Twilight of the Gods
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Radar Picket Station No. 10, 614
radar picket stations, 613–14
Radford, Arthur, 427, 580
court of inquiry on Halsey’s and McCain’s conduct during typhoon, 629
and demobilization, 779–80
on Franklin explosion during Japanese airstrike off Shikoku, 562
on Halsey’s actions in typhoon, 402
on Halsey’s approach to operations plans, 242
and Halsey’s explanations for leaving San Bernardino Strait undefended, 300
on July 10, 1945, airstrikes, 662
at Okinawa, 627, 629
and Task Force 58, 559
on “two-platoon” command, 113
and typhoon (December 17, 1944), 395, 397–98
radiation, 679
radiation poisoning, 701–2
censorship after Pearl Harbor, 10
NHK (Japan), 179–80, 185, 729–30
and psyops, 666–67
Radio Tokyo, 171, 172, 321, 481, 608
railways, 781–82
Raines, James Orville, 434, 502
ramming attacks, 349–50
Randolph, USS, 481–83, 558–59, 618
Rawlings, Bernard, 663
raw materials, 311–12
Raymond, USS, 281
reconnaissance seaplanes, 774
Recreation Amusement Association, 766
Red Army, 86, 681, 706, 707
Red Beach, Iwo Jima, 489, 491, 492
Red Cross, 13, 458–59, 464, 467, 536, 701
Red Cross Hospital (Hiroshima), 701–2
Reese, John N., Jr., 452–53
refugees, 633–35
Reich, Eli, 325
Reilly, Mike, 8, 66, 67, 80
religion, 202–3
remains of American war dead, 777–78
Reminiscences (MacArthur), 38, 70
Republican National Convention (Chicago, 1944), 38–39, 41
Republican Party, 40, 410
Repulse, HMS, 11, 425–26
Reynolds, Clark, 242
Rhoades, Whelton “Dusty,” 61–62, 77–78, 757
rice, 177–78, 187
Richardson, Robert C., Jr., xv, 798n34
on conditions in Yokohama, 756
and FDR’s Oahu inspection tour, 66
and Holmes villa debate, 72
and Honolulu conference, 60, 61, 65
on MacArthur’s argument for Luzon strategy, 74
in Missouri ceremony, 758
request to travel denied by Nimitz, 647
Rigdon, William, 49, 67, 703
riots, 408–10
Rizal Memorial Baseball Stadium (Manila), 455
Roberts, USS, 293
Robinson, Lee, 228
Rockey, Keller E., 494
Rock Quarry, Iwo Jima, 489
Rodriguez, Cleto “Chico,” 452–53
Rogers, Paul P., 797n14
Romulo, Carlos P., 465–66
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 6, 45, 48–49
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, and administration
announcement of 1944 candidacy, 46
appointment of MacArthur as supreme commander of Allied forces in Southwest Pacific, 15
and atomic bomb project, 668
and B-29 Superfortress, 336, 339
beginning of Pacific trip, 45–46
at Cairo conference, 340
and CAUSEWAY, 90, 92
death of, 600–601
deteriorating health in early 1944, 46–47
and DOWNFALL, 645
election of 1940, 6
election of 1944, 203, 410, 411, 413
and Halsey’s message on victory over Japanese fleet, 306
Holmes villa debate, 70–75
Ernest King’s appointment as COMINCH, 16
Bill Leahy and, 58–60
letter to MacArthur about Luzon, 92–93
letter to MacArthur after Honolulu conference, 87–88
and Leyte strike authorization by JCS, 127, 128
and MacArthur’s candidacy in 1944 presidential race, 39–40
and MacArthur’s departure after Honolulu conference, 77
MacArthur’s relations with, 37
and Manhattan Project, 85
and merger of War and Navy Departments, 18
Oahu inspection tour, 65, 78–86
and OWI, 23–24
Pearl Harbor press conference, 7–9
and Philippines policy, 76–77
photo shoot with MacArthur at Honolulu conference, 64
press conference at end of Honolulu conference, 81–85
press opposition to candidacy in 1940 election, 6
press relations, 3–43
