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Only for You

Page 5


  “That’s right,” he said thickly, and suddenly he was hugging her waist, leaning forward slightly and gathering her to him. Their rhythm hardly broke, but suddenly his mouth was on her neck, hot and possessive, his teeth scraping against her sensitive skin and fueling her fire. He’d taken the undisputed lead again, hugging her to him, lifting her up and down on his cock with his hold on her waist. He brought her higher up on his cock and plunged back into her, her ass popping in his lap. He repeated that wicked stroke again and again. Gia hugged his rock-hard shoulders as pleasure pounded into her.

  He was relentless. She loved it. She felt his chin move on her shoulder. He thrust her down on his staff and made a harsh sound of pleasure. He lifted her, and she heard him groan gutturally. Staring dazedly over his shoulder, she looked at the image in a mirror behind her, facing Seth. It was a reflection of a reflection. He was fixedly watching in the mirror in front of him as his cock plunged in and out of her.

  She should have been insulted, but she wasn’t. Instead, she joined him in watching, captivated by the erotic image. His cock looked ruddy and flagrant next to her pale buttocks and thighs. She made a choked sound of arousal and leaned back slightly, keening softly at the new angle . . . still watching in the mirror. He searched her face. Suddenly he paused in his wicked pace and glanced over his shoulder. Their gazes met in the mirror.

  He, too, knew she’d been watching them.

  For an electric few seconds, he held her down in his lap, his cock fully embedded in her, her stare melded to his. She saw a slight snarl shape his mouth, and then he was turning back to her, leaning back on the couch. His hands moved back to her hips and ass, and he was driving back into her again and again, slamming her down into his lap with a strange combination of raw force and a subtle, yet precise, circular motion of both of their hips. It pushed her right to the edge of climax.

  “You liked watching it, too, didn’t you, Bright Eyes?” he growled between white clenched teeth.

  For a moment, she couldn’t answer. She was overwhelmed by the hard, relentless friction of his cock. The frantic, fast slaps of their bodies crashing together beat like a warning tattoo in her ears, matching her heartbeat . . . surpassing it.

  “Answer me,” he said as she continued to rise and fall over him like a bobbing cork in a raging sea. She was going to drown in the storm of it.

  “Yes,” she managed, her nails biting into his shoulders. “I loved it.”

  His right-handed grip on her ass shifted to her hip. His thumb reached around the front of her. He rubbed her clit with a bull’s-eye precision. Orgasm crashed into her, sending jagged shudders of pleasure through her flesh.

  “That’s right. Give in to it,” she heard him say tautly, as if from a distance.

  His mouth clamped on her breast, his tongue laving her nipple with a hard pressure. She cried out sharply in surprised bliss as her climax amplified impossibly higher.

  * * *

  It was like starting out thinking you’d take a nice little pleasure cruise and instead finding yourself on the adventure of a lifetime.

  Feeling Gia convulse around his cock as she came sent him straight into a sexual berserk. Pleasure pounded at him from all directions, her whimpers and cries of release cutting through his sexual haze like piercing missiles. He boiled in a vat of need.

  He shouldn’t have done it, but he was mindless with arousal in those seconds. A deep, insistent voice called out to him to claim her even more thoroughly. He didn’t think about it at the moment. It wasn’t rational. Only monumental lust and desire could have given him the strength and will to do it. When the teeth-gnashing spasms of her clamping channel eased some, and her sweet cries slowed, he lifted his head from her breast and gathered her in his arms. Barely suppressing a vicious curse, he lifted her off his cock.

  She cried out as if in pain.

  “Shhh,” he soothed, although his voice hardly sounded calming, but rough from his restraint and rising misery. He gently heaved her supple, soft body onto the couch, her back on the cushions, her hips next to his, her legs still draping across his lap.

  “Seth?” she asked. She sounded disoriented from her climax and his abrupt altering of her position. He lifted her legs off of him high enough so he could stand and move between them.

