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Red Knight: (Red Knight #1)

Page 26

by L. C White

  The idiot knocking on the front door is persistent, but they can piss right off.

  “Adrien,” I sigh into his ear, curling my toes tightly in my boot.

  I wrap my legs higher around his torso. The bubbling warm stream of my come sends me crazy. I grit my teeth and noisily encourage him to please me harder. And hell, he does everything I require to heighten my pleasure. He lets me lack for nothing and is an expert at multiplying my orgasm.

  Boom, one last hit.

  “Shit,” he shudders on me.

  I moan out his name. Wow. I’m still coming onto him. He stares at me as my ribs arch up in elation, willing me to carry on. He grabs my thigh and slides his hand up my belly and under the curve of my spine. He pushes into me deeper, relishing my sex face. My legs lock with a tremor and flinch. I dampen down, panting turbulently.

  I angle my head to the carpet. Everything apart from the mirror is on the floor. He presses up over me.

  “You better answer the door.” He kisses me and pulls out as the knocking continues.

  I lie feeling I have just been fully charged. Whoever is at the door, can knock till their blue in the face, because I’m not going to answer it.

  I purr and stretch out on the carpet. I don’t even want to put my pants on, just remain strewed here on the floor all satisfied.

  “Elizabeth.” Adrien pulls up his jeans. “They’re clearly not going to leave until you’ve answered.”

  “Elizabeth Lovell.” Oh fuck. I hope I’m hearing things, because that’s my mother’s pissed voice.

  I bolt up in an absolute blind panic. I yank up my briefs and pant legs in alarm.

  “Shit, shit, shit!” I hop up, frantically.

  “Who is that?” he utters.

  “You really don’t want to know. Just be quiet, she might give up.”

  “Elizabeth, I know you’re in there, I can hear you,” she yells.

  Oh this is just great. I knew one day I’d have to introduce Adrien to her, but not like this. I was thinking along the lines of a nice restaurant, where she’d have to be on her best behaviour. I’ve just had wild sex on the floor, and she said she heard it.

  “That annoying voice is my mother.” I fluster and grab my jumper.

  He’s giggling. I do not think this is one bit funny. It’s a disaster I can foresee in my head.

  “She can’t be that bad.”

  I huff and scowl, quickly re-tying my knotty hair back. “She’s worse.”

  “Well go and see what she wants,” he teases, nudging me through the door.

  I flick the latch and open enough to peer through. I’m giving her an inch to say what she has to. Hopefully that will be enough, then she will go. She’s there with that unimpressed trout-pout, the one she used when I was a teen and didn’t come home when I was told to.

  “Mum,” I squeal. “What are you doing here?” I’m still holding the door.

  “Are you going to let me in?”


  She thunders by me toward the couch, huffing and mumbling. She spins to face me with her hands on her hips and distended eyes.

  “Mum… what’s up?”

  She smirks. “What’s up,” she squeaks. “One lousy text message since New Year… and you ask me what’s up!”

  I exhale and close the door, knowing there is no way she is going to leave this flat. Not until she has given me the third degree.

  “And what on earth was all the racket in here.” She looks around. “Are you putting up shelves or something?”

  My whole body has gone into a withdrawn state. I nod and rub my eyes. This is terrible, and I have the distinct impression it is going to get a whole lot worse.

  I remain quiet. I do hope he stays in my room. Please Adrien, if there is a smidgen of Vigore in you, do not leave that room. Mum looks at me then to my bedroom door, suspiciously. That’s it, she has picked up the trail and is not going to let it go until her instincts are proven correct.

  “Oh,” she smiles. “Well you should have used the do not disturb sign I gave you.”

  Oh yes, because I want everyone, including you, to know I’m getting laid.

  I flush. This is so embarrassing. Scale of one to ten, it’s right up there with the time Mum decided to pole dance in the VIP’s nightclub, while I was out with my college friends.

  I stiffen up and cover my face as Adrien emerges from my room. It so obvious what we’ve been doing. His hair is clearly showing evidence that my fingers have been scouring through it. And his exhilarated grin, well that’s a dead giveaway.

