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The Changeling Princess

Page 17

by Jackie Shirley

  I watched as the sky turned dark. The calm waters rippled from the strong wind that was building up in the area. Within a matter of minutes, Wade and I were standing in the middle of a full blown hurricane. Wade blinked his eyes and the hurricane instantly disappeared. I think we were both impressed.

  We spent an hour honing Wade’s ability to control fire. He practiced using different degrees of intensity as well as firing bolts at small targets to improve his accuracy.

  “I have another surprise for you, Wade,” I said as I opened my backpack. I pulled out the black robe I’d made and handed it to him.

  “This is for me? Jeez, Janis, it’s beautiful.”

  Wade slipped into the robe and tied the sash around his waist. He twirled around several times to test it out. “It’s really comfortable and it’s lightweight. I can hardly tell I’m wearing it.”

  “It’s more than a robe, Wade. I made it from a force field and it’s indestructible. I’m going to give you a demonstration”

  I backed up and hit Wade in the chest with an energy bolt. The force knocked him backwards, but he was unharmed. “This robe is fantastic, Janis. It’s like being surrounded with a force field.”

  “That’s true, but your head is unprotected. I wasn’t sure if you’d wear a hood.”

  “Wade shook his head. “No, I don’t want a hood. I don’t want to look like Little Red Riding Hood.”

  “Okay, but keep your collar up at all times when you’re in battle.”

  Wade’s confidence was at an all-time high when we left the island. The trip had been a confidence builder for me, too.

  * * *

  It was Monday, January 15, 1962—Wade’s eighteenth birthday. I was invited to his birthday party and I was the only guest.

  “Come right in,” Miss Wilson said when she answered the door. “We’re glad to see that you could make it.”

  Wade walked into the room. “I see our guest of honor has arrived,” he said with a wide smile.

  “No, Wade, you’re the guest of honor. It’s your birthday.” I handed Wade his birthday present and watched his eyes light up.

  “You didn’t have to buy me anything, Janis. That’s really nice of you.”

  “That’s okay, my birthday’s next Monday and I’m expecting a huge payback.” We both laughed.

  After dinner, Miss Wilson lit the candles on Wade’s birthday cake. “Make a wish, Wade. Make it a very special one,” she said.

  Wade took a deep breath and then blew out all eighteen candles. “What did you wish for?” I asked.

  “Shame on you, Janis. You know a wish can’t come true if you tell anyone what you asked for.”

  Wade cut the cake and Miss Wilson dished out the ice cream. After our second piece of cake, Miss Wilson handed Wade a postcard. When Wade looked at the card, I sensed he was filled with mixed emotions. Wade sighed as he faced me.

  “This is a postcard from my father. It reads, ‘Happy birthday, I wish I was there.’ This is the first time I’ve heard from my father in the last four years. He sent me a similar postcard when I turned fourteen.”

  “Does your father say where he is?” I asked.

  “No, but the postcard is marked London, England.”

  “I wish I could say something to ease the pain,” said Miss Wilson. “Eric has always been irresponsible, but he turned over a new leaf when he married your mother. I sincerely believe her death was just too much for him to handle. I wish I could change things, but I can’t.”

  “That’s okay, Aunt Mildred. Things are what they are and I’ve learned to live with it. At least Dad is still thinking about me. I’m grateful for that.”

  I felt sorry for Wade because he was carrying a lot of grief in his heart. He was extremely mature and he was the type to make the best of an unhappy situation. Wade was quite a guy and I was more attracted to him with each passing day.

  We continued our practice sessions throughout the winter by building a force field dome over the mountain clearing. Things were going well and we were both pleased.

  Wade came up with a suggestion. “I don’t think we should leave our swords and shields at the retreat anymore. If we’re summoned, we want to be able to leave at a moment’s notice.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more.”


  My remaining days in high school were of little significance because my priorities in life had changed drastically. The time to face the Portal of Darkness was drawing near and I was consumed with the task that lay before me. I began doubting myself because my responsibilities were so enormous. Missy and Izzy were always boosting my morale.

