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The Changeling Princess

Page 25

by Jackie Shirley

  I adjusted my energy beam to pick up heat waves when I scanned the mountain sides. Even if Zalazar was using his cloak of invisibility, the heat his body generated would still show up on my scan. I spent a portion of each day morphing into a dragon and flying through the mountains.

  After the first month, I decided I needed a new plan because I never saw a trace of Zalazar. I came up with a simple idea based on the fact that animals did not like anyone interfering with their food. If you try to take a dog’s food from his plate, you’re usually met with a growl. It’s a fact that animals in the wild will turn fierce to protect a fresh kill. I hoped Zalazar had the same instincts.

  I made two dummy steers that looked extremely real. I even made them flexible so that they moved in the wind. I obtained some beef blood from a local rancher and drenched each of the decoy steers in the blood. They had the correct scent and I was now ready to carry out my plan.

  I started out each morning and morphed into a dragon. I picked up my decoy steers and began flying over the mountains. It was impossible to cover such a large territory without someone seeing me, so I expected that France would soon be bombarded with reports of a flying dragon. On the bright side, maybe a sighting would be good for French tourism.

  A month passed with no results, but I wasn’t ready to give up. There are seven principal mountain regions in France and I’d covered only three so far. Actually, I was having fun impersonating a dragon. For me, it was a new way to fly.

  The next range of mountains to be searched was the Pyrenees in the south of France. If I were a dragon, this is where I’d want to live because the view was spellbinding. I also needed to purchase some more beef blood to keep the scent fresh.

  I was flying at an elevation of eight thousand feet when I finally struck gold. I heard the flapping of wings and looked down to see a dragon flying straight at me. I continued flying at the same steady speed as the approaching dragon closed the distance.

  I felt a blast of heat as Zalazar fired a huge flaming ball in my direction. I dropped the decoys and morphed into the Changeling Princess. Zalazar screeched when my energy bolt singed his left wing. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

  I adjusted my vision to pick up Zalazar’s heat waves. I turned around just in time to be met by a fireball that that hit me directly in the chest. I wasn’t hurt, but I had to admit that Zalazar was really fast. Zalazar’s wings were flapping rapidly as we faced off against each other. The exchange of fire between us was hot enough to roast a dozen steers for dinner. I was careful not to raise the heat of my energy beam to the point that it was lethal. I didn’t want to kill Zalazar.

  What kind of creature are you? Zalazar asked.

  I am an Ivarr and I have been sent here to capture you.

  I have been in this world for two thousand years. You have no idea how powerful I am.

  We were only twenty feet apart when Zalazar lunged at me. His mouth was wide open and the claws on his huge hands were spread. I turned abruptly and threw my body across his chest like a battering ram. I had only knocked the wind out of Zalazar, but it was the perfect opportunity to throw a force field around Zalazar in midair. Without the use of his wings, Zalazar fell like a lead weight being dropped out of an airplane.

  I plunged downward and grabbed Zalazar with what Star Trek’s Captain Kirk called a “tractor beam.” I lowered Zalazar gently to the ground and then finished wrapping my force field around him. I was extremely pleased when I placed my “W” between Zalazar’s eyes. He was going to make a fine addition to my collection of Demons at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

  I only had one more Demon on my list. I found it hard to believe that the years had passed so quickly. I remembered when I was still a little girl and every new experience seemed bigger than the experience before. The years had passed so quickly that it seemed like a dream.

  Zimbro, the Demon gorilla, lived in the lowland forests of Cameroon in Africa. I spent a lot of time in the library and did extensive research on gorillas. I’d always thought they were dumb and extremely violent, so I was surprised to discover they are intelligent and very gentle. A gorilla pounding on its chest was usually nothing more than a dominant male protecting his territory.

  When I arrived in Africa, I talked to several natives who told me that a giant gorilla had been sighted several times since the early 1960s. This told me that Zimbro was a Demon that had escaped when the Portal of Darkness was last opened.

  The giant gorilla was said to have exceptional strength. One native told me he saw the giant gorilla tear a tiger apart with his bare hands. Another native told me the story of a giant gorilla that had killed a bull elephant. That sounded like a Demon gorilla with exceptional strength.

  My hunt for Zimbro was short and sweet. I had no sooner entered the forest when I picked up the scent of death that is common to all Demons. Zimbro’s scent was the strongest I’d ever come across.

  I was deep into the forest when I heard the sound of something thrashing its way through the underbrush. I was standing in a clearing when Zimbro stepped out of the underbrush and stood in front of me. He was ten feet tall and his thoughts were crystal clear.

  Your skin lacks color and I sense that you are no ordinary human. I also sense that you are hunting me. You are in for an unpleasant death.

  Don’t underestimate me, Zimbro. I’m not as big as you are, but I have powers that you can’t comprehend.

  If you know my name, then you are an Ivarr. That means nothing to me because I am a champion in the world where I come from. There is nothing in this world that can stand up to me, not even an Ivarr.

