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Surviving The Aftermath (Book 1): The Dead Linger

Page 29

by Roberts, Liz

  Jill and Kim were thrown on to the bed, Jill’s still healing shoulder screaming in agony, with watery eyes, they briefly looked at each other and nodded.

  “Are you going to tell me your real name?” Luke rolled Jill on to her back to look down at her.

  “Nope.” She said like nothing mattered in the world.

  He slapped her three times in succession. Ran his hand down her front and tugged on her shirt to rip it. “Feisty bitch ain’t ya.”

  “Only right, Now!” Jill and Kim sat up and brought there glass shards down, like hammers, on the nearest piece of flesh they could find. Kim went for the eyes, good girl, nailing the man dead center sending him flailing and screeching to high heaven. Jill using her injured shoulder only managed to catch Luke in his shoulder, as his reflexes were pretty quick and she was pretty slow at the moment. Both women got good shoves using their legs and the men went down like dorky dominos.

  Grabbing Kim’s arm and pushing her in front of her out the door. “Come on Kim, run!” The screaming stopped from the one man, maybe he died. The women descended the stairs and saw the men were still sitting against the wall, confused Jill walked forward to get them to move out.

  “Jill look out!” Jack called out too late. The butt of a rifle cold cocked Jill and she went down. Kim rammed her should hard into the man, fracturing her collar bone, but she took him to the ground. The men were up and grabbing the gun preparing for the pursuit from upstairs, Jack and Joe kicked and punched the man till he was unconscious.

  “Come on let’s go!” Scott called out. Jack grabbed Jill as she was groggy.

  Joe helped Kim up. “Ow my damn shoulder, crap it hurts.”

  “Girly you were awesome!” As he took off his shirt to slip over Kim, he put his arm around her to help her outside. The running could be heard upstairs, and engines and vibrations could be heard outside. This caused Jack to pause. ”What if it’s more of them?”

  Joe held on to Kim, “We’ll take our chances.” Joe reached and opened the door, he slipped by Jack as Scott started firing up the stairs. Jill was dead weight hanging on Jack, “Scott let’s go man.” Jack followed Joe and Scott came out right after. They were running in the middle of the street, tired, wounded, sore, as fast as they could. Knowing any minute the bad guys would be behind them. It looked like a scene from Black Hawk down, when the remaining soldiers make a run for safety through the streets. And the scene suddenly reflected a page from an Afghanistan battle, the burnt out cars, the shells of buildings left standing, and when they took cover behind a wrecked car and they spotted the Humvee down the street.

  “Are you kidding me?!” Jack exclaimed.

  Jill was coming around, she looked up to see Casey emerging from the back seat. “Its Casey, I told you they’d rescue us.” She said still dazed. Bullets were flying rapidly above their heads. The cement on the front and back of the car was being chewed up rapidly, the five of them tried to stay huddled low and out of harm’s way. Jill went flat on her stomach to crawl and try to peer around the front of the car back towards the house, but with all the yards grass being so weed filled and tall there was no clear line sight.

  Ducking and flinching with every close bullet “Jesus it’s like Fallujah out here!” Bing, another close one hit the hood of the car by Joes’ head and he tried to sink lower.

  The people had spread out from the Humvee, and they couldn’t be seen anymore by the people on the ground, but their weapons could be heard.

  “When these guys reload, we should move.” Scott suggested. Waiting for a lull in the firing, they all assumed army crawl positions. “We’ll make our way to the other side of that car and we should be able to crouch low enough to make it all the way to the Humvee.” Jill said. A loud moan and a grubby hand caught them all off guard, a zombie. The zombie lurched forward catching them all in awkward positions, it grabbed Scott’s hair and tried to pull it up to its mouth. He screamed from the pain and tried to angle his rifle up, but to no avail. Jill acted quickly and managed to flip over on her back and spin quick to use her legs to push the thing back and away, giving Scott enough room to fire. He was bleeding from his head where the hair had ripped out. “Damn it that hurt!”

  “You ok?”

