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Page 6

by Shaw, Matt

  Lara and Joel were sitting in the back - an all too obvious distance between them.

  A few more silent minutes passed by slowly before Michael leaned forward and flicked on the radio.


  “What are we doing here?” asked Joel when they finally pulled onto the family property where Dan, Hayley and Charlotte were already waiting.

  “Oh, finally, it speaks!” said Stephen sarcastically. He pulled the tow-truck up in front of the old house.

  “Come on, I’m not in the mood for games...What are we doing here?” Joel continued.

  “Collecting the others,” Michael muttered. “You think he dropped the car off here and then dropped the others off at the petrol station to wait for us?”

  Stephen twisted in his seat to address everyone in the truck, “You’re really the life and soul of the party, aren’t you? Yes, your friends are here...But, we’re not going to the petrol station right away...”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me. Why not?” said Joel, fed up with the constant delays in getting to the campsite - although part of him just wanted to go home now.

  “Because you’re staying for dinner,” said Stephen in a matter of fact tone. “My mother insisted, your friends agreed.”

  “Brilliant!” moaned Joel ungratefully.

  Stephen turned to him with a stern look on his face; for the first time since introducing himself to the group, he even sounded annoyed, “I suggest you don’t use that tone when you give thanks to my mother...And give thanks you will.”

  Joel’s face flushed, “I’m sorry,” he said, “it’s just been one of those days.”

  “That’s not my fault,” Stephen pointed out, “nor is it my mother’s fault so...Play nice...Unless you want me to take you back to where I found you and just leave you there?” he raised an eyebrow.

  “No. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any offence.”

  Stephen suddenly smiled, “Come...Let me introduce you to the family.”

  With no more words, Stephen opened the door and jumped down from the tow-truck.

  Michael laughed, “You certainly told him!”

  “Just fuck off, Mike...Seriously fuck off!” Joel hissed. He opened the door and stepped out - slamming it behind him, despite Lara needing to get out too.

  “This is your fault,” Michael pointed out to Lara. “You at least going to cheer him up by agreeing to go out with him again?”

  “Don’t you get it yet, Michael? None of us like you. Why do you insist on hanging out with us? We can barely tolerate you.”

  “Yeah, okay, if you say so...I’m sure you’re all big enough and ugly enough...Certainly ugly enough...To tell me to leave if you didn’t want me around.”

  Lara leaned forward, into the front of the truck, and whispered slowly and clearly, “We don’t want you around anymore. Take the hint.” She didn’t wait for his response, she just left the truck via the same door Joel had used.

  “You coming?” called Stephen from the front door.

  Michael nodded and followed.

  * * * * *

  Dan was still sitting next to Tammy, on the sofa, along with Charlotte. Suzanne and Hayley were still in the armchairs with Andrea standing next to the window.

  “Looks like your friends are here,” Andrea pointed out.

  Tammy jumped up from her place on the sofa and joined Andrea at the window to see the new visitors - a sneaky glimpse before she had to meet them face to face. Hayley took the opportunity of the empty place on the sofa next to her man to swap seats.

  “Jump in my grave just as quick?” Tammy asked with a cheeky grin on her face.

  Hayley flashed her perfect white teeth at her in the most fake smile she had ever used. She managed to not blurt out, “No, I’d just piss on it,” although she desperately wanted to.

  Suzanne couldn’t resist getting a sneaky look at the other guests either and joined the others at the window, just as Michael disappeared into the house. “They all staying for dinner?” she asked.

  “Of course,” said Andrea - a welcoming smile on her face.

  Dan tried to get out of it, once more, although he knew it was pointless, “Really, it isn’t a problem.”

  “I know it isn’t,” Andrea quickly replied. “Honestly, we’d love to have you for dinner.”

  “I’ll start preparing the vegetables,” said Suzanne as she left the room.

  “Can we at least help?” asked Charlotte.

  “No, no...” said Andrea. “It won’t take her anytime at all.”

  Charlotte smiled at her despite feeling awkward at how generous the family were being.

  Stephen stepped into the modestly decorated room, “Hello again,” he said to the house guests, “look who I found loitering out on the road,” he turned around and waved Joel, Michael and Lara in.

  “And what are your names?” asked Andrea.

  Joel did the introductions, “I’m Joel, this is Lara and this is Michael.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” said Michael - remembering what Stephen had said about playing nice to his mother.

  “I’m Andrea, this is Tammy...You’ve just missed my other daughter, Suzanne. She’s just popped into the kitchen to prepare the vegetables.”

  “Thank you for this, this is lovely,” said Lara taking heed of Stephen’s words too.

  “It’s lovely for us too,” said Andrea. “Anyway, if you’d like to take a seat - we’ll go and start getting things ready. Stephen, you can help...”

  “I’ve just got in, mum, haven’t I done enough for today? It is supposed to be my day off after all! Do I not do enough during the week?”