  Mum looks to him and lights up like a blooming flare. He smiles, it’s his gentleman one, the same one he used on me at the charity banquet.

  “Why hello.” Mum reaches out her hand. “And what name do you go by… Sir, Mr Knight? I’ve heard so much about you.”

  Goddammit Mother.

  “All good things I hope.” He peers fleetingly at me with lean eyes. “Call me Adrien, Mrs?”

  “Oh Mrs… very polite gent Lizzy,” she says grinning. “Don’t know what all the fuss was for. You really don’t need to call me Mrs.” She’s still holding of his hand, and I know he’s in danger of losing it. “Call me Ruby.”

  The shame is becoming unbearable.

  “Well Ruby, it’s a pleasure to meet you at last.” He kisses her hand and she goes all giddy. “You will have to excuse me,” he says. “Business calls and I’m needed elsewhere.”

  “Hmm, I bet you are,” Mum says, ogling my man’s behind.


  “Only a bit of light-hearted banter,” she smiles. “Seriously, my daughter thinks she’s on some moral high ground sometimes.”

  I glare at her as Adrien nears me, putting on his jacket. He kisses my cheek and tells me he’ll call me later.

  “Goodbye ladies.” He waves the back of his hand as he walks out of the door.

  God, I wish I could go with him.

  “Now honey, you do not need to explain further,” she says. “I can see you’ve been extremely busy. Total understandable you’ve had a few lapses due to your raging hormones. I’m glad you’re finally getting what you need,” she shrills, clapping her hands.

  My eyes loop-de-loop as I make my way into the kitchen. I need to prepare myself for the next hour of endless questioning.

  Chapter 24: Voax

  I’ve wiped down the counter and tables over a dozen times. The shop has been so quiet, it may as well have stayed closed. The end of January is always the same. Everyone’s pockets are empty. The bills coming in thick and fast. Also the weather is so glum, barely anyone wants to venture out on this chilly damp Friday night. I’ve had one customer in two hours, and think I scared them away with my chattiness.

  9.30pm on the dot and she’s here. Shell removes her jacket to take over for the last two hours of opening. I keenly take my bag, scarf, and hat from the hook. Give her a quick rundown of the night’s tedious events, and head through the door. Glad that the most mind-numbing shift I’ve ever had to work, is over.


  I make my way through the foyer and check the mailbox. I skim through to find it’s all just junk-mail for Cate. I miss her terribly. She’s called me once, and text several times over the last two weeks. I did expect her back sooner, but her dad’s still in hospital and she wants to stay to keep an eye on her Mum. He’s been improving every day, and has now been moved onto a regular ward to recover from the valve surgery he’s had. She seems to be holding it together, which is a great relief.

  I pull open the door that leads to the stairwell.

  “Liz.” Oh great, Nathan’s here.

  He lunges at me, swinging me around violently to force me up against the wall.

  “What the hell!”

  Winded with alarm, I grapple with his arms as he grunts in my face. Shit, why’s he doing this?

  “Nathan get the hell off, you’re hurting me!”

  His head goes low as a hellish groan comes from his lips. His touch is like ice and h
is body trembles ferociously. I squirm, because he’s not loosening his grip. I look to the glass doors, ready to shout for help.

  “You,” he sneers through his teeth. “Have no idea what you have done.” His head twitches an abnormal shunt.

  “Nathan have you took some dodgy coke… because you’ve lost your fucking mind!”

  He pops his neck. The sound of his bones cracking sends a quiver through me. I quail in utter horror and panic, as he slants his malicious view. His chest stirs, rasping in and out like his lungs are fluid filled. His skin is ash grey, and lips are blue. Shit, he looks really ill.

  “You need to get to a hospital Nathan,” my voice fractures. “Please let me help you.”

  His tinted lips part a little to reveal his teeth. Holy crap, they cannot be real. Okay, I am now freaking-out. I shut my eyes, pray, and re-open. Oh god, this is mad. I can see them, two enlarged canines protruding from his gums, tapered to a point.

  The veins in his neck and around his mouth become more prominent as he pants over me. I can’t breathe or scream out through fear. I see his pupils rise and roll to the back of his head to make way for black. Pure black. Hell black. I shuffle up the wall as his hands clamp tighter on my biceps. He tilts his head left to right, then flits in a flash to my neck. I whimper out in terror.