  “Yes let’s go before more come.” Everyone started crawling trying to keep the heads down and butts low. The pace was slow over the rubble and broken glass. The firing was slowing down, coming more sporadic, there were people moving in the grass and the small group hoped it was their people instead of more zombies or bad guys with guns. Shouting and incoherent talking could be heard over head, but they just ignored and kept crawling, finally reaching the other car. They were in better shape now, on the opposite side of the street, they had a clear path on the side walk and saw one of their own at the end of the block flagging them down.

  “Scott, leave me the gun, I’ll cover you guys.”

  “No we’ll all go together.” Jill was exacerbated at the moment. “Please give me the gun. You guys go, I want another shot at that guy.”

  “Jill no!” Jack said with fear in his voice. Scott and Jill looked at each other before he reluctantly let go of the gun and grabbed Jack to go. Everyone else had already started, so they were farther ahead. Jill could see the other end of the street was blocked too, they had these guys surrounded, unless they cut through the back door.

  Casey and Tom made their ways slowly through the ruined street, this one seemed to have more cars the usual on it, must have been a major road way at one time. The house was 100 yds. away, they were able take shelter along the other houses too, with the grass being so long, but you couldn’t linger, because there were often blind shots coming from both sides through the grass.

  “Lets’ flank on the back side, we’ll cut through the back yards.”

  “Yeah maybe we can get into the house that way.” Tom replied as they hopped a fence, and jogged through several yards. They weren’t sure which house it was from the backside, it was like a jungle, over grown grass, weeds, and vines out of control, bushes sticking out. Tom tripped over a flat soccer ball left in one of the yards.

  “It’s the white house three down.” Casey whispered and indicated the direction to go like he was a Navy Seal. Going out by the garage in the neighboring back yard they had a good line of sight, as two men came out the door. They were sprinting, Casey couldn’t get a clear shot as some of the grass came up to shoulder height in some areas.

  “Stop!” Tom shouted and they took off sprinting in the other direction through other people’s yards. “Leave them, its Luke we want.” They proceeded to the house, they stood with their backs against the wall on either side of the door. Tom gave a 1-2-3 count down and the busted in quietly. It was silent in the house, they cleared the kitchen, came around the corner and saw nothing down the hall way, still nothing, they could still hear bits of gun fire, but it sounded farther away.

  They crept into the living room, it was in disarray, the couch had been pushed up against the front window, duct tape, a t-shirt, and a few blankets were scattered around. The front door was wide open, and Tom walked towards it to look outside. “Shit they got out. How?” The muzzle of a gun came to rest upon his temple.

  “Well Tom, I wondered if we’d ever see you again.” Luke stepped out of the closet from behind the door with his friend in tow. Luke walked them all forward. “We’re going to walk out to the truck now, and you’re going to tell your buddy there to not follow us. In fact, go get his gun.” He nodded to his crony, who walked over to Casey with a half-smile on his face. Casey was reluctant to release his rifle, hopefully they wouldn’t pat him down and find the glock tucked in the back of his waist band. He put up his hands as soon as the gun was trained on him. Luke smack the side of Tom’s with his rifle. “Thought you’d get the drop on us, you and your bitch ass friends.” Luke hit Tom again, but this time with his fist, sending him down to his knees. Both men were looking down at Tom and laughing, Casey slowly lowered his right arm, and sneaking it
back around him. He could feel the butt of the gun, he just had to lift the safety and wanted his finger on the trigger before playing his hand.

  “You should have stayed with me.” Luke punched Tom in the face knocking him further to the ground. “Maybe we could have worked out a deal that wouldn’t have gotten you dead.”

  Tom spit blood on the ground. “I’ve seen your shady deals, you can go to hell.” Smack, another punch, that was followed by loud bang, as Casey fired his gun into the chest of the other man, with ears ringing and gun powder penetrating his nostrils he adjusted his aim to Luke and only managed to clip his shoulder.

  Tom was up and on Luke in a flash, the men were wrestling like it was a cage match, trying to use their weight to pin the other. Tom was on Luke’s chest and started smacking his head against the floor, but Luke got his legs up and around Tom’s arms and leveraged his weight off of him. The men separated and tackled each other again, taking kidney shots and punches to the lower body repeatedly.

  Outside Jill heard the single gunshot and she froze. She didn’t know who was in there, but Casey and Tom she saw earlier sneaking through yards. She sprinted for the door. “Jill, where’s Tom?!?” Vikki came running up with her own rifle and a bottle of water for Jill, which she proceeded to chug in 4 seconds flat.

