skipped town. And I need you to fucking find her and bring her to me.”

  “Well, now we’re getting somewhere.”

  Lazinski clears his throat. “I learned something from the other girls that might help.”

  “What’s that?” I hold my breath, praying his girls have not a single clue what’s going on. If they have even an inkling, their lives are in danger too.

  “One of my girls was pretty good friends with her. The one you met the other night. Licorice. She said Britney had mentioned working in the morning at some kind of no-kill animal shelter. I have no clue how many of those are in the area, but it’s worth checking them out.”

  “On it,” I respond. “That certainly narrows things down. See if you can get more details out of your other employees. No one lives in a vacuum.”

  “Just fucking find her, got it?”

  “I’m doing my best, but you didn’t make it seem like it was going to be as difficult as it’s proving. These situations take time. Might need to renegotiate that figure if you want me to devote all my time on finding your girl. I have other paying jobs to do too.”

  “Fine. Whatever. We can talk. You concentrate on finding Britney. If that part doesn’t happen, nothing else matters.”

  “Oh, I’ll find her. You can count on that. No woman has ever eluded me for long.”

  “See that you do.” Lazinski hangs up, leaving me holding a silent phone. Asshole.

  I sit back and rub my head. I find it interesting that he’s carefully chosen to tell me Britney has something of value. She sure the fuck does. Her goddamn virginity.

  I’m pissed because there’s no way to avoid involving Cindy now. And that means I need to call her Master. Hudson isn’t going to like finding out that his woman might be in danger. And considering my history with Cindy, this will be difficult all the way around.

  I draw in a deep breath and place my next call. It’s a Saturday morning, so I shouldn’t have trouble locating Hudson. Hopefully, he’s at home and not working this weekend.

  Hudson picks up after two rings. “Hello?”

  “Hudson, this is Davis.”

  “Hey. How are things going with Britney? Cindy told me what happened.”

  I sigh. “Not great, to be honest. She’s in a lot of trouble. I’ll let you decide what you want to tell Cindy, but I’m going to be frank. No reason to beat around the bush. The owner of the Sky Lounge is involved in human trafficking.”



  “What does that have to do with Britney?”

  “He sold her. Or he’s in the process of selling her.”

  “Fuck,” Hudson repeats.

  “Yes.” I’m not going to mention her virginity. It isn’t important and it’s a violation of her privacy.

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “No. Long story short, I’m working on the inside.”

  “That’s good. Not even gonna ask how you pulled that off.”

  “Even longer story. I’ll tell you someday over a beer. The reason for my call is that I’ve run into a snag. It seems Britney told some of the other employees she was working at an animal shelter. Her boss didn’t know which one, but he thinks I’m scouring the city looking for her. She also left her car there Thursday night. I already had someone pick it up and move it, so hopefully it won’t be a problem. I just wanted you to be on alert. Don’t leave Cindy alone there. I’ll wait a few days before I tell Lazinski I figured out it was that shelter. Won’t be able to avoid it. I’ll do my best to maintain that Britney never showed up there either, didn’t call, and no one knows anything. Hopefully, that will keep Cindy out of it, but I can’t guarantee anything. If anyone comes in asking about Britney, do you think Cindy can lie? And what about Charles? They would both need to say they haven’t seen her since Wednesday.”

  “Yes. No problem. Thanks for filling me in. I’ll take care of things from my end.”

  “Good. If you need manpower doing so, let me know. I can send a guy.”

  “I’ll call if I get in a bind. Otherwise, you can assume Cindy will not be alone at the shelter at any time.” He sighs and murmurs the next part under his breath. “Never fucking liked her alone there in the first place.”

  “I hear ya, man. I’d feel the same if she were mine.”

  “She’s gonna want to know about Britney. Is she still with you?”

  “She is…” I glance at the door and listen to make sure I can’t hear her. I don’t think she would leave the kitchen table for quite a while considering I left her with something she was salivating to get her hands on. I actually smile at the visual.

  “There’s more,” Hudson states.

  “Yeah. I can’t be certain, but I’m fairly confident she’s a little.”

  Hudson blows out a breath. “Gotta tell you, I’m not surprised. Obviously, Cindy has never discussed her personal life with Britney because Cindy is very private. She doesn’t share our relationship or any kind of fetish with anyone outside of a select few. You know that.”

  I swallow. “Of course, I do,” I say in a low voice. I know better than just about anyone alive what type of fetish Cindy prefers, and I’m partially responsible for the fact that she guards her privacy closely.

  “Nevertheless, Cindy has mentioned to me that she has seen tendencies in Britney that would indicate that at the very least she has holes in her life that have left her wanting.”

  “Yes,” I agree because he’s exactly correct.

  “I seriously doubt Britney has much knowledge of the fetish community.”

  “This was also true, until she came to stay with me.”

  “Just…be careful.”

  “I’m doing my best. It’s been challenging. She’s
a sponge. Eventually, I’m going to have to sit her down and tell her my suspicions. At that time, I suspect she’s going to have questions.”

  “My suggestion would be to call Roman. Lucy is always willing to help out any way she can. She really enjoys helping other littles either find themselves or at least understand the dynamics of age play.”

  It’s a good suggestion. “Thanks. You’re right. I’ll call Roman.”

  “Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. I know you have years of age play experience, so I’m sure you’re handling things as carefully as possible.”

  “I am. I’ll call in a few days when I know more. Hopefully, my team will be able to infiltrate this trafficking ring and nail all involved parties to the wall. I’m not letting Britney leave this house until I’m certain about her safety.”

  “Thanks for doing this, Davis. When Cindy told me what happened Thursday, I was relieved to hear that you were there and you stepped up to the plate. Not just any man would do that. And now your agency is involved and the situation has turned out to be far more dire than anyone could have imagined. Britney is lucky to have you in her court.”

  “I’m just glad I was in the right place at the right time. Perhaps it’s divine intervention. She’s…precious.” I let that last word slide off my tongue with more emotion than I intended to share.

  “Then I wish you the best, and I’m happy for you. I’m sure she’s worried about her job, and you can reassure her that Cindy will hold it for as long as it takes.”

  “Thank you. She’ll be relieved to hear that. It’s just not safe for anyone for her to return.”

  Chapter 16

  Master Davis

  I hate leaving Britney alone on Sunday, but it can’t be helped. I have to work. She doesn’t even realize that every moment of my time will be devoted to her case, and I don’t want her to know more details than she already does. She has enough to worry about without adding the level of my involvement. I just have to hope when the chips fall, she can forgive me for going undercover to solve this crime.


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