  “More hands make idle work. And spuds don’t peal themselves,” said Andrea as she pushed him towards the living room door - followed by Tammy who gave a sly wink, which didn’t go unnoticed, at Dan.

  “What the fuck was that about?” asked Hayley as the living room door closed.

  “You’ve either got it, or you haven’t...” teased Dan, “...And I clearly have it.”

  “What the fuck is any of this about?” asked Joel. “Someone want to explain how we ended up having dinner with these guys?”

  “They were very persistent,” said Charlotte.

  “I thought we were going camping. Clearly I was mistaken!” Joel sat on one of the spare armchairs.

  “What harm does it do?” said Michael. “We’re already late...”

  “No thanks to you,” Joel butted in.

  Michael ignored him, “I’m just saying we may as well make the best of a bad situation. If these people offered dinner...We should accept. Not only is it free but it saves having to stop off later on.”

  “Later on? That’s if we even get there today. We need to get the van sorted and they’re out there cutting up potatoes. Clearly their idea of dinner isn’t a round of sandwiches.”

  “Which makes it all the better. I, for one, am hungry...Besides, I tried to tell her not to worry about it,” Dan chipped in.

  “I think we should just go,” said Hayley.

  “Let’s just eat their food. Say thank you. Get a lift. We don’t have to stay for hours and hours!” said Charlotte. “It’ll be fine. It could even be quite nice.”

  “I agree with Hayley, this just feels wrong!” Joel argued.

  “You lot listen to yourselves? Yes they’re strangers but, at the end of the day, they’re just being kind and helping us out. What’s wrong with that?” said Charlotte.

  “Let’s just see what they make, eat it...Stay long enough to be polite, and then get to the petrol station,” said Michael. “We can still get to the site in a few hours. We can make this part of the holiday. Besides...That girl looks nice...Right Dan?”

  Dan grinned from ear to ear fully aware that she did look nice and that she had also been flirting with him.

  Joel didn’t share his enthusiasm, “Is there anyone you wouldn’t fuck, Michael? Jesus Christ...”

  “Me!” Lara pointed out. “But only because I said
no, right?”

  “I told you...” Michael went to defend himself but was cut off mid-sentence.

  “Fine, we’ll stay for dinner...We’ll get a lift to the petrol station but after that we’re going home!” hissed Joel.

  “What?” asked Dan. “Home? What about the weekend we had planned?”

  “I think we should cut our losses...I mean, is anyone even still in the mood for it? I, for one, am not. I don’t want to spend any more time with him,” Joel pointed to Michael.

  “For fuck sakes! I’m sorry!” said Michael - not keen on losing a friend nor his weekend away, especially as he had walked out of a job to make sure he could attend it.

  “What for?” asked Joel. “Are you sorry for getting us in this position, in the first place, or are you sorry for trying to fuck Lara?”

  “What? Whoa there...Have we missed something?” asked Dan.

  “Wouldn’t be surprised,” said Hayley, “you’ve had your eyes fixed firmly on that slut’s breasts since she introduced herself and tried giving you a lap dance?”

  “What? Oh, come on, don’t you start...I was being friendly...They were being friendly to us! What was I supposed to do?” asked Dan.

  “I think we all need to just calm down a little,” said Charlotte, “let’s not forget where we are...”

  They all fell silent.

  “Look, I just want to eat the meal and go home. If you lot want to go on to the site, you can...I’m just not in the mood for any further little adventures this weekend,” said Joel eventually.

  “Fine, if that’s what you want,” said Dan. “I think it’s a shame but I won’t twist your arm.” He addressed the rest of the group, “What about the rest of you? What do you want to do?”

  “I think things have been said and done already which would make for an unpleasant weekend,” said Lara. “I agree with Joel.”

  “You can answer that but you can’t answer whether you want to go out with him again though?” spat Michael seizing his opportunity to make her feel as uncomfortable as him.

  Dan, Charlotte and Hayley all turned to Lara, surprised to learn Joel had asked her out again.

  “Fuck you,” hissed Lara.

  “Didn’t we establish that was never going to happen?” said Joel, backing up Lara - although part of him had hoped it would prompt her to give him an answer.

  “Fine! We’ll all go home!” said Michael. “But I think you’re being retarded! This was all nothing more than a mere speed bump. The text was taken out of context and the fact I got us lost...Just a mistake...You want to punish everyone because of that...Fine. Be my guest. But that’s your choice so fuck you.”

  The living room door opened and Andrea walked in with a tray of drinks, “See - it never takes long when there’s more than one of you in the kitchen. And they say too many chefs ruin the broth. Proof in the pudding that this isn’t the case.” She put the tray down on the table opposite the group, “Are you having fun? Sorry to be so anti-social...We just want to ensure dinner is ready in a timely fashion...No doubt you’re all keen to get going!”

  “It’s fine,” said Joel, trying his best to keep a civil tone in his voice despite his blackened mood. “We have all the time in the world,” he finished.