  “No idea, but there was just gunfire from in there.” She indicated the house and they both headed inside with more caution. The front door was shut, and they could hear noise, slowly Jill opened the door, they saw Tom and that man Luke rolling around fighting, Casey was laying on the floor, not moving. Oh god! Jill’s heart stopped when she saw blood by his head. She went to rush into him, but Vikki held her back. “Wait, we have to be smart. Go slow and quiet, we’ll get that guy down and then help Casey. She just nodded. The women crept in, Jill couldn’t help but look over at Casey, she had to know if he was still breathing. They got closer and saw the men were fighting over a hand gun, each trying to get it to point at the other. Tom was down on his back and had seen women creep in, he pushed Luke’s head up and away hoping they take the shot. Instead Vikki took the butt of her and smacked his head, instantly making him dead weight on top of Tom. “Thanks.” He said breathing heavy. They rolled the man off, and Jill went to Casey automatically flipping him over to search for a bullet wound.


  “Oh my god you’re alive!” She tried to hug him at the awkward angle with him lying down and her half sitting.

  “Yeah, but your crushing me.”

  “Sorry.” She brushed hair off his forehead. “Sorry.” There was blood at his temple. “Where are you hurt?”

  “That dude kicked me in the ribs, must have passed out or something and hit my head.” He lay on his back now grabbing his side. “Thank good Beth made me where this dorky thing.” He lifted his shirt to show her the vest he had on. “Otherwise that might have really done some damage.”

  “Oh wonderful Beth, that great woman.” Jill kissed Casey’s face all over.

  Tom and Vikki walked over to them. “You guys ok?” Tom asked.

  “Tom watch out!” Vikki launched herself at Tom and spun around to hug him and they went to the floor, as Luke sat up with his arm outstretched, having regained the handgun, he fired another ear bleeding shot that pierced the air. Jill fired her rifle hitting Luke in the chest. Both Tom and Vikki lay there a minute, when Tom went to rise he noticed the blood on his shirt.

  “Vikki? Vikki?” Her eyes were closed and blood was soaking his shirt. He laid her down to see what happened, she had been shot in the stomach. “Oh no! NO!” Tom looked at Casey and Jill. “Get Beth hurry!”

  “Put pressure on it. I’ll be back!” And she was out the door shouting for Beth. Tom was holding one hand on the wound and tapping her cheek with the other. “Look at me baby. Open your eyes.” They fluttered. “Please look at me honey.”

  “Oh dear lord that hurt.” She clenched her hands over his. Casey grabbed and old pillow and propped her head up, and then went down by her feet to lift her legs in the air in hopes to help slow the flow of blood.

  “Why, did you do that? Why?” Tom was asking.

  “Had to … save you. I’d already lost you once.” Her voice seemed to crack.

  “Beth will be here any second and we’ll get you all fixed up.” Tom’s voice shook as he said it.

  “It’s ok.” She paused. “I got to be with you again. .” It was hard to breath now. “And tell you … how much … I love you.” Tom closed his eyes and more tears rolled down his cheeks. Jill made it back with Beth in tow helping her carry everything. She proceeded to cut off Vikki’s shirt and apply bandages.

  “Tell me what to do?” Jill asked.

  “Hold pressure on the wound!” Beth put her hands there while she prepared a shot of something, and injected Vikki with Morphine.

  “Tom is she allergic to Penicillin?” She was searching for more bottles in her bag.

  “What?” he seemed dazed for a moment. “Yes she is.”

  “Erythromycin it is then. We have to get her back to the base fast, I don’t have enough stuff here to treat her here. Tom look at me, go get one of the cars here now, have them back right up to the door.” He headed towards the door when he noticed Luke, who lay on the floor still breathing.

  “She dead yet?” Luke hissed out with a smile. Tom picked up the gun and fired three shots into the man’s head and tucked the gun back in his waistband. He was out the door in s flash. Jill continued holding pressure and realized Vikki appeared to be getting clammy and pale, she saw the pinks of her lips disappear, they turned the same chalky white as her face. Beth was reaching under her.