  “Don’t worry, I’m coming right back,” he assured with grim amusement. “There’s no way this is going to end until I’m back inside your sweet little pussy. Spread your thighs,” he urged, moving between her legs and coming down over her. She followed his instructions, but he was helping, parting her long legs to accommodate him as he placed one knee between the back of the sofa and her hip. Before he braced his arms, he glanced between her thighs and bit off a snarl.

  The vision of her exposed pink, glossy sex was like mainlining a stimulant into his blood. He knew only one thing: an absolute mandate to get back in there.

  One leg bent and still on the floor, he placed a hand next to her head, bracing himself. He guided the head of his cock into her slit.

  A shudder of pleasure quaked his flesh as he drove back into her.

  “God,” he moaned gutturally. His harsh exclamation twined with her shaky cry. Bracing himself with both hands, he began to drive into heaven. Pleasure hazed his consciousness. He focused on her face with effort. She watched him with a wild, fierce expression, her beautiful eyes shining. Her pink lips parted. He wanted to sink his tongue into that tempting target. He wanted to taste her everywhere and absorb her cry . . . Claim it as his.

  It was cutting at him that he couldn’t do those things and take his fill of her all at once. He was helpless at the eye of the inferno, and for now, the most he could do was burn. Might as well submit to the firestorm.

  Using his boot for traction on the floor, he rocketed into her. She mewled with pleasure, gripping onto his hips and using her strength to drive him harder, higher, faster, her head lifting off the couch.


  Her head fell back, bouncing on the cushions. Her entire body was jolted with the strength of his possession. He saw her gaze focus on the ceiling, a stunned expression combining with her rapturous one. She was watching them again, this time on that damn mirror on the ceiling. The distilled arousal shining in her eyes was too much. He felt that dreaded, yet longed-for tingling in his balls.

  “We look good together, don’t we?” he snarled as he thrust deep inside her.

  She yelped, her eyes going wide. He thought he might understand why. He’d never felt so heavy, so swollen with need. She gripped onto his ass and pulled him to her with surprising strength, using her hold to tilt her hips up.


  He barely cut off a throat-tearing roar, muffling it to a groan as orgasm slashed through him. His body was paralyzed for a moment as it roared through him. Acting purely on instinct, he began to move again when the first wave passed, fucking her while he came and staring down at her face. She cried out sharply. His eyes rolled into the back of his head when he felt her squeezing him while he ejaculated.

  God bless it, she was perfect. She was coming for him again.

  * * *

  She stared at the enthralling image of Seth taking her without constraint. She hardly recognized herself. Could that wanton, shameless female whose body quaked against the couch cushions as she submitted wholly to a near stranger really be Gia Harris?

  She knew the second when he began to feel the urge to finally explode. She saw it. His expression grew even fiercer. In the mirror, she saw his smooth, muscular buttocks contract extra-tight, super-powering his already strong thrusts. Her body jolted as he rocketed into her. It was so much—he was—and yet she wanted more. She tilted her hips back and spread her legs wider in the air, offering everything. Sliding her hands over ridged muscle and narrow hips, she gripped the dense, flexing muscles of his ass greedily, squeezing his buttocks and pushing him to her.

p; When she looked up at herself in the reflection on the ceiling, her expression was wild. Then she saw nothing as she clamped her eyelids shut. His rough groan combined with the sensation of his cock convulsing high inside her made her muscles strain tight. His pelvis ground against her outer sex in a subtle circular motion, sending a jolt of pressure through her clit.

  Then he was fucking her again, and all thought left her as she climaxed.

  * * *

  The next thing she knew he was nuzzling her ear and kissing her temple and cheek. She opened her eyes sluggishly. Seth lifted his head and met her stare. His eyes were light and dark at once, she realized muzzily, like the night sky lit by thousands and thousands of glowing stars.

