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Secrets of Scarlett Hall Box Set: A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Collection

Page 65

by Jennifer Monroe

  “Do you mean it?”

  “I do,” Juliet said with a firm nod. “I know Daniel will agree, and I will need help keeping the house in order, for I have not the slightest idea how.”

  Annabel laughed. “I do not know, either.”

  “Then we shall learn together.” She grasped her cousin by the hands. “What do you think? Will you join us?”

  Annabel nodded. “I will.” She wrapped her arms around Juliet. “Thank you! I do love you so.”

  “And I love you,” Juliet replied, returning the embrace with as much enthusiasm as her cousin. “Now that we no longer have that worry, I have good news to share.”

  “Oh?” Annabel asked as she wiped the last of her tears with a handkerchief. “Do tell!”

  “I have sent out letters to some of my most trusted friends,” Juliet replied. “We are to meet at the cobbler’s at noon tomorrow. They are going to invest in our business!”

  Annabel grinned. “Once the business has grown enough, we will be able to afford a servant to keep house for us,” she said with a laugh.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Juliet said. “We cannot allow Daniel to learn we wish to employ a servant; he must believe we are doing our part, as well.”

  She gave Annabel a wink, to which Annabel giggled. It was nice to hear her cousin laughing again, and as they talked, Juliet thought of the months ahead. Preparations had to be made to leave, and with Daniel’s savings and her investment in the cobbler’s business, not only their future would be secured, but that of Annabel's, as well.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Juliet and Annabel had returned to Caroline’s house the day after Annabel’s return. The woman was by far nicer this time than she had been on previous visits, and Juliet knew that if word of the woman kissing her pillow were to be escape, she would be humiliated for years to come. Juliet had no doubt that the young woman would act as if Juliet and her cousin were her best friends.

  However, that was yesterday. Today, she and Annabel were at the cobbler’s, and they were more than ready to begin business proceedings. The shop was closed to customers in order to keep the meeting secret—if any of the young women’s parents learned their daughters were considering investing money into any business, they would have been dragged kicking and screaming from the shop before anyone could release a single breath.

  Juliet opened the door just wide enough to allow Miss Lucy Bowers to enter before closing and locking it behind her.

  Robert had returned a few days earlier, sending a message the day he arrived, and now eight women besides Juliet and Annabel stood with heads together speaking excited whispers to one another. Having arrived an hour earlier, Juliet had explained her plan to Robert, who in turn had praised her brilliance. Juliet could not have been prouder.

  The women who had arrived were those to whom Juliet had written informing them to bring whatever money they had with them. Of course, she did not mention the investment to Caroline, for the woman could not be trusted, even if Juliet had information about her that would otherwise keep her quiet. Furthermore, Caroline had already spread malicious rumors about Robert, so there was no reason to speak to her regardless.

  Annabel stood beside Robert, a quill in her hand and an ink bottle beside several pieces of parchment on the counter. She nodded to Juliet, and Juliet turned to address the group.

  “Ladies, I am pleased to see you here, and I promise that your time here will not be in vain.” She shot a glance at Robert, who smiled, and her pride increased. “I am certain you are all wondering why I called you here to this shop.” All the women nodded in unison. “And more importantly why I requested you bring every farthing you had.”

  “I am curious,” said Miss Bowers, her blond curls bouncing with her head nodding. “You said you promised great wealth if we attended today.”

  “I did, and you will attain much wealth if you are willing to invest.”

  “Invest?” Miss Margaret Shilling asked, her dark hair a deep contrast to that of Miss Bowers. “In what are you asking us to invest? I know nothing of such things.”

  Juliet attempted to keep the mocking from her laughter. “That is why I am here. Now, listen carefully. This shop is own by Mr. Robert Mullens, a dear friend of the Lambert family.” She stopped for dramatic effect. “And by myself and my cousin Annabel.”