promise to Chiang to use China as base for B-29s, 340
and Quezon’s payments to MacArthur and Sutherland, 53
Statler Hotel speech, 411–13
trade sanctions against Japan, 311
U.S. debate over USSR’s involvement in East Asian war, 674
and U.S. opposition to area bombing of cities, 541
Roosevelt, James, 49
Roosevelt, John A., 600
Roosevelt, Theodore, 17
Rosenman, Sam, 49, 62, 63n, 81
Rosenthal, Joe, 497, 518
Ruddock, T.D., 382
Ruhl, Donald J., 494
Rupertus, William H., 133, 140, 143, 149–51, 155, 157
Rushing, Roy, 224
Russell, James, 240, 370, 371
Russia, See Soviet Union
Russo-Japanese War (1904–05), 197, 467
Ryogoku Railroad Station (Tokyo), 551
Ryu¯jo¯ (Japanese light aircraft carrier), 26
Ryukyu Islands, 577–80
Ryukyu Shuho, 632
Sagami Bay, 750
St. Lo, USS, 267, 283, 289
St. Louis, USS, 383
Saipan, 54–58, 344–47, 773
air defense upgrade, 520
B-29s and, 350
battle for, 50–51
OWI radio broadcasts from, 666
and 21st Bomber Command, 344–45
Sakai, Saburo, 193, 749
Sakhalin Island, 333, 707
Sakomizu, Hisatsune, 705, 722, 726
Salmon, Ronald D., 615
salutes, 19
Samar, Battle off, 260–90, 282m, 293, 308
Samaritan, USS, 488, 511
Sampson, William T., 16–17
Sampson-Schley Controversy (film), 17
samurai warrior ideals, 193, 195–98
San Bernardino Strait, 220, 231–32, 236
Center Force entrance into, 231
Halsey’s decision to pursue Northern Force, 239
Halsey’s rationalizations for leaving undefended, 300–309
King’s response to Halsey’s departure, 276
and Leyte operation planning, 207
navigation lights turned on, 241
Nimitz’s message to Halsey asking for location of Task Force 34, 277–80
San Diego, California, 746–47, 781
San Francisco, California, 94, 344, 406–7, 517
returning veterans, 781–82, 787
“Victory riot,” 747
San Francisco Examiner, 517
San Isidro, Philippines, 391
San Jacinto, USS, 228, 370, 398, 399, 401
San Pablo airstrip, 390
Santa Cruz Islands, Battle of the, 28
Santa Fe, USS, 562
Santee, USS, 288
Santiago, Fort, 462
Santiago de Cuba, Battle of, 16–17
Santo Toma University (Manila), 445
Sarangani Bay, 122
Sasaki, Hachiro, 610
Sato, Hideo, 532, 534
Sato, Kenryo, 190, 191
Sato, Naotake, 655, 680–81, 705–6
savings, U.S. growth in 1940s, 406
Savo Island, Battle of, 26–27
Sawfish, USS, 328–30
SB2C Helldiver dive-bomber, 99–100; See also
Curtiss SB2C “Helldiver”
SCAP (supreme commander for the Allied powers), 727–28, 748
Schley, Winfield Scott, 16–17
Schmidt, Harry
and Hill 362C, 508
Iwo Jima bombardment before U.S. landing, 486
Iwo Jima command lineup, 487
Iwo Jima victory forecast, 498, 505
and Kitano Point, 507
and Motoyama Plateau, 498, 500
and VAC, 497
Schofield Barracks (Oahu), 66–67, 69
Scientific Panel (Manhattan Project), 682
“S-Day,” 433
Seabees, 148–49, 390
and B-29 airbase development on Guam, 538
51st Seabee Battalion, 161
on Okinawa, 639
at Ulithi, 392–93
Yokosuka repairs, 753
Seahorse, USS, 333
Sea of Japan, 325, 328, 329, 657–58
search, bogeys, at Okinawa, 597–98
Second Air Fleet (Japan), 165, 373
Second Army (Japan), 654
2nd Battalion, 28th Marines, 494, 509, 512
Second Far Eastern Front, 706–7
2nd Marine Division, 569, 763
Second Mixed Brigade (Japan), 507
2nd Squadron, 5th Cavalry, and Quezon Bridge, 447
Second Striking Force (Japan), 212–13, 213n, 246–47
Section C, 212
Seki, Yukio, 201, 287, 289, 290, 373
self-determination, 666
Seligman, Morton, 25
Senda, Sadasue, 507, 508
sequentialists, 310, 314–16
