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Second Term - A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series Book 1)

Page 18

by John Price

  “Alright, Pastor, this is the first time you’ve indicated in our two meetings that you think these prophecies may refer to the good ol’ U S of A. Do they? In your opinion? That’s kind of heavy, you know, with what the verses say will eventually happen to this prophetically described nation.”

  “Over the next few weeks I want us to concentrate on these prophecies, what our research shows us and what we conclude, after a lot of study and prayer. I’m not ready yet to come to a final conclusion, frankly, because I’m not finished with my research, and I know you’re not. What I suggest we do is to divide this up into bite-sized pieces and look at different parts of the mystery. God didn’t give us a mystery without the ability to figure it out.”

  “Didn’t he say that He always tells his prophets before He acts, or something like that?”

  “Correct. Amos wrote in 3:7 that “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”

  “Well, then, let’s study these end times verses and see to which nation they could apply. I suggest we start by looking at what’s happening and has been happening in the streets and public buildings. I’m talking, of course, about all the street violence, and burnings of cars and stores, and shootings….and I don’t have to even spell it out….you all watch the news….All those demonstrations across the country. Don’t forget the rumors about the President and the Vice President having real bad blood between them. Then there were those rumors about the Governor of Arizona fighting with the White House. Let’s go through the 223 verses and see if there’s anything in them that looks like civil disobedience in the Daughter of Babylon/Babylon the Great. Check it out, and we’ll talk about it next week.”


  Washington, DC – White House Rose Garden

  Within twenty four hours of the First Lady’s GWU Hospital bedside announcement that the President would prioritize the abolition of guns upon his re-election, virtually every box of ammunition in America not yet sold after the earlier shootings, was then sold. The same phenomena had occurred during his first campaign four years earlier, so no one was greatly surprised, and just as then, no media outlet felt it worthy of reporting. Americans buying guns and ammo? Ho hum, so what? Later, within forty-eight hours of the introduction in Congress by Senator Blevins of the McAlister Bill, virtually every firearm not yet sold by retailers, was then sold. Again, no mainstream media attention. Not newsworthy.

  One late show comedian did mention that there were no guns currently available for purchase from retailers, comparing the lack of supply to the rumor a few years ago that toilet paper was no longer going to be available, thus clearing store shelves nationwide. The comedian, not known for his propensity to favor conservatives, said that guns and toilet paper served pretty much the same purpose, so it was ok with him. His audience dutifully laughed, but supporters of the Constitution were not amused. The highly paid comedian may have made light of firearms, and their owners, for his late night audience, but he was highly unlikely to reveal that he was routinely driven to and from his studio by a driver and an aide, who were both armed in order to protect their celebrity boss.

  Within twenty-four hours of the narrow, one-vote margin adoption by the U.S. House of Representatives of the McAlister Bill, the President had signed the Bill, converting it into law. The widely covered signature event took place in the White House Rose Garden, the weather cooperating, so that several hundred gun ban and Administration supporters could be crowded into the event. After the President handed signature pens to Senator Blevins, who was no longer in his wheelchair, and Speaker Pelham, the next pen was handed by the President to Patrick Humless, the Director of the Bradford Center to Prohibit Gun Violence through Abolition of Guns. Humless frequently described the Bradford Center as the nation’s largest grassroots anti-gun organization. His role in assisting the President in lining up critical votes for the McAlister Bill was acknowledged by the President, but with more than a ceremonial pen.

  “Pat, we couldn’t have done it without you and your Center. We needed votes. You and your people worked tirelessly to get us the votes, and America will be forever grateful. I’m a big believer in rewarding those who deserve rewards. So, besides my signing today the McAlister Bill into the McAlister Act, which makes it quite an historic day indeed, I am also announcing that I am today nominating Patrick Humless as the new Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the ATF. Patrick will fill the position made vacant by the recent resignation by the prior Director.

  “In making this announcement today of my nomination of Pat Humless as the next Director the ATF, I want to state clearly what I expect him to do as Director. I’m stating it, here, on the record, and for all Americans to understand, and understand it without any question or doubt. Director Humless will enforce the hate weapon elimination aspects of the McAlister Act. Not just on passing occasion, and not just when gun owners feel like complying with the law. No, Director Humless and his ATF agents, and other federal law enforcement agencies as needed, will find and destroy every illegal hate weapon in this nation.

  “It’s now illegal, a felony, for a private citizen to own and or possess a firearm in this nation, except under very limited circumstances that we all know about, similar to the exceptions in other countries. I won’t allow America to become a nation of law breakers. This new law that I have just signed as President requires that every American turn in their firearms, and that they do so within the time limit set in the McAlister Act, that is, within 180 days. After the 180 redemption period, I have instructed Pat to instruct his ATF agents and employees that they are to vigorously follow up on every tip the Bureau receives that an American has violated the law by refusing to comply with the law and failing to turn in their firearms. Our government employees will enter any home, business, farm, church, synagogue or other building where we have reason to believe there is an illegal firearm being retained. We will not abide any violations of the law that I signed today as your President.