  Several women gasped, but one sniffed derisively. “You cannot own a business,” Miss Sally Thompson said, her already upturned nose rising further. “Women, especially ladies, do not do such things, do they?”

  “In times past, they could not,” Juliet explained. “However, we are no longer in those times. Mr. Mullens has secured a second location in Oxford, which Annabel and I will also be part owners. Soon, we will have shops all over England.”

  “Then, what you are asking is that we be part of these businesses, as well?” Miss Bowers asked. “How will we be able to do this without our parents learning of it? You know what my father would do if he learned I had given my allowance away in a business agreement.” Several other women nodded their agreement, but Juliet had anticipated such reactions.

  “It is simple, really,” Juliet replied. “We will be called ‘shadow partners’. We will remain hidden, and we will not be braggarts about what we are doing. If we adhere to this, no one will know unless you tell them, or if you are caught boasting of the wealth you will acquire. Just think! We will not be required to rely on men for what we have. Rather we will rely on ourselves!”

  The women smiled and nodded their heads enthusiastically.

  “Annabel is waiting to collect your funds and make note of them. You will receive a receipt for the amount you paid. Imagine having your own money to purchase whatever you wish without being forced to beg your parents—or your husbands when you marry.”

  Miss Bowers took a step forward and lifted a fist full of notes in the air. “Well, I wish to invest!” she said. “I have brought ten pounds. It has taken me some time to save it, but if I can have it back at a later point, then that is fine by me.”

  “You will get quite a bit back,” Robert interjected. “In fact, the more money invested, the more shops we are able to open and thus the larger the return for everyone.”

  Juliet went to say more, but the women were hurrying over to the counter, their money already in hand. As each signed the entry book, Annabel handed out the receipts, and Robert joined Juliet.

  “You have done well,” he said with a wide grin. “Once again, I am elated to have a lady of wisdom in my shop.”

  Juliet knew she was beaming. “Thank you. Look at their faces; they are excited.”

  “As they should be,” Robert replied. “You have brought them an opportunity they will never have again.”

  Her pride deepened, and when her eyes fell on Annabel, she sighed. “Annabel is smiling again, and that makes me very happy.”

  “Has she not been happy?” Robert asked, his voice filled with concern.

  “No.” She glanced to ascertain no one else was nearby before lowering her voice. “It is her parents. They are horrible people.” She explained the situation, and Robert shook his head in response. When she finished, only two women remained to sign the ledger, the others sharing in excited whispers amongst themselves.

  “We will look after Annabel,” Robert promised. “If I have to pay her from my own share for her to keep the books, it does not matter.”

  “You are a kind man,” Juliet said. However, a twinge of guilt pierced her, and she turned to the man. “Do you plan to court Mother?”

  Robert smiled. “We are working on that together,” he replied. “When the time comes, I will tell you. Let us worry about increasing the number of shops and focus on our profits, not on my business with her.”

  Juliet gave him a sideways glance. His words had been said as if he was angry, and she had not meant to upset him. Perhaps she was being nosy. “You are right. I am sorry.”

  “No need to apologize,” he said. “She allows you to come here
to see me, and Annabel is happy. Nothing else matters.”

  Annabel walked up to them. “I have it all accounted for.”

  Robert smiled. “Then I will deposit the funds after I go over the numbers. If you can find more friends to invest, it will serve us all.”

  “I will find more,” Juliet said firmly. “Dozens, perhaps.”

  This made Robert laugh. “Very good!” He glanced at the other women. “You will see them out?”

  Juliet nodded, and Robert walked away. Although she did not know what he said, he whispered in Annabel’s ear, causing her smile to broaden. Then he disappeared through the white door.

  Juliet turned to the women. “It is time to leave. If you have any friends you deem trustworthy, ask them to speak with me if they would like to join us. However, I cannot say this firmly enough. They must be trustworthy, for we are all in this together.”