  I felt a strange electrical charge flowing through the air. When I saw that the charge was flowing toward Zimbro, I realized he was charging his body just like a battery. In a relatively short time, his entire body was glowing like a neon sign. I had no idea how that was possible. Maybe his body was some kind of a huge conductor that could draw power from the air around him. I guess I should have paid more attention in my science classes.

  I didn’t waste another second. I used my power of telekinesis and threw a force field over his entire body. To my surprise, he used his massive strength to tear an opening in the force field. This was beyond super strength.

  You are more gifted than I gave you credit for, Ivarr. Zimbro morphed to a height of twenty feet, doubling his size.

  I could have ended this confrontation quickly and cut Zimbro to pieces with my laser beam. Even better, I could have morphed to eighty feet tall and manhandled him like he was a child. I didn’t do either because first and foremost, I was a warrior. I had skills that dated back thousands of years. I was versed in all types of combat, ranging from handheld weapons to the martial arts. I would accept Zimbro’s challenge on an equal footing and prove that I was the better warrior. I morphed into a twenty-foot tall Changeling Princess, matching Zimbro’s height and tripling my strength.

  Zimbro’s eyes were on fire as he lunged at me. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward, a simple judo move that caused him to lose his balance. I struck him behind the head with my open hand and he fell flat on his stomach. Zimbro rose to his feet, rubbing the back of his head. You will pay dearly for that, he screamed.

  When he rushed forward again, he got my foot in his face, followed by a quick punch to the stomach that landed him flat on his back. Zimbro roared as he picked himself up off the ground. When he lunged at me again, I hit him with a quick punch to the jaw that twisted his head sideways and knocked him on his back again. He may have been a champion in his own world, but he had never tangled with an Ivarr.

  Zimbro was slow getting up. I knew he was confused because he wasn’t used to being knocked down. I hoped the fact that he was getting his butt kicked by a teenage girl really ticked him off. Zimbro made one last lunge. I grabbed his arm, turned my back and used a shoulder throw that sent him flying a good fifty feet through the air. When he landed on his back, I rushed forward and smashed my fist into his huge jaw. I could have k
illed him with my super strength, but I only hit him hard enough to knock him out. I watched as his body shrank back to its original size. I didn’t waste another minute before I wrapped a force field around his body. I covered him with a couple of extra layers just to play it safe. I wasn’t finished until I placed my signature “W” between his eyes.

  I placed Zimbro alongside the rest of the Demons in the Mariana Trench. I moved from Demon to Demon, recalling how each one of them had been captured. I felt a real sense of accomplishment as I swam to the surface of the Pacific Ocean and headed for home. My job of rounding up demons had come to an end.


  Christmas was near and I was approaching my thirty-fifth birthday. Rounding up the Demons had taken a total of seventeen years. Time had passed quickly because I was always on the go. I still had my Changeling skills, but the Ivarr powers granted to me by the Supreme Entity were a thing of the past. I had no idea what I was going to do next.

  “Are you finished with your Demon hunting for good now?” my mother asked.

  “Yes, Mom, my powers are gone.”

  “Would you do it all over again if the Supreme Entity asked you to?”

  I didn’t have to think twice. “Of course I would. If you are chosen to rid the world of unspeakable evil, you simply can’t refuse when asked. The world is depending on you and you have to do what’s right.”

  “Now you know why you were chosen. And that’s why your dad and I are so very proud of you. You have given all the Changeling Clans a reason to hold their heads high with pride. You will not be forgotten, Janis, I can guarantee that.”

  When I left the dinner table that evening, I went to my room feeling tired and worn out. I glanced at the prom pictures on my dresser. I couldn’t help wondering if I would have married Wade if he hadn’t died. It was a question that would never be answered.

  I put on my pajamas, blew Wade’s picture a goodnight kiss and got into bed. I looked up at the ceiling and smiled. I could still visualize Misty and Izzy flying around the room and playing there cute little game of rounding up the bad guys. I felt fortunate because I had so many wonderful memories of my precious little kitties. I was half asleep when I heard the familiar voice of the Supreme Entity.

  You have done well, my child. You carried out your duties admirably because you captured every Demon on your list. No other Ivarr since the opening of the first portal has been able to accomplish that.

  “What about Nessie? I didn’t capture her.”

  Antista was not a Demon. As with the Ivarrs before you, you have the gift of compassion because you have kindness in your heart.

  “Thank you for telling me. I wasn’t sure if I’d made the right decision or not.”

  The time has come for you to visit the great hall that houses the Ivarrs of the past. I think you will be pleased with what I have to show you.

  I wasn’t sure what was happening to me. It was as if I had become weightless and I was floating upward into the heavens. I wasn’t sure, but I think my spirit had been separated from my body.

  I found myself staring at millions and millions of stars as I rose higher into the sky. I almost lost my breath when I saw the rings of Saturn up close and personal. I was awestruck beyond belief.

  I felt myself accelerating as I was whisked out into the far reaches of space. I was racing past the stars at such a fast pace that they looked like streaks of light. As we picked up speed, the streaks of light diminished and I was surrounded by entire galaxies in all directions. I had never seen anything so spectacular in my entire life.