  No one can beat the Changeling Princess, said Missy. You’re so tough you could lick a band of desperados with one finger.

  That’s right, said Izzy. I bet you could beat an army of banditos with one arm tied behind your back.

  Well, thanks for your confidence, girls. The only problem is that the guys I’m going to be facing are a lot tougher than desperados or banditos.

  Maybe so, said Izzy, but you can handle them. Besides, you have the forces of good on your side . . . And good always beats bad.

  I always felt better after a pep talk from the kitties. Animals like cats are considered lower life forms compared to humans, but who’s to say their simplistic outlook on life isn’t the purest form of logic?

  The end of the school year was approaching and Wade was taking me to the senior prom. Wade and I were going to meet Sherri and Bruce at the ballroom and share a table. It was going to be a fun night and I looked forward to getting my mind off the upcoming battle. I’m sure Wade felt the same way.

  * * *

  It was the night of the Senior Prom and I was ready to go. I was extremely careful going down the stairs. Don’t fall down and break your neck in your new high heels, I told myself.

  The doorbell rang when I reached the bottom of the stairs. “I’ll get it,” I yelled. Wade was at the door with a big smile on his face. He looked especially handsome in his black tux.

  “You are so beautiful, Janis! I’m spellbound.” I kissed Wade on the cheek and then I led him into the living room.

  My parents looked pleased. “You two are quite a sight,” said my mother. “And you look especially handsome tonight, young man. I don’t know how Janis managed to snag such a good-looking guy.”

  “It’s obvious that Janis gets her charm from you Mrs. French.” Wade replied.

  “The women in this family are experts at choosing good-looking men,” said my dad.

  Everyone laughed and then dad shook hands with Wade before he hugged me

  Mom took a several pictures before we said goodbye and walked out the front door. I was surprised to see Miss Wilson’s car parked in our driveway. Wade walked me to the car and opened the passenger door.

  “What’s going on,” I asked.

  “I’m driving tonight.”

  “When did you learn how to drive?”

  “Aunt Mildred’s been teaching me. I got my driver’s license last week.”

  “Okay, but don’t make me wish I was fighting Demons instead of riding with you.”

  * * *

  We arrived at the ballroom at nine o’clock. We had no sooner gotten out of the car when the roar of motorcycles filled the air. I looked over to see a string of motorcycles pulling into the parking lot.

  “These guy look like party crashers,” I said angrily.

  Wade broke into a devilish grin. “Not for long.”

  I heard one of the bikers yell out, “I’ve got ten buck that says I can outrun any biker in this club in a race to Greensboro.”

  “In a pig’s eye,” yelled another biker.”

  The next thing I knew the entire motorcycle club pulled out of the parking lot at breakneck speed. When the last biker was out of the parking lot, I turned to Wade. “I bet you used thought control on those bikers and suggested they race to Greensboro.”

  “It seemed like the right thing to do. I didn’t have to lift a fi
nger and no one was hurt.”

  “That kind of control will come in handy when the Portal of Darkness opens.”

  “I don’t think so. I tried mind control on the Demon in Cincinnati. His brain was so small I couldn’t connect. Low level Demons are like worker ants.”

  “I see your point. I bet that’s why I can’t communicate with insects.”

  We entered the ballroom and looked for Sherri and Bruce. When we realized we’d gotten there first, we picked out a table and kept an eye on the front door. The band was playing “Roses are Red,” a number one hit on the pop charts by Bobby Vinton. I was ready to dance, but Wade had something else in mind.

  “I have a very important question to ask you, Janis.”

  “This sounds serious, so you have my undivided attention.”

  “I know we can’t have a serious relationship, but I want you to wear my class ring. It would mean a great deal to me.”

  I was touched by Wade’s sincerity. “I’d be honored to wear your class ring.”

  I held out my hand and Wade slipped the ring on my finger. Wade had long thin fingers, so the ring was only a tad too large. I used my telekinetic power and reduced the opening of the ring for a perfect fit. It was a beautiful ring with a large “W” across the top.