  When everyone was gone and Juliet and Annabel were alone, Juliet turned to Annabel. “You seem happy. Are you feeling better?” She locked the door behind her, and they crossed the street together.

  “I am. Robert said he has never seen neither man nor woman keep a ledger as well as I. He truly is a kind man, is he not?”

  Juliet could not agree with her cousin more. “He is. And we are lucky to know him.”


  Eleanor Lambert gazed at the old oak tree through the large window of the drawing room, thinking of times past. She could picture her children sitting under the tree, their laughs so beautiful they would carry through the thick walls of their home. She smiled as she remembered Nathaniel running up to them, excited to show them a small creature he had found. Although Isabel and Hannah would be aghast in horror, Juliet would laugh and take it from him.

  How Eleanor missed those days, and she wished their laughter would once again fill the house. However, on this Tuesday, the only sounds besides her own came from Mr. Robert Mullens, a person from her past of whom she wished to be rid.

  “I believe we have reached the courting stage,” Robert said, breaking Eleanor from her beautiful thoughts. “I do not expect you wish to make any official announcements, but it is something I want. You will not deny me this, will you?” The last words came as a whisper in her ear as he rested his hands on her shoulders.

  Since her return from London, the man had called twice, and each time his actions grew bolder. When he had attempted to kiss her, however, she had pulled away, which in turn angered the man. Balancing the safety of her family and the happiness of the wretched man was far more difficult than she would have ever imagined.

  “No,” she said in a whispered reply. “I will not deny you that.” Saying the words curdled her stomach, but as he caressed her arms, she forced a cough in order to pull away. “Forgive me. I have been weary as of late.”

  “Illness?” he said with a laugh. “Oh, you are good.” He raised his glass and finished off the remained of his brandy.

  Eleanor collected the glass from him; not to serve the man but to give an excuse to broaden the distance between them.

  “We must discuss marriage.”

  Eleanor felt her blood congeal, and she swallowed hard. “Marriage?”

  “Yes.” He sighed heavily. “I have spoken of this before. Do you believe I will be content with just the payments you make?

  Her heart raced, and she made every attempt to devise a plan to stall the man. Then an idea came to her. “If we were to marry,” she said, offering a small smile, “it would benefit neither of us. In fact, it would cause those associated with my former husband’s estate to look elsewhere. Then there would be no money.” She handed him the refilled glass.

  The man narrowed his eyes as he looked into the glass. “There may be some truth to that.”

  Relief washed over her. “I have a cottage that is never used. Perhaps I can arrange for you to take possession of it in exchange for payment.”

  The words had no more than left her lips when the man threw his glass against the wall, the tinkling shards falling to the floor, an amber trail flowing down the wallpaper. “Have you not learned yet?” he shouted as he grabbed her by the arms. “It is not about the money! Do you not see? It is you I want!”

  “I-I know you do not want money,” Eleanor stammered. “However, you must understand. I do not have the wealth you believe I do.” She glanced at his hands. “You are hurting me.”

  He released her, but his voice was low and harsh. “I desire you, this home, everything in it. That is the payment you owe me. I am sick of these games between us. Come to a decision soon, or I will tell everyone what I know.”

  “No,” Eleanor said, a shake to her head. “You cannot do that. You know the…”

  “Enough with your excuses! Consider what I have said.” He walked over to the door and stopped. “Follow me.”

  Anger and shame went through her as she followed the man to the front door. Collecting her coat, she put it on and went through the door he held open for her. “Where are we going?”

  “I assume you own a horse,” he said.

  “I do.”

  He grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her toward the stables. Once inside, he stopped and turned to her. “Which is yours?”

  “The chestnut mare,” she said, motioning to the prized beast.

  Robert removed a saddle from a nearby rack and placed it upon the horse. As he readied the animal, the fear in Eleanor grew. Did the man mean to take her away? If so, she would refuse to go.