  When we finally slowed down, I saw that I was approaching a beautiful blue planet that reminded me of Earth. I floated gently to the ground and found myself standing on a hill overlooking a large city. It was like looking at a page out of a history book because the city looked exactly like ancient Rome. I felt the presence of the Supreme Entity standing next to me, but all I could see was a vague outline of mist, swirling slowly in the afternoon Sun.

  “This looks like ancient Rome,” I commented.

  It is an exact duplicate of Rome. This planet has many cities, such as Babylon and Troy that were once centers of culture. The seven ancient wonders of the world are also here.

  “You mean like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?”

  That is correct.

  “What you’re telling me is that you are using this world to record the history of the planet Earth?”

  Correct again.

  “Are there other planets like this that are used to record the history of other worlds?” I wasn’t sure, but I think I detected a chuckle from the Supreme Entity.

  There are some questions that should be left unanswered.

  I walked up the hill toward a beautiful rotunda, a circular building with a large dome, supported by large pillars. Above the arched entryway were large letters carved in stone that read, “History of the Ivarrs.”

  I was holding my breath as I walked through the archway. The first thing I saw was two stone figures mounted on a pedestal. The names “Ausue, the Changeling Ivarr” and “Jasma the Witch Companion” were carved below the stone figures. The statues were so lifelike they looked as if they could step down and walk away.

  The first Portal of Darkness to your universe opened ten thousand years ago, the Supreme Entity explained. The portal was quite small at that time and only a handful of Demons attempted to cross over. Ausue and Jasma were the first to be chosen to defend your world. They were given the power of super strength combined with advanced skills of sword fighting. Any new skills they acquired were handed down to the next Ivarr, five hundred years later. For example, you have learned many new ways to use your energy beam. If earth is threatened again, those skills will be handed down to the next Ivarr.

  I continued my walk from one set of statues to the next. I found it especially interesting that the Ivarr could be either a male or a female and they were always accompanied by a companion. I also discovered that several Ivarrs were Witches and their companions were Changelings. I figured it was a question of who was the best choice at the time.

  I lost my breath when I came to the last set of statues. What I saw were statues of Wade and me, holding our swords and shields. I was wearing my toga and Wade was wearing the beautiful robe I had made for him. I was so choked up that I had to fight to hold back my tears. Wade looked so real that I wanted to take him in my arms and hold him.

  I wanted to stay longer, but I found myself being lifted into the air again. As we picked up speed, I assumed that I was being taken home. I sighed because the trip had been such a wonderful experience.

  * * *

  I found myself lying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I was in a dream state and I was perfectly relaxed. I heard the voice of the Supreme Entity again.

  Janis, you have performed you duties with impeccable taste and this will not go unrewarded. I have the power to grant what you have always wished for—a new life in an alternate reality that you can share with Wade.


  I felt as light as a feather as I floated endlessly through space. Suddenly, my eyes were open and I saw streaks of light that looked like stars racing by. My first impression was that I was traveling through a vast universe at light breaking speed.

  When I slowed down, I found myself approaching a planet with beautiful blue oceans. As I approached the surface my thoughts became centered on a fierce battle taking place in the middle of a desert. My mind went blank as I floated down to the planet’s surface.

  * * *

  When I came to a stop, I realized I’d been positioned between the Sun and the Portal. I glanced from side to side and for the first time I could see my wings. I had a feeling of complete bliss. I knew instantly that the Supreme Entity was guiding my actions.

  I felt my entire body absorbing the energy from the afternoon Sun. At the same time, my powers were being elevated to their maximum strength. I sensed that my newfound strength extended all the way out to the outstretched
tips of my newfound wings. My entire body grew brighter and brighter until I was as bright as the Sun itself. With my wings spread wide open, I became the cross of righteousness, filled with fury to be feared by all evil creatures. I channeled my light into a solid beam and directed it toward the Portal. When the Portal weakened, I used all of my strength to exert maximum power. I watched as the entire structure exploded into a million pieces. The threat to mankind had been postponed for another five hundred years.

  I fell to the ground completely exhausted. I morphed back to Janis French and crawled on my hands and knees to Wade. The first thing I did was dissolve the protective shield I had placed around him. Wade was smiling as I used the rejuvenation beam to increase his strength.

  “I saw your wings, Janis. They were beautiful.”

  “Don’t talk, Wade, you’ve been hurt.”

  “It’s not that bad. I took a hard blow to the back of my neck, but I followed your advice and kept my collar up.”

  “Are…are you sure you’re not seriously hurt?”

  “I don’t think so. Why are you looking at me so strangely?”

  “If you want the truth, I thought you’d been mortally wounded.”

  “Maybe your imagination is working overtime. Things like that happen in battle.”

  “You’re probably right, but you had me scared to death. Can you stand up?”

  Wade lifted himself to his knees and then he fell backwards on his rear end.

  “You’re still weak, Wade.”

  “Okay, so I’m a little weak. I’ll be as good as new in no time flat.”

  I suddenly felt the presence of the Supreme Entity. Wade sensed it too.


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