  “That was . . .” She faded off because her lips felt strange and uncooperative, and her throat was sore—perhaps from holding in tearing screams of pleasure?

  Besides, words failed her.

  “It was amazing,” he finished for her without hesitation. The sound of his deep, gruff voice and absolute certainty made her focus on his compelling face.

  “I’ve never done anything like that before,” she said honestly. What had just occurred slowly started to penetrate her haze of arousal and tickle at rational thought.

  “You don’t witness falling stars every day,” he said dryly.

  “You mean it’s only going to happen once?” she asked worriedly, lifting her head off the cushion.

  “Shhh,” he hushed, a small smile ghosting his mouth. He brushed her hair back from her face. His gentle caress should have soothed her. Instead, his cherishing touch, lambent stare and god-awful-sexy smile made desire flicker across her nerves like heat lightning on the night sky. Encroaching logic slinked back into the shadows.

  He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. She inhaled the intoxicating, male scent coming off his skin and wondered what the hell was happening to her.

  “The rarity I was referring to is you and me together. What just happened is going to happen many, many more times,” he assured her before he covered her mouth with his.

  * * *

  Gia never could claim that he’d broken that promise. It did happen again and again later that night and the next morning in Seth’s bed at his attractive and comfortable Silver Lake home.

  He’d also said he would call her after she returned to New York.

  That was a promise Seth Hightower never kept.



  Seth had promised himself he’d be free for Charles Trew’s visit at three o’clock, no matter what catastrophe occurred in the makeup room today. Luckily, his partner in Hightower Special Effects—his niece, Joy—had promised to cover for him for the meeting.

  Charles was an old friend from their Army intelligence days, and was now the assistant district attorney in charge of Special Operations for the County of Los Angeles. Seth could immediately tell from Charles’s brisk manner on the phone that he wasn’t calling to get together to watch a football game, rehash their old Army days and shoot the shit. No, Seth had a sinking feeling his friend was calling him for a consultation.

  It wasn’t that Seth was against helping out for a good cause when the situation arose. He’d done it before. There weren’t that many ex-intelligence operatives who possessed Seth’s specific skills for disguise, after all. It was just that he was on the final day of a grueling schedule. Not for just any movie either, but a high-budget zombie flick. They were reshooting two short, but major, scenes that involved a lot of special effects makeup. A horde of zombies and free time just didn’t go hand in hand, not for the co-head of the makeup department.

  Seth finally peeled off a silicone throat-and-chest prosthetic from an actress and replaced it carefully on a stand. He glanced up and saw Charles walking toward his station.

  “That’s it, Sherry. You’re officially back to being a human for good. Thanks for all your patience, and congrats on finishing up,” he told the actress.

  “Thanks, Seth. You too. It’s been so great working with you. I hope I get the chance to work with you on another project sometime soon. Good luck with the rest of the day, and I’ll see you at the party later?”

  “Sure,” Seth said when Sherry went on tiptoe and gave him a brief hug and kiss.

  Activity in the lab was high today, given their tight final-day shooting schedule. Seth saw Charles approaching in the midst of the chaos. Without a spec of blood and gore on his conservative suit and with his meticulously neat, modernized crew cut, Charles looked like zombie bait approaching.

  Sherry turned to go and halted, smirking slightly when she noticed Charles’s startled expression as he stared at her. She unhurriedly finished buttoning her “bloody” costume shirt over her bare breasts and walked away.

  Charles whistled softly under his breath and met Seth’s amused stare.

  “I knew I should have gone into showbiz instead of law school after the Army. You have all the luck,” Charles mumbled, still gazing after the departing actress. “Who was that? Anyone I should know?”

  “I doubt Cara thinks so,” Seth replied, referring to Charles’s wife of eight years and Seth’s friend.

  “I didn’t mean should I get to know her. I meant is she famous? I couldn’t recognize her with her hair under wraps like that and all the paint.”