  “This means that you’re my girl, Janis.”

  “I looked deep into Wade’s eyes. “Yes, Wade, I’m your girl.”

  The band played “Hit the Road Jack” and my feet were itching to dance. I stood up and gently pulled Wade to his feet. “I want to show you how your girl has improved her dancing skills.”

  When the song was over, we waited on the dance floor for the next song. When the band played a slow tune, I melted into Wade’s arms and looked into his eyes. “I’m glad we’re together tonight. Being with you is very special to me.”

  “I feel the same way, Janis. Let’s pretend this night is going to last forever.”

  I pulled Wade closer to me. “If only that were true.”

  We’d been at the Prom for over an hour and Sherri and Wade still hadn’t shown up. “I’m worried about Sherri,” I said. “I’m going to call her house just to make sure nothing has happened to her.”

  Sherri answered the phone. “What happened to you guys?” I shouted over the phone.

  “This is really embarrassing, Janis. I tripped on the stairs and broke my big toe. I called your house, but your mom said you’d already left for the Prom.”

  “That’s terrible. Is Bruce with you?”

  “Yes, he’s right here holding my hand. It’s not really that terrible. I haven’t been treated this good since I fell off my tricycle.”

  I couldn’t contain my laughter. “I bet you’re playing your broken toe to the hilt, but that’s okay. It’s nice to be spoiled once in a while.”

  Sherri giggled. “So how’s the Prom?”

  “Really great. They’ve got a great band. I wish you were here.”

  “So do I, but I’ll live.”

  “I’ll stop by and check up on you tomorrow.”

  “Sounds great.

  “See ya, Sherri.”

  “See ya, Janis.”

  “What’s going on?” Wade asked when I returned to the table.

  “Sherri fell down the steps and broke her big toe. Bruce is keeping her company tonight.”

  “That’s terrible. Poor Sherri.”

  “Don’t worry about her. Everyone’s waiting on her hand and foot and she loves every minute of it.”

  “I don’t see anything wrong with that. We all need to be pampered once in a while.”

  “When’s the last time you were pampered, Wade?”

  “You pamper me every time we’re together.”

  “I do not.”

  “You do too. Do you realize we’ve just had our first argument since you became my girl?”

  “It wasn’t an argument.”

  “It was too.”

  We stared at each other and laughed. “Let’s dance,” said Wade.

  “I’d love too.”

  * * *

  We had a late night supper and then Wade drove me home. We remained silent as we walked slowly to my front door. I took a deep breath as Wade took me in his arms and kissed me. It was a deep passionate kiss that left me reeling. I was fighting back the tears because Wade was so special to me. He was one of a kind and he couldn’t be replaced.


  I felt the tension building with each passing day. The opening of the Portal was drawing near and it was impossible to think about anything else. Wade and I spent every possible moment practicing to perfect our skills.

  It was ten o’clock on a Tuesday evening. I was watching television with my parents when I sat up straight in my chair. I listened carefully because the voice of the Supreme Entity was speaking to me. The time has come for you to fulfill your destiny. I will lead you to your destination.

  I jumped up from my chair. “I’ve been summoned,” I said breathlessly. I hugged my parents and told them I loved them. I knew my parents were in shock because everything had happened so fast.

  I removed my sword and shield from the trunk of my car and rushed to Wade’s house. He was waiting for me on his front porch, wearing his robe and holding his shield and sword. “Let’s go around to your backyard where it’s more private,” I said quietly.

  “Do you know where we’re going?”

  “No, but I was told I’d be given a sign.”

  I morphed into the Changeling Princess and held onto Wade’s hand. We morphed into Mists and soared high into the sky. I hovered in midair for almost three minutes before I saw a series of twinkling stars laid out in a straight line. I was positive the stars were pointing the way for me. We probably looked like a streaking comet as I turned up the speed.