  When he finished, he led the horse out of the stall and turned to her. “I am leaving and taking this horse with me.” A small smile played on his lips, an evil smile. “You see, this horse, which once belonged to you, now belongs to me, as well. Everything you own is what I now own. Everything.”

  As his meaning settled on her, she realized the man would never stop. He would use her until she had nothing left to give him.

  Before she could respond, he placed his hands on her face and leaned in to kiss her. She turned her head away, but he forced her to face him once again. “Kiss me!” he demanded.


  Robert’s face turned an ugly red, and he released her so forcefully, she almost fell back. Eleanor turned just as the stable boy came around the corner. “Oh, Lady Lambert,” he said with a startled bow. “I thought I heard a noise but wasn’t sure. Is there anything I can help you with?”

  “No, Daniel,” Eleanor replied. She had never been so happy to see him. “Mr. Mullens is just leaving.”

  “Yes, I was,” Robert replied. He leaned in and added in a whisper, “No more games; do you understand?”

  He led the horse from the stables, and once he was gone, Eleanor let out a sigh of relief. Tears stung her eyes as Daniel walked toward her.

  “Are you all right, my lady?” he asked. “Do you need a chair?”

  “No, thank you,” she said, offering the young man a smile. “Why are you here? I thought you went into the village with the others.”

  “I usually do,” he said with a shrug. “But I’m practicing my reading today.” He cheeks went a bright red. “I have to keep practicing if I want to read a book one day.”

  The innocence of the man clasped her heart, and with the recent events, she could not stop a single tear from escaping her eye and rolling down her cheek. “You will read a book in time,” she assured him. “I have no doubt.”

  “Thank you, my lady,” he said, his ears now as red as his cheeks.

  He turned to leave, but Eleanor called after him. “Did you happen to hear what Mr. Mullens and I were discussing?”

  Daniel shook his head. “No, my lady. I mean, I heard voices, but I couldn’t make out any words. I don’t eavesdrop on people’s conversations.”

  Eleanor studied his face and determined the man was not lying. “Most women do not conduct business. I was simply curious if you had heard any of our discussion.”

  He shook his head again, and she stifled a sigh of relief.

  Halfway to the house, she stopped.
Scarlett Hall had stood for over a hundred and fifty years. What Robert wanted, she would not give him, but she was uncertain how to rid herself of the man. She considered asking Forbes to help, but a shudder went through her. She could not ask him to do the same as he had before, at least not yet. However, the more she thought of what Robert knew and the hold he had over her and her home, her anger grew.

  What she might be forced to do sickened her, but perhaps it was warranted. She only hoped she could find another way.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Juliet applied perfume to her neck and wrists with a thoughtful sigh. She knew, beyond any doubt, she was in love, and she could no longer hide that fact.

  “You mean to allure him with fragrance?” Annabel asked.

  With a laugh, Juliet replied, “No, that is not my intention. Well, not all of my intention, at least. The lesson we have tonight will be special, for I plan on informing him of…something special”

  Annabel’s eyes widened. “That you love him?” she asked in clear awe. She threw her arms around Juliet. “I am so happy for you!”

  “Thank you,” Juliet replied with a wide grin. “It must be said, and I fear that, if I wait for him to say it, I shall be old and gray.” This made them both giggle as they made their way out the door.

  Juliet had to keep herself from running down the hallway. “Always maintain a ladylike appearance,” her mother was wont to say, “even when your eagerness attempts to get the best of you.” Juliet had never been one for patience, but she employed it, nonetheless.

  Forbes waited at the bottom of the stairs, two coats draped over his arm, and Juliet’s heart thumped in her chest. He knows! came the strangled thought.

  “Miss Juliet,” the butler said with a quick bow before he offered to help her into her coat, “how was your dinner this evening?”

  “I enjoyed it very much,” Juliet replied carefully. “The lamb was a bit tough, but I am not one to complain of such things anymore, am I?” She gave him a wink, and he laughed.


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