  “Monetary rewards will be promptly paid to Americans who turn in law breakers, once the hidden firearms are located. I have also instructed my Attorney General to prioritize the bringing of felony charges, by the various District Attorneys across the nation, against any American who does not comply with the law, and who is found to still have a firearm in their ownership and or possession after the 180 day redemption period. The Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader have assured me that the funds to be paid to Americans for their firearms will be appropriated next week. These funds will be made available to pay Americans for their firearms because our Constitution, requires that property owners be paid just compensation for their property when seized by the government. We honor our Constitution and its requirements, when those requirements, of course, conform with the vital needs of our current culture. We will shortly detail our Administration’s efforts to enforce the hate speech aspects of the McAlister Act. Ridding our nation of hate speech goes hand in hand with abolishing hate weapons. No more gun violence in our streets.

  “Finally, let me just say that as your President I am pleased that the American economy will get yet another jump start when these gun funds begin circulating and Americans all across the country use these dollars to buy goods and services for their families. It’s a win-win, as I see it. No more hate weapons, no more gun violence and an improved economy. Thank you for coming today to the White House on this very historic day in my Presidency. Patrick, any brief comments on your new job?”

  Humless, an enormous smile across his face, stepped forward to the Presidential podium, the world’s most watched. Humless was stocky, with greying curly hair and was liked by his gun abolition supporters for his ribald sense of humor. This was his day. “Mr. President, you not only do me great honor with this nomination, you also are acknowledging and honoring the tens of thousands of supporters of gun control across the country.”

  The President’s Chief of Staff, standing a few feet f
rom the podium, inwardly groaned. Humless, he thought, was not off to a very good start. He had been well briefed before today’s announcement to avoid the use of the phrase, ‘gun control’. After the McAlister Bill was introduced, most areas of the country were flooded with bumper stickers opposed to the Bill, which said:






  Yet, here was the President’s nominee for the job of taking away Americas’ firearms talking about gun control, a phrase the President was careful never to use publicly. Humless bubbled on effusively for a time about how his nomination meant so much to so many (particularly, he was thinking as he spoke, to enhance his ability to sell books after he left office, detailing how he had disarmed an armed nation). Then he came to remarks that had been carefully scripted by the White House.

  “Our President has given me specific instructions to fully and timely implement the McAlister Act, passed yesterday by Congress, and signed into law here today here at the White House. Let’s be very, very clear on this subject. I didn’t spend the last seven years of my life fighting to rid America of hate weapons, weapons of violence, to now fail to finish the job. So, my suggestion to any gun owner who is even considering not turning in your gun, is, think again. This nation has spoken through its elected representatives. It has spoken through our President, who has been elected by the people twice now, and who has just signed the law. This nation will witness the ATF enforce the law. Turn in your guns in the next 180 days at the designated redemption centers or get ready to spend over 3,650 days incarcerated in a federal facility. It’s your choice.

  “Thank you again, Mr. President for your confidence in me and in the Bureau to get the job done. We will get the job done.”

  Many of the gun owners watching the news event from the White House felt like they were now living in a different country, certainly not the land of their youth. The days ahead would only confirm their worst fears.


  Phoenix, Arizona

  The State Capitol-1700 West Washington Street

  The President picked up his desk phone in the Oval Office. He punched the red button at the bottom right on the telephone console. The phone was directly connected to the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs at the Pentagon. In a brief conversation he ordered that two companies of U.S. Army troops, three hundred in strength, be dispatched to Phoenix, Arizona. The President’s orders were starkly simple – arrest and detain the Governor of the State of Arizona. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs hesitated, then he requested a confirming written Presidential Directive. The President assured the Chairman it was already on its way to his office.

  Lt. Colonel Alan Swifton was not at all pleased with his orders, but he knew a valid and authorized order when he received it. For almost a minute he considered dis-obeying the order, resigning his commission and leaving the Army. Though he didn’t understand the legal complexities, he didn’t think that as a soldier he should be arresting an elected official, voted into office by the citizens of Arizona. Plus, he thought that if the Governor had committed a crime of some sort that he should be arrested by local law enforcement, not by the US Army. But, his reluctance soon passed as he recalled that his entire military life he had been taught the necessity of obedience to orders. This particular order, he had been assured by his commanding General, based at Fort Huachuca, had come down from the Commander in Chief himself.

  Learning that the President had issued the order to arrest the Governor didn’t make Colonel Swifton feel any better. He generally kept up with the news, he had seen footage of violence in the streets and watched on television as the President declared martial law. Why should the Governor have to face arrest just because he very publically fought the President in the recent unpleasant campaign? When he had pressed that point with his General all the General would say was that it had something to do with some secret executive order that the Governor had signed. That didn’t help the Colonel feel any better. Why is that a criminal matter, he wondered? Why don’t they just go to Court? Why take the Governor in handcuffs to Fort Huachuca? Colonel Swifton didn’t like it, not at all.