  We had been traveling for two hours when my senses told me we’d reached our destination. I glided down to Earth and felt sand beneath my feet. It was pitch black and we couldn’t see our hands in front of our faces.

  “Where do you think we are?” asked Wade.

  “I’m not sure. Let’s put our energy beams on low and use them like a flashlight.”

  We peered off into the distance and all we could see was sand—miles and miles of sand. “It’s obvious we’re in a desert,” said Wade.

  “Judging from the distance we’ve covered, I’d say we’re in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Keep a sharp lookout. I have a feeling we’re going to be very busy around here when the Sun comes up.”

  I placed my hands on Wade’s shoulders and focused my rejuvenation beam directly into his eyes. “What was that for?” he asked.

  “Think of it as charging a battery. How do you feel?”

  Wade became enthusiastic. “You know what? I think I’m stronger than ever. That was a brilliant idea.”

  “You’re absolutely positive you don’t want a hood?”

  “Positive. I’ll protect my head with my shield.”

  “Okay, but at least keep your collar up.”

  The darkness slowly faded as the morning Sun began its ascent in the eastern sky. It was the start of a new day and the intense heat of the Sahara would soon be upon us. I sensed it was only a matter of time before the Portal of Darkness appeared. “I think I hear something,” I told Wade.

  Wade listened, focusing on the wind sweeping across the desert.” The wind is getting stronger. I think there’s a sandstorm heading toward us.”

  I threw up a barrier to protect us from the sandstorm. Suddenly, the sand storm disappeared as quickly as it began. When I dissolved the barrier, I heard a low rumbling sound coming from the ground. We both stepped back when the sand in front of us began spinning like a revolving disk. The disk lifted itself upright and continued growing until it reached a height of two hundred feet. It continued spinning and I heard a loud cracking sound. Suddenly, bolts of electricity began shooting outward from the revolving disc. The disk continually changed colors as it spun faster and faster. It went from sand-colored brown t
o bright red and then from dark blue to deep orange.

  I shot several energy bolts at the disc. They had no effect because the disk absorbed the energy. The disk was increasing in power and I was helpless to stop it.

  My senses told me I was watching the formation of a portal that led to a parallel universe. The real challenge would take place when the creatures from that universe attempted to enter our world.

  The portal opened and I was able to view the inside. All I could see was a dark tunnel, but I became nauseated by the smell. Evil has an aroma all its own and this was like nothing I’d ever experienced. I just hoped Wade’s sensitive nose was up for the job.

  I wanted to enter the tunnel, but my senses told me I’d lose my powers. I tried sealing off the portal with a force field, but my powers were useless. I had no choice. Wade and I would have to wait for our adversaries to come to us.

  I heard the sound of an advancing army deep within the portal. The sound was getting louder and louder as they rushed towards us. “Hold your ground!” I shouted to Wade.

  Wade raised his sword in the air and shouted into the portal. “Bring it on!”

  The first wave consisted of a large mass of Heat Demons firing low level energy bolts. I began firing blasts of cold air, covering the Demons in ice. Wade zeroed in on the creatures and finished off the entire wave with his high-powered energy bolts, followed by a massive wall of fire. When the smoke cleared, a lone Demon stepped forward carrying a sword and shield. He was about eight feet tall and he was built like a tank. He raised his sword and pointed it at Wade. “I challenge you, Earthling. I will hack your body to pieces and feast on your bones.”

  Wade stepped forward and raised his sword in the air. “I accept your challenge.” Wade could have killed this Demon with his energy beam, but he couldn’t resist a challenge. Wade wasn’t afraid of anything and this was his way of proving it.

  “Protect you head,” I shouted out.”

  Wade nodded at me. “I’ll keep my shield up.”

  Wade and the Demon circled each other, both waiting for an opening. After a series of lunges, the Demon became impatient. His slashes were catching nothing but air and Wade was scoring with counter moves, leaving huge gashes on the Demon’s legs and arms. The more frustrated the Demon became, the more wounds he received. Wade’s expertise with a sword had the Demon totally confused.


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