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Prisoner of the Island

Page 8

by Terri Pray

  “And giving you a hint of something you need, admit it.”

  Celeste whimpered, trying to shake her head. But the grip in her hair made it almost impossible to do so. Her body ached for something more than the grip, the way she was forced into such a submissive position. “I won't disgrace myself.”

  “Being honest is never a disgrace.”

  How could she argue that one? Without giving herself away completely? She couldn't see a way around it. It just didn't work.

  “You're submissive under the right hand. My hand. The one who trained you. I'm not sure who else, but there will be others, even if they're rare. I'm not going to put you on your knees in front of Jamezen, but you will admit the truth to me and you will learn to explore it with me.”


  “The choice is explore it with me, or I will eventually lose my patience and expose you for who and what you are in the middle of the hall. I don't think you want to go through that, do you?”

  No, of course she didn't, but it didn't mean she wanted to give into blackmail either. Foolish, stupid bloody fool. Dangerous, I knew he was dangerous and I still walked out of the fortress with him. Why?

  Because a part of her wanted what he offered, what she had tasted beneath his kiss in the hall. And now she had the chance. Just what was she going to do now? Accept his offer and hope he would keep his word and not put her on her knees in front of Jamezen. “Why should I trust you?”

  “Because I've no desire to share you with the guards, or anyone else, including the so called Lord of this Island. If I make it public just how submissive you are in the right hands, then you'll end up as a public toy for everyone here.”

  That part she could understand, even if she didn't like where it left her. She swallowed hard, and looked up at him, the grip on her hair easing enough that she could tip her head. “I don't like the deal you're offering me.”

  “But? And yes, I can hear the but in your voice.”

  “You aren't leaving me with any choice but to accept unless I want to end up enslaved in the fortress.” She hated saying the words.

  “Then you accept that, in private, be it my chambers, or outside of the fortress, you agree to be submissive to me?”

  Her throat closed. God she didn't want to say the words, but her choices were limited. “Yes, I do.”

  “To be subject to my orders, as long as they do not take you from the Island, or leave you in a manner that will put you at risk of being discovered by those who live within the fortress. Submissive, and under my rules, including punishment.”

  Punishment, submissive, the words echoed through her mind like a mocking laugh. She licked her lips, trying to find a way of focusing fully, but a soft tremble had claimed her being. “Yes, I agree.”

  “Good.” He released his grip in her hair. “Remain on your knees.” His hands moved to the front of his pants, undoing the laces there. The bulge all too obvious. “Then your first task is going to be a simple one for a woman trained to be submissive. Pleasure me.”

  Why had she known that was coming? Did all men think with their cocks? No, I already know the answer to that one. Davien didn't. Not all the time at least. Perhaps he had been thinking with it when he'd snatched her from the side of the road, but she didn't believe so.

  “Kneeling there isn't bringing me pleasure, woman,” he growled.

  Her hands clenched into fists. “My name is Celeste, not woman. Remember that.”

  “Your name is whatever I choose to call you during these moments, now pleasure me before you anger me to the point of punishment.”

  Sucking his cock was the last thing she wanted to do, and her anger threatened to get the better of her. She pushed to her feet, taking a step back, her words little more than a growl. “I might have agreed to be submissive to you, but I never agreed to be your slave. My name was and still is, Celestial Blue.”

  “You're trying my patience.”

  “My name is Celestial Blue.”

  “Get back on your knees, now!” He took a step forward, his cock now sticking out of his pants.

  “Are you going to accept that my name remains the same or not?” Her knees threatened to give out, even though he looked, well frankly, silly, walking toward her with an erect cock sticking out of his pants, her body still craved the control he offered.

  “Yes!” he cried out, the frustration clear. “But you're also going to be punished for this little game of yours, now get on your damn knees.”

  Celeste nodded slightly and eased back to her knees, going through this was not going to be easy and she would be the first to admit it, but it now had to be done. If she wanted to keep her agreement, if she wanted to avoid any chance of being put on her knees in the hall and lose her chance of freedom, then she had no choice but to submit to what the man wanted.

  “Pleasure me, and don't make me give the order again.” Steven grabbed her hair, the grip harsh enough to force a hiss of pain from her lips. As she parted them he rolled his hips forward, forcing the head of his cock between them. She tensed. She knew what he wanted but there was a part of her that wanted to fight, struggle and tell him to go to hell.

  She trembled, the taste of him strong between her lips. His cock throbbed, his own hunger clear and with the grip in her hair she surrendered to her training. Gently she tongued the end of his cock, tasting the small drop of pre-cum that bubbled free. He groaned under the light touch, rolling his hips, sliding in a little more.

  “Yes,” he groaned, his fingers tight in her hair. “That's it, suck me.”

  She hadn't, as yet, but she wasn't about to start arguing with the man. Celeste let her eyes drift close, her tongue wrapping about his cock, suckling softly at first, letting her mouth become used to the feel of him between her lips. Heat pulsed deep in her core, the act of sucking him, pleasing him with her mouth, a submissive one that she had grown used to through her time with Davien. And her body responded with the hunger, the need that was a part of being a trained slave.