  “I’m not finding an exit would.”

  “I think she’s going into shock!” Jill announced.

  “Casey get me some blankets, we have to keep her warm. Jill wrapped her wound up more we have to get her ready for travel.” Beth was issuing orders rapidly, a car could be heard pulling up outside. Beth was holding Vikki’s hands and tapping them. “Vikki stay with me.” Her eyes fluttered and she moved her head back and forth. “Vikki look at me, give my hand a squeeze honey.” Jill worked rapidly wrapping gauze and bandages around the women’s abdomen.

  “The car is ready! Now what?” Tom asked rushing back to Vikki’s side.

  “Were going to carry her and put her in the back. Jill you stay with me, everyone else sit up front. Casey, Tom can you guys lift her, and be careful, Jill hold her feet I’m going to get in first.” As a unit everyone lifted and carried Vikki to the SUV that had practically back up onto the porch. The others frantically trying to fight off the zombies that were coming out of the wood work. Packed up and inside, the vehicle took off like the hounds of hell were chasing them. Jill kept pressure on the wound as she saw the bandages leak through with blood. She tried to keep her legs elevated while they were turning corners and the swaying motion of the car worked against her. Beth, lifting the bandages, retrieved a packet and tore it open reviling a powdery substance that she sprinkled on the wound.

  “What’s that?”

  “Quik-clot. It should help stem the blood flood. What I really need are some IV’s.” Jill was back to putting pressure on the wound. Vikki was now unconscious, Tom was turned around in the back seat holding her hand trying to get her to open her eyes. Beth was continuing checking vitals. “Her pulse is getting thready. How much longer?”

  “Maybe 2 mins. We radioed ahead for them to have the doors open.”

  “Call back and tell Meghan to have two IV’s of sodium chloride ready.” Time seemed to slow down. Beth noticed Vikki’s breathing was becoming more and more shallow, she got out her CPR face shield and began to give Vikki some, rescue breathing, is what she called it. Tom was in agony. It had only been maybe 20mins or so since she’d been shot, but by the time they rolled in to the fort it seemed like hours passed. They pulled up right about the back of the Kohl’s store, and again Casey, Tom and they all carried Vikki inside.

  They put her on the waiting bed, M
eghan inserted the IV and left it open wide as Beth instructed. She slipped a breathing mask on Vikki from some compressed air they had found. Beth was giving Meghan all kinds of instruction, kneeled down next to her and continued holding Vikki’s hand as the when worked. Sounds became muted, voices mumbled, Tom sobbed and it echoed through the room. Jill only jumped out of her trance when Beth cleared Tom out the way and her and Meghan proceeded to administer CPR. Minutes ticked on.

  Beth pumped the woman’s heart and Meghan tried to breathe life back in to her. They worked hard for 12mins, sweating, breathing heavy and muscles aching Beth had to call it. Jill hadn’t even realized she’d been crying until Casey wiped tears from her face. Everyone in the room was silent, they watched Tom, he caressed Vikki’s face, kissed her forehead and hands. The man had lost his daughter and now his wife, in a matter months, both violently, both at the hands of another. He stood, with tears in his eyes looking at everyone as they watched him.

  Susie walked into the room, and stood by her dad, he pulled her to him quickly in a fierce hug and everyone decided it was time to leave them be.

  Jill and Casey walked outside, just aimlessly as everyone else. All she knew it was good to be back home. When had she started thinking that the Kohl’s store was her home? It used to be the house she grew up in. That was her home and everything that drove her, pushed her, prior to finding these people, this place. Her mission was to get to that house, which was her home. She’d think about it day and night. But things had changed, she watched everyone walking now, getting back on with their day, their jobs, life had to go on.


  Tom and Susie held a small ceremony for Vikki, a few joined in and they laid flowers in the stream that was behind the apartment complex, taking turns each saying a few words. Tom seemed to get on with life slowly, he was very attentive to Susie, and making sure she knew he was there for her. He still felt tremendous guilt having left them. He couldn’t help thinking if he never left, would Luke and the Hell Hole crew ever have found this place? But Casey assured him, they eventually would. The HH’s searches had been expanding according to the information Kurt had gathered from the survivors there and it was only a matter of time before they hit this place.


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