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill), 782, 783, 788
service unification bill, 32
7th Division, 391, 572
7th Infantry Division, 69, 602
Seventh Fleet
at Canigao Channel, 388–89
kamikaze attacks on, 375–76
and Leyte operation, 205, 207
at Luzon, 433
battle off Samar, 260, 261
suicide attacks against, 382–83
threat posed by Kurita’s traversing of San Bernardino Strait, 280
Seventh Tank Regiment (Japan), 440
77th Division, 390–91, 566, 607, 625, 626
77th Infantry Division, 604
Seventy-Third Bombardment Wing, 344–45, 348, 539, 540
713th Armored Flamethrower Battalion, 632
Seversky, Alexander P. de, 96, 100
Seversky Corporation, 96
SEXTANT (Cairo) conference, 340
sexual violence, 766
Sheehan, John, 227
Sheetz, Joseph, 602
Sherman, Forrest, 90–91, 94, 121, 277
Sherman, Frederick “Ted,” 162, 223–25, 370, 580
on effect kaiten attack on Ulithi, 392
on Halsey’s actions in typhoon, 402
at Okinawa, 627, 629
recommended as successor to Mitscher, 115
sinking of Zuikaku, 291
and Task Group 58.3, 115, 559
and Yamato’s last sortie, 582
Sherrod, Bob, 21, 378, 501, 507, 581, 591
Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 184, 721, 759–62
Shigure (Japanese destroyer)
at Leyte Gulf, 220
as sole survivor of Southern Force, 291
at Surigao Strait, 248, 249, 251, 253, 255–57, 259, 260
Shiizaki, Jiro¯, 733–35
Shikoku, Japan, 561, 596–97
Shima, Kiyohide
and BaitDiv 1, 174
battle off Cape Engano, 291, 292
and Leyte Gulf attack itinerary, 212–13
battle off Samar, 261
and Surigao Strait, 246–47, 257–60, 298
and Tang’s last patrol, 334
Shimonoseki Strait, 329, 659–60
Shimpu Tokkotai (“Divine Wind Special Attack Force”), 201, 289–90
Shinano (Japanese aircraft carrier), 352–62
Shinoda, Tomoko, 552
Shinto, 195, 718, 724–25
Shinyo (“ocean shaker”) suicide speedboat, 195, 353, 430–31, 434, 567
shipping, Japanese, 312–13
Shitamachi district, Tokyo, 543–44
Shobo Group, 439, 469
Sho plans, 187–89, 806n30
final briefing before Leyte, 212
and kamikaze missions, 198–99
and Leyte Gulf attack itinerary, 213
resistance among fleet, 298–99
Sho-1, 166, 174, 175
Sho-2, 166
Short, Walter C., 11
Shrode, Elton, 499–501, 509
Shropshire, HMS (Royal Navy heavy cruiser), 254
Shuri, Okinawa, 575–76, 604
Shuri Castle, Okinawa, 574, 606, 619–24
Shuri Line, 592–93, 605
Sibert, Franklin C., 365
Sibuyan Sea, Battle of the, 219–28
Siemes, Father Johannes, 697–98, 701
“Sierra Day,” 430
Simulated Aerial Combat Machine, 421–22
Sixth Army
Cabanatuan rescue operation, 441
in Japan, 763
at Leyte, 205, 365
Leyte casualties, 394
Lingayen Gulf landing, 430–39
at Luzon, 433, 434, 436, 438, 469
and OLYMPIC, 645
6th Division, 435, 438
6th Marine Division
and BELEAGUER, 789–90
on Motobu Peninsula, 604
on Okinawa, 590
and Okinawa command, 566
at Sugarloaf Hill, 623
Sixty-Second Division (Japan), 592, 625
Sledge, Eugene B., 150, 153–55
on civilian life after service, 783
on combat conditions at Peleliu, 153–55
on Okinawa conditions in first days after landing, 590
on Okinawa landing, 572
at Peleliu airfield, 141–42
on Peleliu landing, 136
on sanitation at Okinawa, 623
at Shuri Line, 605
and Truman’s assumption of presidency, 601
Smith, Holland “Howlin’ Mad”
and bombardment of Iwo Jima before U.S. landing, 486
and Forrestal’s tour of Red Beach, Iwo Jima, 496
and Iwo Jima command lineup, 486–87
and Iwo Jima landing, 489, 491
and Iwo Jima plans, 487–88
and Motoyama Plateau, 498
at Saipan, 54
and U.S. home front reaction to Iwo Jima casualties, 517