  “God, more... ”

  Celeste smiled, and hummed along his cock, letting the vibrations play over the taut member in her mouth. She could control him through his cock if she played things carefully. So do it, make him submissive in a way he would never expect. She could do this, she had the skills, she had the body he wanted. She could handle anything he threw at her because at the end of the day she had survived Tearlach and his ways, and had escaped Davien with her soul intact.

  Focus on pleasing him, don't get distracted right now.

  Easier said than done with the way her mind was all too willing to throw ideas her way. Later, there'll be time for this later. Please him and take his mind away from anything else.

  She reached up, cupping his balls with one hand, massaging them as she let her tongue and mouth play over his cock. Suckling each time he rocked into her mouth. Holding him carefully between her lips, licking him, touching him with tenderness and desire. Heat controlled her core. She couldn't change that. It was how she had been trained. Until she found a way to change how she was it would always be how she reacted to a man controlling her. She had Davien to thank for that.

  “Never going to let you go. Not with a mouth like that.” He tightened his grip so much in her hair that small needles of pain attacked her scalp. She whimpered, struggling to keep from fighting him, from crying out with the humiliation she suffered. “That's it, take it all.” He rolled his hips forward, thrusting deeper into her mouth, filling her completely.

  The head of his cock hit the back of her throat and she swallowed, trying to keep her body under control. She'd taken men this deep before, she knew how to prevent her body from rebelling, she'd had no choice but to learn in order to please Davien, yet now the desires of her body were split in two. She wanted to please him, if only because she had been trained to do so. She wanted to fight and disgrace him, because of the way he had blackmailed her into serving him. And there was no middle ground in the choices before her.

p; She had to obey him, she'd agreed to.

  And she had no desire to end up in a collar, openly, in the fortress.

  His cock throbbed in her mouth, the taste of his hunger, his need, growing with each passing moment. She tongued, licked and sucked his thick, hard cock, teasing it to greater heights of desire. With one hand she massaged his sack, feeling the heavy, tight balls within the soft folds of skin. He groaned above her, his thighs shaking, it wouldn't be much longer before he released in her mouth, before she had no choice but to swallow his come and serve him so intimately.

  Her cunt rippled. The way her body heated and begged, silently, to be used by him, sent the heat of shame across her cheeks. She couldn't deny what she had been trained as, what she had been taught to accept and endure, but her mind rebelled time and again. It wasn't what she wanted in life, not truly. Steven's groans deepened. He rocked into her mouth, filling her, claiming her, his taste overruled everything else.

  His balls tightened under her fingers, pressing against his body. She knew the warning signs. Her core rippled in anticipation. It would have been so easy to move away from his cock, lay on her back and beg for him to fuck her, but she wasn't going to let herself submit that deeply.

  “Going to cum!” His words little more than a snarl above her. “Swallow it. Every last drop. No arguments.”

  Hard to argue when your cock is in my mouth. She glared up at him, but he didn't notice. Why would he when he was lost in what she was doing to him?

  Let go, just relax and enjoy it, serve and sink into that soft, submissive state if only for a minute. Tempting, so very damn tempting. No one else would know and it would keep him from suspecting that she didn't like it. What harm would it do when she was planning on...

  No, she wasn't going to surrender herself, or her self worth.

  He pulsed within her mouth, the hot, salty taste of his release coated her tongue for the brief moment before she swallowed. He groaned above her, his breath ragged, knees weak even before he pulled back from her and stumbled to sit down on a fallen log. She swallowed a low moan and looked away from him, wiping her lips free of the last few drops of his pleasure.

  Steven sat there for a moment, then rearranged his pants, sliding his cock back out of line of sight. Biting it off wouldn't have helped her anyway, she'd have just been left trying to explain what she was doing with him outside the fortress in such a compromising position to begin with. And it didn't help that she'd been left aroused by what had just happened.

  She knelt there, on the ground, her dress damp beneath her knees, her hair mussed from the way he had grabbed it and used it to control her actions. Celeste swallowed hard and focused, resting her hands on her knees. At least her body was still covered. All she'd done was serve him with her mouth and that was a small price to pay for her freedom.

  “You did well, Celeste.” His voice still tainted by his ragged breath.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” He corrected. “Whilst you're serving me you'll remember to address me as Sir. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She didn't like it, but she could live with it. “I understand that is now one of the rules.”

  “And you disobeyed me earlier on, you realize that will mean you will be punished for your actions. I will not allow you to disobey me during the times you are in service to me.”

  “I understand that, Sir.” Her stomach knotted. Punishment. She hadn't faced that in some time now and was not looking forward to it. Still, she clung to the hope that, no matter what he came up with, it would not match what Davien had been capable of doing to her. The man who she had run from, had been a master of humiliation and punishment, Steven, no matter what his background might be, couldn't compare.

  “Over my lap, push your skirts up about your waist.”

  At least she now knew what he had in mind, a simple spanking, well that she could live through without a problem. Celeste lowered her gaze, took a slow breath and moved to her feet. Her body tensed, a soft tremble moving through her form. Despite her beliefs she could accept this, she still wanted to know what it would be like to actually feel submissive to the man she now faced, the man who would soon attempt to punish her.