  “Please, Nathan, don’t,” I gasp.

  His nose is pushed against the curve of my neck and he inhales me. He starts to convulse, fighting against the magnetic force of my blood. For a second he manages to tear his lips away from my skin. But now he’s there again, shaking against my shoulder.

  “Liz, what have… you done?” The point of his canines press against my flesh.

  I cry out. My friend has been turned and is going to kill me.

  “Please Nathan… this is not you,” I sob. “I can get you help… you don’t need to do this.”

  His lips close slow, wetting my neck, and the sensation of an imminent bite leaves me. People pass by the windows and I’m torn three ways. If I yell out, it could either end with him finishing what he came here to do. Him being caught and killed. Or the secret Adrien is in charge of keeping coming to the surface.

  “I see you with him.” He angles back with laboured tears falling from his black irises. “You know what he is, and still you fuck him.” He places his cold grey hand on my cheek.

  “Who did this to you Nathan? Let me call Adrien, he’ll help you,” I beg.

  He growls, then punches a hole in the wall next to my head. I cower and cry as plaster drops down my jacket collar. I squeeze my eyes tight, fearing the next strike will be to my face, but it doesn’t come. I look through scrunched lids. He observes me and slackens his hold slightly.

  “Your relationship with him will cause your death,” he nods. “He has no idea what’s going to happen. I was sent here to collect you… if I don’t, he’ll send more,” he utters through his teeth. “I thought I could save you, get you away, but your scent… fuck,” he grunts. “I want it all Liz.” He flits back to my neck.

  I shut myself in darkness, drawing my last breath.

  “I won’t… do it.” He forces himself away as the petrified air darts from my mouth. “Liz… you need to leave,” he warns, with the blue of his eyes fighting against the black. “Get away from here and don’t come back.” He stumbles backward, keeling over.

  I should do as he’s says, but I can’t run from him. He needs my help.

  “Nathan, what…” my voice quivers. “What about you?”

  “I know what I have to do. I will find those who did this.” A tear leaves his eye. “I love you Liz.” His body flinches. “One question. Did you ever feel for me what you do for him?”

  I blinks slow and sigh, “Yes.”

  He smirks. “You’re lying Liz.”

  He walks to me slowly. I press my back hard and rigid against the wall. He lays his fingertips on my cheek so my teardrops tumble over his thumb. He places his head on mine and exhales.

  “Goodbye, Liz,” he says, tenderly.

  He wrestles away, gazing forlornly, and staggers to the glass doors. I scream for him to come back, but he’s gone. He has just said goodbye like it would be the last time I ever see him. I can’t bare it. He’s in trouble, and I can’t do a thing to help.

  I tip out the contents of my bag. Papers, books, and loose change, spread across the lobby floor. I pick up my mobile phone and race to the stairs, while calling Adrien. Shit, voicemail.

  I tussle to get my key into the front door as I dial his number again. Still, he’s on voicemail. I race into the flat, lock the door, and check the peephole, breathlessly.

  I toss my keys on the phone unit as I continue to redial Adrien, leaving urgent messages each time. With tears impeding my view, and lungs incapable of taking in air, I dash into each room to make sure all the windows are locked.

  The liquor cupboard is ajar. I grab the bottle of Jack Daniels and take a huge glug, contemplating what to do. Pack a bag, yes, and get the hell out of here. I charge into my room, slam the bottle on my dresser, and pull out my case from beneath the bed. I grab the essentials with speed, and fling them in.

  I hear a creak arise from the living room and freeze. My hearts thumps in my confined throat. Shit, I’m not alone. I hold my phone so tight it slips, dropping through my nervous sweaty fingers to land on the carpet. As I bend over to retrieve it, music booms through the flat, making me squeal and jump back. With the phone clutched to my chest, I hesitantly take a small step, unsure whether to go and investigate, or shut my door and barricade myself in.

  The deafening racket clouds my senses. I call him again. It rings exactly four times, and goes onto that bitch’s machine voicemail tone.