Smith, Merriam, 4
smoke grenades, 138
Smoot, Roland, 242, 253–54
Smyth, Robert, 419
Solace, USS, 488, 511
Solberg, Carl, 120, 121, 166, 274
Solomons, 772
sonar, 657
Sorlen Island, 558
South China Sea, 425–29
South Dakota, USS, 662, 751
Southern Force (Japan), 213n
destruction of, 291
resistance to Sho plans, 298
and Surigao Strait, 243–44, 246, 247
at Tablas Strait, 220
Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA), 32–34
Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact, 706, 708
Soviet Union
declaration of war against Japan, 705–6
demands for role in postwar occupation of Japan, 727
Forrestal’s concerns about Far East ambitions of, 643–44
Japanese hopes for peace negotiations mediated by, 184–85, 651, 654–55, 680–81, 705
and Potsdam Declaration wording, 686
questions surrounding role in war against Japan, 86
and timing of Japanese surrender, 708–9
U.S. debate over accepting Japanese conditions of surrender, 727
U.S. debate over involvement in East Asian war, 674
Spaatz, Carl, 684, 758
Spanish-American War, 16
Special Attack Force (Japan), 194, 372
Spence, USS, 394, 400, 401
spigot mortar, 492
Spitzer, Abe, 696, 710
Sprague, Clifton A.F. (“Ziggy”)
battle off Samar, 263, 265–68, 270, 280–81, 284–85, 287
San Bernardino Strait messages, 274
and Taffy 3, 261, 289
Sprague, Thomas L., 207, 261, 288, 290
Spruance, Raymond, 17, 403
and bombardment of Iwo Jima before U.S. landing, 486
and CAUSEWAY, 55, 91–92
command turnover at Okinawa, 626
debate on possible Allied invasion of Japanese home islands, 644
and Fifth Fleet command, 429
fitness regimen, 110
Halsey’s approach to procedures compared to, 242
Indianapolis attack, 568
Indianapolis kamikaze attack, 613
and Iwo Jima command lineup, 486
at Marianas, 302
New Mexico kamikaze attack, 618–19
and Okinawa command, 565, 566
and Okinawa’s strategic importance, 640
and Battle of the Philippine Sea, 110–11, 301–2
and plans for end of Pacific War, 93–94
and the press, 108–9
refusal to allow Task Force 58 chase Ozawa after Marianas battle, 241
rotation of Task Force 58 leadership, 112, 115
at Saipan, 54–56
on suicide attacks as efficient use of Japan’s air power, 378
Task Force 58 leadership style, 106–12
and Tokyo raid, 480, 483, 484
and Turner’s drinking problem, 487
and “two-platoon” command, 112, 113
at Ulithi, 429
and Yamato’s last sortie, 581
Stainback, Ingram M., 60, 64
STALEMATE, Operation, 118, 120–21, 133, 159–62; See also Peleliu
Stalin, Joseph
contingency plans for seizure of Hokkaido, 707
and Japanese hopes for diplomatic end to war, 184, 655
and news of successful U.S. atomic bomb test, 680
at Potsdam Conference, 675
and Potsdam Declaration, 686
and questions surrounding Soviet role in war against Japan, 86
and Soviet invasion of Manchuria, 708
U.S. debate over USSR’s involvement in East Asian war, 674
STARVATION, Operation, 659–60
Statler Hotel (Washington, D.C.), 411–13
Steakley, Ralph D., 347
steel production, Japanese, 313
Stewart, Joseph L., 498, 500
Stiborik, Joe, 696
Stilwell, Joseph “Vinegar Joe,” 343
Stimson, Henry
and atomic bomb orders, 684–85
and debates over use of atomic bomb, 681
and deteriorating morale in military ranks, 415
and Dresden firebombing, 541
Hiroshima report, 702
on home front attitudes late in WWII, 415
and Japanese response to Potsdam Declaration, 726
and MacArthur’s candidacy in 1944 presidential race, 38
and MacArthur’s press relations, 35–37