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King of Hawthorne Prep

Page 30

by Jennifer Sucevic

  “Next time, cut to the front of the line.” He gives me a flirty wink. “I got you covered.”

  I flash him a grateful smile. Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all.

  With my drink in hand, I’m ready to make my way back to Jaxon and Lanie. Only now does it occur to me that they could have moved from the spot where I’d left them.

  Who’s to say I’ll even be able to find my way back?

  A knot of unease settles at the bottom of my belly. My fingers go to the purse slung across my chest. It’s big enough to hold my phone and that’s about it. I could always shoot Lanie a text, but who knows if she’d hear it. And I have no idea how to navigate my way back to our apartment. The unsettled feeling that had taken up residence in my gut turns into full-on nausea.

  Only now do I realize that walking away was a bad idea. I should have stuck to Lanie and Jax like glue. But standing around and watching them make-out felt pervy.

  And not in a good way.

  With those thoughts swirling through my brain, I spin around and slam into a wall of impenetrable muscle. The impact knocks me off-balance and I stumble back a step. Before I can fall, strong hands reach out and grab hold of my shoulders, yanking me forward. My breath catches and my heart pounds at the narrowly avoided tumble.

  I shake my head to clear it as beer sloshes over the rim of my plastic cup and spills onto the ground at my feet. I’m lucky it didn’t end up down the front of my top or the shirt of the unsuspecting person I plowed into.

  How humiliating would that have been?

  Ugh…I don’t even want to think about it.

  “I’m so—”

  My voice falls off as I glance up, my gaze colliding with narrowed blue eyes. Hunter quickly sets me free as if his fingers have been burned. Neither of us break eye contact. All of the raucous noise of the bonfire dies away until it’s just the two of us standing alone in the middle of a dark field.

  This is the moment I’ve been dreading.

  My eyes roam over his face, cataloging the myriad of changes that time has wrought. When I walked away, Hunter had still been a boy, his lean muscles beginning to thicken. Now the transformation has been complete and he’s a full-grown man. Hunter has always had size on his side, but somehow, he’s managed to grow both taller and broader. He must be somewhere in the vicinity of six three or four. I have to crane my neck to hold his gaze. The graphic T-shirt he’s wearing stretches tautly across the wide expanse of his chest and hugs the chiseled strength of his biceps. It’s enough to make my mouth dry and my knees soft.

  If I have one weakness, it’s for thickly corded arms. All that tightly harnessed power waiting to break free…

  A shiver of desire scampers down my spine before I stomp it out.

  Unaware of the effect he’s having on me, Hunter’s deep voice cuts through my thoughts.

  “What are you doing here, Skye?”

  It’s the harshness of his tone that has my gaze snapping back to his as heat floods my cheeks. I can’t stop myself from staring. The little bit of cyberstalking I’ve done over the years has in no way prepared me for coming face-to-face with my ex-boyfriend. He’s grown into his dark looks, becoming even more of a heartbreaker than he was in high school.

  My tongue darts out to smudge my parched lips as nerves dance along my skin. I search Hunter’s eyes, looking for any hint of softening but there’s none to be found. His gaze is as frigid and detached as I imagined it would be. The tiny kernel of hope that our time apart would be enough to heal our past wounds shrivels and dies inside me.

  There is no forgiveness in his heart.

  But then again, did I really expect there would be?

  Maybe. It would have made coexisting on campus for the next year so much easier.

  It’s obvious from his terse behavior that Hunter would prefer to pretend I never existed in the first place. As much as I would love to give him that, I can’t. Unforeseen circumstances have forced me home.

  I straighten my shoulders and attempt to keep my voice level. I don’t want him to hear the slight tremble that is working its way through my body. “I transferred to Claremont for my senior year.”

  His shadowed jaw ticks as he clenches his teeth. “Why?”

  The way he bites out that one word leaves me wincing.

  I take a quick step back and lift my chin, not wanting him to see how much power he still holds over me. Time has done nothing to diminish it. “That’s none of your business.”

  Whether Hunter realizes it or not, he still owns a piece of my heart. It’s better for both of us if he never suspects the depth of my feelings.

  His hands tighten into fists as he closes the little bit of distance that I’ve managed to put between us. Instead of scrambling back the way every instinct is clamoring for me to do, I hold my ground until we’re standing toe-to-toe. My heart pounds a painful staccato against my breast as his harsh breath feathers across my parted lips.

  There was a time when I couldn’t get close enough to Hunter.

  Now I can’t get far enough away.

  Sorrow floods through every fiber of my body that it has to be this way between us. Next to Lanie, Hunter was my best friend. He was my first everything.





  Everything we once shared has been blown to pieces and we’re nothing more than strangers. Actually, what we are is much worse. His animosity is palpable. It radiates from him in suffocating waves that threaten to choke the life out of me.

  “You shouldn’t have come back,” he growls. “You don’t belong here anymore.”

  That may be true, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere.

  I shift my weight and force myself to say, “Claremont is big enough for the two of us.”

  “No, it’s not. Stay the fuck out of my way, Skye.” His eyes flash with barely suppressed hostility. “You won’t like the consequences if you don’t.”

  Before I can summon up a retort, he stalks away. Rooted in place, my gaze tracks his movements until he fades into the crowd. Not once does he turn around and acknowledge my presence. I’ve been dismissed. Relegated to the blackhole that is our past.

  Once he disappears from sight, my knees weaken as the pent-up breath rushes from my aching lungs.

  I haven’t been on campus for a full seventy-two hours and in Hunter’s eyes, I’m public enemy number one.

  About the Author

  Jennifer Sucevic is a USA Today Bestselling author who has published sixteen New Adult novels. She has a bachelor’s degree in History and a master’s degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She spent five years working as a high school counselor before relocating with her family. Jennifer lives in the Midwest with her husband, four children, a dog, and cat. Being a writer has always been the dream and she feels lucky to live out that dream every day.

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