  “Adrien!” I place my right hand on the door, listening to the beep. “Adrien… there is someone in my flat, pick up the damn phone!”

  I slope my body, picking up the JD bottle to use as protection. I know I locked that front door, and every window was shut. Who, and how the hell did anyone get in here?

  I step out, peering apprehensively around the doorframe. The CD player is on, playing an old Radio Head song. I know that disc has been stuck at the bottom of the rack since Cate moved in. I take another step, holding the neck of the bottle firm, ready to swing. Oh hell, there is something on the wall in the lounge. A huge red symbol of some sort; it’s dripping on the skirting. Nathan was right. That’s blood, and this is some twisted vamp attack.

  “Shit!” I drop the bottle as the front door is suddenly kicked in off its hinges.

  Oh god. I reel back and fall into the smashed glass. Frightened, I dig my heels and hands into the rug as I hyperventilate. With each movement, glass sticks into the palm of my hand. I cry out and see him. Adrien. He snarls with the darkness of his alter ego masking his eyes. I’ve never seen him like this. His sharp fangs out ready; the look on his face, like he doesn’t even know who I am.

  He leaves me in the carpet of slivers. The whisky that was still in the bottle stings as it enters my bloody cuts. Adrien’s shadowy figure Flits in and out of every room, wheezing like a rabid animal. He inhales high, tracing who was here. I want to move and call out to him, but something tells me to let him calm down first.

  I can’t help it; the rawness of my hands makes me hiss out. He stomps and his heavy brown boots stop directly before my bent legs, crunching in the glass. He stares down as tears drop over my jawline. His eyes soften, reverting back to that impeccable golden hazel. He crouches down and lifts me from the splinters.

  I let it all out. I sob on his chest, shaking uncontrollably. He places me on the sofa and dashes into the kitchen. My left palm bleeds onto my thigh. This is not good for him at all. I swiftly rise to my feet. I can’t allow him to become lured by my blood.

  I get as far as the bathroom door when I see him out of the corner of my eye. I halt and cautiously look across at him. He’s holding a bowl of water, some cotton wool, and tea towel.

  “Elizabeth sit… I’m not going to lick your ha
nd or anything like that,” he reassures.

  With vigilance and weak legs, I do as he asks. Nathan told me to go, but I can’t. I guess I’m asking for trouble aren’t I. My firm belief that Adrien will not harm me, is too strong to just get up and get out of here. I know he wouldn’t. And he is the only one who can help Nathan.

  “Sara is on her way. She’s good at the whole nurse thing.” He places the bowl on the table and studies my hand. “I knew… I knew I should have stayed away from you.”

  I don’t have a clue what’s transpiring here, and I should be finding out. But my head is still set on fright mode. To think straight is an impossibility with so much to scream at him over. Nathan, being attacked, who came in here, what the hell is that on the wall?

  “Could you just get me a drink?” I ask, quietly quivering.

  He darts up to the drinks cabinet and opens the door. He looks across at me because all that is in there is a bottle of raspberry liquor, I usually add to cheap wine. Not really supposed to drink it neat, but right now, I don’t give a crap.

  “Yeah, just give it to me,” I order.

  I gulp down a large mouthful. It’s strong and sweet, so I have another.

  “I’m going to take you to the emergency room,” he frets. “Sara should be here by now.”

  I drink what remains in the round gold bottle, taking deep breaths between gulps.

  “No,” I snap. “What the fuck is all this… and… and Nathan… god Nathan!”

  “What about him Elizabeth?”

  “He’s a damn vampire, Adrien. He was sent here to get me, but instead warned me to run away from you, and this place,” I yell. “He’s out there now, alone. God knows what’s going to happen to him.”

  He turns to the front door without answering as Sara flusters in. She pauses on the spot, gaping at the mess and the symbol. I don’t like it; the look she’s giving him. They’re having a damn silent discussion about this that I should be a part of.

  “Sara, see to Elizabeth’s hand, I need to make some calls.” He pulls out his iPhone.

  Sara sits and looks beneath the tea-towel. She sighs as Adrien walks toward my bedroom. I scram up to my feet and zigzag to him.


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