  “That’s lovely, dear,” Andrea replied. “Well enjoy your drinks, you must be parched, and I’ll be back to check on you in a bit.” She finished what she was saying but she didn’t leave. She simply stood there, in front of them, watching the glasses. Eventually the youths took the hint and took up a glass each.

  “Thank you,” they all muttered before taking a sip each to keep her happy.

  “My pleasure,” she said. She smiled and walked from the room, closing the living room door behind her.


  Dan opened his eyes and sat bolt upright when he realised he was lying on a bed. Tammy was sitting on the end of it looking at him with a genuine look of concern on her face.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Where am I? What happened?” he asked. He looked around the decidedly pink bedroom; pink duvet, pink pillow cases, pink walls. Definitely her room. “Where the hell am I?”

  “It’s okay,” said Tammy. “You’re in my bedroom.” She saw the look of panic on her face and went onto explain, “My dad put you in here after you fainted downstairs.”

  “I fainted?”

  “Banged your head pretty hard on the side too. We were worried.”

  “I fainted?” he repeated. He rubbed his head as though it’d help with the banging headache he had pounding the inside of his skull. “Where’s Hayley?” he asked.

  “She’s downstairs. They all are. They’re eating. I excused myself to go to the toilet. Wanted to make sure you were okay. They told me to leave you be but...I wanted to check. Is that bad?”

  “What? No...No, it’s fine. Thank you. Fainted you say?”

  She nodded, “You mentioned something about feeling funny one minute and the next, you dropped like a sack of spuds. How are you feeling now?”

  He shook his head, “Okay I guess...I don’t remember anything. I best go and make my apologies.”

  Tammy slid up the bed, closer to him, and pushed him back down so his head was on the pillow, “There’s no rush, is there?” she asked. “I’ve been wanting to get you to myself since I first saw you. Thought you looked tasty...”

  “Tasty?” he laughed. “People still say that?”

  “I do,” she nodded. She laid down next to him. “Kiss me?”


  “Please. I want to taste you. Kiss me.” She didn’t wait for him to answer. She kissed him on the mouth. A small peck to start off with. He kissed her back and she opened her mouth, slightly, to grant access to his wandering tongue. “You taste good,” she said at the first opportunity. She moved back in for another kiss but Dan stopped her.


  “What is it?” she asked. She looked more confused than hurt. As though she didn’t normally get men stopping her from kissing them.

  “I have a girlfriend. She’s downstairs...You’re beautiful...Really you are but I can’t do this...” he said.

  “I won’t tell if you don’t,” she purred. She kissed him on the right cheek whilst stroking her hand down his left. The hand didn’t stop there, and neither did her mouth. She kissed his mouth again, encouraging him to kiss her back, whilst her hand moved down his body. Down his strong chest, across his stomach and over his crotch. “Do you want me to stop? It doesn’t feel as though you want me to,” she whispered.

  Dan sighed with pleasure and kissed her again whilst she fumbled with his belt. Seconds later she freed his erect penis.

  “It’ll be our secret,” she whispered as she started to stroke his hard shaft. “Do you want me to kiss it?”

  Dan was squirming on the bed with pleasure. He nodded without hesitation. Tammy smiled and kissed him again before positioning herself so she was sat on top of his chest, her hand reaching behind her - refusing to release her grip on his cock. She laughed as she repositioned her body so that she was sitting on his legs - making it hard for him to move, not that he had any intention of moving away from her. Seconds later her warm mouth enveloped his manhood. He sighed with pleasure again as her saliva trickled over his helmet with a gentle flick of her tongue.

  “That feels so good,” he moaned.

  Tammy looked up and sucked her way to the tip of his cock before letting it slip out of her mouth, “I want to taste you,” she said.

  “Don’t stop, please...” he sighed.

  Tammy smiled and continued to suck on his member, much to Dan’s delight.

  “Ouch,” he suddenly sat upright. “Less teeth,” he whispered, still nervous of anyone catching them.

  Despite having his penis in her mouth, Tammy couldn’t help but smile at his request.

  “Tammy,” he whispered as he tried to get her attention as he felt she couldn’t have heard him. “Tammy,” he repeated. He looked down to
where her head was bobbing up and down. When he whispered her name for a third time, she opened her eyes and looked him directly in the eye. “You’re hurting me,” he whispered, a frantic look in his eye and a quiver in his voice despite his best efforts to hide it from Tammy for fear of offending her.

  Tammy didn’t release his penis from her mouth, instead she closed her eyes and - within a split second - clamped her teeth down, with enough force to ensure the top row met up with the bottom, before twisting her head to the side as hard as she possibly could, tearing his member from his body with an awful ripping sound that was nearly drowned out by his loud, ear-piercing scream. Blood spraying everywhere. She sat upright, her jaws chewing, with a devilish look in her perfect blue eyes. Had Dan been able to open his eyes he’d have been able to see a complete look of euphoria upon her pretty, but bloodied, face. A few determined chews before she took a hard swallow. Dan continued screaming, with his complexion getting paler, as Tammy sucked her fingers clean.


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