  The Humvees and armored personnel carriers pulled up on Washington Street and parked in the no parking zone in front of the State Capitol. Colonel Swifton selected fifteen armed troops to accompany him into the building, knowing as he entered the limestone building that he was about to make history.


  Dallas, Texas

  Pastor Jack Madison had a rough few days between the weekly meetings of his senior accountability group. He preached two funerals, one for a close friend who unexpectedly died at work, performed a wedding, attended a regional pastors conference, counseled with three couples in his church with family issues and prepared his Sunday sermon. He realized late Tuesday night that he had not yet examined the assigned verses for prophecies of civil disobedience. He also knew that with his schedule he couldn’t hit the books for an extended late-nighter, and still function on Wednesday. He did a quick overview, found an obvious verse that seemed to apply, said his prayers and collapsed into bed, hoping the guys would understand the next morning.

  After explaining his difficult week since they last met, Jack asked their forgiveness, which was quickly granted.

  “In the very few minutes that I did have, men, I found a verse that seemed pretty obvious to me. It’s in Jeremiah, in 51….look at verse 38….‘Her people all roar like young lions, they growl like lion cubs’. America has had a reputation as rebels since its founding. Still does today. This verse says that the people of the Daughter of Babylon will all roar like lion cubs. That sounds like widespread dissension.”

  “Pastor Jack, I came across the same verse, and I agree with what you’re saying, but if you’ll look at the next verse, verse 39, that makes an even stronger case.”

  “What does it say, Max.”

  “Jeremiah in 51:39 describes the people of the Daughter of Babylon as being ‘aroused’. That’s the NIV translation. The King James describes the people as being in ‘heat’. Sounds like a nation that’s in turmoil, at least.”

  “What else did anyone see?”

  “Well, Pastor, moving down a little further in chapter 51 of Jeremiah, we come to verse 49, ‘One rumor comes this year, another the next, rumors of violence in the land and of ruler against ruler’. The Hebrew word translated rumor can also mean report or a message transmitted. The phrase violence in the land is kind of dramatic. As bad as things have been in the streets, this seems to indicate that it will get worse, if America is the Daughter of Babylon. That is, increasing levels of violence.”

  “Yeah, and look at the last phrase of that verse, ‘ruler against ruler’. Think about that for a minute. This can’t just be reports of politicians arguing with other politicians. That always happens. This implies rulers fighting rulers, within the nation described as the Daughter of Babylon. It could be like a mini-civil war inside the end times nation. I think I mentioned at our last meeting the rumors that leaked out of Washington about the President not getting along with his new Vice President, Hilde Calhoun. I also referred to the stories about the Governor of Arizona. Well, since our last meeting that was confirmed. The Army just arrested the Governor. Wow. Doesn’t that sound like ruler against ruler?”

  Jim relied, “That’s definitely ruler against ruler, Pastor, look at the verse. It describes rumors of these things happening. As you said, that word can also mean reports or message transmitted. So what does the roaring by the young cubs really mean? Is there any explanation?”

  “This is all we’re given on this subject. What we can validly assume is that the people, all of them, in this rich, powerful, influential end times nation, will roar, as in widespread societal discontent. And the land will be filled with rumors or reports of violence, which apparently won’t come as
a surprise, so there must be violence in the land, as well as officials fighting each other, or at least widespread reports that they are. That sounds to me a lot like what we’ve been experiencing across the country. We’re still under martial law, for crying out loud. We’ve seen tens of thousands of people in the streets, all over the country, in about every State. If we are in fact the Daughter of Babylon, it sounds like what we will witness more of that in the future.”

  Jim smiled, “You guys are a bundle of joy. Can I just say I hope that these verses apply to ancient Babylon, and not to us, today? But, we covered that last week. The verses just don’t work for what is now just some piles of rubble in Iraq. But, they clearly do apply to an end times nation. These prophecy verses, after all, are set in the end times.”

  “I’m with you, brother. Every time I read how these five Prophets described the Daughter of Babylon and Babylon the Great, I get chills, or goose bumps, or however you would describe a serious case of the heeby-jeebies. John, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Zechariah and the writer of Psalms were all in agreement about this end times nation. Scary.”

  “I think we agree that internal dissent and violence is one of the several clues that the Bible gives us for the mystery identity of the rich, powerful and influential nation that’s described by the Prophets in these verses. We’ve seen some of that in the US, particularly lately, and are quite likely to see more. Let’s keep studying and keep our antenna up for anything else that looks like fulfillment of prophecy in our times.

  “I’ll send out an e-mail with our assignment in the prophecy verses for when we meet next. Let’s all make a list of today’s nations that the verses might apply to. Particularly look at these five clues: ‘the hammer of the whole earth’….‘the great voice’….‘significant Jewish population’….‘center of world commerce’....’where the nations stream to meet’. Let’s all list any other country in the world that these prophecies could possibly apply to, that is, besides America….OK?....Let’s pray, guys. ‘Lord, give us wisdom as we study the prophecies that you have given to us. Keep us from error. Direct us to the research you would have us study. Keep our hearts and minds on You. In Jesus’ name, amen.’ ”


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