  Silently she closed the gap between them and moved to his right hand side. He didn't speak again. He just watched her closely, never letting his gaze leave her form. With a quiet acceptance of what he would do to her, she settled down across his lap and let her head hang low before she hitched her skirts up to her waist. Her bloomers offered some extra cover and for that she was grateful.

  “These will have to come down.” He murmured, tracing his hand lightly over her covered bottom. “There's no point in spanking a covered ass, is there?”

  “No, Sir, I suppose there isn't.” Unless you're the one being spanked, in which case any extra covering is a blessing. Not that he could hurt her that badly with a simple spanking.

  Steven grunted and tugged at the waistband of her bloomers, pulling them down until her ass was completely bare to his view. She trembled, and took a calming breath, making sure her thighs were pressed tightly together. The last thing she needed right now was for this man to realize just how aroused she now was. He settled the waist of her bloomers around her thighs, holding her legs in place before he rested one hand in the small of her back and lightly traced his fingertips over her now bare bottom.

  “This punishment will be light, I know that, but I'm also aware that I cannot let you get away with disobeying me. You will learn to be compliant with me. If you disobey me again I'll take a cane to your ass.” His voice was calm, focused, not even a tremble betrayed him as he rested his hand now on her bottom.

  “Yes, Sir.” She closed her eyes, waiting for the first blow to land. And the next. Waiting for both the punishment, and for the punishment to be over so she could return to the fortress. Her body clenched, she wanted more than just a spanking. She needed his hands between her thighs. No, no I don't. Not him. Davien. Not this man. But if she'd needed Davien so badly then why had she run from him, hidden, fled the country instead of finding a way back to his feet?

  Because it had seemed like the right idea at the time?

  More than that, she'd been afraid of Davien, of everything the man offered her. The way being with him tainted her heart and soul alike.

  The first blow landed on her backside with a loud crack that left her shuddering. Heat blossomed from beneath the blow. Her back arched. Hips jolted with pain and pleasure alike. She hissed, struggling to keep silent, but whatever plans she'd had in that regard vanished with the second harsh crack of hand against her buttocks. She cried out, arching fully, his cupped hand lashing the sound from between her lip, forcing her to respond.

  “Delicious sounds you make beneath my hand, little Celeste,” he whispered, his voice barely carrying above her own breathing. “You'll make more of them soon. When we next leave the fortress I'll make sure I'm fully prepared. I'll bring with me such toys that will leave you screaming in pain and pleasure. You'll learn just what it's like to be a submissive woman within my control. You'll forget the man who trained you, and I will take his place in your memories.”

  No, no matter what you do that won't happen. Tearlach tried and he didn't have to hide what was going on.

  His hand landed again and again against her bare bottom. Each new blow tearing a cry of pain and hunger from her soul. Her hips rolled. Core rippled, tightened and clenched. She craved sex. Needed something more than a spanking. But this was punishment and she had learned all too well that she wasn't permitted to enjoy pleasure and punishment at the same time. They were always separated by anyone who understood how best to control a submissive woman.

  When the last blow landed and she lay across his lap, her cheeks damp from tears she'd barely been aware of spilling, he rested his hand on her stinging ass. “You did well, Celeste. But I only hope you will take this lesson to heart.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She didn't move. She hadn't been given per
mission to move. Her thighs quivered. She struggled to hold onto what little self-control still remained.

  He slipped one hand between her thighs, forcing them apart until he was able to touch her slick heat. She groaned, not wanting to let him gain entrance to her body. She already craved so much more than he had been willing to give her but she couldn't stop him.

  “I could take you again, but you're under punishment, Celeste. You're not permitted to cum.”

  That wasn't normally permitted after punishment to begin with. She nodded, making it clear she understood what the rules were, what she had to do. He didn't move, or tell her what she was supposed to do next. “I understand, Sir.”

  “On your hands and knees, head to the ground.” He growled, his voice heavy with lust. “Remember, you're not permitted to cum. Disobey me and I'll cut a switch to use on your arse.”

  “I won't disobey you, Sir.” But her cunt clenched with a hunger that she knew only sex would answer. And then only if she was granted permission to seek her own, much needed, release.

  “Good.” He waited only until she had moved from across his lap into position. Her skirts still up about her waist, her bloomers around her thighs. Her sex pulsed with the need to be filled, breath burning in her lungs. She couldn't stop what was about to happen and had no choice but to accept it.

  Accept and taste what he offers.

  No, it wasn't like that. She didn't want him.

  No, I don't want him, but I've made the deal, there's no backing out on it now.

  Steven moved behind her, lowering his pants, easing to his knees before he grasped her hips. The head of his cock pressed against her slick opening, his fingers digging into her flesh. He didn't even speak before he thrust into her core, filling her, stretching her, his only concern for the pleasure he would gain from the use of her body.

  Her walls clenched about his cock, welcoming his presence, grasping him as he drove within her. She groaned, dirt digging under her nails. Her core tight, wet and needful, pain and pressure rippling through her being. She had to find a way to keep from surrendering her pleasure to him. She didn't need to face another punishment, not yet, not now.


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