  “I doubt you’d be able to come up with an identification by staring at her tits and ass,” Seth said without an ounce of inflection in his voice.

  “Yeah, but it never hurts to scan the whole territory,” Charles replied, turning to him with a broad grin. Seth chuckled and began scrubbing his hands and forearms briskly in a nearby sink. He’d bunked with Charles in basic training and served with him for three out of his five years in Army Human Intelligence in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was enough time in the trenches for Charles to know when Seth was ribbing him and when he wasn’t.

  “Is Joy around?” Charles asked. He’d met Seth’s niece on several occasions. Seth had told him during their recent phone conversation that he’d asked Joy to join him in heading Hightower Special Effects.

  “She’s doing some fabrication for me so I could meet with you.” Seth toweled off and stuck out his hand in a belated greeting.

  Charles shook it warmly. “Which I can’t thank you enough for in advance. If you can help us out with this in any way, there are quite a few others who will be lining up to thank you as well.”

  “Let’s go over to my office and talk. I assume this is top secret business?” Seth asked dryly, but to no effect. Charles had become distracted yet again. A few feet away, a female extra had whipped off her robe in preparation for a prosthetic application. Charles stared as she stood there wearing nothing but a nearly nonexistent G-string, while one of Seth’s female artists started to paint adhesive on her chest with a brush in preparation for an application.

  Charles sighed and waved Seth in front of him. “I really did pick the wrong job,” he said resignedly.

  * * *

  Charles sat in front of Seth’s desk in the ad hoc office he shared with Joy, cradling a cup of coffee between his bent legs. The din of the makeup room was muffled to a hum in here, but they still spoke in low voices. As Charles began talking, an uncomfortable, tight feeling had started to rise in Seth’s chest. He had a feeling he knew why Charles was visiting him.

  Knew who this whole meeting was about. He found himself both dreading and wishing for Charles to just say her name out loud.

  “I was wondering if you were working on the McClarin case,” Seth told Charles quietly after they’d talked for ten minutes. “I haven’t noticed your name in the papers. Nice job on the indictment.”

  “We didn’t get him for a fraction of what we wanted to pin on him. We’re glad to have something solid to get Sterling McClarin out of circulation. So are the feds. The FBI is still building their own case for suspected white-collar crimes i
nvolving that multibillion-dollar cult of his. Both Madeline and the FBI are hoping our case will discredit him with the public and his followers, and witnesses will start to come forward as things begin to crumble around McClarin,” Charles explained, referring to Madeline Harrington, his boss, the Los Angeles County district attorney. “But we haven’t nailed McClarin yet. There’s a little matter of the trial. And if you’ve been reading the papers or caught the news, you must realize what a media frenzy it’s turning into.”

  “Thanks to your high-profile witness,” Seth said, frowning.

  Charles’s gaze flickered up to meet his. “Exactly. The darling and icon of young adults across the globe, Gia Harris.” Charles flourished his hand drolly before he took a sip of coffee. “McClarin sure screwed himself big time by giving in to temptation with Harris in his vicinity.”

  There. Her name had been said out loud. This was about Gia. Seth took a long draw on his water.

  “Have you ever worked with her on a movie?” Charles asked.

  “No,” Seth replied shortly.

  He had suspected the day would arise when he came face-to-face with Gia again. She was an actress—a truth she’d glaringly omitted on that single electrical night they’d spent together two years ago. Since then she’d made the leap from Broadway to Hollywood and rocketed to the top of the A-list after her debut role in a legendary blockbuster young adult film. She’d rapidly moved on to more adult roles and huge stardom. He’d wondered if he would ever run into her again. He’d assumed if he did, it would be on a movie set or a chance meeting at a party or something. Not that Seth partied with the Hollywood elite much. He tended to avoid glamorous bashes like the plague.

  He would never have guessed in a million years that he would run up against the vivid memory of Gia under these bizarre circumstances.


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